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16-Year-Old Student Dies During Hazing

Lite Beer

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We have it in Sweden also. I come from a city with one of the largest universities. And 20 % of the population in the city is students. A lot of terrible stories with hazing nearly every year.

I'm sure we had it a long time before the US schools. Our university is from the year 1666

Edited by larsjohnsson
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It seems hazing is acceptable to some Thai communities -- IT'S NOT BLOODY ACCEPTABLE. Trying to demonstrate one persons "superiority" over another in 2014, should be treated as an anachronism. It only causes personal humiliation and is just another form of bullying. Because of the epidemic of suicides due to hazing/bulling, schools in the West reject this practice, so should Thailand.

How Thailand's culture has changed. It was not long ago that causing a person ( indeed a friend ??) to loose face was just "a low act".

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Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges. They have no place in Thai culture. Seniors should be expelled for hazing and banned from enrolling any other college or open university for 10 years to give them time to adjust their attitudes and grow up. Rectors and principals who allow hazing to continue in their institutions should be fired and never put in a position of responsibility for the welfare of young adults again.

I believe that would put a stop to hazing over night. Only the emotionally inadequate would thing something had been lost from the Thai educational system.

Why is it when bad things happen you want to blame "America". These practices are not "American" in any way. We do not do or condone such things. First step in banning such things is taking responsibility. To blame another for your mistakes is another form of bullying.... I attended 3 different American Universities and NEVER saw or heard of such things. Once in a great while a "Franternity" or Sorority" will get into trouble but that hasn't happened for many years.

Expelling is a slap on the wrist. The guilty should be tossed in Prison for a long time send a message such actions will not be tolerated. Give longer terms for those who lie about it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges.

Unbelievable. Blame America for this?

Thai Visa...believe it or not. It is incredible, the lack of knowledge displayed by some posters.

What a dweeb...hazing has been around for thousands of years, long before America existed. But go ahead, blame America if that is what you need to feel better about yourself.

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Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges.

The same exact thing happens in Japan, so clearly you meant to say, "Please ban these obnoxious and cruel Japanese rituals..."?

...or whatever horrible country innocent Thai people got these wicked ideas from (certainly it couldn't have been a concept that arose within?)

Perhaps your opinion is not your fault, because the world press certainly likes to look at social problems in the U.S. in detail, so people think hazing and other such behaviour are American inventions?

Hazing as an idea could be good in that it builds bonds with the newcomers, but it inevitably turns bad because of people who don't understand limits and get out of control when they have power.

I have been through a couple incidents of hazing in my life, but they didn't get out of hand like they certainly can. I guess I'm just lucky...

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When will the Thai Education Authority issue an order to all schools, colleges and university banning hazing. Anyone found engaging in this would be expelled and teaching staff who allow it, dismissed? It is barbaric and just an excuse for bullying. And as a previous poster asked, what would happen if a student refused to take part?

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Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges. They have no place in Thai culture. Seniors should be expelled for hazing and banned from enrolling any other college or open university for 10 years to give them time to adjust their attitudes and grow up. Rectors and principals who allow hazing to continue in their institutions should be fired and never put in a position of responsibility for the welfare of young adults again.

I believe that would put a stop to hazing over night. Only the emotionally inadequate would thing something had been lost from the Thai educational system.

Oh, what a &lt;deleted&gt;. A kid dies and you take this opportunity to take a stab at America.

Why don't you put your petty dislikes aside and address the issue straight on.

BTW, brutal hazing rituals go back to Greek times. And, last time I checked, Greece is in Europe, not America.

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Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges.


Unbelievable. Blame America for this?

Thai Visa...believe it or not. It is incredible, the lack of knowledge displayed by some posters.

Yes, some sort of entrance exam is needed before being allowed to post.

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And if its not officially endorsed, why dont the students just say no?

Pretty easy answer to that, peer pressure. That can be a powerful factor for young students.

Pressure from other people in their year, or from the seniors?

I also heard how the seniors keep their names a secret out of 'respect', and they can order punishments if things like uniform are not correct. Its just so odd considering the 'seniors' are 21-22 year old kids.

What are the consequences of not taking part?

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I'd just do a lui ferigno and go run the train track every night. I'd show them, faster, stronger. Then I'd loose Mr universe to Arnold but I would also become the Hulk ...so I got that going for me, which is nice

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't ban the event but bring them on campus and under the supervision of staff.

There's no excuse for violence and bullying.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The staff are part of the problem. They are the ones that say it promotes SOTUS.

Such a sad story. Bullying in any form is to be abhorred. I am a little confused though, the unfortunate lads age is given as 16, but it then says he was at University. How can this be?

There is a 15 year ole girl at the university I teach at. She attended an International school. I forget what she told me but something about the British curriculum and that enabled her to enter the university.

Not trying to be too hard here but as you are a University Teacher it is 'old' and don't you think you should have listened carefully about what she told you? Isn't it of interest to you on a professional basis as to how a 15 year old is accepted in to your University?

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Some further posts and replies have been deleted. We can drop the references to the US. Initiation and hazing in the US is confined mostly to the Fraternities and, there are exceptions of course.

Discussion of hazing in the US is off-topic and continued posting on the subject will earn suspension.

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It is done in Swedish Universities but in a fun way and certainly not to establish a pecking order. There the senior students tell the freshmen how to dress and where to go in the local town. The intention is to give the freshmen and introduction to the University and its environs as well the local town and places frequented by students. It also gives the freshmen an opportunity to meet their seniors particularly those with whom they will be living together with in student accommodation.

I have two sons who have been through this and both found it enjoyable and informative and an excellent introduction to University life. No violence is necessary.

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Very sad actually. Spend most of your young life battling leukemia, get into university, then only to die because of some childish ritual imposed by immature "senior" students to boast their own self-obsessed egos. And these seniors are the future of Thailand. When will they ever learn that a person's self-worth is not based on his/her flocking with the other sheep?

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Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges. They have no place in Thai culture. Seniors should be expelled for hazing and banned from enrolling any other college or open university for 10 years to give them time to adjust their attitudes and grow up. Rectors and principals who allow hazing to continue in their institutions should be fired and never put in a position of responsibility for the welfare of young adults again.

I believe that would put a stop to hazing over night. Only the emotionally inadequate would thing something had been lost from the Thai educational system.

100% agree.

And if it was my kid I would be inviting the rector or whoever is head of the college out for some SOTUS, we would truly bond, unlike his multiple broken bones

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It is done in Swedish Universities but in a fun way and certainly not to establish a pecking order. There the senior students tell the freshmen how to dress and where to go in the local town. The intention is to give the freshmen and introduction to the University and its environs as well the local town and places frequented by students. It also gives the freshmen an opportunity to meet their seniors particularly those with whom they will be living together with in student accommodation.

I have two sons who have been through this and both found it enjoyable and informative and an excellent introduction to University life. No violence is necessary.

It's done in a cruel and terrible way in Sweden also. I have seen it every year in my hometown Lund until I moved to Thailand. Often racial or sexual abuse. Only a couple of years ago one school was accused and also convicted by the EU court of racism. They had colored young boys in chains and ropes. And led them around the city like slaves. And the girls have to eat a banana that the older boys hade in their fly. Everything in the middle of the city square Edited by larsjohnsson
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Please ban these obnoxious and cruel American rituals from Thai colleges.


Unbelievable. Blame America for this?

It's hard to deny a lot of crap emits from America and radiates throughout the world. This is in many circumstances.

Edited by BoardDWorld
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