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Is my Father racist?...


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"Your old man hasn't moved with/adapted to the times."

my old mum was just the same. When she found out my son was going to marry a japanese girl, she was horrified...why can't he find an australian girl...was her response.

When I started going to Thailand, and even brought a Thai woman home with me for a holiday she thought the end of the world had come

Yes, it was mildly rascist but more due to her limited experience than anything else.

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Could be worse Krisb you could have a pohm in the family then he really would have something to complain about.

But Hay, racism is just another of the PC bits of BS that didn't exist in your fathers day.

You must think his father is one really old bugger. On page 47, in Charles Malato's Philosophie de l'Anarchie (1897) both the words "racist" and "racism" are written.

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Don't know how old your father is but if from the old country and the comment is a one off then I wouldn't be too concerned. I think it's because of unfamiliarity since one is usually if not always more familiar with ones own race/nationality. I'm sure he'd be one of the first to jump on a gernade to protect them.

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It just means - how many diversifications we have now -

(at least he didn't say "Lady boys")

I nearly married a Greek girl - come to think of it: an American, a Dutch girl (Woman)....

But now married to an ASIAN

My Mother's family is (way back) form Wales my Father's steadfastly English,,,,

But Thank God we were not taken over by the French! (Oh is that racist - or a historical joke/quote?)

But, but, the part of England I am from was mainly taken over by Scandanavians

and Oh my Son maybe marrying a girl from a Saxon area - OMG German!!

(Final But - at least we not interrelated ... cough, cough)

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Ever since I was more attracted to black haired girls than to others.

When I brought my 2nd Asian girlfriend home she remarked: "Oh, another black one."

She herself and all of our family have black hair.

No, she wasn't a racist at all; just a simple lady with a flawless character.

The same might apply to the OP's dad.

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Well he was just being honest...sounded a bit tongue in cheek to me. My dad has got 3 sons me included and we are all married to asian girls.

Gee there's a few in your family! My old man wouldn't know what to do.

Are they all Thai?

And your Thai rellys all call you "The Farang"

(If not all, a significant percentage)

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I wouldn't worry about it, he don't sound Racist to me... was just making an observation to himself (out loud thats all)

My Grand mother on me dads side (she died years ago) was born in 1896, My mum wanted to call my sister Maria, this grandmother made the remark that we had enough John Bull names in this family my mum told me (She was referring to Catholic sounding names) Lol, recently I was researching our roots and found that she herself was decended from Irish catholics ha ha ha... I always thought, if she ever knew the truth,

My Granny on my mums side born around the same time, was a lovely sweet old woman, and I can remember in the late 60s she would say things like, ohh don't go near them darkies, you don't know where they've been? Yes in this day and age that is a totally racist thing to say, but this lady was no racist, I think it was just the fact she had never stepped foot more than a few miles from her home in Clayton, Manchester, England and was just what they really beleived that dark people probably only came from deepest darkest Peru or Africa...

Different generation and all that... Any way your old man prob jealous he nevrer did the same years ago and went to parts of Asia too... lol

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Seems innocent to me. Referring to people from Asia as "Asian" - which is what your dad did - is not racist in itself. Would he have used the term to infer certain characteristics or inferiority that would be a different story.

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"Tradition dish of the UK is now - Curry and Chips"

He can go to Samui and get Curry n chips, fish n chips and Sunday lunch with... Yorkshire puds

(Don't know about the taste - I didn't try - Low spice ASIAN food and Danish beer for me...)

I wouldn't say racist buy probably having a laugh/trying to wind you up by the sounds of things, my grandad is similar... he will only eat 'Yorkshire' food too which will be good when he comes here next year... give him a quick boot up the ass tongue.png

Yorkshire food now is mainly Indian curries
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Racism is just another word the liberal left loves to employ in a failed attempt to take credibility away from people who have the courage to express their opinions.Your father in this case is just a man of his generation who grew up in a time when anyone who wasn't white was considered of less worth

Everybody has racist tendencies,some more than others, but most will not admit to it because the NWO in its desire to gain power and control by flooding the west with millions of people from backward cultures has made it a crime to voice such opinions and has people brainwashed into questioning the morals of those around them (the OP and his dad) for stating their opinion

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Racist or not it's your father.

Respect him and don't try to look further.

When we get older sometimes things that we don't mean come out of our mouths.

It's the privilege of the age.

I'm sure he loves your wife, his grandchild and his future daughter in law, without any restrains.

Go and give him a kiss now.

I agree with you but from the son a comment like this "Look I don't think the mans really racist, but I think that's getting close". Makes me wonder if the OP even knows his father. Seems like a joke to me, similar to my father making a comment about me and my brother being over 6 ft and all our friends the same and him saying what have we got here a basket ball team. If the OP feels that his dad made a racist dig! CALL HIM ON IT! Clear the air.

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Off course he is been racist, its just how he was brought up and heard his fellow men speak about people from other cultures, same as many folk that have been raise in the dark ages it seem to the modern world. His views are aged with wars etc but now modern man is more whole as the bush family say "a new world order"

Edited by thai20144
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Well he was just being honest...sounded a bit tongue in cheek to me. My dad has got 3 sons me included and we are all married to asian girls.

What is a racist and is it illegal to think what I want? All this BS came from the leftis in the US. Frankly I don't give a damn

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"Your old man hasn't moved with/adapted to the times."

my old mum was just the same. When she found out my son was going to marry a japanese girl, she was horrified...why can't he find an australian girl...was her response.

When I started going to Thailand, and even brought a Thai woman home with me for a holiday she thought the end of the world had come

Yes, it was mildly rascist but more due to her limited experience than anything else.

Similar experience here, amplified by the fact that my first wife was filipina and didn't mesh well with my family (marriage last 18 years, much of it miserable).

So upon announcing engagement to my Thai gf, my mom made some such remark about it. I squashed that real fast. Later, after they met, my mom fell in love with my new wife & now all is well. Again, the comment was spoken from ignorance; amazing how little understanding Americans in general have about Asia & Asians.

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I think your thinking too much Kris, when you were all nippers he would have imagined you all growing up and getting married like the 'average' man etc...

He just probably never pictured the variable in his mind set that you would choose an Asian woman.

Nothing what so ever racist about his comment, he is probably just surprised how things have turned out, as long as he has good loyal sons/daughters and grand kids he will be happy for sure.

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Could be worse Krisb you could have a pohm in the family then he really would have something to complain about.

But Hay, racism is just another of the PC bits of BS that didn't exist in your fathers day.

Can you clairfy what you mean, if it could be worse having an Australian in the family (POHM - prisoner of his majesty) or a person from the UK - the slanderous 'POM'? I'm going with Pohm but ,mostly that's unfair, come on Robby, they've done their time, you should give them a break now.

Alwyn, there are 2 types of people in this world. Australians and those that wished they could be. thumbsup.gif

I do love a bit of banter! I used to live quite near Heathrow and I could always tell when a Qantas planer had landed. it carried on whining for 30 minutes after the engines had been shut downdrunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif

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How can we answer your stupid question, when we know nothing about your dad? When my mam and dad heard about my Thai lady they were over the moon with joy. My Mam even cries when we leave the UK after visiting, shes never cried in 20 years when I used to leave before.

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How can we answer your stupid question, when we know nothing about your dad? When my mam and dad heard about my Thai lady they were over the moon with joy. My Mam even cries when we leave the UK after visiting, shes never cried in 20 years when I used to le

Life has many dimensions

Are you sure?

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How can we answer your stupid question, when we know nothing about your dad? When my mam and dad heard about my Thai lady they were over the moon with joy. My Mam even cries when we leave the UK after visiting, shes never cried in 20 years when I used to le

Life has many dimensions

Are you sure?

Am I sure? Have you been sniffing glue again? You've been told to keep off that sticky sticky haven't you.

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Could be worse Krisb you could have a pohm in the family then he really would have something to complain about.

But Hay, racism is just another of the PC bits of BS that didn't exist in your fathers day.

Can you clairfy what you mean, if it could be worse having an Australian in the family (POHM - prisoner of his majesty) or a person from the UK - the slanderous 'POM'? I'm going with Pohm but ,mostly that's unfair, come on Robby, they've done their time, you should give them a break now.

Alwyn, there are 2 types of people in this world. Australians and those that wished they could be. thumbsup.gif

I do love a bit of banter! I used to live quite near Heathrow and I could always tell when a Qantas planer had landed. it carried on whining for 30 minutes after the engines had been shut downdrunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif

Completely understandable after leaving Australia's weather behind and lobbing in a country where it rains, and rains.....and rains, and is cold....and the sun seldom shines, and worse, is full of damned poms!!! Should I go on?

No malice intended, just poking a bit of fun at our limey mates, who can't even put a couple of good innings together (cricket for those not familiar with the term).

Edited by F4UCorsair
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