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Please help, I have got a nympho

Bulldozer Dawn

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You must have aged poorly. A man in his forties should be able to keep up with a young hottie. If you really want to keep her ... and substantially service her ... then you need to go on a major health-restoration program and a sexual-performance-optimizing diet and verility-enhancing herbs.

No kidding, if you don't have any major health problems (esp. cardiovascular) and are not too overweight, with the right physical training regiment you can actually rise to the occasion (pun intended).

Edited by HerbalEd
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Interesting how you guys are telling me I have made a mistake. My good Thai girl was...well...good. I never had any problems with her but the sex was only ok. Yes...I changed girlfriends becase of the great sex. My new girl has a job, but no degree, and she is (so far) a pleasure to have in my home, she is loving and cleans my place every moring. I was comfortable in my old relationship...but not happy. Now I am very happy. And yes much of that happiness comes from the great sex. But why have the moral police posters arrived already. When you have worked hard all your life...why is it wrong to make choices that make you happy. Perhaps those choices and petulant and churlish, but they were made on the basis of seeking joy.

How long have you been together. It may be the newness and if you are lucky it will cut down to once a night lol

I have a good thai girl and can understand however, I found that once you talked with them and got them comfortable they can change. Everything is great now.

Sometimes it is just communication.

A GOOD THAI GIRL is a person that none of us will ever find. They are a bar legend. Not in any way ment to be humerous.

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A GOOD THAI GIRL is a person that none of us will ever find. They are a bar legend. Not in any way ment to be humerous.

No, they are out there, so it must be you that can't attract them.

Edited by HerbalEd
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A GOOD THAI GIRL is a person that none of us will ever find. They are a bar legend. Not in any way ment to be humerous.

No, they are out there, so it must be you that can't attract them.

You are one of the thousands of punteers who sat in my bar and told me about their, "good girl" that never worked as a bar girl. She was a chashier. Usually one of mine I had fired for stealing.

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I had the same issue at the start of my current relationship. We have a 30-year gap in age, but very happy together. I found a compromise with cunnilingus and a small vibrator. After a couple of years, she has normalized and now on pace with me at about 4 - 5 times per week, and she does not use the vibrator any longer.

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You sound like a real loser when it comes to women. Don't flatter yourself by thinking you're the expert on all Thai girls/women, and that all guys who say something good about them are naive and stupid.

A GOOD THAI GIRL is a person that none of us will ever find. They are a bar legend. Not in any way ment to be humerous.

No, they are out there, so it must be you that can't attract them.

You are one of the thousands of punteers who sat in my bar and told me about their, "good girl" that never worked as a bar girl. She was a chashier. Usually one of mine I had fired for stealing.

You sound like a real loser when it comes to women. Don't flatter yourself and think because you ran a girly bar that you're the expert on all Thai women, and think that all men who say something nice about them are naive and stupid.

Instead of being so condescending, you should get out more often. There's a very different world outside the walls of your bar.

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try thinking with your big head instead of letting your little head rule what you do. Understandable when you are younger and inexperienced with life in general but when older men do it it is an ego trip at best, the smart ones are those that have relationships built on love and trust in each other, not on the sex or the fact the girl is young enough to be their daughter. Too many farangs let their d*ck do all the thinking for them, pretty pathetic really, all the smart ones did that when they were at an age that allowed them to be able to actually fulfil the deeds, you have made your bed, accept it or buy her a toy that doesnt suffer from old age.

Well, yes, you could consider it a mistake and do just that. However, you could accept the challenge, get yourself back in shape--lay off the alcohol, eat well, exercise, and take advantage of the situation. Or, you could go running back to the great deal you had before; the one you left when you got some great sex.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


I have the same problem with my gik. Maybe we can introduce them to each other, let them go at it while you and I go lawn bowling. Later, over bowls of warm oatmeal, we can watch the video they made and exchange high fives.


I feel so left out. What is a GIF?

Nympho I know. Had a few in my days. Last one just pounded the hell out of both of us for hours. Lots of IBProfen. Oh Boy, the memorieswub.png

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Buy her a Jack Rabbit - they are very good - allegedly. My mate says they are that good that they even do the dishes, dust down and vacuum in the mornings !

Sounds like the OP had a good girl before Ms Nymph came along, but also sounds like Ms.Western Woman too. Most of us have changed from Western to Eastern for our own reasons, but I doubt he is unique in wanting a bit more of life in a higher gear. My experience of these things is that the " physical side " generally finds a balance within a reasonable time frame - it took our relationship only about 4 years to realize that we didn't need or want sex twice every day - not with each other anyway. So we now have a good balance of once in the morning with each other and once in the afternoon with who ever else fancies a bit in the Village. We sleep well - come night time - separate beds of course !

The moment you stop laughing and enjoying life and start taking things too seriously is the time to make way for some new blood to come in - IMO.

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Would be a great miracle if a such happiness was built on real love and trust in each other, I am sure, she's just a sex machine, that can to share her pleasure time with anyone who stands to deliver the necessary fulfillment,

it seems this is just a sex relation, but empty from love and trust, Enjoy your day dude..

Edited by momtaz
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What's a "gik"?

Gik, that's a techno-freak, you know a real computer nerd.

In this case, a Gik is a female friend that you can screw too.

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There are some things that you just have to do and get out of your system. A bit like a poor mans Bucket List - once you have done it, the decision making process is much clearer going forward. As long as you don't lose your shirt along the way - enjoy it - I say !

That doesn't include " screwing up " other peoples lives as part of the deal though - you can only hope that isn't / wasn't the case !

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It's important to never confuse pleasure with happiness - they are very different things

There is a difference, but Bulldozer Man dies seem very happy at present ! And presumably so is his gik. What's to complain about, more happiness in the world.

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