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luk kreung, can I have citizenship or I am only alien?

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My name is Maiphai (sorry I can't tell my real name for some reasons which will be soon obvious if you will read this) and I will tell you my story, in order to hopefully have from you an advice. Sorry for my not perfect English, not my first language of course.
I am 27 year old, and I was born in Italy, grew up by italian parents. My mother is italian, but my real father was Thai. I discovered it only 2 years ago, when my mother and the man I called father (and I still love and respect, I care to specify) decided to tell me, as they divorced.
It have been like this: my mother and my italian father married; after two years of marriage, they had some problems and in fact separated for some months. My mother had a story with this Thai man, and got pregnant from him. But when the man disappeared, she came back desperate to my italian father, which took her back, and by the way they stayed together for another 20 years. Soon, I was born, and given I was born during their marriage, I was legally their son (no questions were made, my father did not refuse me as his son, you know they had to save face with the rest of the family).
I don't know the identity of my real father, I only know his first name, that he was working as a chef in Rome, where he lived for 5 or 6 years, and that he was from Bangkok but his family was from Chiang Mai. He left when my mother was pregnant, maybe returned to Thailand. Pictures and letters were destroyed or lost. I only have a small buddha as a memory that my mother took for many years and after gave me.
I don't even look Thai from my face and body, well I don't look italian either, but this I guess because my mum is of German ascent. But this is another story.
When I discovered my "Thai side", I was first shocked and this brought me to suddenly change my life. I dropped my law studies and I became more and more interested in Thai culture, as if I wanted to discover an inner part of myself.
As soon as I had enough money, I went to Thailand for a 3 month trip last year, which became a way longer period. Even if I didn't look like typical luk kreung, I picked up a lot the language and the customs of Thailand, I would say very easily and naturally, and I started to feel Thai soil like my soil, and Thai people like my people, among which I made many friends - expecially thanks to Muay Thai, which I started to practice.
I know this can sound really strange, I am a rational person and I wouldn't believe it if I didn't experience it. So I understand if you don't believe, or if you give more rational explanations of this - like for example the fact that I was never well integrated in Italy, which is pretty much true. But I'm not looking for a psychologist now!haha...
The fact is,that I feel like kon Thai, I feel like this is my country of which I am luk kreung, even if I can't prove it. Now I am going back to Thailand and this time I would like to settle there.
Will I never be a Thai citizen?
What do you think I can do?

Thank you, from my heart.

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having a thai parent means you are also thai by birth. but as your father is not in the picture proving it to obtain thai citizenship will be a whole other ball game. good luck, i'm sure others will soon be along with insight as to the best way to prove your heritage.

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having a thai parent means you are also thai by birth. but as your father is not in the picture proving it to obtain thai citizenship will be a whole other ball game. good luck, i'm sure others will soon be along with insight as to the best way to prove your heritage.

Not if the inseminator was a Thai man, and the woman was married to someone else at the time.

Thai law is quite explicit with this, OP is the child of the Italian man married to his mother.

Not a Thai citizen in any way, shape or form.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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You cannot have Thai citizenship recognized without the help of your father. And even with that. since you're born within another marriage, it would be very, very difficult, although in some case it is possible with DNA test. So if you want to go that route, you will have to find your biological father first.

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Not sure why you would want to be 'Thai'!

There is good advice here. If you were born within a legal Italian marriage, that is basically it.If your mother chooses to help you, maybe she can. Without ascertaining the identity of your father and gaining his consent to acknowledge you, (Does he even know?)you have very little to go on.We all have our lives as a consequence of some very strange liaisons. It would appear you are very lucky to have a loving Italian family.

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Legally you are not Thai, as your father is Italian. As AnotheroneAmerican said, you were born during the marriage of your parents, so you are the legal child of your Italian father. That is the way it is under Thai law and probably also under Italian law.

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Legally you are not Thai, as your father is Italian. As AnotheroneAmerican said, you were born during the marriage of your parents, so you are the legal child of your Italian father. That is the way it is under Thai law and probably also under Italian law.

Italian law allows for a son to challenge in court recognition by the legal father. Art 263 c.c.

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Thanks for your suggestions and for sharing your opinions with me.

I will try to find my real father. It is also a personal matter, not only matter of burocracy and visas.

Can I ask to an Admin to kindly remove some too personal elements from my first post, as I would like to avoid that someone that I know in real life could possibly get to know this. Thank you, I am sorry but I wrote too much with 'open heart' without thinking of the consequences.
Thank you very much indeed.

Also to remove the thread is OK for me. Sorry again.

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Thanks for your suggestions and for sharing your opinions with me.

I will try to find my real father. It is also a personal matter, not only matter of burocracy and visas.

Can I ask to an Admin to kindly remove some too personal elements from my first post, as I would like to avoid that someone that I know in real life could possibly get to know this. Thank you, I am sorry but I wrote too much with 'open heart' without thinking of the consequences.

Thank you very much indeed.

Also to remove the thread is OK for me. Sorry again.

You can use the edit button to edit the post. Good luck to you in finding your Thai father, I would guess it will be lengthy and costly.

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"I picked up a lot the language and the customs of Thailand, I would say very easily and naturally, and I started to feel Thai soil like my soil, and Thai people like my people, among which I made many friends - expecially thanks to Muay Thai, which I started to practice.

I know this can sound really strange, I am a rational person and I wouldn't believe it if I didn't experience it"

I feel this way and I am not even 1/2 Thai. So it really has nothing to do with who your parents are. I wish I could just live the rest of my life here.

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You are biologically 50% Thai before your mother was married to your present father. However, you were born at the time when your present parents were already married. Legally you are an Italian from the time you were born. Base on these circumstantial facts even if your biological father appears and perform whatever DNAs, the chances of you becoming a Thai is extremely remote! Please move on...........you are not getting on anywhere.

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You wrote "I only know his first name, that he was working as a chef in Rome, where he lived for 5 or 6 years"

This means that there should be many traces of your Thai father. He should have paid tax in Italy and if you find the place he was working in, it would be a simple matter to get all information you will need about him. Ask your mother where he was working.

Good luck in your search.
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Sadly I doubt a Thai chef working in Italy would be any more likely to be paying tax then, than he would be now.

And even if he had, do you think they would have his current address of where ever he might be in the world ?

Really the OP has a first name to work with and nothing else. Personally I wouldn't think it worth the effort to even try and track down.

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You wrote "I only know his first name, that he was working as a chef in Rome, where he lived for 5 or 6 years"

This means that there should be many traces of your Thai father. He should have paid tax in Italy and if you find the place he was working in, it would be a simple matter to get all information you will need about him. Ask your mother where he was working.

Not simple at all. Restaurants changes owner often. Tax records have to be kept for 5 years only. Informal work was even more common 27 years ago in Italy.

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You are biologically 50% Thai before your mother was married to your present father. However, you were born at the time when your present parents were already married. Legally you are an Italian from the time you were born. Base on these circumstantial facts even if your biological father appears and perform whatever DNAs, the chances of you becoming a Thai is extremely remote! Please move on...........you are not getting on anywhere.

Good answer above. You will have to be like the rest of us and get a 30 day Visa and do not if you have not allready fallen and got the Thai fever ( lady) No easy way to come and live and own land sorry just bad luck move on.whistling.gif

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Thanks for your suggestions and for sharing your opinions with me.

I will try to find my real father. It is also a personal matter, not only matter of burocracy and visas.

Can I ask to an Admin to kindly remove some too personal elements from my first post, as I would like to avoid that someone that I know in real life could possibly get to know this. Thank you, I am sorry but I wrote too much with 'open heart' without thinking of the consequences.

Thank you very much indeed.

Also to remove the thread is OK for me. Sorry again.

Your "real father" is the man who took you into his heart, his home and his life. He is the one who helped clothe, educate and feed you. He looked after you when you were sick, gave you comfort when you were down, and rejoiced in your successes. What a slap in the face to then give up your education and future to seek someone who you know nothing about! How about getting your life in order, thinking about this carefully and with gratitude and then down the road perhaps finding out more information? Your reaction is fueled by emotion and drama. If you find this man, would you be willing to go to court in Italy to negate the role of the man who has been there your whole life, for a stranger....to become Thai? Think about this point very carefully as it is a likely element in your quest to be Thai.

I have read many an astounding tale on this forum and I try to refrain from commenting on the lack of judgment commonly displayed here, but you are a young man who was seemingly raised by a loving family who provided you with a solid foundation for a promising future....only to chuck it all for "Thainess". Som nom na comes to mind.

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I'm born in Sweden with serbian parents and i also felt same about Thailand. It has nothing to do with you being part thai. But if you can get citizenship as bonus that would be nice. Now why don't you continue law school in Thailand and get yourself educational visa. As lawyer in Thailand you open many doors. Best wishes and good luck hunting

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Step 1) Hire a private investigator to find your biological father,

Step 2) Speak to him and have him acknowledge your are (probably) his son,

Step 3) Have the biological testing (DNA) performed,

Step 4) Assemble a Thai legal team to petition your case for Thai citizenship to the courts.

Good luck.

This is all the advice you need. Everyone else save all the judgemental crap for another time. Nobody will understand this young mans feelings unless you have a sense of empathy derived from being in a similar circumstance.

Thai father but no physical characteristics , excuse my biological ignorance but that seems odd.

People here do not believe my wife is the mother of our two children, They are as white as snow and brown eyes the only tell tale sign.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Step 1) Hire a private investigator to find your biological father,

Step 2) Speak to him and have him acknowledge your are (probably) his son,

Step 3) Have the biological testing (DNA) performed,

Step 4) Assemble a Thai legal team to petition your case for Thai citizenship to the courts.

Good luck.

This is all the advice you need. Everyone else save all the judgemental crap for another time. Nobody will understand this young mans feelings unless you have a sense of empathy derived from being in a similar circumstance.

Thai father but no physical characteristics , excuse my biological ignorance but that seems odd.

People here do not believe my wife is the mother of our two children, They are as white as snow and brown eyes the only tell tale sign.

Great advice. Pay the 1000 pounds up front. Then give the Dick all the info you have. So that will be the name Pong and the name of a restaurant he used to work in.

Then sit back and wait....and wait .... and wait.

Or take the crap advice you have been given, and get on with your life.

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