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Mass arrest of drug addicts in Bangkok


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Wouldn't it be better and more beneficial to target the suppliers?

No. The suppliers are almost always other addicts who have a little extra they are willing to sell. The wholesalers are usually well connected and are usually warned before a raid. The ones you see getting put in front of cameras were snitched out either because they didn't pay their obligation or because a competitor wanted their territory and went to a different official than the patron ("patron" as in "protector"). There isn't really a coherent rehabilitation program. When I tried to find treatment for my son during the Thaksin period the only rehab I could find was Thanyarak Hospital out in Rangsit. It was a six month residential stay and required a traditional Thai family to spend a great deal of time. They claimed 100% success, but didn't count the patients who dropped out of the program less than a year after the residential portion.

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If you are in you house surely they cannot legally knock on your door and force you to take a piss test

Actually I think they can now. There was a time you could refuse to take the DUI breath test, not any more.

Civil rights here in Thailand are a myth. Best to keep your head down, and avoid undue attention. If you do get jammed make sure you got some cash, cash speaks louder than law.

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They'll be using again when they get out no doubt. At least they didn't kill them like Taksin did 12 years ago.

Taksin killed dealers and suppliers, not users.

As it should be, eliminate the Dealers, Suppliers the first time they are caught. Eliminate the users after the third time caught and/or rehab fails.

Yes, I am a bad guy. But, so are dealer/suppliers and users who rob, steal and hurt others to support their habit. There is also the vehicle deaths related to drugs.

I am addicted to Choclate, Coffee and helping those who help themselves !!

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Why do successive governments try this? It has been sown all over the world that it doesn't work?

Oh, it works wonderfully, not for eradicating the trade and consumption of course, but it's a very useful for politicians and officials to gain support from the people that want easy solutions to complex problems (AKA the majority of any given electorate), specially if the "solution" gives them a feeling of righteousness.

Drug traffickers have made a mint out of it too, and it would be extremely naive to pretend that it plays no part in the continuation of such measures.

One would think that with the clear and well known case of Prohibition in the US in the 20's people would get a clue on how, not only futile, but counterproductive prohibition is, but alas, there's that thing about not learning the lessons of history.

I didn't vote for the president of my country, buy I think he is absolutely right in his approach and his policies.

The reporter is a bit of a doffus, but this interview and documentary is very good to see the rationale behind the legalization:


Note to the world, the country has not, to date, been ravaged by hordes of stoned maniacs as a consequence from legalization.

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The rehab is usually a waste of time for all involved.

Only takes a short time, and back to the drug abuse.

Wonder if they ever considered Alcohics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous as mandatory for the first year after release from the Boot Camp.???

I know it is available in Bangkok and has worked for many.

My wifes son was on the yaba when I met him. We used the NA literature and suggestions, and he is still drug Free after 10+ years. His life is far better now than what it was then.

It was not fun , but it worked.

I just looked and the literature is available in Thai for Free !!!!


NA can work well when one is ready. It's worked for me for 23 years. But my personal feeling is that an addict has no chance of recovery unless they are ready.

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If 1 person gets the rehab and is successful it will be a great thing.

If the rehab is with the buddhist monks then there is a greater chance of success as their program really teaches a lot and can be tied to NA or the temple for assistance.

The big issue is getting these people relocated to areas that they can get work and are not put back into the areas that they were before.

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Why no arrests and forced rehabilitation for people addicted to tobacco or alcohol?

Why not arrest and ban all moralist killjoys from the country ?burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

That would be too harsh, they should just learn to mind their own business and let people do as they like as long as they don't become a burden or a threat to others.

Agree with ya , good to understand eachother , have a good one , cheers

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I'm with Thaksin. Round all the dealers and users up and rid the earth of these scum. They have no purpose in society and bring nothing but misery because of their selfish acts. Yes this won't be liked by the tree huggers but I couldn't give a shiny stool what they think.

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rehab can't be successful if forced!!

yes it can. I would never have known what rehab was if I wasn't forced to enjoy an up close and personal visit. Mind you, many of the forced visits didn't end well but they resulted in 25 years of healthy sobriety.

I have no idea if the good generals rehab is in line with what many friends of Bill's are used to but the whack upside the head won't do much harm and might help.

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I'm with Thaksin. Round all the dealers and users up and rid the earth of these scum. They have no purpose in society and bring nothing but misery because of their selfish acts. Yes this won't be liked by the tree huggers but I couldn't give a shiny stool what they think.

Yeah, imagine that. Someone freely providing goods and services to consenting, willing consumers.

Scum, innit.

Which other retailers do you think should be shot in the street, 1970s-Kampuchea-style?

Edited by RogueLeader
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Stop pretending to do something positive when you know full well that what ever you do under the current culture and administration you are simply spinning your wheels.

If you truly desire to stamp out this abuse which over the past years has become a major problem within Thai society as a direct result of infective and corrupt enforcement then simply classify a quantity of class I drugs that constitutes trafficking and make it a capital offense. Otherwise shut up, go home and wait for society to collapse.

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Great work!

Lock them up and if they offend again when released, lock them up again and again ...OFF the Street is far better than having them hanging about committing crime to support their self-inflicted habits. NO SYMPATHY!!!

Oh, I forgot to mention their suppliers.... Find them, Try them and if convicted, HANG Them... no excuses, we just don't need them and their filth in our society.

Edited by Torrens54
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