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reflexology-focused massages

femi fan

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I recently went to krabi and was lucky to get a teacher who did a proper foot massage for me. It was great, and she was able to read 'problems' in my body. I know that reflexology is able to do that and help correct health imbalances, and i'm sure there are places in chiang mai where i can get a well-trained reflexology practitioner… i've seen many signs around town.

But as with all things in thailand it's great to get a recommendation rather than try randomly, especially with a massage.

So, any personal recommendations for a great foot masseur trained in reading one's health through the reflexology meridien lines?


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This is going to sound flippant but it sounds like you are trying to find a fortune teller.

If you have a problem with somewhere inparticular then say so.

Just like when you visit the doctor, you dont expect them to look at you and guess.

I employ thirty such reflexology therapists who know the correlation between feet and every other part of the body infact i do.

So what exactly do you want that any of five hundred therapists cannot offer.

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I'm interested here as I find it is 'hit and miss' as to the quality of foot massages in Chiang Mai. The sort of place I would prefer not to use is one where some enterprising Farang employs 'thirty such reflexology therapists'. I'm sure there are some excellent ones around so let's know who they are.

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This is going to sound flippant but it sounds like you are trying to find a fortune teller.

If you have a problem with somewhere inparticular then say so.

Just like when you visit the doctor, you dont expect them to look at you and guess.

I employ thirty such reflexology therapists who know the correlation between feet and every other part of the body infact i do.

So what exactly do you want that any of five hundred therapists cannot offer.

Eyecatcher, I was going to write-off your post as being as "helpful" as that of Chicog, until I saw that you "employ thirty such reflexology therapists who know the correlation between feet and every other part of the body....

So what exactly do you want that any of five hundred therapists cannot offer...."

Precisely what the OP is looking for! Why be so dismissive when this seems to be your livelihood? Who can you recommend that is particularly good?

You need to read between the lines on that one, the way I read it is that "reflexology" is pseudoscience... sure the nerves in the feet connect to the entire nervous system so a good foot massage will cover all the bases. Any trained foot massager can look at the reflexology chart and know where to poke or prod to affect the "cure" for the afliction. It isn't rocket science, not really science at all.

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But how does one know who the "trained foot massagers" are? I have found that the meaning of "trained" in Thailand has many different connotations. I have a friend whose wife runs a legitimate massage place and they had a new young girl working there when I visited. I asked if she had been trained in massage. The reply was "no she is just learning so we only let her do foot massages at the moment".

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If eyecatcher really does employ thirty such reflexology therapists, than he should have no problems recommending one to the OP, unless he`s fibbing or keeping it a trade secret? If not than either put up or shut up.

me thinks the above is a low blow

eyecatcher posts, at least have, a sense of humour to them

his two liners are often brilliant, sure beats most of T.V. contributors to the forum


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There is a Chinese foot reflexology place, I think it's on Radjadamnoen in the old city, but not certain. I think you'd find it on google or maybe searching on thaivisa. I've heard good things about it but it's also a pretty intense massage.

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There is a Chinese foot reflexology place, I think it's on Radjadamnoen in the old city, but not certain. I think you'd find it on google or maybe searching on thaivisa. I've heard good things about it but it's also a pretty intense massage.

Is that a euphemism for "it hurts"?


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No, looking for a trained reflexology practitioner, not a fortune teller, and nor simply a masseur who happens to massage one's feet and calves.

I thought i'd been pretty clear really.

I know the correlations myself too.

femi fan, I think I could have recommended some places to you a decade ago of places that did a slow Wat Po style massage, sometimes using wooden sticks that would make your whole body tingle. Have not run into a good massage like that in years in Chiang Mai but still hopeful someone on this thread will provide an exact location to you.

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There is a Chinese foot reflexology place, I think it's on Radjadamnoen in the old city, but not certain. I think you'd find it on google or maybe searching on thaivisa. I've heard good things about it but it's also a pretty intense massage.

Could be the place just East of the U Hotel on the same side of the street. They are good and reasonably priced.

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Femifan.Keep away from the massage parlours that have a sexy girl sitting at the door.Look for a well kept business like place that has a reflexology chart in the window. Go inside and ask if their is someone who specialises in foot reflexology.

One place told me they did not like to do foot reflexology because people had"stinky feet".Very professional and businesslike.I dont think.

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Thanks for people's efforts! It seems like it's going to be hard to find a place that is specifically recommended, although i shall go in serch of the U hotel and see the place near it.

I have seen places in the old town which have the foot chart, but being thailand that may merely be put there simply to entice you into their shop on the basis that they are proper wat po trained foot masseurs. Whether they are or not could be an expensive investigation if lots prove not to be! Hence my thread looking for specific reccos.

I hope the thread will produce one soon!

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I have used Loikroh Traditional Thai Massage in the past for Foot Reflexolagy

The man i used to use does not work there now

I enclose the website http://www.loikrohmassage.com/our_teachers.php

They do other type of massages that could be of interest to you

Hope this helps

Hey lizard, that looks really good! However it seems on their website they only teach massage, but i assume you just went for a massage there? Anyway, this could be a great place if they do do massage, because i sure don't want to learn how to do it!

I shall investigate the place as soon as i can. Thanks.

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I'm interested here as I find it is 'hit and miss' as to the quality of foot massages in Chiang Mai. The sort of place I would prefer not to use is one where some enterprising Farang employs 'thirty such reflexology therapists'. I'm sure there are some excellent ones around so let's know who they are.

I too am interested in the outcome as I gave up on trying to get a proper reflexology foot massage in Thailand years ago. Currently in Malaysia and making the mxosst of them.

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I checked the loy kroh traditional massage place today and found that it seems to just be a place to study massage, not receive it.

I found myself wandering down soi 2 and saw a place called Cloud 9 massage. At 269 baht for a one hour 'reflexology foot' massage i thought perhaps this might be more reflexology than mere foot massage, but there again considering its location and its name i thought the higher rate might be for other reasons! I didn't try it because i'm still waiting to see if this thread produces anything.

I have yet to try the place on the hang dong road though.

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