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Man Severely Burnt While Allegedly Stealing Cable From Power Poles


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I spoke to a copper earlier and it turns out he has been charged (not for the first time this week).

Looking on the bright side though, doctors cheered him right up when they told him that from now on whenever he shoots his bolt he's bound to make his girlfriends lightg up :o:D

Edited by kurgen
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Will this humour ever be de-fused :D, hopefully not , as the plug has not been pulled out on this lighting quick “Fred” :D yet and as I say unto thee “Power to the People” :D and make light work of your crimes. :D

Currant-ly the Copper in charge of this investigation has not generate enough spies to wire then up for sound. :D

Watt is this all about :o surely there is Amp-le evidence against the Iv*n <deleted>-off :D

Edited by Kan Win
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As the Police have de-fused this matter in a fitting way, and conduit-ed their inquiries into this lighting fast, together with the support of The Thai Olympic Association, came up with the perfect answer to this problematic lad.

They will enter him in the China Olympic in 2008 as a

Pole Volt-er”, “since he did the 9 mtr Volt as quick as a flash in Patters last week”, Mrs. Khun-Fused (spokeswomen for The Thai Olympic Association) told the Patters News Weekly today.

They are pre-dick-ting a show of many high-lights from this Lad at these Games.

Once told of this the Lad blew a fuse, and said “That is real electrifying news” :D . In the mean time he is charging up his battery for the event in a positive way, but not as negative as people tink. Mrs. Khun-Fused said “ it could be a + or – sigh for this Lad to go for the Golden Gaol”.

Also in the running are……………………Bus Driver etc..

On a slightly different, butt currant live wire news, he may even be transform-ed from AC to DC or the other way around as these Circuits (circus) come and go.

Yours truly, :o

Kan Win :D

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I refuse to accept these revolting remarks, that you are all currently saying about watt the charges are against this young lad. Yes, he was a bit of a live wire and conducted himself in a shocking manor and he will have ample time to reflect the positives and negatives but do you all really have to be taking the.............................................................................

...oh wait a minute. Difficult innit :o:D

Edited by mrbojangles
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Just to defuse the situation police contacted his parents and said that he probably would'nt be charged but they did say if he was to continue being a law breaker then he would receive a short sharp shock and assured them that next time his feet would'nt touch the ground.

That should bring him back down to earth.


Edited by davethailand
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Daeth row inmates will no longer will be killed using lethal injection.

They will now be sent to thailand to help repair power cables. After signing a diclaimer.

Problems with the spell checker today ? :o

Maybe it's a little "under the weather", or maybe "under the table" is a better description ? :D

Good thing I never really pay attention to anything you post ! :D

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A lot of dim bulbs are glowing brightly in this thread. :o

Too bad some of you people don't have the capacity to use your wit when it comes to other subjects. :DWATT, Like the TLW © Fred :D ??? Some folks are not connected to that one yet.... :D


You squeeking about me ? BTW :D

If knot, then name names or do you have a sudden blackout or is that a brownout like "Day Light Saving Time" tinking :D

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