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Girl, 3, escapes alleged beating, burning by teen dad

Lite Beer

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"Yupin Apartment owner Nirut Tipmanee called the police..."

In this culture, K. Nirit is a hero. Surely this was not an easy decision. Getting involved in others affairs is not something Thai's do easily, even as horrific as this is to us. Domestic violence is still very much considered a family problem in this culture, and corporal punishment perceived as a personal decision, and threats and retribution for the perceived meddling in others affairs is common. "You make problem for me, I make problem for you." I broke up with a long time Thai GF due to this deeply ingrained trait when I kept getting involved with Thai on Thai violence against women I witnessed. Kudos to K. Nirut and good luck to her/him. Lets hope the child stays out of the abusers hands.

I know this is a Thai forum but I used to be a helicopter EMS pilot in the US and this is not a Thai only problem. It is a world wide issue. I worked for three years for two different companies before I had to quit and go back to general flying. The emotional toll was just too great for me when it came to the children who I had to pick up and transfer to a hospital because of abuse. When you look in the eyes of toddlers as you are loading then in the bird and all you see is incomprehension and shock as to why did this happen to me, I just couldn't take it any longer. One little blonde, cute as a button 3 year old female who had been beaten and then scalded by her father in a hot bath still haunts me to this day. The kicker to this story is that I was also on duty the day the police cornered the father and had to shoot him to take him into custody. He was only slightly injured. I did not know he was the father until we arrived at the scene of the shooting. We were dispatched to pick him up and transfer him to the ER. The location was from a large island that was across the sound from the hospital. I knew that it was getting to much for me when I suggested to the flight nurses on the way back over the water that they accidentally open the door and let the gurney slip out into the water. They were shocked at my suggestion but I was coldly rational about the idea.

This event and others like it always come back to me when I hear or read stories about how the religious nutters are always screaming about federal intervention into their states rights to live their life as they see it and keep the government out of their business. This usually comes about because of the way they treat their wife/wife's and children and the conditions they make them live in. Some event happens and they get caught out and it makes the news. We all know that most events never come to light. I am all for small government myself but someone needs to protect the innocent from the wacky and or just plain cruel people.

Sorry for the rant but this issue just hits to close to the bone for me. I vote to burn the f####r at the stake. Rehabilitate, my a##.

Your rant is ok mate!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Yupin Apartment owner Nirut Tipmanee called the police..."

In this culture, K. Nirit is a hero. Surely this was not an easy decision. Getting involved in others affairs is not something Thai's do easily, even as horrific as this is to us. Domestic violence is still very much considered a family problem in this culture, and corporal punishment perceived as a personal decision, and threats and retribution for the perceived meddling in others affairs is common. "You make problem for me, I make problem for you." I broke up with a long time Thai GF due to this deeply ingrained trait when I kept getting involved with Thai on Thai violence against women I witnessed. Kudos to K. Nirut and good luck to her/him. Lets hope the child stays out of the abusers hands.

I know this is a Thai forum but I used to be a helicopter EMS pilot in the US and this is not a Thai only problem. It is a world wide issue. I worked for three years for two different companies before I had to quit and go back to general flying. The emotional toll was just too great for me when it came to the children who I had to pick up and transfer to a hospital because of abuse. When you look in the eyes of toddlers as you are loading then in the bird and all you see is incomprehension and shock as to why did this happen to me, I just couldn't take it any longer. One little blonde, cute as a button 3 year old female who had been beaten and then scalded by her father in a hot bath still haunts me to this day. The kicker to this story is that I was also on duty the day the police cornered the father and had to shoot him to take him into custody. He was only slightly injured. I did not know he was the father until we arrived at the scene of the shooting. We were dispatched to pick him up and transfer him to the ER. The location was from a large island that was across the sound from the hospital. I knew that it was getting to much for me when I suggested to the flight nurses on the way back over the water that they accidentally open the door and let the gurney slip out into the water. They were shocked at my suggestion but I was coldly rational about the idea.

This event and others like it always come back to me when I hear or read stories about how the religious nutters are always screaming about federal intervention into their states rights to live their life as they see it and keep the government out of their business. This usually comes about because of the way they treat their wife/wife's and children and the conditions they make them live in. Some event happens and they get caught out and it makes the news. We all know that most events never come to light. I am all for small government myself but someone needs to protect the innocent from the wacky and or just plain cruel people.

Sorry for the rant but this issue just hits to close to the bone for me. I vote to burn the f####r at the stake. Rehabilitate, my a##.

We think alike..........You are not alone.....................

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Please send Teen Dad and "Mom who did not help" to me. I'll have a few private hours with them, two chairs, duct tape, my toolbox and welding kit in my garage and I promise they'll never lay their hands on a small innocent child, ever again!

Edited by catweazle
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typical of what we can expect here, save face, they beat the crap out of the child or allow it to happen and then do not want anyone to know how pathetic and low down they are when they are caught. How in the hell can we expect this country to become part of the 20th century when they continually do this sort of crap, name them and shame them, they deserve it in spades and remove the little girl from the mothers custody as she is obviously unfit to be a mother

What can you expect from still a third world country only since May 22 2014 some one is looking hard for strongly being implementing radical changes at all levels of The Nation we should be so grateful with to General Prayuth New 29th Thai Prime Minister.....! so often hurting our hearts those animalistic behaviours....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

typical of what we can expect here, save face, they beat the crap out of the child or allow it to happen and then do not want anyone to know how pathetic and low down they are when they are caught. How in the hell can we expect this country to become part of the 20th century when they continually do this sort of crap, name them and shame them, they deserve it in spades and remove the little girl from the mothers custody as she is obviously unfit to be a mother

There is no western or eastern country that publishes the name of the parents in the case of a minor that is involved in any case to protect the minor it has nothing to do with protecting the parents. Courts would love to name them but the PC police had dictated that you can not even if they are proven guilty.

Further, one of the reasons to keep all names under wraps is to hopefully prevent a trail whereby the previous parents and their activities are easily discovered, all in the longer-term interests of the child.

But that doesn't mean that the abusive parents are allowed to go free. Courts everywhere give punishments and the details are suppressed.

Hopefully the toddler will move on quickly to a much better situation with lots of TLC.

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typical of what we can expect here, save face, they beat the crap out of the child or allow it to happen and then do not want anyone to know how pathetic and low down they are when they are caught. How in the hell can we expect this country to become part of the 20th century when they continually do this sort of crap, name them and shame them, they deserve it in spades and remove the little girl from the mothers custody as she is obviously unfit to be a mother

...well I think the problem is they still live in the 20th century. You should hope they would join the rest of us in the 21th century.

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Just hope they don't stay anonymous in the nick, and that they get their just

rewards,the harming of children seems to be on the increase,at least in the

UK, it seems people are turning into animals, no they are worse than animals,

as NO animal would inflict pain like that on its offspring.

regards worgeordie

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

typical of what we can expect here, save face, they beat the crap out of the child or allow it to happen and then do not want anyone to know how pathetic and low down they are when they are caught. How in the hell can we expect this country to become part of the 20th century when they continually do this sort of crap, name them and shame them, they deserve it in spades and remove the little girl from the mothers custody as she is obviously unfit to be a mother

I think you have missed the point. How is naming these 2 morons going to help? Though I understand your anger and frustration naming them won't deter it from happening again nor have any influence on how this country is integrated in the 20th century. Super power countries have the same problem. I believe they are thinking of the welfare of this poor child. Naming dumb ass parents will do what? Break face? Again missing the point entirely.

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typical of what we can expect here, save face, they beat the crap out of the child or allow it to happen and then do not want anyone to know how pathetic and low down they are when they are caught. How in the hell can we expect this country to become part of the 20th century when they continually do this sort of crap, name them and shame them, they deserve it in spades and remove the little girl from the mothers custody as she is obviously unfit to be a mother

What can you expect from still a third world country only since May 22 2014 some one is looking hard for strongly being implementing radical changes at all levels of The Nation we should be so grateful with to General Prayuth New 29th Thai Prime Minister.....! so often hurting our hearts those animalistic behaviours....

And you do really think this sick incidents will stop with the 29th dear leader? Wake up! Sorry, no offense!

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The anonymity is given for the sake of the child not the mother or stepfather. That is SOP internationally. Poor little thing will be better off out of that environment.

Do you really think she made the request in the interest of the child - wouldn't think so," .. who she pleaded with to keep the story private" should have thought about the child earlier .. ""It hurt, and I cried, but my mom didn't help me." "

Police requested, not parents. Let it go.

Just to get the record straight so there is no miss understanding ;

"After the couple learned the story had reached the police, the stepfather reportedly fled while the teen mother was detained by the police, who she pleaded with to keep the story private." Coconuts Bangkok.

But you are reading about the story, so I guess that didn't work. Still nothing to do with the withholding names.

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This in its self is tragic but little is likely to happen to either of them and although a terrible and criminal way to treat a child hardly rates when compared to the case of the young girl scalded and abused (which came to light sometime back) by the scumbags who apparently abused her for years and are currently on the run.

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Just to kind of keep this whole thing in perspective, if the poor tortured little girl is 3 yrs. old, and the mother is 19, the mother was probably impregnated around 15 years of age giving birth at 16 yrs. old. Obviously, there's not been ANY proper parenting by this mother, or her parents........ and, WHO and WHERE is the child's real father ??? Usually, they dump their kids off on their parents........ so one can only guess as to what the mother's home situation is / was. Such a sad, sad horrific tragedy for this poor little girl ! Why must the innocent suffer such atrocities ? I seriously doubt it has anything to do with karma.

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"Yupin Apartment owner Nirut Tipmanee called the police..."

In this culture, K. Nirit is a hero. Surely this was not an easy decision. Getting involved in others affairs is not something Thai's do easily, even as horrific as this is to us. Domestic violence is still very much considered a family problem in this culture, and corporal punishment perceived as a personal decision, and threats and retribution for the perceived meddling in others affairs is common. "You make problem for me, I make problem for you." I broke up with a long time Thai GF due to this deeply ingrained trait when I kept getting involved with Thai on Thai violence against women I witnessed. Kudos to K. Nirut and good luck to her/him. Lets hope the child stays out of the abusers hands.

I know this is a Thai forum but I used to be a helicopter EMS pilot in the US and this is not a Thai only problem. It is a world wide issue. I worked for three years for two different companies before I had to quit and go back to general flying. The emotional toll was just too great for me when it came to the children who I had to pick up and transfer to a hospital because of abuse. When you look in the eyes of toddlers as you are loading then in the bird and all you see is incomprehension and shock as to why did this happen to me, I just couldn't take it any longer. One little blonde, cute as a button 3 year old female who had been beaten and then scalded by her father in a hot bath still haunts me to this day. The kicker to this story is that I was also on duty the day the police cornered the father and had to shoot him to take him into custody. He was only slightly injured. I did not know he was the father until we arrived at the scene of the shooting. We were dispatched to pick him up and transfer him to the ER. The location was from a large island that was across the sound from the hospital. I knew that it was getting to much for me when I suggested to the flight nurses on the way back over the water that they accidentally open the door and let the gurney slip out into the water. They were shocked at my suggestion but I was coldly rational about the idea.

This event and others like it always come back to me when I hear or read stories about how the religious nutters are always screaming about federal intervention into their states rights to live their life as they see it and keep the government out of their business. This usually comes about because of the way they treat their wife/wife's and children and the conditions they make them live in. Some event happens and they get caught out and it makes the news. We all know that most events never come to light. I am all for small government myself but someone needs to protect the innocent from the wacky and or just plain cruel people.

Sorry for the rant but this issue just hits to close to the bone for me. I vote to burn the f####r at the stake. Rehabilitate, my a##.

I have worked in EMS/police in the states too and I agree 100% in terms of the abuse. But in regards to the attitudes towards domestic violence, Thailand is 60-70 years behind the states, and generally Thai people avoid in interfering in what is still largely considered a family, or personal affair here due to fear of retribution. This is at the heart of 'Mai phen rai". It is still very cheap to hire someone to kill someone else in Thailand.

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scum bags like her father should be hung drawn and quartered and @#$%$# wishy washy liberals I wont kill anything but someone like that I'm sure id have no qualms slowly very slowly torturing him to death.

But our Pc society feel fit to let scum bags off the hook to do saker again bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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typical of what we can expect here, save face, they beat the crap out of the child or allow it to happen and then do not want anyone to know how pathetic and low down they are when they are caught. How in the hell can we expect this country to become part of the 20th century when they continually do this sort of crap, name them and shame them, they deserve it in spades and remove the little girl from the mothers custody as she is obviously unfit to be a mother

name and shame these people have no shame and deserve no thought more than you'd squash a cock roach in fact id let cock roach live and scum like this suffer most appauling torture i could devise

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typical of what we can expect here, save face, they beat the crap out of the child or allow it to happen and then do not want anyone to know how pathetic and low down they are when they are caught. How in the hell can we expect this country to become part of the 20th century when they continually do this sort of crap, name them and shame them, they deserve it in spades and remove the little girl from the mothers custody as she is obviously unfit to be a mother

What can you expect from still a third world country only since May 22 2014 some one is looking hard for strongly being implementing radical changes at all levels of The Nation we should be so grateful with to General Prayuth New 29th Thai Prime Minister.....! so often hurting our hearts those animalistic behaviours....

nothing to do with third world it happens often enough in west and like west these scum bags get off with a few years at best in Prison when society should at least hang them after putting them through same torture. We've become far to sort to sick scum bags and i dont care if they have mental issues they are not fit to live with proper folk. Same as scum bad ISIS lot just kill them all IMO before they do more harm

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"Charges have yet to be filed as police are waiting for the girl’s medical results and the opportunity to question the 17-year-old stepfather"

? Typical, police do nothing, you dont need medical results to see that shes been beaten by a scumbag that will do it again! I hope that the poor girl doesnt get sent back to that hell house with him!! - It would not surprise me if this happens. Terrible.

Edited by metisdead
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This event and others like it always come back to me when I hear or read stories about how the religious nutters are always screaming about federal intervention into their states rights to live their life as they see it and keep the government out of their business. This usually comes about because of the way they treat their wife/wife's and children and the conditions they make them live in.

I have never, ever heard of any religious group other than Islamists who believe that the police and courts shouldn't step in to protect women and children from domestic abuse.


Our local court has an entire section with its own judges to handle domestic violence, and the police department has detectives who work only those cases. Those detectives also burn out after a couple of years and can no longer take the nightmares from what they've seen.

You mentioned "the Sound" which causes me to think that perhaps you worked over the Puget Sound in the general Seattle environs, and all of the inhabited islands in the Sound.

I believed your story up until this part and now I don't. I don't believe you ever met any resistance from any religious group while protecting children, so I don't believe the rest of your story.

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sorry, I do have some bad news for you, the "hang him high" brigade:

torturing the parents, murdering them, or what ever you imagine to be fine

doesnt help at all !

It only would mean bringing more brutality in this world ! And making these people even worth!

Please do try to get the facts right:

the mother was about 15 years old , when she got pregnant. Do you know. under what kind of circumstances this happened? Looking at this case, I can imagin it was kind of non willing sex, may be rape. And, to call this 17 year old boy "man" is not adequate. He is also more a child himself (probably low IQ and no education).May be drugs did play a role here.

As it is usual, these youngsters (mother and "stepfather", better to say boyfriend of the mother) probably had also kind of cruel childhood themselves.

And, this poor 3 year old victim: There is a big chance, that she also will be a very incompetent mother herself, because this, the circumstances of your childhood are the best predictors of your later parental abilities.

Edited by dieter1
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Thairath reports that the stepfather was arrested in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
He's admitted to hitting the child with a belt as punishment when she was crying and naughty but denies the cigarette burns saying she caused them herself by running and banging into his cigarette while he was smoking.
The mother says she met the stepfather via Facebook in April of this year and he has a drink problem. She saw the abuse but was too frightened to intervene.

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