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Cruel Teacher Canes 9 Year Old At Pattaya School

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With a child also going to a school in Pattaya, these occurances are not a rare thing, - they are more than frequent.

It is not only the actual physical brutality which is inflicted upon children here in Thailand, but also a daily barrage of intimidation the type of which, I can only describe as implimented during WW2 from prison guards here in SE Asia.

In many schools and in many classes, there is constant harrassment from shouting, verbal abuse, beating furniture with canes and other impliments,along with other forms of punishments being subjected upon the kids by the teaching staff on a daily basis.

Ask your own children what really goes on in their school - if they are not too scared to talk about it, and your eyes will be opened.

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Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

Well I don't want to see it revert to the way it was when I was at school, I would like to think there is a happy median somewhere.

What I would like to see is arrogant yobs given a spell of corporal punishment to lower their self esteem a notch.

The little boy, a child, is just 9 years old! What the hell is wrong with you two abuse supporters?

There are greater examples of child abuse in the world than this, nevertheless I don't believe I posted that I supported it.

Yobs, are by my definition, somewhat older. Come back with a solution to the current yob problem in Thailand.


In the early 60's, in Sydney, I was canned all the way through my first 3 years of high school. Mainly due to minor oversights/mistakes, such as forgetting homework, being late, talking in class etc. So did a lot of other students. We weren't bad kids, we grew up to be decent citizens. Corporal punishment was the norm in those days. Minor infringements "3 cuts of the cane", and for more serious, "6 cuts of the best". Unless some real damage was done, no use talking to parents, it was the norm. It was not classed as "assault" by the cops, unless some damage was done. There was one teacher who always did the caning, the Deputy Headmaster. He was a sadistic bastard, always had a grin on his face. We called him "The Bug", because of the same shit-brown suit he wore everyday for 10 years. I hated him and still do 50 years later. Thank God Australian kids don't have to put up with these assaults anymore with the outlawing of corporal punishment. I would have kneecapped any teacher who canned my son when he was in school.

Some people may comment that corporal punishment should be reintroduced in Western countries. Pig's bum. The issues rebel (and normal) kids have these days would not be corrected by canning. The issues would be compounded and made worse. Parents/teachers/governments/social workers should consider the influence of drugs, domestic violence, constant mental bombardment from violent computer games and movies, before canning (for any infringement). Violence has become acceptable in many weak minds.

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Just now talking to my wife, she tells be that striking a child in Thailand has been illegal for a long time. This would have been a "better" article if these type of facts are given.


A parent or teacher who resorts to beating a child instead of "teaching" them right from wrong in a calm and thoughtfull manner, is not fit to either have, or teach children.

So could the same rational be applied to a parent who beats a teacher then ?


If you have to ask that, then I feel sorry for you.

Or maybe, violence is part of your nature, who knows, who cares. I don't.

for someone who tries to present himself as intellectual and philosophical, you must have missed "sarcasm day" at teacher training college...rolleyes.gif

or did you miss the sarcasm in my post because I didnt insert a "smiley"....whistling.gif

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With a child also going to a school in Pattaya, these occurances are not a rare thing, - they are more than frequent.

It is not only the actual physical brutality which is inflicted upon children here in Thailand, but also a daily barrage of intimidation the type of which, I can only describe as implimented during WW2 from prison guards here in SE Asia.

In many schools and in many classes, there is constant harrassment from shouting, verbal abuse, beating furniture with canes and other impliments,along with other forms of punishments being subjected upon the kids by the teaching staff on a daily basis.

Ask your own children what really goes on in their school - if they are not too scared to talk about it, and your eyes will be opened.

I do not know where your child went to school ,but ours went to Assumption ,and nothing like that happened ,i even asked him the other day again and he said that he nor any of his class were beaten or intimidated

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I am shocked. This is clearly not OK. If I was that parent I would demand that the teacher is reprimanded and would consider legal action. Period.

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Art Teacher Who Caned 9 Year Old Student Is Suspended

PATTAYA – August 26, 2014 [Pattaya Daily News], Journalist went to Pattaya Arunothai school to see Mr. Prayoon Jandet (Deputy Director) in order to question him about the Art teacher who had caned a young student. Mr. Prayoon said that he had tried to get the two parties negotiate but the mother of the student said that the teachers actions were very unreasonable and she wanted the teacher suspended from the school, which soon after the schools executives suspended the Art teacher.

However, Mr. Wutthikorn the Art teacher is a well-respected teacher who had received awards for teaching in the past. He had also punished students in the past but not as severely as this time. The executives of the school understand both parties concerns but according to the school’s regulations which referred to the rules and regulations of general government schools that there is always a big discussion about banning the caning of students.

Full story:http://www.pattayadailynews.com/pattaya-news/art-teacher-caned-9-year-old-student-suspended/

-- Pattaya Daily News 2014-08-28

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Punishing a young kid like that for forgetting his homework, it downright sadistic....Hope the teacher loses his job and ends up in having to scratch a living in boystown......Violence breeds violence- it's not right to punish a child like that.

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Two flame posts removed ...

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Well when I read the teacher was suspended, I think that would be going too far if it involved a rope.

Still think this should be a matter for the courts.


There seems to be some VERy sick-minded people on this thread....what is so disturbing is they are so unaware of themselves they feel free to post here without realising how they are revealing themselves to be the sick people they are.

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By golly, they are right, I don't understand Thailand. If I understand correctly the police will talk to the teacher, make an agreement between the parent and the teacher and life goes on. How does Thailand hope to stop wrongdoing behavior if they do not publicly condemn the wrongdoing, expose the wrongdoer and fire the person? (No inactive posts to save salary and face).

They don't want to stop wrongdoing. It's the only thing keeping the country going!

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


First I think there is more to this story than we are or will read.

Has the teacher had a problem of this child continually not doing homework, is the student a good student or is he a problem student?

The kid is not doing his homework but mom is more interested in taking him to the movies than sorting him out.


The fact that the kid got the cane is not an issue.

Too me the fact that the kid got it so many times is a definite issue. One good one should have been enough. I also think that there needs to be a set day where all teachers and parents must meet twice a year so that they can be told about the good bad and ugly of their child. This should be taped and then parents that show up will have a better understanding and the parents that do not well we would then know why their kids were having trouble.


9 years old. Anyone who is not categorically labelling this as child abuse needs to seriously reassess their usefulness to mankind.

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This teacher would go to jail in most civilized countries. But Thailand is not on that list.

Thank god!


The worst possible offence .

There is never a reason to Assault a Child , or molest a Child . The Two are Comparable .

To those foolish replies who no doubt say " It didn't do me harm ..It taught me discipline etc etc " Sorry ..

Simply utter utter B/S ..How would you know ?

There is NEVER a reason to strike a Child for ANY reason , It doesn't work ..And over time such violence breads Violence .

And If you are That OLD , that you truly dont understand logic , Go on Facebook to your Old School Site , and the Various teachers

Look at the Damage caused by these individuals , you will quickly learn .

From there you can progress to Church groups , and Charity organisations , You will quickly learn that Violence ( Striking ) in any form against children , is completely linked in numbers to molestation . So re think the rubbish that " It never did me Harm "

For How would you know ? ..Masses of damage has been caused by such Violence .

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Punishing a young kid like that for forgetting his homework, it downright sadistic....Hope the teacher loses his job and ends up in having to scratch a living in boystown......Violence breeds violence- it's not right to punish a child like that.

Nice to read a Little Logic .

Its simply not good enough , and its not the Role of the so called " Teacher " . The Individual , should face far more than just the Loss of a job .

This Crime is Related to Molestation .... Its to Show power and influence , the individual concerned must now face the relevant consequence .


In the early 60's, in Sydney, I was canned all the way through my first 3 years of high school. Mainly due to minor oversights/mistakes, such as forgetting homework, being late, talking in class etc. So did a lot of other students. We weren't bad kids, we grew up to be decent citizens. Corporal punishment was the norm in those days. Minor infringements "3 cuts of the cane", and for more serious, "6 cuts of the best". Unless some real damage was done, no use talking to parents, it was the norm. It was not classed as "assault" by the cops, unless some damage was done. There was one teacher who always did the caning, the Deputy Headmaster. He was a sadistic bastard, always had a grin on his face. We called him "The Bug", because of the same shit-brown suit he wore everyday for 10 years. I hated him and still do 50 years later. Thank God Australian kids don't have to put up with these assaults anymore with the outlawing of corporal punishment. I would have kneecapped any teacher who canned my son when he was in school.

Some people may comment that corporal punishment should be reintroduced in Western countries. Pig's bum. The issues rebel (and normal) kids have these days would not be corrected by canning. The issues would be compounded and made worse. Parents/teachers/governments/social workers should consider the influence of drugs, domestic violence, constant mental bombardment from violent computer games and movies, before canning (for any infringement). Violence has become acceptable in many weak minds.

So True ...

I was also , " fortunate " :) to grow up in this Era , the Thought being ..Belt the c*ap out of them until they Submit .

Have you ever heard more Nonsense ?? What happens in reality , after a few Canes the pain in Forgotten ..

You have a higher Threshold , you become ( indirectly ) more Violent yourself . The Individual becomes far more

likely to assault his Wife , Feel its okey to Strike his children ( Its didn't do me Harm ) ...

Or even potentially throw the " Sucker " punch ..Violence and assault of Children , is NEVER the answer .

Personally , I address parents in the community who strike ( they call Smack ) their Children , the counter argument is

" Its my Child ..My Right " ..HELLO ?? ..sorry , its a life you are dealing with .

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So the teacher has been suspended, but because he is a respected teacher, that should cause difficulties with the ruling parties.

This seems to me to be another case of watch my back and I will watch yours.

TIT. But it must change to give all a fair chance.


if it was my daughter i would kill the teacher, i mean kill him.

so that will be ok with all of u who condone corporal punishment for little kids then, right?

u cant have it both ways, right?

only a nutter would want his child coming home from school abused and beaten, some of u beggar belief.

i rest my case.

p.s. im off to do some child beating to please the tvf brigade. u sicken me.


In the early 60's, in Sydney, I was canned all the way through my first 3 years of high school. Mainly due to minor oversights/mistakes, such as forgetting homework, being late, talking in class etc. So did a lot of other students. We weren't bad kids, we grew up to be decent citizens. Corporal punishment was the norm in those days. Minor infringements "3 cuts of the cane", and for more serious, "6 cuts of the best". Unless some real damage was done, no use talking to parents, it was the norm. It was not classed as "assault" by the cops, unless some damage was done. There was one teacher who always did the caning, the Deputy Headmaster. He was a sadistic bastard, always had a grin on his face. We called him "The Bug", because of the same shit-brown suit he wore everyday for 10 years. I hated him and still do 50 years later. Thank God Australian kids don't have to put up with these assaults anymore with the outlawing of corporal punishment. I would have kneecapped any teacher who canned my son when he was in school.

Some people may comment that corporal punishment should be reintroduced in Western countries. Pig's bum. The issues rebel (and normal) kids have these days would not be corrected by canning. The issues would be compounded and made worse. Parents/teachers/governments/social workers should consider the influence of drugs, domestic violence, constant mental bombardment from violent computer games and movies, before canning (for any infringement). Violence has become acceptable in many weak minds.

much better than my reply and so true. well said and well written.

i have 2 children and they are both well behaved and nice young people, and guess what, i never felt the urge to beat the crap out off them, or

low and behold let anyone else do it.

u are more calm then me, and merely would kneekap them, i would go off my rocker.

again , credo to u.

sod the child beaters, i have no time for them or their poor and sad excuses to feel big by beating a child , in any circumstance.

u get my vote.


Pity they banned the cane in British schools ,perhaps now it would not be full of so many tearaways.and the pc crowd can shout all you like ,i dont care.

I copped a few strappings at school(canes were not allowed) back in the 60's and I know I deserved them but we were not beaten till we bled. There is a difference in beating a child and punishing a child, I think we suffered more from embarrassment then pain although one teaches hit you up your hand onto the wrist instead of across it and that did hurt(thanks mr ward). I stated elsewhere if my child came home from school after being beaten like this with a cane I would sit the teacher on the floor and I meant it, I had girls, when one was almost 8 she came home in tears because a female teacher had belted into her for not doing the day befores homework, trouble was she was not at school the day before as she had been sick, She had tried to explain this to the teacher but she just kept hitting her. I went to the school and confronted the teacher concerned and the headmaster then went absolutely ballistic and threatened legal action. The teacher ended up in tears and was dismissed from her job, had it been a man I would have given him exactly what he gave my daughter.

Yes some kids do need to be put in their place but it needs to be done in such a way that boundaries are not crossed, if my kids do something wrong then I am the one that is responsible not some fagoty ars*ed teacher that wants to get their jollies by beating them up. A lot of the problems we have these days is entirely due to the political correct brigade that stopped the bad apples from being taught they were wrong with their absolute bullsh*t ideals. I abhor unnecessary violence but will defend my own family and friends but I am also very open and fair about it. If my children ever did the wrong thing they answered to me and I did not hit them, I sat them down and we talked it out, my girls grew up with great manners and respect for others because that is what I was taught growing up, pity not more people practice it these days.

By the way phuketjock, I dont wear wife beaters(never heard them called that before moving here), dont drink, dont have tatts, dont ride a bike(apart from the scooter) and I dont get into fights even though I am aussie, seems this is more of a pommie tradition and they do it so much better, just look at all the pics of them in their everyday going out to the bar regalia, real menw00t.gif, guess I will leave that to you and your bruvvers .

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Having been flogged, in the UK, repeatedly, every week, from 8 to 18 for 'General Attitude' ie not subservient to 'authority' (and I sure was a bolshy kid),I can assure you it results in the most obdurate, antisocial, unlovable human being on earth. I am amazed I have survived.

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