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Why I would rather live in Thailand than America


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I am a retired American, here 10 years and only am here for 2 reasons :

1). Money as the USis to damn expensive and

2). The lovely " Evening Blossoms " !

A 3rd. reason came up after I came to Thailand -- that fool of a president !


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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?

all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

Buddha is not a God.

Try telling that to the Thai nation and see what happens, either way I think you get the gist of this .

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It doesen't matter, Buddah is what Thais believe in, and I can see no reason why it should not be respected.

You haven't looked very closely at Thai religion, it's really worshiping the Hindu gods under the guise of Buddhism.

If you look closely, there are idols of Kali, Ganesha, etc. all over the temples.

With the Thai worshippers choosing their personal Hindu god to worship.

I am not interested, people can follow any religion they want as long it does not interfere with my life in any way.
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I like Thailand too, but I am not 100% enamored with the place; here's some reasons:

1. In Thailand I cannot earn 4+ million Baht per year in the aerospace profession; the field is non-existent in Thailand.

2. In Thailand, my daughters would grow up to be stupid as a buffalo.

3. Very few Thais in a position of authority respect the law.

4. The Thai cuisine can be boring; same doodoo, different name.

5. Thais drive on the wrong side of the street (no kidding... it doesn't even matter if the law says they should drive on the left, they sometimes drive on the right!).

6. Thais spent too much time worshiping false gods.

.... I could spend all day coming up with other reasons.

People in any country have the right to worship in any way they want, just as long as they don't interfere with anyone else. As far as I can see, the Thais worshipping false gods are doing no harm to anyone. Anyway, what right do you have to say any god is false or not?
all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

No religion interferes in my life, I just wouldn't allow it.Also, I will respect anyone who respects me.

It interferes with everyones life, try drinking alcohol in an Arab country? Try being President of the U.S as an atheist, try marrying one or more wives in the UK, the list is endless and heaven help you if you want homosexual intercourse in some countries. "belief" huh!!

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all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

Buddha is not a God.

Try telling that to the Thai nation and see what happens, either way I think you get the gist of this .


No problem.

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4. Almost year round perfect weather. Here in Thailand the weather is much better then America for beach fun or riding motorcycles.

Agree with most of the O/P and as someone who left Chicago over 40 years ago and have seen snow only a few times first-hand since.


Who on earth would choose to live in an area like this, if they had a choice? I do not miss the frigid cold for one nanosecond. They can have it.

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all religions interfere with life "belief" with no proof = stupidity.

God is made of custard you cant disprove it and you must respect my view

Buddha is not a God.

Try telling that to the Thai nation and see what happens, either way I think you get the gist of this .


No problem.

Id say there are very few Thai Buddhists like this.

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4. Almost year round perfect weather. Here in Thailand the weather is much better then America for beach fun or riding motorcycles.

Agree with most of the O/P and as someone who left Chicago over 40 years ago and have seen snow only a few times first-hand since.


I grew up in Central Florida, about 30 minutes north of Orlando. I lived in either the UAE, Kuwait, or Thailand from 1998 to December 2013, with only a few brief visits back to FL every few years.

I went back Central FL (Umatilla) and almost FROZE SLAP TO DEATH last winter. In south Georgia now & definitely need to vacate this place before winter hits.

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I like Thailand because there are not many Americans.

I like living in Thailand -- a Brit once told me that I was a nice guy, for an American.

I am not American, but have lived there almost half a century.

I used to say: " America is the greatest country, despite the Americans".

Now it is time to move on for me (to LOS), since America is going down the tubes, due to the Americans.


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Please do report back after you lose your rose colored glasses...

Reality and truth shall set you free...

Thailand is what you make of it...one could list dozens of things that cause foreigners grief...

Your level of tolerance for the daily grind and hassles...may change over time...

Many foreigners have moved on after living in Thailand for years...

Yea...yea...I know...goodbye and good riddance...

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whistling.gif I am from Massachusetts.

Last time I was in Boston in the winter was last this in February 2014.

I was there for 10 days for some financial stuff I had to do.

In that time the temperature averaged from zero to 15 below zero, and that was Fahrenheit.

In those 10 days there were three storms that closed the airport down for 24 to 48 hours each time.

They had at least a foot of snow during those 10 days in those 3 storms.

The trip including hotels and living expenses cost me $3500 for those 10 days.

Any other questions?

Yes, Why would anyone go to Boston in the winter and then act surprised that it was real winter?

Why would anyone be surprised that Boston is very expensive?

I am from Boston and for sure its cold in the winter but getting back to the OP California is the most expensive state in the country to live in. I don't know where in Cali you were but even in laid back Boston the nite clubs and bars are open till 2am and you can find some restaurants open all nite and in China Town till 4.AM. If you were in NYC and a few other east coast cites just like Bangkok they never close and transportation in Boston or NYC its easy to get around by train , bus, taxi or bike. And boston is somewhat expensive but not like California which you are correst is hard to get around without a car but California is not like all of USA.

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It's all about Personal choice....

What I do miss, especially in California is,, nice Healthy deli stores, that you have the choice of buying healthy food, which is not heavily salted or sugared beyond taste...

Or jumping in the car for a nice ride somewhere, nice and relaxing....

Just my two cents worth.....

California can be a great place. I spent 45 yrs in the LA region. Waterskiing, snowskiing, ride a Harley in the mountains, get an ambulance when u need one, etc. Of course there is more stress for most people. There are advantages to both countries, but if I had to pick my last place in life, I think I would take my Thai wife and move back home to the Golden State. Of course we would have to dispose of the idiots in government. 30% of the children in school are illegales. <deleted> is going on?

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As for the women/sex side of things, have a look at this http://bit.ly/1qwRJSw It's about Chile.

I'm thinking about a week down there before I head back across the Pacific.

Yeah, S. America, but Spanish is a damned sight easier to learn than Thai (I speak both somewhat decently). I'm no (extreme) monger, but I do enjoy my eye candy.

Hookerdom is legal in Chile as well and Latina chicas are just as exotic as Thai girls. I had a very nice time in Honduras a few decades ago with a gorgeous local gal that had some Asian eyes......I was HOOKED. I guess that's why they call them hookers?

Looks like it might be a decent alternative to LOS & round trip flights from Miami are about $1,000. I just checked Priceline.com & flights from NYC are about the same.

I guess my biggest gripes about Thailand are, well:

1 - The traffic - need I say more?

2 - Trying to work with Thai's - MADDENING!!!!!

3 - You'll ALWAYS be a Farang, or if you're a black American, an African-Farang, and will never blend in.

4 - Building houses so close together I could spit in my neighbor's window.

5 - Stray mongrel dogs everywhere you look, a few of which can be quite aggressive.

6 - Trying find something to eat that doesn't have 14,000 chile peppers in it.

I think Thailand is a FANTASTIC place to go for a vacation, or even a place to live as long as you fly out a lot for business, as I did 2001-2004......WAAAAAY nicer than Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea or the Middle East. Japan was kinda cool to visit though if you're there on an expense report that the company pays.

Kuala Lumpur is nice, just not my cup of tea for various reasons, not least of which is the prevalence of a certain nationality that only bathes every 6 months or so.

I've been to 45 countries, with Thailand, Mexico and Argentina being the nicest (for me).

I do want to check out Chile though!

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Soledad is not a prison - It's a correctional training facility (CTF)....

Why is this question always comes down to either or? I know a number of ex-pats who live in both Thailand and their home country. Obviously time-frames will differ....

As someone said, it gets down to personal choices and one's interests (and the ability to finance two places).

I find most of the time these lists represent justifications of why someone isn't completely satisfied with their choice or miss things but not a big enough pull to return...Usually limited finances play of a big role in why these lists are generated in the first place.

Every country will have positives and negatives but there will rarely be agreement what belongs on which side of the ledger....

Would I rather live in Omaha Nebraska vs Chiang Mai or Santa Barbara California vs Korat?


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Let’s set aside the word ‘friendliness’ for a moment, and substitute a term I just made up: ‘walking-down-the-street-li-ness.’

Walking down any street in Thailand, I feel a thousand times more comfortable than I've ever felt walking down a street in America. More than anything else about Thailand, that’s what I love: how I feel walking down the street. I just feel more accepted and more welcome here. When I realized for the first time that it was possible to feel this way, it was a real ‘get-down-on-your-knees-and-kiss-the-ground’ moment.

Returning home from Thailand after an early visit here, I had occasion to visit my doctor. They routinely checked my blood pressure as part of the screening, and I was startled to discover that both my diastolic and systolic readings were sharply lower than normal. That’s when I first realized that maybe I had discovered something special in Thailand.

I've been here 11 years now and scarcely a day goes by without me thanking my lucky stars that I discovered this place. Just because of how I feel when I walk down the street.

I like the pretties. You know the models that promote things at the mall. When walking through the mall one can make eye contact with the pretties when they are taking a break or ask them to join you for lunch. Same with the produce and bakery ladies at the grocery store. I'm an old guy and doing this in the States would get me slapped and locked up in jail. Thailand the look and the walk? Priceless.

One thing I do like is the kids, I can buy them a lolly without being looked at like Im a pervert,Im not able to have kids easily apparently so its great for me to make them smile with something like a chuppa lolly.

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It's all about Personal choice....

What I do miss, especially in California is,, nice Healthy deli stores, that you have the choice of buying healthy food, which is not heavily salted or sugared beyond taste...

Or jumping in the car for a nice ride somewhere, nice and relaxing....

Just my two cents worth.....

California can be a great place. I spent 45 yrs in the LA region. Waterskiing, snowskiing, ride a Harley in the mountains, get an ambulance when u need one, etc. Of course there is more stress for most people. There are advantages to both countries, but if I had to pick my last place in life, I think I would take my Thai wife and move back home to the Golden State. Of course we would have to dispose of the idiots in government. 30% of the children in school are illegales. <deleted> is going on?

So many people generalize about California. Yet it has the 3rd largest land mass of any state, in the country with the 3rd largest land mass in the world.

"California is big – real big. If you were to drive the length of the state along Interstate 5, it would take you an estimated 15 hours, with little or no traffic, to get from Oregon to Mexico. At the end of your road trip, you'd have driven nearly 1,287 kilometers (800 miles)."


California has desert including Death Valley. It has the Sierra Nevada Mountains cutting it in half. It has the cool N. coastal areas including the Redwood Forests. I've stood at, and touched the base of a redwood tree that was 7 meters in diameter at the base, and the tree was more than 100 meters tall. This was in a sparsely populated area with only small towns in the area.

NE California is extremely rural as is the E. Side and the mountains. Only a few places such as the LA basin, San Diego metroplex and San Francisco (Bay Area) are crowded.

California is more diverse than most nations and it can't be summed up in just one page or with one opinion.

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It's all about Personal choice....

What I do miss, especially in California is,, nice Healthy deli stores, that you have the choice of buying healthy food, which is not heavily salted or sugared beyond taste...

Or jumping in the car for a nice ride somewhere, nice and relaxing....

Just my two cents worth.....

California can be a great place. I spent 45 yrs in the LA region. Waterskiing, snowskiing, ride a Harley in the mountains, get an ambulance when u need one, etc. Of course there is more stress for most people. There are advantages to both countries, but if I had to pick my last place in life, I think I would take my Thai wife and move back home to the Golden State. Of course we would have to dispose of the idiots in government. 30% of the children in school are illegales. <deleted> is going on?

So many people generalize about California. Yet it has the 3rd largest land mass of any state, in the country with the 3rd largest land mass in the world.

"California is big – real big. If you were to drive the length of the state along Interstate 5, it would take you an estimated 15 hours, with little or no traffic, to get from Oregon to Mexico. At the end of your road trip, you'd have driven nearly 1,287 kilometers (800 miles)."


California has desert including Death Valley. It has the Sierra Nevada Mountains cutting it in half. It has the cool N. coastal areas including the Redwood Forests. I've stood at, and touched the base of a redwood tree that was 7 meters in diameter at the base, and the tree was more than 100 meters tall. This was in a sparsely populated area with only small towns in the area.

NE California is extremely rural as is the E. Side and the mountains. Only a few places such as the LA basin, San Diego metroplex and San Francisco (Bay Area) are crowded.

California is more diverse than most nations and it can't be summed up in just one page or with one opinion.

To keep on a theme here, even if drifting a bit off-topic (but it highlights the point about the US differing greatly), in California alone, within 100 miles of each other, you have the hottest place on earth (Furnace Junction, Death Valley), the lowest place in the Western Hemisphere (In Death Valley), the oldest living organism (a bristlecone pine, 5,064 years old in the White Mountains), the highest place in the continental US (Mt. Whitney), and the largest living organism (the General Sherman sequoia). Go a few hundred miles farther and you have the tallest tree in the world (the Hyperion redwood in Redwood National Park at 115 meters).

The US is just too diverse to be able to ascertain with any degree of conviction that it is any one way or the other. Thailand, although much smaller, is also quite diverse. I have read posters decrying to cost and quality of avocados in Thailand, for example. That might be true for Bangkok, but in Chiang Mai, they are quite inexpensive and rather delicious.

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As for the women/sex side of things, have a look at this http://bit.ly/1qwRJSw It's about Chile.

I'm thinking about a week down there before I head back across the Pacific.

Yeah, S. America, but Spanish is a damned sight easier to learn than Thai (I speak both somewhat decently). I'm no (extreme) monger, but I do enjoy my eye candy.

Hookerdom is legal in Chile as well and Latina chicas are just as exotic as Thai girls. I had a very nice time in Honduras a few decades ago with a gorgeous local gal that had some Asian eyes......I was HOOKED. I guess that's why they call them hookers?

Looks like it might be a decent alternative to LOS & round trip flights from Miami are about $1,000. I just checked Priceline.com & flights from NYC are about the same.

I guess my biggest gripes about Thailand are, well:

1 - The traffic - need I say more?

2 - Trying to work with Thai's - MADDENING!!!!!

3 - You'll ALWAYS be a Farang, or if you're a black American, an African-Farang, and will never blend in.

4 - Building houses so close together I could spit in my neighbor's window.

5 - Stray mongrel dogs everywhere you look, a few of which can be quite aggressive.

6 - Trying find something to eat that doesn't have 14,000 chile peppers in it.

I think Thailand is a FANTASTIC place to go for a vacation, or even a place to live as long as you fly out a lot for business, as I did 2001-2004......WAAAAAY nicer than Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea or the Middle East. Japan was kinda cool to visit though if you're there on an expense report that the company pays.

Kuala Lumpur is nice, just not my cup of tea for various reasons, not least of which is the prevalence of a certain nationality that only bathes every 6 months or so.

I've been to 45 countries, with Thailand, Mexico and Argentina being the nicest (for me).

I do want to check out Chile though!

You wrote, "6 - Trying find something to eat that doesn't have 14,000 chile peppers in it."

The most popular food in Thailand is white rice. (no chilies) In the top five most common foods served in Thai restaurants, cow men gai (no chili). Again in the top 5 cow tom gai (no chili).

And the thread is about America and Thailand not Chile (speaking of chili).

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Why is this question always comes down to either or? I know a number of ex-pats who live in both Thailand and their home country. Obviously time-frames will differ....

JUst to point out, if they live part time in their home country, they aren't ex-pats.

These are called tourists.

Hats off to those trapped there all the time. Braver souls than me. I have to live in both places. Ebay, Amazon and civilized luxuries like Branston Pickle Original and a half decent mature cheddar I simply cannot live without.

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It's all about Personal choice....

What I do miss, especially in California is,, nice Healthy deli stores, that you have the choice of buying healthy food, which is not heavily salted or sugared beyond taste...

Or jumping in the car for a nice ride somewhere, nice and relaxing....

Just my two cents worth.....

California can be a great place. I spent 45 yrs in the LA region. Waterskiing, snowskiing, ride a Harley in the mountains, get an ambulance when u need one, etc. Of course there is more stress for most people. There are advantages to both countries, but if I had to pick my last place in life, I think I would take my Thai wife and move back home to the Golden State. Of course we would have to dispose of the idiots in government. 30% of the children in school are illegales. <deleted> is going on?

So many people generalize about California. Yet it has the 3rd largest land mass of any state, in the country with the 3rd largest land mass in the world.

"California is big – real big. If you were to drive the length of the state along Interstate 5, it would take you an estimated 15 hours, with little or no traffic, to get from Oregon to Mexico. At the end of your road trip, you'd have driven nearly 1,287 kilometers (800 miles)."


California has desert including Death Valley. It has the Sierra Nevada Mountains cutting it in half. It has the cool N. coastal areas including the Redwood Forests. I've stood at, and touched the base of a redwood tree that was 7 meters in diameter at the base, and the tree was more than 100 meters tall. This was in a sparsely populated area with only small towns in the area.

NE California is extremely rural as is the E. Side and the mountains. Only a few places such as the LA basin, San Diego metroplex and San Francisco (Bay Area) are crowded.

California is more diverse than most nations and it can't be summed up in just one page or with one opinion.

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