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Is your name in WP in English or Thai language

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I recently received my WP and my name is in English not thai.

Now Im applying for finance and this poses a problem.

Ive asked another colleague and she said last year in another city it was issued in English.

If I want to replace my current WP and get them to issue it with my name translated in thai.... do you think this is possible??? If you have recently done this please advise what was involved.


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I just looked at a colleague's brand new WP issued at the BKK One-Stop-Shop, it too has his name in both Thai and English.

BUT, I was initially confused because, unlike mine, the Thai script is above the 'holder name' whereas the English is below, perhaps this is confusing our OP and their financial institution.

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The labour dept just solved the problem. They wrote my name in thai using a black felt tip pen and then stuck the plastic over the top of the first page. It looks a bit odd but problem solved.... unless the finance dept dont like it. If this is the case I will give them the middle finger and go to another dealership.

cheers all

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