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Cruel Teacher Canes 9 Year Old At Pattaya School

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Fear of violence is not a great motivator to prepare children for employment, or independence.

Once the threat of violence is removed, since no sane employer is going to beat their employee, and no self-employed person will beat themselves, the person has lost that motivating factor they had instilled in them.

Also, its just completely unnecessary to inflict physical wounds on a child, there are far more effective and humane ways of disciplining. Case in point, when my stepson first came to us at aged 6 he was smacked and shouted at when he was bad. He would misbehave regularly, and have stroppy fits whenever he couldn't get his way (sound familiar?). I've changed that for reasoning with him and punishments that fit the crime such as loss of privileges, and now he is MUCH better behaved. As a bonus I don't have to beat a child.

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If that was my child, the teacher would now be in a hospital bed, having his lunch delivered intraveniously

unless of course said teacher practiced Muay Thai at a decent level and put you in hospital bed taking you food through an IV

just sayin


That is too harsh for not submitting homework. That teacher should go for a meditation class for 2 weeks to de-stress. Handling so many children everyday can make one snap, sooner or later.

this is very rare in thailand, most humans don't mistreat kids in this manner, and what's this S--t about snap? the fool should be fired and i don't give much for his safety when this news hits the thai newspapers! in case you haven's seen it, The Thai's (90%) of them love their children.


Claudius derives from Latin "claudus" meaning "crippled". Not only body parts but thought systems and values can be crippled. Life does that to people.


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

If any teacher ever assaulted my kids, I would have got them alone and given them a taste of their own medicine, I am not part of any pc crowd, but there is no excuse for violence against children, there are plenty of other ways of punishing bad behaviour.


Cop on the right thinks it is just plain hilarious. Of course the boys father is nowhere to be found to defend his son.

He was probably at the school caning the teacher. Hopefully.

When I was at school in Scotland, I often used to get caned and hit with the clacken by the teachers. But I deserved it. This boy didn't.


The little boy " FORGOT " to do his homework and received " X " number of swats with an apparent cane. The teacher is undoubtedly X percent larger and heavier than the young lad. So justice would seem to call for someone approximately the same percentage larger and heavier than the teacher dealing out the same number of cane blows to the teacher as she gave the child. After all the teacher " FORGOT ' the fact that she is prohibited from striking the child. Then Her family could then take her to the police station and we could then see a photo of her rear end with equal punishment. closer may be needed to prove equality.....thumbsup.gif

PS ... on further checking, I see that the teacher was a " HE "....... in that case cancel the photo - opwhistling.gif


if that was my child the teacher would now be in ICU..

NO ONE has the right to even touch another human being let alone assault and battery leading to ABH...any idiot who says bring back the good old days is deluded, teachers are not there to get some gratification from abusing children

schools worldwide are turning into prisons because idiotic parents dont give a ^%$£....a child of 9 is not going to improve his homework due to a beating he will most probably end up as a rebel against the system

That is so true, I have been punished at school as a kid without even knowing why, and that is the reason I am the way I am today. No one will dare try or even threaten violence on me without severe retaliation.

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In the UK teachers have always been left wing... coffee1.gif

Not at my school, but it was "old school" where you had to do your amo amas amat amamus amatis amant

Back then everyone in the school including junior masters had to do a cross country every month like it or not.

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You don't care, because you are a coward, hiding behind a screen name. It is sick that people like you can support brutality with impunity. You need a whipping by a big bully several times your size. I am just a semi-invalid 65 year old, but I would, given the opportunity, give you a lesson to remember, in public.

Er on one hand your condeming the poster for supporting brutality with impunity, in the next breath your suggesting brutality be inflicted in his person and even theatened to do it yourself in public., so one could suggest you threatening violence on a person for their view's, would suggest you are no better than the teacher in this story or the "cricket master" in your story.

just an observation..


A bit over the top for missing a homework assignment. This teacher should not be teaching anyone. There is no excuse for caning unless you happen to live in Singapore. coffee1.gif

but having spent quite a lot time in Singapore, it has to be said, certainly from what I have seen, school child ARE very well behaved...rolleyes.gif

may be that's why they eager to run away from Singapore as soon as possible... brain drain is harsh in Singapore now, nothwithstanding the quality of life.

may be human needs something more than that?

nobody like to be tamed like an animal

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My god that is a ridiculous level of the punishment based on what the poor little guy did and his age. bah.gif

That was a very severe beating. I'm not saying the teacher shouldn't have made the point physically but even when I was at school (which was a long time ago) the standards were strict but we never suffered that kind of physical abuse just for forgetting home work.

And it would have been the headmaster that administered the punishment.

For this kind of “ misbehaviour “ we would have had no more than a single rap across the knuckles with a ruler which the teacher humorously referred to as “ the Board of Education “

When I was at school, the kids (including me) were lined up and belted by the headmaster just for forgetting their hymn books.


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

The child is 9 yrs old you moron, and has wounds = Assault ocassioning actual bodily harm.


Mr Claudius, I have always enjoyed and agreed with most of your posts up until now. Iancnxs post is spot on.

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This teacher is extremely lucky to be in Thailand. If this were to happen in Singapore, he would be in deep deep SHIT!


We do not have the whole story, was the last in many cases of not doing/bringing in homework ? While I believe it maybe a little much on the caning.

Having said all that, less us take a look at what is the results of no discipline/self discipline. In the US several years back a certain Doctor said physical discipline was not good for the children. Now 40 years later with have two generations of do whatever, whenever and let Uncle Sugar Support you. Then those idoits elect and re-elect and even bigger idiot as their champion.

I am 79 and have received my fair share of spankings, it taught me respect for others and myself.

An ole Indian adage, "A Canoe like a child is best controlled by paddling at the rear" !!

Respect does not get taught, it gets earned.


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This is just over the top, what about detention, writing lines ,

They made me write math tables by the hundreds. It worked. I have always been good at math. If they had hit me like that little boy I would have spend time seeking revenge.

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By golly, they are right, I don't understand Thailand. If I understand correctly the police will talk to the teacher, make an agreement between the parent and the teacher and life goes on. How does Thailand hope to stop wrongdoing behavior if they do not publicly condemn the wrongdoing, expose the wrongdoer and fire the person? (No inactive posts to save salary and face).


Corporal Punishment....isn't that what it's called?

I remember when the Penguins , I mean the Sisters of Perpetual Motion ,would send us to Mother Superior for the spanking !

Now there are guys that pay women to dress up like Nuns to do it !

So , what I am saying is , the punishment can create a future fantasy !

They use to whack our hands , if we were caught misbehaving in class.

I never saw a Sister punish anyone physically for failing to do homework;

that would incur standing in a corner with a Dunce cap , truth be told , that was

worse of a punishment because it was so embarrassing to stand in the corner wearing it ,

all through the class. Plus extra homework to boot.

All in all , I appreciate that we did learn and go out into the World a smarter person then many !

The Teacher in this case , for sure went way over the fine line , she needs to be rebuked & apologize to

the child & family. If any more occurrences happen , she needs to be sent for psychiatric evaluation or suspended!

Only parents have physical punishment rights & those may not cause any bruising or bleeding and never anywhere but the butt !

There is no proof physical punishment , really deters bad behavior , I do remember when we were sent to the Mother Superior for the spanking punishment we slipped a thin notebook down our trousers to cushion the paddle and she never caught us !

Like I said we were smart kids at being smart alecs !


This punishment is too harsh...As a mentor and a facilitator of learning, it is not right to hurt the students as a sort of punishment. Corporal punishment is not the best way to discipline a child. Later this will make a child more bitter. IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT ADVISABLE...


This as far as I’m concerned it is an example of child abuse; I would have a difficult time containing myself if that were my son. I wouldn’t need the help of any outside agency to right this situation; I would settle my complaint man to man with the perpetrator. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

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if that was my child the teacher would now be in ICU..

NO ONE has the right to even touch another human being let alone assault and battery leading to ABH...any idiot who says bring back the good old days is deluded, teachers are not there to get some gratification from abusing children

schools worldwide are turning into prisons because idiotic parents dont give a ^%$£....a child of 9 is not going to improve his homework due to a beating he will most probably end up as a rebel against the system

Sorry to you heart bleeders I go along with Terry

any teach who does this to my child will see I am a fond believer in the rule of Moses

An eye for an Eye

A tooth for a tooth

really not believe any good parent who loves there children would just sit back and do nothing if it was there child

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In the UK teachers have always been left wing... coffee1.gif

Not at my school, but it was "old school" where you had to do your amo amas amat amamus amatis amant

Back then everyone in the school including junior masters had to do a cross country every month like it or not.

I love.you love ect good old public school

This is why I pulled my 6 year old daughter out of school in Thailand and moved back to the States. I was an English teacher in Pattaya and at the largest private school in Sattahip and it was a daily event watching Thai teachers hitting children. When my daughter came to me from her classroom telling me the teacher hit her with a ruler on her back and hand for not writing neatly, I complained at the office and got myself in trouble for speaking out. Because my wife and I are caring, concerned and loving parents,we brought our daughter back to America where she would not be subject to corporal punishment and the Thai submissive way. Nobody will take my daughter's childhood away from her and she deserves a better education than any school in Thailand can offer her.

Is the avatar you use a pic of her? :) Just kidding! :)


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

The child is 9 yrs old you moron, and has wounds = Assault ocassioning actual bodily harm.


Mr Claudius, I have always enjoyed and agreed with most of your posts up until now. Iancnxs post is spot on.

salt pinch of

This teacher would go to jail in most civilized countries. But Thailand is not on that list.

While i think its over the top for not giving in your homework ,rubbish ,everyone is far to soft these days and the world is going to hell in a handbasket ,just look at schools in the UK (my sister works in education) the kids can do as they please and have no respect whatsoever ,mind you the young generation of teachers are just as bad ,no idea how to teach ,just how to be P.C and left wing.

ps ,i dont think showing a little boys ass in the papers is very good.

Read my post matey pie!!!


We do not have the whole story, was the last in many cases of not doing/bringing in homework ? While I believe it maybe a little much on the caning.

Having said all that, less us take a look at what is the results of no discipline/self discipline. In the US several years back a certain Doctor said physical discipline was not good for the children. Now 40 years later with have two generations of do whatever, whenever and let Uncle Sugar Support you. Then those idoits elect and re-elect and even bigger idiot as their champion.

I am 79 and have received my fair share of spankings, it taught me respect for others and myself.

An ole Indian adage, "A Canoe like a child is best controlled by paddling at the rear" !!

That is because you were not capable of understanding, that respect has to be earned and cannot be beaten into a child, by someone 3 times their size. Venting their anger and in some cases, their feelings of sexual dominance over that child, seems to be prevelant in many Thai schools. Mainly down to the poor teaching skills of many Thai teachers.

And how pray, does getting a beating, make a person respect themself. What a load of rubbish. Do you really believe that the little boy walked home that day feeling better about himself !!!!

You were beaten because you did something wrong and you knew it was wrong. That's down to your inability to learn right from wrong and has SFA to do with respecting others.

Were you so dumb back in your youth, that you kept repeating your mistakes and learnt nothing from the beatings. Something like, that hurt, I think I will behave in future.

Thank God, that at 79, you don't have many years left to peddle the type of crap you posted.

Corporal punishment, is used by those teachers and parents who do not have the ability to earn the respect and trust of children in their care. There are many ways to "punish a child" but none should include inflicting pain on the child.

A parent or teacher who resorts to beating a child instead of "teaching" them right from wrong in a calm and thoughtfull manner, is not fit to either have, or teach children.

For those who feel techers have the right to do corporal punish to a child who does wrog

then how about the police having the power to beat you if you break the traffic laws

we not want you to become and accident satistic so we need to give you a beatng so you will stick to the road rules next time

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