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Why do Western men marry Thai girls of ill-repute?

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Seems to me there are just a lot of assumptions and stereotypes. When you see a Thai girl with a Falang, do you really know how they met, what is her history or what is his history?

well if I see a Thai women with a falang and she has tattoos, smoking, dressed like a slut and talking badly and wearing too much tacky gold, I am pretty sure what she is and where they met, and that's not at University!

Correct Sir, and most of the Thai people know where they met. So for all you thin skinned, sensitive farangs, Wise up.

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.

Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?

They're grateful as long as the 'way out' pays more than the current 'way in'.

I think you under-estimate the distaste that some women have for sex work.

They can always go pick bananas or wash up in a restaurant.......they're useful and noble jobs.

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Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?

They're grateful as long as the 'way out' pays more than the current 'way in'.

I think you under-estimate the distaste that some women have for sex work.

They can always go pick bananas or wash up in a restaurant.......they're useful and noble jobs.

You forgot plant rice in the hot sun all day long.

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Coz some men beleive that women in that profession will be grateful for being saved from it.
Are you suggesting some prostitutes aren't grateful for a way out?

They're grateful as long as the 'way out' pays more than the current 'way in'.

I think you under-estimate the distaste that some women have for sex work.

They can always go pick bananas or wash up in a restaurant.......they're useful and noble jobs.

They won't earn much doing that. Like most people, they need money.

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Just as I thought, this Gecko guy is turning out to be a real sleaze bag. I was 19 and 20 yrs old when I visited Thailand and visited a few bars and went with a few girls but back then I didn't even know these women were prostitutes as sometimes the line between a prostitute and some woman who might work at a bar serving drinks or whatever can be somewhat blurry. But I was very young at the time and considered it a learning experience and it's not something I even contemplated doing afterwards. So is Gecko 19 or 20? I don't think so. He's just a loser who has trouble accepting the fact that he isn't one of those who "made it" in life and that's why it really eats at him that I'm here to call him out about his utterly ridiculous ideas about Thai women and the general expat community in Thailand. And if I'm spending 10,000 Baht on my workers to go out on Saturday for a good time it MUST mean I'm screwing hookers also, huh? Why else would I spend that kind of money, huh? This Gecko guy's head has been in Thai sewers for so long that he seems to have forgotten what decency is and what it feels like to associate with good, quality people. It's sad if you really think about it...


You're such a knucklehead, I'm actually giggling at most of your posts.

Are you really living in such a vacuum that you think you're the only ex-pat in Thailand who has a post-graduate degree, has plenty of money, has a faithful respectable wife, can read and write Thai, etc., etc? Just for the record, I can check off all of the above, and know lots of guys who can do the same. It should be obvious to you that there are many on TVF who can say the same. How come you haven't realized this, and keep talking down to everyone? Where do you live? In a cloister?

I totally anticipated that you would come back claiming that you were just entertaining your co-workers. Totally predictable. But if you find the bar scene so objectionable, why are you supporting it with your patronage? If it so disgusts you, surely you could find other venues to bond with your co-workers. And by the way, how many people believe Ronn68 when he says he went out to these venues every Saturday for a year, drinking and carousing, spending thousands of baht a night, and never, not once, was ever tempted to take things a step further? Can I see a show of hands? I said, 'CAN I SEE A SHOW OF HANDS?' It just strains credulity, at least in my book.

You're so understanding when it comes to your own behavior; "A few girls," some of whom "I didn't even realize were prostitutes." And yet when it comes to anyone else, you're so judgmental. Anyone who falls in love with a bar girl, or heaven forbid, marries her is only deserving of your contemptuous sniggers. Where is the awareness that when it comes to love, a lot comes down to sheer luck. For you to strut around like little Lord Fauntleroy as if this doesn't apply to you, just shows to me a lack of life awareness. This is what I'm taking you to task about. Do you understand?

As for your penchant for labelling anyone who disagrees with you a "scumbag," dude, I hate to break the news to you, but from what you've said on your posts, I've lead a far more wholesome life than you. I love my wife, my daughter is doing great in school, I live out in the countryside, teach English, and I haven't been in a beer bar or go-go bar in 10 years. Can you say that?

"I totally anticipated that you would come back claiming that you were just entertaining your co-workers. Totally predictable."

What can I say? Dirty minds think dirty thoughts. It must be beyond your capacity to go drink a few beers without wanting to screw anything female with 2 legs that's within arms reach, no?

So you're a teacher. Yeah, I beat the money's really pouring in, isn't it?

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Why do Western men think so much about other men's wives?

Another man's wife or wives.

I only have one wife at a time!

My wife does not like me having wives!

Is English your first language?

Hope not, then you can be excused.

On any other topic, I would resist this, but I think a brief diversion into unnecessary pedantry will be a welcome improvement to this thread.

men - plural

wives - plural

men's - possessive

several wives of several men, most probably pairwise one each, though not necessarily so.


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Seems to me there are just a lot of assumptions and stereotypes. When you see a Thai girl with a Falang, do you really know how they met, what is her history or what is his history?

well if I see a Thai women with a falang and she has tattoos, smoking, dressed like a slut and talking badly and wearing too much tacky gold, I am pretty sure what she is and where they met, and that's not at University!

So true! And if you see an ethnic Chinese-Thai woman dressed casually walking in a mall with an American guy and there is a 13-year-old son in tow who is complaining about having to there then the chances are that's us. My wife LOVES to shop but she always buys for everyone and even let's me wait in the car with a book to read if she spends to much $$$ and time in the women's department. My question is aren't the guys on this thread even SLIGHTLY embarrassed when they marry hookers? I see these guys and their "wives" in droves when I go to get my visa extension and they are a real eye sore. I can't believe that some people consider marrying a hooker normal and acceptable behavior. My motto is that if you're worried what your mom would think of her then she is not marrying material.

And the same goes for you guys who think it's "normal" to marry some Thai woman 20, 30, or 40 years younger than you. Get a life.

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So true! And if you see an ethnic Chinese-Thai woman dressed casually walking in a mall with an American guy and there is a 13-year-old son in tow who is complaining about having to there then the chances are that's us. My wife LOVES to shop but she always buys for everyone and even let's me wait in the car with a book to read if she spends to much $$$ and time in the women's department. My question is aren't the guys on this thread even SLIGHTLY embarrassed when they marry hookers? I see these guys and their "wives" in droves when I go to get my visa extension and they are a real eye sore. I can't believe that some people consider marrying a hooker normal and acceptable behavior. My motto is that if you're worried what your mom would think of her then she is not marrying material.

And the same goes for you guys who think it's "normal" to marry some Thai woman 20, 30, or 40 years younger than you. Get a life.

Point 1

If you don't like shopping with your wife, don't go, she's an adult, she doesn't need you trailing around or sitting in the car.

(Ethnic Thai Chinese ladies are invariably as dull as ditch water and twice as uptight)

Point 2

Hookers know how to have a bit of fun, and if you were with one of them you probably wouldn't have to complain about shopping.

(Probably cheaper than shopping with your wife too!)

My gf is a lot lot younger than me, I have a great life (with her and without her), no joint shopping trips, just fun.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Why do Western men think so much about other men's wives?

Another man's wife or wives.

I only have one wife at a time!

My wife does not like me having wives!

Is English your first language?

Hope not, then you can be excused.

On any other topic, I would resist this, but I think a brief diversion into unnecessary pedantry will be a welcome improvement to this thread.

men - plural

wives - plural

men's - possessive

several wives of several men, most probably pairwise one each, though not necessarily so.


Hahaha...SC, you are quite the English master. A very good diversion.

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Why do Western men think so much about other men's wives?

Another man's wife or wives.

I only have one wife at a time!

My wife does not like me having wives!


On any other topic, I would resist this, but I think a brief diversion into unnecessary pedantry will be a welcome improvement to this thread.

men - plural

wives - plural

men's - possessive

several wives of several men, most probably pairwise one each, though not necessarily so.


Hahaha...SC, you are quite the English master. A very good diversion.

There's plenty more where that came from, if people keep up their bickering nonsense.

The point about a deterrent is that you have to make people believe you will use it


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So true! And if you see an ethnic Chinese-Thai woman dressed casually walking in a mall with an American guy and there is a 13-year-old son in tow who is complaining about having to there then the chances are that's us. My wife LOVES to shop but she always buys for everyone and even let's me wait in the car with a book to read if she spends to much $$$ and time in the women's department. My question is aren't the guys on this thread even SLIGHTLY embarrassed when they marry hookers? I see these guys and their "wives" in droves when I go to get my visa extension and they are a real eye sore. I can't believe that some people consider marrying a hooker normal and acceptable behavior. My motto is that if you're worried what your mom would think of her then she is not marrying material.

And the same goes for you guys who think it's "normal" to marry some Thai woman 20, 30, or 40 years younger than you. Get a life.

Point 1

If you don't like shopping with your wife, don't go, she's an adult, she doesn't need you trailing around or sitting in the car.

(Ethnic Thai Chinese ladies are invariably as dull as ditch water and twice as uptight)

Point 2

Hookers know how to have a bit of fun, and if you were with one of them you probably wouldn't have to complain about shopping.

(Probably cheaper than shopping with your wife too!)

My gf is a lot lot younger than me, I have a great life (with her and without her), no joint shopping trips, just fun.

So you don't have a "Family Day"? My wife may be an adult, but it DOES mean something to her when I go out with her (usually Sunday is our family day) and for me to go to the mall with her is like her winning the lottery- she's happy for at least 4 or 5 days until she returns to her normal, boring and uptight Chinese self. As for me, the fun stopped a long time ago. I have a family and a business to run and there comes a lot of responsibility with that. "Fun" for me means getting to go to China, the US, India, etc, to tour the factories of my business associates or, if I'm in Thailand, just getting in my truck and "galivanting" as my dad likes to say.

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So you don't have a "Family Day"? My wife may be an adult, but it DOES mean something to her when I go out with her (usually Sunday is our family day) and for me to go to the mall with her is like her winning the lottery- she's happy for at least 4 or 5 days until she returns to her normal, boring and uptight Chinese self. As for me, the fun stopped a long time ago. I have a family and a business to run and there comes a lot of responsibility with that. "Fun" for me means getting to go to China, the US, India, etc, to tour the factories of my business associates or, if I'm in Thailand, just getting in my truck and "galivanting" as my dad likes to say.

underfunded is always a problem.

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Afraid deterring not working here....I tried a few pages back.....

Now we're searching for diamonds in a coal mine without light in - or - at the end of the tunnel .....

"Gallivanting" has to count as a diamond, even with only one 'l'.

It would be more fun searching for a diamond in a gogo bar without the lights on, though


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So you don't have a "Family Day"? My wife may be an adult, but it DOES mean something to her when I go out with her (usually Sunday is our family day) and for me to go to the mall with her is like her winning the lottery- she's happy for at least 4 or 5 days until she returns to her normal, boring and uptight Chinese self. As for me, the fun stopped a long time ago. I have a family and a business to run and there comes a lot of responsibility with that. "Fun" for me means getting to go to China, the US, India, etc, to tour the factories of my business associates or, if I'm in Thailand, just getting in my truck and "galivanting" as my dad likes to say.

underfunded is always a problem.

Shouldn't be a problem if you know what most women really want, and that is for them to feel like they are still desired and for you to spend leisure time with them. Money isn't ALWAYS what it's about. Throwing $$$ at someone rarely fixes a relationship but it might patch it up for awhile...

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This is not a shopping thread (or jousting) but thought I'd chime in....mine loves to "watching" - looking a clothes and fashions and it seems it can go on endlessly (to me - I'm a hunter not a shopper find/buy/leave).....but when this happens I go along and sometimes suggest color combinations and perhaps styles she does not usually think of but within her taste - very proper but chic in her style of dress.....quite often they turn into her favorites.....sometimes, like today, I'll compliment her on a nice outfit & she'll break into a big smile and say - you picked it out for me!!!

Even though it's something I really don't enjoy very much it has it's perks and it means something to her that I accompany her and take an interest.....

This is a woman that always has an upbeat, optimistic attitiude and smile 365 days a year.....during the good times and during times when something worrisome might be taking place family wise.....to me it's a small price to pay.....

On the flip side - when I'm looking/hunting for something for a project (lately, fabricating something for a 4x4 - something she has no clue about) she's right there with me trying to find what I describe offering help in any way she can.....

Time of value together is well spent and pays many dividends......

Sorry to interupt the squabbling with positivity......carry on......

Edited by pgrahmm
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This is not a shopping thread (or jousting) but thought I'd chime in....mine loves to "watching" - looking a clothes and fashions and it seems it can go on endlessly (to me - I'm a hunter not a shopper find/buy/leave).....but when this happens I go along and sometimes suggest color combinations and perhaps styles she does not usually think of but within her taste - very proper but chic in her style of dress.....quite often they turn into her favorites.....sometimes, like today, I'll compliment her on a nice outfit & she'll break into a big smile and say - you picked it out for me!!!

Even though it's something I really don't enjoy very much it has it's perks and it means something to her that I accompany her and take an interest.....

This is a woman that always has an upbeat, optimistic attitiude and smile 365 days a year.....during the good times and during times when something worrisome might be taking place family wise.....to me it's a small price to pay.....

On the flip side - when I'm looking/hunting for something for a project (lately, fabricating something for a 4x4 - something she has no clue about) she's right there with me trying to find what I describe offering help in any way she can.....

Time of value together is well spent and pays many dividends......

Sorry to interupt the squabbling with positivity......carry on......

Why not you and her learn to buy stuff on your own?

As for Ronn's "family day" shouldn't that be something all 3 of you enjoy doing, not her enjoy and you and the kid bored.

Anyway, now we've got well away from 'ill repute'.

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This is not a shopping thread (or jousting) but thought I'd chime in....mine loves to "watching" - looking a clothes and fashions and it seems it can go on endlessly (to me - I'm a hunter not a shopper find/buy/leave).....but when this happens I go along and sometimes suggest color combinations and perhaps styles she does not usually think of but within her taste - very proper but chic in her style of dress.....quite often they turn into her favorites.....sometimes, like today, I'll compliment her on a nice outfit & she'll break into a big smile and say - you picked it out for me!!!

Even though it's something I really don't enjoy very much it has it's perks and it means something to her that I accompany her and take an interest.....

This is a woman that always has an upbeat, optimistic attitiude and smile 365 days a year.....during the good times and during times when something worrisome might be taking place family wise.....to me it's a small price to pay.....

On the flip side - when I'm looking/hunting for something for a project (lately, fabricating something for a 4x4 - something she has no clue about) she's right there with me trying to find what I describe offering help in any way she can.....

Time of value together is well spent and pays many dividends......

Sorry to interupt the squabbling with positivity......carry on......

Why not you and her learn to buy stuff on your own?

As for Ronn's "family day" shouldn't that be something all 3 of you enjoy doing, not her enjoy and you and the kid bored.

Anyway, now we've got well away from 'ill repute'.

Yes....mine is different.....hiso....thai chinese....etc etc....

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They can always go pick bananas or wash up in a restaurant.......they're useful and noble jobs.

You forgot plant rice in the hot sun all day long.

Yep, can do that as well....always a need for rice planters in one of the worlds biggest rice exporting countries. thumbsup.gif

Lots of fresh air, exercise, Vit D and a salary to boot , thousands do it.

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This is not a shopping thread (or jousting) but thought I'd chime in....mine loves to "watching" - looking a clothes and fashions and it seems it can go on endlessly (to me - I'm a hunter not a shopper find/buy/leave).....but when this happens I go along and sometimes suggest color combinations and perhaps styles she does not usually think of but within her taste - very proper but chic in her style of dress.....quite often they turn into her favorites.....sometimes, like today, I'll compliment her on a nice outfit & she'll break into a big smile and say - you picked it out for me!!!

Even though it's something I really don't enjoy very much it has it's perks and it means something to her that I accompany her and take an interest.....

This is a woman that always has an upbeat, optimistic attitiude and smile 365 days a year.....during the good times and during times when something worrisome might be taking place family wise.....to me it's a small price to pay.....

On the flip side - when I'm looking/hunting for something for a project (lately, fabricating something for a 4x4 - something she has no clue about) she's right there with me trying to find what I describe offering help in any way she can.....

Time of value together is well spent and pays many dividends......

Sorry to interupt the squabbling with positivity......carry on......

Why not you and her learn to buy stuff on your own?

As for Ronn's "family day" shouldn't that be something all 3 of you enjoy doing, not her enjoy and you and the kid bored.

Anyway, now we've got well away from 'ill repute'.

AOA - we do quite often .......and, we also often we roll a few stops/errands together that need to be done in an one general area and away we go.....we're not exactly "in town" but not in the boonies either.....sometimes it's really helpful to have an interested interpreter ..... although not quite as comical as me trying to mime/illustrate/explain what I want or describe options for fabrication than can get the same thing accomplished.....and sometimes it's fun to see what her helpful suggestions are....I have some friends who's wives are also - at times - good buddies.....and, there are times when my wife falls into this category too.....

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This is not a shopping thread (or jousting) but thought I'd chime in....mine loves to "watching" - looking a clothes and fashions and it seems it can go on endlessly (to me - I'm a hunter not a shopper find/buy/leave).....but when this happens I go along and sometimes suggest color combinations and perhaps styles she does not usually think of but within her taste - very proper but chic in her style of dress.....quite often they turn into her favorites.....sometimes, like today, I'll compliment her on a nice outfit & she'll break into a big smile and say - you picked it out for me!!!

Even though it's something I really don't enjoy very much it has it's perks and it means something to her that I accompany her and take an interest.....

This is a woman that always has an upbeat, optimistic attitiude and smile 365 days a year.....during the good times and during times when something worrisome might be taking place family wise.....to me it's a small price to pay.....

On the flip side - when I'm looking/hunting for something for a project (lately, fabricating something for a 4x4 - something she has no clue about) she's right there with me trying to find what I describe offering help in any way she can.....

Time of value together is well spent and pays many dividends......

Sorry to interupt the squabbling with positivity......carry on......

Why not you and her learn to buy stuff on your own?

As for Ronn's "family day" shouldn't that be something all 3 of you enjoy doing, not her enjoy and you and the kid bored.

Anyway, now we've got well away from 'ill repute'.

AOA - we do quite often .......and, we also often we roll a few stops/errands together that need to be done in an one general area and away we go.....we're not exactly "in town" but not in the boonies either.....sometimes it's really helpful to have an interested interpreter ..... although not quite as comical as me trying to mime/illustrate/explain what I want or describe options for fabrication than can get the same thing accomplished.....and sometimes it's fun to see what her helpful suggestions are....I have some friends who's wives are also - at times - good buddies.....and, there are times when my wife falls into this category too.....

What are you fabricating?

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AOA - we do quite often .......and, we also often we roll a few stops/errands together that need to be done in an one general area and away we go.....we're not exactly "in town" but not in the boonies either.....sometimes it's really helpful to have an interested interpreter ..... although not quite as comical as me trying to mime/illustrate/explain what I want or describe options for fabrication than can get the same thing accomplished.....and sometimes it's fun to see what her helpful suggestions are....I have some friends who's wives are also - at times - good buddies.....and, there are times when my wife falls into this category too.....

OK, my bad, was assuming you had been here long enough to speak Thai.

I do my own talking. Whatever I can't say in Thai, my gf can't either.

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