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Thai court dismisses murder charges against former PM Abhisit


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Just one of Abhisit's legal woes gone. He will still have to answer for his Maldivian family holiday after Yingluck replaced him as PM that such a brouhaha was made of at the time, and of course the potentially dodgy paperwork from his scouting days. Those were the 2 most serious allegations made against the former PM were they not? Did I not read on this very forum that politicians are "all the same"?

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It said the only court with the authority to consider the allegations was the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions.

Presumably the only organisation with the power to bring a case against them to the designated "proper" court would be the NACC. Oh, well.

Well, that seems to 'kill' the 'premeditated murder as private persons' bit. Maybe the outcome of the Criminal Court checking with the NACC a few months ago?

Wasn't the NACC still busy with that case from a 'political office holder' point of view?

So, will the NACC get of its dime now? Will they come with either dropping a possible case or forwarding to the SCCDHPP with recommendations?

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The Thai elite have been killing their own people for years and getting away with it, why on Earth did folks think it was going to be any different this time around?

There has to be some sort of accountability from politicians and military for the deaths, regardless of the circumstances at the time. In any civilised society this is a bare minimum. In ruling they have no jurisdiction they are preventing the truth from being known.

No doubt they will attempt to yet again foist this objectionable upper class twit who's father supported the odious dictator Suchinda upon the poor Thai populace. It runs in the Vejjajiva family.

Dark days ahead indeed as we have seen the rural Thais still haven't forgotten Democrat bitter medicine policies from the late 90's, and the cycle looks to continually repeat itself in the future, as they will never accept a government they haven't chosen, hence the attempts to cheat the system by the junta.

seems to bring back many old sayings

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones

If you want to play in the road do not complain if you get hit

yes some one has to take responsibility

but as many thais will tell you if Farlang where not there at the time it would not have happened

so is it not true if The Red shirts had not taken over the streets there would have been no deaths

Guess another saying is true

If you make your bed

you have to lie in it

My 5 bahts worth

Whilst you're on the roll with fatuous comments why not add this one; suthep talking in a lecture titled “Democrat Ideology” at a seminar named “The new generation, the Thai future”

We had no intentions to kill our people, we have never ordered the police and the army to use force during the dispersal of the [red shirt] protest but those [who got] killed ran into [the bullets]


Despite lying through his teeth "we have never ordered the police and the army to use force during the dispersal of the [red shirt] protest" ? this "person" (I'm trying to be polite) will more than likely walk away from any responsibility. Obviously one of the "right" people that the future of Thailand is currently being "reformed" for.

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Shame really for they need a chance to clear their names but no matter whether they get that chance in the political office holders court or not there will always be those (as we have seen already) who will never recognize others had any part to play in the deaths and injuries.

Roll on the trials of the red leaders where the truth will be revealed.

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"Abhisit's establishment-backed government in 2010 in street clashes between mostly unarmed "Red Shirt" demonstrators and security forces firing live rounds in Bangkok."

This AFP is getting tiresome.

They are right. Most red-shirts were unarmed. let's say 90% was unarmed out of 20,000 or so that were on the streets in 2010..... And it is normal for security forces to use their guns when threatened. That is one of the reasons the cop that stopped me this morning was carrying a gun. I guess.

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It said the only court with the authority to consider the allegations was the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions.

Presumably the only organisation with the power to bring a case against them to the designated "proper" court would be the NACC. Oh, well.

The court is right. They were politicians at the time. NACC is the place to go. The DSI charging them with premeditated murder wasn't possible in the first place. As others have correctly pointed out, it was done to bring Thaksin back. Well bad luck for Takki and his "team" I guess.

The court may well be right in that their court was not the correct place to hear the case, but if it was part of a conspiracy to "bring Thaksin back", the Criminal Court could surely have nipped that in the bud by saying at the original hearing what they have now said i.e this court can not deal with this case. Instead, more court dates were scheduled until this latest one where the case is dismissed. I'm sure the alleged "amnesty" conspiracy is something for you to cling onto in the belief that abhisit and suthep are not guilty but I'm afraid I suspect someone has had a word in their ear.

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