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I wonder how much ThaiVisa contributes to negative vibes between Thais and farangs


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Not every poster to the General Forum is a Thai basher, not even close, but a lot of them are. (Early on, I myself made highly negative remarks about Thai drivers, for instance, but I've since changed my ways). Thais aren't dummies, and although they don't seem to spend a lot of time reading, they CAN read, and some can read English. Therefore, it might take only one or two Thais reading some of the negative stuff about them on here to turn to Facebook and tell all their friends. Then some of those folks spread it even further by word of mouth, so that soon even Grandmother hears about it, and so on down the line. I'm sure many of them are already annoyed by the fact that their economy has to rely on tourist and expat money so much, right? So they might even be looking for reasons to be annoyed.

So, when a Thai waitress doesn't smile at you, or a tradesman arrives three hours late, etc, maybe the whiners (whingers?) on theThaiVisa General Forum had something to do with it. After all, some people might have to hear only one or two stories about farangs posting negative crap about Thais to cause them to think all farangs think that way.

Finally, I understand that there are many, many other reasons for Thais and farangs to mistrust each other, of course, we all know that. But hey kids! Let's face it: there are UH LOT (as my Thai wife would say) of venting curmudgeons on here, some with legitimate issues, but many with very, very petty concerns.

Nuff said. It's 6am, and I'm ready to get rolling on into the beautiful day it's gonna be out there. 6am? Yep, you guessed it! I'm visiting the STATES for a while! (Love it here!) My wife says: Everyone has a car around here. Uh, yeah baby...

Edited by RikDao
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With all the negatives: At home in Farangland I find many things to complain at on other Farangs.

Here in Thailand I find many things to complain at Thais.

Quantity is approx. the same.....topics are different.

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@ OP, Lots to consider in your question. Firstly how many on TV actually live in Thailand? Of those how many full time? With that subset you would want to know how many Thais actually visit TV in general that might be affected by the posts. Heijoshincool has it spot on; And only dummies would be swayed by anonymous posts on an internet forum.

With that said I agree there is far too much Thai bashing and it has never made much sense to me. Some people just have the make up to always complain. I suspect they were that way in their home country and what worked there to get them by, works here as well. I just put them on ignore and filter accordingly. In my years visiting this site before I actually joined I found it quite amusing the sweeping generalizations about Thais ( "Have you ever notice Thais do this or That" or "All Thai woman see foreigners as ATM's" or "Thai men are losers and have no respect for their women" The list is long. I could fill up a page I suspect.

Enjoy your trip back to the states. I am here now as well on a consulting job with my wife. Its been a few months now and I cant wait to go back home to Thailand. The burn rate of cash here is crazy and the quality of life is not that good. Lots of stress, lots of bitter angry people stuck in jobs because they are deep in debt. I am glad I only come here for short stints. I am worried though. Company wants me to stay on longer.

@ Kudel: Yep people in America love their guns. As a Kid I grew up hunting Ducks, Geese, Pheasant and Turkeys. I never much cared for hand guns and automatic weapons as they are only good for killing people and that happens. Lots of people snap around here. Too much poor parenting and hardcore video games for the kids and way too much stress for adults to hold their jobs.

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You have to accept that are old people who have moved to Thailand thinking they would live some kind of Hugh Hefner lifestyle, only to be bought down to earth.

There are others. you know., the experts on all things Thai, that don't actually live in Thailand, the few months a year tourists who think they know all, but know nothing.

Then you have people like me, full time since 1990, came here when I was 35, had a ball, still having a ball but the others don't like it, I know too much, all Thai Visa members wives or Gf"s are Uni Graduates, I know that isn't true, they know that isn't true, yet they lie to themselves daily that it is, even though they met them in the Full Moon Bar.

Over to you.......

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OP: Welcome to the internet where anyone can say anything about anyone to everyone. (Well almost, as Thailand does have some unique restrictions).

"I'm sure many of them are already annoyed by the fact that their economy has to rely on tourist and expat money so much, right?"

The most recent figure I checked showed tourism had a 6% of GDP contribution in Thailand. Singapore relies on tourism more than Thailand does. This is difficult to believe if one sees only Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, etc. where it appears that Thailand would collapse without the tourist's money. They do rely on the 6% and it definitely is painful if that drops, however it's not as big a contribution as many think it is.

Farangs get bashed on Thai internet forums as well. Does anyone care? I doubt it.

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I believe that many threads on ThaiVisa help farangs comprehend their new home's culture better, so it works as a positive force for understanding, overall. wai2.gif

It also allows some of us, stuck in remote villages without many fellow-countrymen around, to vent or let off steam, this too is positive in the longer run.

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Have you ever had your life threatened in Thailand?

Ever noticed how things are completely reversed here?

Any advice for how to keep from getting "weird" as a Thai expat?

Thai bashing no of course not. Thai baiting would be a better term. There is a line between bashing and baiting. In fishing terms there might be a better word for it.

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Thais have many of the same complaints about other Thai people as the farang on this forum.

It is quite perplexing when my wife reads Thai Visa and is told by so many enlightened farang that she is not allowed to complain about anything related to Thailand, have any criticisms towards Thai society and that if there is anything about Thailand that she believes is wrong, bad or can be improved she should just leave.

OP, do you realize that there is currently a Southern Insurrection and practically a Northern Insurrection (socially and politically) as well... and you are seriously worried that Thai people might read Thai Visa and form a negative opinion about farang? You are both an idiot and a narcissist.

Edited by farang000999
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I believe that many threads on ThaiVisa help farangs comprehend their new home's culture better, so it works as a positive force for understanding, overall. wai2.gif

It also allows some of us, stuck in remote villages without many fellow-countrymen around, to vent or let off steam, this too is positive in the longer run.

There a point in time when an adult should be held to adult standards of behavior? The constant name calling the ridicule of family and wives begins to make people normal people start to think everyone feels like he is whinging in a pub. I have observed that most of the offensive writing comes after the residents of Thailand are long gone to bed. It doesn't take a brain trust to figure out jealousy is the prime mover of TV poster at 3AM.

I find no reason why attacking a poster should be considered venting or letting off steam.

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The trouble is, I disagree with the premise of what you suppose in the OP.

Apart from the usual argy bargy ... I have honestly never felt the 'negative vibes between Thais and Farangs'.

Maybe it's just me.


WHAAAA? 14,220 posts and you've never... Oh, skip it. I think what we have here is a failure to communicate.

I'm just tossing out a theory, not trying to blame anyone really. Maybe I should read my OP again...

But if I were compelled to blame someone, well, of course, I'd blame the silly FARANGS! Right?

(Yo, I sometimes think using the word "honestly" is a kind of, you know, red flag. Sorry. Although, honestly, I'm sure you're being truthful).

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I don't think it contributes to "negative vibes between Thais and farangs" but I think it makes me think other Farangs are total knobs.

See what its done to me.. probably not all but after reading some of the kieeee that's on this forum.

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You have to accept that are old people who have moved to Thailand thinking they would live some kind of Hugh Hefner lifestyle, only to be bought down to earth.

There are others. you know., the experts on all things Thai, that don't actually live in Thailand, the few months a year tourists who think they know all, but know nothing.

Then you have people like me, full time since 1990, came here when I was 35, had a ball, still having a ball but the others don't like it, I know too much, all Thai Visa members wives or Gf"s are Uni Graduates, I know that isn't true, they know that isn't true, yet they lie to themselves daily that it is, even though they met them in the Full Moon Bar.

Over to you.......

how is it you learn all there is to know about thailand in the second 6 months per year while the "tourist" cant learn anything because he only comes for the first 6 months?

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OP if it makes you happy i will bash the farang in Thailand. Have you ever examined the ones in Pattaya? I mean the overweighted bald sweaty cripple ones who walk around (with canes) with girls who can be their granddaughters?

In Phuket you see another kind of farang, couples from N-Europe who come there for a holiday and don't care at all how much something costs.

On Phangan you will see the loose boys and girls from around 20-30 who only want to party and think there are no rules at all here. Wear g-strings, use drugs, drink to much.

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I believe that many threads on ThaiVisa help farangs comprehend their new home's culture better, so it works as a positive force for understanding, overall. wai2.gif

It also allows some of us, stuck in remote villages without many fellow-countrymen around, to vent or let off steam, this too is positive in the longer run.

There a point in time when an adult should be held to adult standards of behavior? The constant name calling the ridicule of family and wives begins to make people normal people start to think everyone feels like he is whinging in a pub. I have observed that most of the offensive writing comes after the residents of Thailand are long gone to bed. It doesn't take a brain trust to figure out jealousy is the prime mover of TV poster at 3AM.

I find no reason why attacking a poster should be considered venting or letting off steam.

can be puzzling, at 3 am I would imagine the writer is probably well and truly p*ssed and venting his spleen. I know my thai wife quite often says to me exactly what I am thinking of about what one of the locals is doing but she doesnt like to say it to anyone else as it would cause "face" problems for her plus she doesnt like conflict. I think what makes it hard is the fact that many thias are still living in the old ways but in a modern world, they just havent realized that there are responsibilities that come with being an adult, just look at what they watch, everything on tv is extremely childish, I can honestly say I do not watch tv here due entirely to the pathetic programming. It is aimed at the mental age of children not adults but that is the way a lot of people think, responsibility is not taken seriously here where in the west it is. In turn I think this causes a lot of the bitching we see in here, I know I get peeved at what some locals do but also like what others do. It is only natural to vent it, people all over the world do it so why not here as well. It will never stop but I know thais give as good as they get, if they cant take the heat then they should get out of the kitchen, this is simply a part of life and everyone has to agree that there are good and bad in every country. The last thing anyone needs are apologists for either side trying to make the other side out as the baddies, just learn to accept and live with it.

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You have to accept that are old people who have moved to Thailand thinking they would live some kind of Hugh Hefner lifestyle, only to be bought down to earth.

There are others. you know., the experts on all things Thai, that don't actually live in Thailand, the few months a year tourists who think they know all, but know nothing.

Then you have people like me, full time since 1990, came here when I was 35, had a ball, still having a ball but the others don't like it, I know too much, all Thai Visa members wives or Gf"s are Uni Graduates, I know that isn't true, they know that isn't true, yet they lie to themselves daily that it is, even though they met them in the Full Moon Bar.

Over to you.......

My wife is a genuine University graduate,who spent 3 years studying! comes from a good family,although poor and has never worked in a Bar!if you choose not to believe the truth,will I get upset? of course not! I suspect this Poster has a good deal of anger he is hiding by his superior attitude!

I have respect for some of those who did not have the opportunities that my wife had,and had the burden of looking after the family,of which was not their first choice, so give them a chance of a new life,and a new beginning!

So what is your problem? did you find your true love from the Full Moon Bar? who ripped you off? Because you know it all from 1990,and left you as bitter as they come? Sorry you remain totally unconvincing!and 24 years in Thailand hasn't taught you much! especially in humanitarian studies! and thoughtfulness and sympathy for your fellow human beings!

have to agree with this, my wife came from an extremely poor family and was put through school/university by her aunty who was a school teacher. Back then they actually had to pass exams to get their qualifications, she went on to do further studies in Japan and now is manager of a large company. I honestly think those that come in here talking about sex and bar workers are pretty pathetic and have never been able to hold a converstion with any other female with intelligence other than a "bar" girl. Makes them feel good to use their own pathetic abilities at finding a good one to try to ridicule anyone that has a great wife and is far removed from their daily lives of crawling around a bar, these are the ones that come in here and bitch about everything because they are not capable of doing any better for themselves. Those of us that have great wives dont need to vent our spleens at everyone else due to our failings but we will come in here with genuine complaints, big difference.

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Have you ever had your life threatened in Thailand?

Ever noticed how things are completely reversed here?

Any advice for how to keep from getting "weird" as a Thai expat?

Thai bashing no of course not. Thai baiting would be a better term. There is a line between bashing and baiting. In fishing terms there might be a better word for it.

That is your interpretation put onto my posts. If I made one complaining about all the old geezers coming here and trash-talking us young ones, would you consider that Thai bashing as well?

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There a point in time when an adult should be held to adult standards of behavior? The constant name calling the ridicule of family and wives begins to make people normal people start to think everyone feels like he is whinging in a pub. I have observed that most of the offensive writing comes after the residents of Thailand are long gone to bed. It doesn't take a brain trust to figure out jealousy is the prime mover of TV poster at 3AM.

I find no reason why attacking a poster should be considered venting or letting off steam.

can be puzzling, at 3 am I would imagine the writer is probably well and truly p*ssed and venting his spleen. I know my thai wife quite often says to me exactly what I am thinking of about what one of the locals is doing but she doesnt like to say it to anyone else as it would cause "face" problems for her plus she doesnt like conflict. I think what makes it hard is the fact that many thias are still living in the old ways but in a modern world, they just havent realized that there are responsibilities that come with being an adult, just look at what they watch, everything on tv is extremely childish, I can honestly say I do not watch tv here due entirely to the pathetic programming. It is aimed at the mental age of children not adults but that is the way a lot of people think, responsibility is not taken seriously here where in the west it is. In turn I think this causes a lot of the bitching we see in here, I know I get peeved at what some locals do but also like what others do. It is only natural to vent it, people all over the world do it so why not here as well. It will never stop but I know thais give as good as they get, if they cant take the heat then they should get out of the kitchen, this is simply a part of life and everyone has to agree that there are good and bad in every country. The last thing anyone needs are apologists for either side trying to make the other side out as the baddies, just learn to accept and live with it.

TrueVisions has over a million subscribers in Thailand. History channel and Discovery Channel and teaching channels a full range of programming that is consumed by Thai people in Thailand. Most of the science shows are available in both Thai and English.

I doubt if the TV people would go to the trouble of dubbing them if no Thais watched. I have lived in Thailand for over a decade and have watched what Thai people watch on my TV. You aren't telling the truth. If you actually lived in Thailand you would know that many Thai people watch good TV.

You should not tell porkies about Thailand. The last thing anyone needs is Thai bashers trying to make Thais out as the baddies. Just learn to accept that there are many intelligent Thai people and learn to live with it. http://truevisionsgroup.truecorp.co.th/channellineup_web/platinumhd

Edited by thailiketoo
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Have you ever had your life threatened in Thailand?

Ever noticed how things are completely reversed here?

Any advice for how to keep from getting "weird" as a Thai expat?

Thai bashing no of course not. Thai baiting would be a better term. There is a line between bashing and baiting. In fishing terms there might be a better word for it.

That is your interpretation put onto my posts. If I made one complaining about all the old geezers coming here and trash-talking us young ones, would you consider that Thai bashing as well?

I didn't say anything about your age. If you choose to make it a contest between youthful inexperience and mature wisdom it's OK with me.

You have posted 4 topics. 75% of them have been Thai baiting trolls IMO.

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My wife is a genuine University graduate,who spent 3 years studying! comes from a good family,although poor and has never worked in a Bar!if you choose not to believe the truth,will I get upset? of course not! I suspect this Poster has a good deal of anger he is hiding by his superior attitude!

I have respect for some of those who did not have the opportunities that my wife had,and had the burden of looking after the family,of which was not their first choice, so give them a chance of a new life,and a new beginning!

So what is your problem? did you find your true love from the Full Moon Bar? who ripped you off? Because you know it all from 1990,and left you as bitter as they come? Sorry you remain totally unconvincing!and 24 years in Thailand hasn't taught you much! especially in humanitarian studies! and thoughtfulness and sympathy for your fellow human beings!

have to agree with this, my wife came from an extremely poor family and was put through school/university by her aunty who was a school teacher. Back then they actually had to pass exams to get their qualifications, she went on to do further studies in Japan and now is manager of a large company. I honestly think those that come in here talking about sex and bar workers are pretty pathetic and have never been able to hold a converstion with any other female with intelligence other than a "bar" girl. Makes them feel good to use their own pathetic abilities at finding a good one to try to ridicule anyone that has a great wife and is far removed from their daily lives of crawling around a bar, these are the ones that come in here and bitch about everything because they are not capable of doing any better for themselves. Those of us that have great wives dont need to vent our spleens at everyone else due to our failings but we will come in here with genuine complaints, big difference.

I came to Thailand in 1968 and one of the happiest couples I've met was a GI and a ladyboy he met in a bar and married they now live in Wyoming on a ranch half as big as some European countries.

I've been ripped off by bar girls in Biloxi Mississippi and débutantes in Martha's Vineyard.

Ted Turner one of Americans handsomest richest and all around man's man lost his job, most of his money (7 billion) and guess what? Jane Fonda his wife divorced him; what a surprise laugh.png.


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There a point in time when an adult should be held to adult standards of behavior? The constant name calling the ridicule of family and wives begins to make people normal people start to think everyone feels like he is whinging in a pub. I have observed that most of the offensive writing comes after the residents of Thailand are long gone to bed. It doesn't take a brain trust to figure out jealousy is the prime mover of TV poster at 3AM.

I find no reason why attacking a poster should be considered venting or letting off steam.

can be puzzling, at 3 am I would imagine the writer is probably well and truly p*ssed and venting his spleen. I know my thai wife quite often says to me exactly what I am thinking of about what one of the locals is doing but she doesnt like to say it to anyone else as it would cause "face" problems for her plus she doesnt like conflict. I think what makes it hard is the fact that many thias are still living in the old ways but in a modern world, they just havent realized that there are responsibilities that come with being an adult, just look at what they watch, everything on tv is extremely childish, I can honestly say I do not watch tv here due entirely to the pathetic programming. It is aimed at the mental age of children not adults but that is the way a lot of people think, responsibility is not taken seriously here where in the west it is. In turn I think this causes a lot of the bitching we see in here, I know I get peeved at what some locals do but also like what others do. It is only natural to vent it, people all over the world do it so why not here as well. It will never stop but I know thais give as good as they get, if they cant take the heat then they should get out of the kitchen, this is simply a part of life and everyone has to agree that there are good and bad in every country. The last thing anyone needs are apologists for either side trying to make the other side out as the baddies, just learn to accept and live with it.

TrueVisions has over a million subscribers in Thailand. History channel and Discovery Channel and teaching channels a full range of programming that is consumed by Thai people in Thailand. Most of the science shows are available in both Thai and English.

I doubt if the TV people would go to the trouble of dubbing them if no Thais watched. I have lived in Thailand for over a decade and have watched what Thai people watch on my TV. You aren't telling the truth. If you actually lived in Thailand you would know that many Thai people watch good TV.

You should not tell porkies about Thailand. The last thing anyone needs is Thai bashers trying to make Thais out as the baddies. Just learn to accept that there are many intelligent Thai people and learn to live with it. http://truevisionsgroup.truecorp.co.th/channellineup_web/platinumhd

If you read my post you would actually know that I do live in Thailand. I said thai tv not pay channels, totally different matter, I suggest you try understanding what you actually read and stop translating it into your own version of garbage. There are intelligent thai people, again I never said there wasnt but again you deliberately misinterpret what I wrote just so you can have a whinge, mate, you are totally pathetic and obviously no where near as smart as some thais......

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My wife is a genuine University graduate,who spent 3 years studying! comes from a good family,although poor and has never worked in a Bar!if you choose not to believe the truth,will I get upset? of course not! I suspect this Poster has a good deal of anger he is hiding by his superior attitude!

I have respect for some of those who did not have the opportunities that my wife had,and had the burden of looking after the family,of which was not their first choice, so give them a chance of a new life,and a new beginning!

So what is your problem? did you find your true love from the Full Moon Bar? who ripped you off? Because you know it all from 1990,and left you as bitter as they come? Sorry you remain totally unconvincing!and 24 years in Thailand hasn't taught you much! especially in humanitarian studies! and thoughtfulness and sympathy for your fellow human beings!

have to agree with this, my wife came from an extremely poor family and was put through school/university by her aunty who was a school teacher. Back then they actually had to pass exams to get their qualifications, she went on to do further studies in Japan and now is manager of a large company. I honestly think those that come in here talking about sex and bar workers are pretty pathetic and have never been able to hold a converstion with any other female with intelligence other than a "bar" girl. Makes them feel good to use their own pathetic abilities at finding a good one to try to ridicule anyone that has a great wife and is far removed from their daily lives of crawling around a bar, these are the ones that come in here and bitch about everything because they are not capable of doing any better for themselves. Those of us that have great wives dont need to vent our spleens at everyone else due to our failings but we will come in here with genuine complaints, big difference.

I came to Thailand in 1968 and one of the happiest couples I've met was a GI and a ladyboy he met in a bar and married they now live in Wyoming on a ranch half as big as some European countries.

I've been ripped off by bar girls in Biloxi Mississippi and débutantes in Martha's Vineyard.

Ted Turner one of Americans handsomest richest and all around man's man lost his job, most of his money (7 billion) and guess what? Jane Fonda his wife divorced him; what a surprise laugh.png.

and your point is..... apart from the fact you have trouble understanding numbers, a decade is ten yet you say you came here in 1968 thats 46 years, a little more than over a decade ago but I suppose you didnt want to take off your shoes to enable yourself to go past 10,

ps, we are talking about Thailand, who gives a sh*t what happened in the US or how big your imagination is

Edited by seajae
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You have to accept that are old people who have moved to Thailand thinking they would live some kind of Hugh Hefner lifestyle, only to be bought down to earth.

There are others. you know., the experts on all things Thai, that don't actually live in Thailand, the few months a year tourists who think they know all, but know nothing.

Then you have people like me, full time since 1990, came here when I was 35, had a ball, still having a ball but the others don't like it, I know too much, all Thai Visa members wives or Gf"s are Uni Graduates, I know that isn't true, they know that isn't true, yet they lie to themselves daily that it is, even though they met them in the Full Moon Bar.

Over to you.......

My wife is a genuine University graduate,who spent 3 years studying! comes from a good family,although poor and has never worked in a Bar!if you choose not to believe the truth,will I get upset? of course not! I suspect this Poster has a good deal of anger he is hiding by his superior attitude!

I have respect for some of those who did not have the opportunities that my wife had,and had the burden of looking after the family,of which was not their first choice, so give them a chance of a new life,and a new beginning!

So what is your problem? did you find your true love from the Full Moon Bar? who ripped you off? Because you know it all from 1990,and left you as bitter as they come? Sorry you remain totally unconvincing!and 24 years in Thailand hasn't taught you much! especially in humanitarian studies! and thoughtfulness and sympathy for your fellow human beings!

have to agree with this, my wife came from an extremely poor family and was put through school/university by her aunty who was a school teacher. Back then they actually had to pass exams to get their qualifications, she went on to do further studies in Japan and now is manager of a large company. I honestly think those that come in here talking about sex and bar workers are pretty pathetic and have never been able to hold a converstion with any other female with intelligence other than a "bar" girl. Makes them feel good to use their own pathetic abilities at finding a good one to try to ridicule anyone that has a great wife and is far removed from their daily lives of crawling around a bar, these are the ones that come in here and bitch about everything because they are not capable of doing any better for themselves. Those of us that have great wives dont need to vent our spleens at everyone else due to our failings but we will come in here with genuine complaints, big difference.

are you trying to suggest that some bar girls have not made great wives?

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