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IS women take up jihad cause on social media and in the streets


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What would make her?? In a word, immaturity.

Further to my post a couple back, the Nazis could not have achieved what they did prior to and during WW2 without the complicity of the German people as a whole, not every individual, but the population as a whole went along with it. The Scourge of the Swastika by Lord Russell is a good read.

Likewise, ISIS cannot achieve their aims without the complicity of the islamic faith as a whole.

I believe what Obama is about to do makes good politics, recruit countries like Saudi, effectively 100% islam, to help in the fight. If they don't want to get involved, or do so in a limited way, they support the cause. Either you're with us....or you're against us. They have to declare their hand.

Yes! When no one within the Muslim world stands up against jihad with verse and citation to condemn this nonsense they are passively condoning it. It is this point which should inform the west the problem is not extremists. The problem is the ideology. The ideology is a War Map.

We are incredulous that this is actually happening and delude ourselves into believing it is not. Contrary to overwhelming evidence that the target if all of western civilization we collectively and individually make excuses, such as this is only a minority that is doing this. Nonsense. The muslims who oppose this are not moderates, they are apostates. Big difference. They cannot use the koran to make their point because the koran cannot make their point. When they do cite sura passages condemning this or that, they dont inform us that the koran is built on abrogation and all passages which conflict with later passages are made null. All later passages of the koran are from the offensive warfare phase of islamic expansion. Muslim "women take up jihad cause on social media and in the streets" because this is what they are commanded to do as a good muslim.

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I wonder if these black letter boxes know how ridiculous they look alongside their tee shirt and jeaned husbands. Really. Do they believe the mere sight of a strand of their hair will fire sexual arousal in mankind? blink.png

And I have no doubt believing they are amongst the worse jihadists. They, after all, are the women pressuring other women's circumsicion and covering up. As to the Middle East? One bomb.

"---------As to the Middle East? One bomb.--------------"

I hope you'll be there when it explodes ....!

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What would make her?? In a word, immaturity.

Further to my post a couple back, the Nazis could not have achieved what they did prior to and during WW2 without the complicity of the German people as a whole, not every individual, but the population as a whole went along with it. The Scourge of the Swastika by Lord Russell is a good read.

Likewise, ISIS cannot achieve their aims without the complicity of the islamic faith as a whole.

I believe what Obama is about to do makes good politics, recruit countries like Saudi, effectively 100% islam, to help in the fight. If they don't want to get involved, or do so in a limited way, they support the cause. Either you're with us....or you're against us. They have to declare their hand.

Yes! When no one within the Muslim world stands up against jihad with verse and citation to condemn this nonsense they are passively condoning it. It is this point which should inform the west the problem is not extremists. The problem is the ideology. The ideology is a War Map.

We are incredulous that this is actually happening and delude ourselves into believing it is not. Contrary to overwhelming evidence that the target if all of western civilization we collectively and individually make excuses, such as this is only a minority that is doing this. Nonsense. The muslims who oppose this are not moderates, they are apostates. Big difference. They cannot use the koran to make their point because the koran cannot make their point. When they do cite sura passages condemning this or that, they dont inform us that the koran is built on abrogation and all passages which conflict with later passages are made null. All later passages of the koran are from the offensive warfare phase of islamic expansion. Muslim "women take up jihad cause on social media and in the streets" because this is what they are commanded to do as a good muslim.

We are deluding ourselves arjunadawn, and pandering to these people in the name of political correctness.

Just a couple of days ago two muslims were arrested in Brisbane on terrorism charges, funding and recruiting for the IS cause, as well as significant firearm charges, and the senior police officer stated, "This is not about islam....this is about terrorism". What a ridiculous statement, because the two, in this case, are inextricably connected, with the accused operating from an islamic 'bookshop and learning centre'.

It is all about islam, and while we watch it happen, we will slowly doom ourselves.

They taunt us at every turn, yet we cave in because we don't want to 'inflame the situation'. It's already inflamed, but we're on the receiving end.

I saw President Obama on TV last night, and part of what he said was, "If you threaten America, you will find no safe haven". Love the US or hate it, and they do occasionally get involved where they shouldn't, we must acknowledge that they have balls, and won't sit back and watch people be slaughtered in the name of religion, and that's what's happening in Iraq with IS threatening that if others don't convert, they will be killed.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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This is a dangerous 'religion', and the failure of mainstream islam to condemn the movement implicates the entire religion.

We in Australia have imported a major problem and our politically correct, soft c**k politicians are too weak to stand up and be counted.

A recent demonstration in Sydney saw muslims chanting "an islamic state from Gaza to Lakemba (muslim ghetto in western Sydney)" and nothing is done!!!

I do worry for Australia, I have two sons and a grand daughter there and I truely fear for their future if the islamic menace is not brought under control.

A youtube video below showing a muslim guy having a fit because an Aussie man was wearing a burka. Listen to him screaming how Aus is a free country yet he want to stop this guy wearing a bag over his body.


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I take it that these are different women than the ones they're raping and selling into slavery?

These women are participating in the slave trade:

Thousands of Iraqi women are being forced into sex slavery in brothels run by a 'police force' of British women jihadis, it has been reported.


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They will just be easier to shoot.... would be pretty hard duck and weave in a burkha.... You want equality, you got it, Live by the sword......

If you meet a swordsman, draw your sword. Do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet.


Edited by ozsamurai
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This is a dangerous 'religion', and the failure of mainstream islam to condemn the movement implicates the entire religion.

We in Australia have imported a major problem and our politically correct, soft c**k politicians are too weak to stand up and be counted.

A recent demonstration in Sydney saw muslims chanting "an islamic state from Gaza to Lakemba (muslim ghetto in western Sydney)" and nothing is done!!!

I do worry for Australia, I have two sons and a grand daughter there and I truely fear for their future if the islamic menace is not brought under control.

A youtube video below showing a muslim guy having a fit because an Aussie man was wearing a burka. Listen to him screaming how Aus is a free country yet he want to stop this guy wearing a bag over his body.


Interesting clip canman. If the shoe was on the other foot, an Australian demanding one of them remove the bag, then the poor sod would be facing racial vilification charges, even though islam is not a race.

I despair for our nation, and largely because we are so complacent. We'll watch it happen, and before we know it, we'll be crap in our own country.

They're already on top with public pools being closed at certain times so that muslim women can swim without being 'seen' by infidels, school tuckshop being halal approved with no alternative, and so on. We are seeing the thin edge of the wedge.

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I take it that these are different women than the ones they're raping and selling into slavery?

These women are participating in the slave trade:

Thousands of Iraqi women are being forced into sex slavery in brothels run by a 'police force' of British women jihadis, it has been reported.


Another disgusting and disgraceful act perpetrated in the name of islam!!

These are the same tribe who are being killed because they won't convert, and if ever there was a reason for external intervention, this is it.

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Let me state this categorically, I am not pro Muslim. However, let's keep things in perspective for Australia, and not just buy into the sensational press flying everywhere these days.

FACTS: The current Muslim (those who identify themselves as Muslim) population in Australia is 337,000 of the 22.68 Million. This represents 1.46% of the population.

'Muslim' also includes all Muslims, Iraqis, Turkish, etc.. It is hardly an overwhelming number, 1.5 persons in 100. Assuming that 50% of them were extremist 'terrorists' that's still not even 1 in 100. If the threat became REAL in Australia, the overwhelming majorities (Catholic, Anglican, & other Christians combined accounting for over 60%) in Australia would simply not stand for it. Census data for 2009 and 2011.

It is however, our duty to watch the small element of radical Muslims within our communities, they are the squeaky wheel and are getting free reign in the press lately, which no doubt is exactly what is bolstering their self importance. You don't want the crap that caused the Cronulla Riots in 2005 all over again, balance is what is needed.

Some things their religion requires do not suit "The Aussie Way' and should not be accepted any more.


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ozsamurai, you need only one terrorist of the calibre of Bembrika, currently serving 18 years (I think) for plotting to blow up the MCG on grand final day. That is my concern. He's the one who was here almost 20 years, never worked, had 8 kids, sucked a million $$ out of the social security system, was ordered to leave, i.e., ordered deportation, a decision overridden by at least once by a labor politician, and is now our 'guest' at $200K a year in Barwon prison. His family continues to suck on the social security system.

Bin Laden's actions were not only to kill people, but cripple economies, and that's what a lot of these people are contributing to in Australia, sucking on the social security system, middle eastern back, set up motor vehicle 'accidents', with subsequent third party claims, etc.

Overall numbers are irrelevant, I agree, but it's what the numbers are doing, and even that small number is changing our way of life, see above re pools, etc. That the outgoing head of ASIO has stated the terror alert may be upgraded indicates that he thinks there is a growing problem, does it not??

That not one of the so called leaders of muslims in Australia has publicly condemned the beheading of American journalists indicates to me that the entire lot are implicated, even though that would not be admitted. One said that he didn't know enough about ISIS to comment on the murder of a journalist, posted on youtube. You don't need to know anything about an organization to denounce what it's doing when it comes to atrocities such as that.

I'm sick to death of hearing apologists and denialists for the disgraceful conduct, but their day of reckoning is coming. 2 journalists lives will be worth at least 10,000 of their number. It will be like throwing sticks at fighter aircraft, and they've brought it on themselves.

It may seem that I'm obsessive, even frightened, by this infiltration, and that's not the case, but I do believe that there is a threat to our way of life.

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The world is facing a very serious problem now and most of us do not even recognize that Radical Muslims are already at war with non-Believers of their illogical, but very, very dangerous beliefs.

It's time to wake up and realize what is going on before it's a member of your family that is beheaded or blown up by these people.

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That not one of the so called leaders of muslims in Australia has publicly condemned the beheading of American journalists

If you're living in Australia you will know that statement is incorrect, same applies to IS. There have been a number of Islamic leaders reported as condemning the atrocities by IS and the murder of the journalists.

Australia has proven issues with Islamic extremism, but not let's make false allegations.

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Which is my point. Find the bad apples. and do it Aussie Style, take them out the back of the shed and beat the <deleted> out of them. As you may gather I'm no big fan of PC.

As to undermining the economy through insurance fraud, seriously? This one has been used for decades, first with the Italians, and their "Italian Lightning" phenomenon.

then it was used against the Vietnamese immigrants in the 80's-90's. Its just old bias coming out. Where are the facts that corroborate this?

I'm not talking about the world here btw, just Oz. I will be among the first to pick up a sniper rifle in the ADF if it gets out of hand.


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ozsamurai, you need only one terrorist of the calibre of Bembrika, currently serving 18 years (I think) for plotting to blow up the MCG on grand final day. That is my concern. He's the one who was here almost 20 years, never worked, had 8 kids, sucked a million $$ out of the social security system, was ordered to leave, i.e., ordered deportation, a decision overridden by at least once by a labor politician, and is now our 'guest' at $200K a year in Barwon prison. His family continues to suck on the social security system.

Bin Laden's actions were not only to kill people, but cripple economies, and that's what a lot of these people are contributing to in Australia, sucking on the social security system, middle eastern back, set up motor vehicle 'accidents', with subsequent third party claims, etc.

Overall numbers are irrelevant, I agree, but it's what the numbers are doing, and even that small number is changing our way of life, see above re pools, etc. That the outgoing head of ASIO has stated the terror alert may be upgraded indicates that he thinks there is a growing problem, does it not??

That not one of the so called leaders of muslims in Australia has publicly condemned the beheading of American journalists indicates to me that the entire lot are implicated, even though that would not be admitted. One said that he didn't know enough about ISIS to comment on the murder of a journalist, posted on youtube. You don't need to know anything about an organization to denounce what it's doing when it comes to atrocities such as that.

I'm sick to death of hearing apologists and denialists for the disgraceful conduct, but their day of reckoning is coming. 2 journalists lives will be worth at least 10,000 of their number. It will be like throwing sticks at fighter aircraft, and they've brought it on themselves.

It may seem that I'm obsessive, even frightened, by this infiltration, and that's not the case, but I do believe that there is a threat to our way of life.

4 hours ago September 12, 2014 8:04AM

SECURITY at the AFL Grand Final and other major events such as the Spring Racing Carnival would be beefed up if Australia increases its terror threat level, a move that could come as early as today.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is expected to raise the nation’s terror alert from medium to high, pending advice from outgoing ASIO chief David Irvine. This means the possibility of a terror attack would be raised from “could occur’’ to “likely”.


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On the back of Obama announcing his attacks on Syria, you think they aren't related? Get to it, drive them out of Australia and be done with it, there is 60 known jihad suspects, and an estimate of 100 people supporting them financially in Australia. 160, lets say that is double.... not a problem I can live with expelling them. <deleted>, don't go and put them in jail to breed.


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Which is my point. Find the bad apples. and do it Aussie Style, take them out the back of the shed and beat the <deleted> out of them. As you may gather I'm no big fan of PC.

As to undermining the economy through insurance fraud, seriously? This one has been used for decades, first with the Italians, and their "Italian Lightning" phenomenon.

then it was used against the Vietnamese immigrants in the 80's-90's. Its just old bias coming out. Where are the facts that corroborate this?

I'm not talking about the world here btw, just Oz. I will be among the first to pick up a sniper rifle in the ADF if it gets out of hand.


Low level insurance fraud won't, in itself, cripple the Australian economy, but let's say that there is a billion $$ being sucked out the system. That's a billion that needs to be found, or services cut to compensate. A billion $$ is not an insignificant amount of money in the Australian economy. Under the last year of labor, $6 Billion was spent on people arriving by boat. Camps in remote areas are expensive to establish and maintain, and let's not forget that most of those arriving were what faith.....? That's it, muslims.

In response to your assertion that muslim leaders in Australia have condemned what ISIS is doing, I have yet to see one. Show it to me and I'll happily agree that I got it wrong/partly wrong.

I did see Keyser Trad, an islamic leader, try to pass off the auctioning of the ISIS flag, at a mosque, for $2000+, no less, as selling an ancient islamic icon, and apparently the symbol is an ancient islamic symbol meaning 'there is only one god', but it is now recognized as a symbol of terrorism. The flag can be bought at a downtown flag shop for $20.00, so why would somebody, anybody, pay $2K+ for it? Two reasons...it has provenance, i.e., was present at some atrocity, and/or the proceeds are going to aid terrorism.

That's about as plausible as the Nazis auctioning a swastika flag and claiming it's as harmless as being an ancient Hindu icon!!! Which it is, incidentally.

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On the back of Obama announcing his attacks on Syria, you think they aren't related? Get to it, drive them out of Australia and be done with it, there is 60 known jihad suspects, and an estimate of 100 people supporting them financially in Australia. 160, lets say that is double.... not a problem I can live with expelling them. <deleted>, don't go and put them in jail to breed.


We agree ozsamuria, expel them, but we're so politically correct that there would be a dozen lines of appeal, and we'd be keeping them until those were exhausted, which could take years, and there is no shortage of left wing lawyers, lining their pockets, once again at our expense because the government decrees that these people who arrived illegally should be given legal representation. I can't believe it.

Until we toughen up a lot, we are a target for these people to whom we've shown compassion, given a safe home (literally in many cases!), and they're biting the hand that has fed them. They don't see us as friends, they see us as suckers. Evidence of that is they way they behave when one of them is convicted in court. They beat up reporters, trash sidewalk cafes, etc. They show nothing but contempt for us and our way of life.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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