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Yingluck’s lawyer cries foul of the Democrats’ book launch

Lite Beer

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guilty of negligence ....cheesy.gif

only in thailand, you have this kind of silly triallaugh.png

I doubt that, negligent government is common elsewhere too, but here in Thailand the Reds don't want/expect it to be exposed. wink.png

Yay for Red Freedom-of-Speech, erm ... Yay for Red Corruption & Negligence ... erm, no, that doesn't sound quite right either, does it ? facepalm.gif

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No doubt in my mind about the guilt of those involved with the rice scam - it was obvious right from the start as many if us on here said at the time.

I am more dubious that the court will hand down a suitable punishment and the longer I stay here the longer I think the Thai legal system was written by elementary school children and the teachers failed to correct it.

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Opportunist and not bright the court should have their say in the Yingluck out come first , the publisher should have some understanding of this, then again he probably hasn't a clue , Yingluck's lawyer is quite correct in pointing out the release of the book is an inappropriate time, but whether it makes any difference is doubtful, the question is , except for the Dems red necks, is anybody going to buy it ..coffee1.gif

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an attempt of the Democrat party to mislead the public into believing that there was corruption in the rice pledging scheme

A complete joke, there was corruption, it has already been proved. The only question to be answered is, did Yingluck know about it, participate in it or condone it. If the answer is yes then she is guilty of corruption, if the answer is no, she is guilty of dereliction of duty. She was Prime Minister and chairperson of the committee and is responsible for the result. I don't think the authorities will ever convict on the corruption charges, they should convict on dereliction and ban her from political office.

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The public can not be mislead by any book or writing.

They have brains to think and judge as to what is right and what is wrong.

The courts have already made up their decision.

So, Mr Lawyer, stop crying wolf out.

Sorry Costas but I am afraid I must disagree with you on this one

A mother who has an opinion in reference to the verdict on her sons death and distributes fillets critical of the democrat get's arrested, but a democrat (with a small d ) who is critical of the opposition can write and distribute a book?

It seems to me that the powers to be are putting their thumb on the scale a little bit.

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The public can not be mislead by any book or writing.

They have brains to think and judge as to what is right and what is wrong.

The courts have already made up their decision.

So, Mr Lawyer, stop crying wolf out.

"The public can not be mislead by any book or writing."

So you never heard of Mein Kompf or Das Kapital?

How can a thinking person write that sentence and not only believe it, but think they are not being laughed at -- loudly and strong?

They reallly should do background checks and verify degrees before letting yahoos into the country.

He also said "They have brains to think and judge as to what is right and what is wrong.".

Of course, some choose not to, or are simply gormless (lacking in discernment)

"To read too many books is harmful." - Mao Zedong

Edited by halloween
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Yingluck is probably not talking to any publishers discussing her upcoming book. They all seem to think it would contain far too much misinformation, and sow divisiveness, and promote disharmony and unhappiness.

Yingluk's first book - is she reading or writing it.

Just joking, but hey, we could have a guess the title game.

I'll start with Nok Lueng the Helicopter mainly because I don't think she has had an original thought in her life.

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Of all the people who could read the book, 99.99% won't buy the book and the few that do will consider the facts fabricated or irrelevant.

Ps: My point was directed towards the low class or moderately educated.

Edited by BSJ
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guilty of negligence ....cheesy.gif"

only in thailand, you have this kind of silly triallaugh.png

I doubt that, negligent government is common elsewhere too, but here in Thailand the Reds don't want/expect it to be exposed. wink.png

Yay for Red Freedom-of-Speech, erm ... Yay for Red Corruption & Negligence ... erm, no, that doesn't sound quite right either, does it ? facepalm.gif

negligence, bad governance, bad policy...

Of course that over common everywhere! thats actually the norme all around the world!

Take by example, Spain, 4 millions people unemployed. The spanish govt will be voted out!

Bush who did invad Irak and Afghanistan while Benladen was living in Pakistan. He was voted out!

I can go on for hours and hours, how government all around the world are uncompetent. They are voted out!

But only in thailand, the yellow elite will make a parody of justice..... You can fool nobody except yourself with your barnum!

YL has nothing to do in front of the yellow judge! Thats a nonsense, that just a stupid attempt to ban her from politics!

Otherwise at the next election, she will win again by a landslide, and as usual the mad monk, abibi & co will lose again for 7th timelaugh.png

"Yay for Red Freedom-of-Speech, erm"


You know, you are a complete fraud, actually thailand is under martial maw, there is no more freedom of speech, and you dare complain about the red? do you have a brain?whistling.gifthumbsup.gif

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The public can not be mislead by any book or writing.

They have brains to think and judge as to what is right and what is wrong.

The courts have already made up their decision.

So, Mr Lawyer, stop crying wolf out.

Hmmm... that would be the most naive statement of the day..... in my book!

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hahahahaha, here come the apologists trying to stop the truth from being told, what a bunch of desperados. As this is a book if there are any untruths in it, yl can simply take the author to court, the lawyer says its not fair then says it doesnt matter, seems the ptp/reds are more worried about the voters finding out the truth then deserting the ptp/reds in droves so they have set the apologists up in their pathetic attempt to change everyones view, after all, we cant have the truth about yl/the ptp coming out can we.

Problem with Dem supporters is they just imagine situations then write it thus convincing each other that it is all true. Usually another form of propaganda where one thinks up a lie and then just keeps repeating it until it is believed. I have seen so much utter crap written here by Dem supporters who firmly believe it when any independant minded person would , straight away see it for what it is. And of course, along the way everything gets expanded.

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The public can not be mislead by any book or writing.

They have brains to think and judge as to what is right and what is wrong.

The courts have already made up their decision.

So, Mr Lawyer, stop crying wolf out.

"The public can not be mislead by any book or writing."

So you never heard of Mein Kompf or Das Kapital?

How can a thinking person write that sentence and not only believe it, but think they are not being laughed at -- loudly and strong?

They reallly should do background checks and verify degrees before letting yahoos into the country.

how totally pathetic can you get, Das Kapital was written in the 1800's and Mein Kamf was written before the second world war, they didnt even have defamation laws back then and there was no need to worry about writing bullsh*t etc, Seems that your intelligence needs to be checked trying to use those two books, your background must definitely be fuzzy at best, mate, you really need to study harder. These days you cannot print lies etc without facing legal action so we will see who is telling the truth but then in Thailand if you lose face with the truth you can still take legal action but it will make an even bigger idiot of the person doing so as the truth will well and truly be known then and that is something yl/thaksin does not want

You crack me up.......blah blah blah

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If Yingluck thinks the book is defamatory, she can file a lawsuit for that. There is no court case pending for the rice pledging scheme. Today, the attorney general will announce the decision whether to prosecute. Until a prosecutory complaint is presented to the court, anyone is free to comment or write about Yingluck's role in the rice pledging scheme. There would only be legal liability outside of defamation, if there was a pending court case, and the writing was intended to prejudice Yingluck's right to a fair trial.

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Shows ones more how stupid and low leveled the Dems are , if you cant win with good arguments about your group, you just trow mud to your rivals, Shame on you Dems , your all the same.

If Yingluck would read that book she might understand how clueless and corrupt she was.

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hahahahaha, here come the apologists trying to stop the truth from being told, what a bunch of desperados. As this is a book if there are any untruths in it, yl can simply take the author to court, the lawyer says its not fair then says it doesnt matter, seems the ptp/reds are more worried about the voters finding out the truth then deserting the ptp/reds in droves so they have set the apologists up in their pathetic attempt to change everyones view, after all, we cant have the truth about yl/the ptp coming out can we.

Problem with Dem supporters is they just imagine situations then write it thus convincing each other that it is all true. Usually another form of propaganda where one thinks up a lie and then just keeps repeating it until it is believed. I have seen so much utter crap written here by Dem supporters who firmly believe it when any independant minded person would , straight away see it for what it is. And of course, along the way everything gets expanded.

That's funny lol

Your entire statement is far better suited to describe Thaksin and his supporters rather than the Dems based on everything I have seen in all my years here in Thailand, but each to their own.

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Of all the people who could read the book, 99.99% won't buy the book and the few that do will consider the facts fabricated or irrelevant.

Ps: My point was directed towards the low class or moderately educated.

Except there is a good chance was corruption.

Anything that sheds light on this catastrophic scheme is relevant.

I doubt the book's contents are just fabrications.

They may not be all correct or have been interpreted in one way, but they could be true. I don't know, having not read the book.

Why you would consider anyone reading it to be low class or moderately educated is a mystery to me.

Unless you were just making a snide comment at those who would support a view you don't.

Edited by Bluespunk
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…the book, was an attempt of the Democrat party to mislead the public into believing that there was corruption in the rice pledging scheme

The lawyer however said that the book would not have any impact on the case…

Two sentences that make me wonder if one needs any qualification to become a lawyer over here.

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I think that it is an appalling indictment to both the mentality and intelligence of this nation that anyone should feel that there is still doubt with regard to Yingluck's responsibility in this fiasco. This is one of the most damaging cases of Government malfeasance ,implemented under her watch and defended by her on numerous occasions.

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guilty of negligence ....cheesy.gif"

only in thailand, you have this kind of silly triallaugh.png

I doubt that, negligent government is common elsewhere too, but here in Thailand the Reds don't want/expect it to be exposed. wink.png

Yay for Red Freedom-of-Speech, erm ... Yay for Red Corruption & Negligence ... erm, no, that doesn't sound quite right either, does it ? facepalm.gif

negligence, bad governance, bad policy...

Of course that over common everywhere! thats actually the norme all around the world!

Take by example, Spain, 4 millions people unemployed. The spanish govt will be voted out!

Bush who did invad Irak and Afghanistan while Benladen was living in Pakistan. He was voted out!

I can go on for hours and hours, how government all around the world are uncompetent. They are voted out!

But only in thailand, the yellow elite will make a parody of justice..... You can fool nobody except yourself with your barnum!

YL has nothing to do in front of the yellow judge! Thats a nonsense, that just a stupid attempt to ban her from politics!

Otherwise at the next election, she will win again by a landslide, and as usual the mad monk, abibi & co will lose again for 7th timelaugh.png

"Yay for Red Freedom-of-Speech, erm"


You know, you are a complete fraud, actually thailand is under martial maw, there is no more freedom of speech, and you dare complain about the red? do you have a brain?whistling.gifthumbsup.gif

"do you have a brain?"

When all else fails, revert to personal flaming, a common Red tactic ? wink.png

When out-of-power, the Reds usually claim to be campaigning for freedom-of-speech, however when it's used to say something which they don't like, they suddenly want to clamp-down on it and suppress it, the point which I was trying to make.

And this book, by one Democrat rather than the whole party, as Yingluck's lawyer tries to claim, certainly provokes that reaction.

You won't recall that I personally wanted the election to go ahead, as I was confident that she would see a very-much-reduced vote, definitely not the "landslide" you seem so confident of, and the few details which did emerge from the Feb-2nd failed-vote did indeed suggest that PTP-support had fallen massively.

I don't believe that she herself is/was corrupt, that is further down the party & its supporters, at least when it comes to the rice-scheme. I don't believe anyone would claim that 80% of the rice being found sub-standard can be explained in any other way.

But your problem is, if she isn't/wasn't herself part of the corruption, then she was negligent for ignoring all the warnings, and never attending the meetings of the committee which she chaired, so does indeed deserve a five-year political-ban.

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hahahahaha, here come the apologists trying to stop the truth from being told, what a bunch of desperados. As this is a book if there are any untruths in it, yl can simply take the author to court, the lawyer says its not fair then says it doesnt matter, seems the ptp/reds are more worried about the voters finding out the truth then deserting the ptp/reds in droves so they have set the apologists up in their pathetic attempt to change everyones view, after all, we cant have the truth about yl/the ptp coming out can we.

Hey Mr Sea Jay, with respect Ms Yingluk could not take the author of this book to court.

The courts in Thailand are not courts in the sense that we experience courts in other countries.

In Thailand the courts exist, as does the military, to enforce the word of the Bangkok elite.

Ms Yingluk is not a member of the Bangkok elite and therefore has no recourse or remedy if there are untruths published about her.

You also refer to the voters deserting in droves. You may be unaware that only 194 people in Thailand are allowed to vote so it is impossible for voters to desert in droves, 194 is not a number that could be described as a " drove" of voters. To be totally realistic, there are in fact no voters in the normal sense in Thailand as the above mentioned 194 voters only had one candidate, therefore I submit no real politician in Thailand has any voters who can then desert him/her in droves.

I am not a Yingluk supporter but like to point out errors of fact.

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