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Cruel Teacher Canes 9 Year Old At Pattaya School


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If it were my child, I'd go straight to the source and apply a proper facial massage, even if I'd have to go to jail after, but I would not rely on the dream that justice will be served. Teachers here in Thailand have had it too good for decades. Thais would always look up to them, no matter how dimwitted they might be, and never question their ways, how cruel they might be. Time to put an end to that and by far a more pressing issue than banning gorgeous looking girls from wearing a Heineken shirt!!!!

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

That is called Child Abuse dick

I am far right but that is not acceptable in any way shape or form and if it was my kid that teacher would be sucking through a straw

So........you'd buy the man a drink?

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Whether or not we know the whole story is immaterial in this particular case.

The teacher used a cane presumambly the cane is considered as being an instrument of discipline and is used under fixed guidelines.

This is not an opportunity to discuss if canning was good or not good in the past in the UK etc this is clearly about the teacher deeming fit to use a cane on a 9 yr old boy who did not hand in his homework. Does the Headmaster approve of this approach and were parents made aware of this form of discipline.

Personally on the face of it the teacher did not apologise and categorically stated he had to use the cane this seems to me to sticking to his guns for he knows he is in the wrong. A parent who was aware of any stated discipline procedure would not have gone to the teacher or to the police. The Headmaster should be called in to the police station and the facts revealed about the school procedures if the teacher acted in such an irresponsible way and caused bodily harm to the child then the appropriate action needs to be taken to suspend the teacher have an inquiry and face the criminal charges.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

That is called Child Abuse dick

I am far right but that is not acceptable in any way shape or form and if it was my kid that teacher would be sucking through a straw

So........you'd buy the man a drink?

cheesy.gif ......clap2.gif

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Do you think it right to cane a boy for forgetting his homework? Hardly a tearaway from the report and a little on the young side.

Birching thugs and wanton criminals is one thing. Allowing head teachers the right to administer corporal punishment for serious offences is debatable. Allowing an Art teacher to do something like this to a child of that age is reprehensible and hopefully, with their new found vigor the RTP will actually enforce the law that prohibits this in Thai schools.

Most of the few real yobs and louts I knew in my youth were caned at some point. Never made the slightest difference to them. The real problem with these was the parents, who were either louts themselves or simply didn't care.

Can you see the differences or simply don;t care as well.

Baerboxer, your post makes perfect sense... for someone who has sense.

But in this case you're talking in Latin to a donkey, and donkeys no sapik Latin, him sapik donki.

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I was caned regularly at school on both the hands and the backside, and had my ears nearly torn off by the Art teacher

I was also getting whacked at home by my father

Not sure what the moral of this tale is. Don't think any of the beatings did me any good, it just made me highly resentful towards perpetrators.

I guess it was a useful experience to carry forward as a parent. Although i've fathered eight children I've only smacked two of the boys once each sensibly on their bums. I was determined not to carry the abuse I suffered on to the next generation (as so often happens)

This young boy has been damaged for life by his sadistic teacher. He will live with the memory of this beating forever and may, eventually, return the favour on society

In an ideal World the teacher would be sacked and never allowed to work with children again. If he is so abusive in the school environment heaven knows how he behaves in his own home

Unfortunately Thailand is an imperfect country where violence is always simmering under the surface - maybe childhood beatings are the reason?

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So what? I was threatened and assaulted by a neighbour and I defended myself. I won. The neighbour paid the police to throw me in jail and then deport me. Luckily a Thai neighbour found out about the bribe and told my lawyer. So if two Thais were in a fight it would cost 500 THB each but two foreigners one who bribes the police will cost the two foreigners 50,000 THB each. That is Thai justice for foreigners.

So what's a little caning between Thais. No doubt a little exchange of money will make it all smooth. After all it was just a Thai bum. No one will pay 50,000 THB.

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This is why I pulled my 6 year old daughter out of school in Thailand and moved back to the States. I was an English teacher in Pattaya and at the largest private school in Sattahip and it was a daily event watching Thai teachers hitting children. When my daughter came to me from her classroom telling me the teacher hit her with a ruler on her back and hand for not writing neatly, I complained at the office and got myself in trouble for speaking out. Because my wife and I are caring, concerned and loving parents,we brought our daughter back to America where she would not be subject to corporal punishment and the Thai submissive way. Nobody will take my daughter's childhood away from her and she deserves a better education than any school in Thailand can offer her.

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This teacher would go to jail in most civilized countries. But Thailand is not on that list.

While i think its over the top for not giving in your homework ,rubbish ,everyone is far to soft these days and the world is going to hell in a handbasket ,just look at schools in the UK (my sister works in education) the kids can do as they please and have no respect whatsoever ,mind you the young generation of teachers are just as bad ,no idea how to teach ,just how to be P.C and left wing.

ps ,i dont think showing a little boys ass in the papers is very good.

Yes i claudius I agree with you. There is far too much pc and lick yer butt going on, than instilling discipline in schools or at home. Teachers cannot teach anymore because the kids threaten them. The teachers should learn how to teach, yes, you pussies calling yourselves teachers and paedo's.... even Sir Cliff Richard has been caught out playing with little boys. Disagree with me and get past being abused by children. Damn this modern way of thinking. If God says a good taste of the stick on the bum is good, I would go along with God. Children are like canoes, more easily controlled when paddled at the rear.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

That is called Child Abuse dick

I am far right but that is not acceptable in any way shape or form and if it was my kid that teacher would be sucking through a straw

At age 9 we would have to stand In the corner facing the wall, at worst a couple of slaps on the back of the legs


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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Glad to see you are open to discussing opposing viewpoints - it is the mark of an intelligent man.

There was no cane in my school in Canada in the 60s... and somehow, we didn't end up with the same sort of young thugs and crime as in "Great" Britain... perhaps... just perhaps now, you understand, it is some other aspect of social conditioning that is missing in Britain besides the cane that is leading the youth astray...

Maybe they are rebelling against older fascistic ars**oles... who knows, eh?

seeing as you like to debate ? although granted it does say in the last decade its decreasing in Canada, but will see if I can find something similar for the UK, but I think statistically speaking the stats will not be too far apart


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I claudius you never watched the film Matilda. I was assaulted by my school principle, a nun, who slugged me and knocked me down when I was 12 years old. I showed her. I got the best marks as i graduated from the school in Grade 9 but I never spoke to her after that day. She was a bully even going so far as to shaming 6 year olds for wearing dresses that she considered too short. Luckily that mother shamed the principle at the parent teacher meetings and called the school board over her misbehaviour.

Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Do you think it right to cane a boy for forgetting his homework? Hardly a tearaway from the report and a little on the young side.

Birching thugs and wanton criminals is one thing. Allowing head teachers the right to administer corporal punishment for serious offences is debatable. Allowing an Art teacher to do something like this to a child of that age is reprehensible and hopefully, with their new found vigor the RTP will actually enforce the law that prohibits this in Thai schools.

Most of the few real yobs and louts I knew in my youth were caned at some point. Never made the slightest difference to them. The real problem with these was the parents, who were either louts themselves or simply didn't care.

Can you see the differences or simply don;t care as well.

Baerboxer, your post makes perfect sense... for someone who has sense.

But in this case you're talking in Latin to a donkey, and donkeys no sapik Latin, him sapik donki.

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This teacher deserves punishment for sure. An adult man beating a child is just a coward who does not deserve to be called a man.

When I was 7 a teacher once spanked me (not as hard as that boy, but still can see red marks on buttocks) and on the next day my dad met him after the school and beat the crap out of him. It's one of the best memories of my childhood!

no doubt I am ready to do the same for my son...

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If it could be part of the education system sensible caning not brutal nor cruel as mentioned in this news report not only at school but at home all over the World not only in Thailand kids would not be so animalistic players.......hearing only what they do wish to hear but never listening.....

In Taiwan 90 % of Parents are beating their kids and 90 % of the parents regret they have to do it but still do it showing how far apart Taiwan is from Thailand and so advanced are their studies achievements.

No more than eternal pets can run on any one's nerves anywhere at any time.......Surprisingly it looks only occasional in Thailand......

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A parent or teacher who resorts to beating a child instead of "teaching" them right from wrong in a calm and thoughtfull manner, is not fit to either have, or teach children.

So could the same rational be applied to a parent who beats a teacher then ?

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A bit over the top for missing a homework assignment. This teacher should not be teaching anyone. There is no excuse for caning unless you happen to live in Singapore. coffee1.gif

but having spent quite a lot time in Singapore, it has to be said, certainly from what I have seen, school child ARE very well behaved...rolleyes.gif

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One should behave in a fashion better than any action being criticized...

A teacher totally lost control of his wits...

A parent made a report to officials about the teacher's misconduct.

This was the right way to deal with the situation...

Let's see if there will be satisfactory results from how the mother dealt with this situation...

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We do not have the whole story, was the last in many cases of not doing/bringing in homework ? While I believe it maybe a little much on the caning.

Having said all that, less us take a look at what is the results of no discipline/self discipline. In the US several years back a certain Doctor said physical discipline was not good for the children. Now 40 years later with have two generations of do whatever, whenever and let Uncle Sugar Support you. Then those idoits elect and re-elect and even bigger idiot as their champion.

I am 79 and have received my fair share of spankings, it taught me respect for others and myself.

An ole Indian adage, "A Canoe like a child is best controlled by paddling at the rear" !!

That is because you were not capable of understanding, that respect has to be earned and cannot be beaten into a child, by someone 3 times their size. Venting their anger and in some cases, their feelings of sexual dominance over that child, seems to be prevelant in many Thai schools. Mainly down to the poor teaching skills of many Thai teachers.

And how pray, does getting a beating, make a person respect themself. What a load of rubbish. Do you really believe that the little boy walked home that day feeling better about himself !!!!

You were beaten because you did something wrong and you knew it was wrong. That's down to your inability to learn right from wrong and has SFA to do with respecting others.

Were you so dumb back in your youth, that you kept repeating your mistakes and learnt nothing from the beatings. Something like, that hurt, I think I will behave in future.

Thank God, that at 79, you don't have many years left to peddle the type of crap you posted.

Corporal punishment, is used by those teachers and parents who do not have the ability to earn the respect and trust of children in their care. There are many ways to "punish a child" but none should include inflicting pain on the child.

A parent or teacher who resorts to beating a child instead of "teaching" them right from wrong in a calm and thoughtfull manner, is not fit to either have, or teach children.

Unfortunately some kids do NOT understand anything else than a firm physical grip punishment because if repeating mistakes it is their own decisions simply speaking they do need to be stopped disturbing not only a class but family life.

Indeed a firm grip is a necessity and same same in adult life some people do not trust i.e. a punch from Mike Tyson would be so strong willing to experience it by themselves so stupid some can be.....

For teaching you need some listening for understanding nothing more nothing less calmy often is rejected or ignored with arrogance....

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We do not know the full circumstances maybe the child has tested the teachers patience on other occasions....................two sides to every story-p.s. when I received the cane or other disciplinary actions at school I dare not tell my parents for fear of more punishment whistling.gif

Whatever your views on corporal punishment, from the photograph (which also would not be published in a civilised country), it is clear that this was a beating and not corporal punishment.

Sure I like many others suffered cp as a child but whilst it hurt, it did not leave marks visible sometime afterwards. It looks to me as if it may have been administered on his bare skin in which case the teacher would also be guilty of sexual abuse as well. You do not have to be "PC" to see that this is plain wrong, no matter how much provocation there may have been. (how much provocation could a 9 year old give an adult?)

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This teacher would go to jail in most civilized countries. But Thailand is not on that list.

While i think its over the top for not giving in your homework ,rubbish ,everyone is far to soft these days and the world is going to hell in a handbasket ,just look at schools in the UK (my sister works in education) the kids can do as they please and have no respect whatsoever ,mind you the young generation of teachers are just as bad ,no idea how to teach ,just how to be P.C and left wing.

ps ,i dont think showing a little boys ass in the papers is very good.

Yes i claudius I agree with you. There is far too much pc and lick yer butt going on, than instilling discipline in schools or at home. Teachers cannot teach anymore because the kids threaten them. The teachers should learn how to teach, yes, you pussies calling yourselves teachers and paedo's.... even Sir Cliff Richard has been caught out playing with little boys. Disagree with me and get past being abused by children. Damn this modern way of thinking. If God says a good taste of the stick on the bum is good, I would go along with God. Children are like canoes, more easily controlled when paddled at the rear.

And if god said "Spare the rod and spoil the child" I suppose you would punch him in the mouth as it didn't suit your point of view.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

That's right belt the crap out of a nine year old for forgetting his homework. What do you recommend for that nine year old in the US that accidently shot her instructor ? life in prison?

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it did not leave marks visible sometime afterwards. It looks to me as if it may have been administered on his bare skin in which case the teacher would also be guilty of sexual abuse as well.

how the h*ll do you get to the teacher being guilty sexual abuse with this ?...blink.png

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