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Tarit is a sad reflection of Thai bureaucracy

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even more reason why the police should have no political affiliation, they have to be independent so that the real truth is always put first, not simply what their political masters tell them. It should not matter what side of the fence the bosses are, the police need to be able to do their jobs with no interference from anyone. What tarit did was criminal at best and he should now face the full penalty of the law as should anyone else that does the same. The4se people are supposed to represent the people of this country not their paymasters, we can only hope that he is fully investigated and made to pay dearly for his corrupt practices.

Hi, as some of us have said earlier in this thread, it is simply not only select people who are perpetuating this problem. It is a core feature of Thai society from poor babies in Issan all the way up to the most important people in government in Bangkok. Thais are slaves to their relationships as those relationships form the foundation of their ability to live an prosper in the society. Patronage system. Or, tribal system, if you will. You can blame the politicians or police etc., but we should NOT expect the problem to be resolved by replacing this politician with that politician or this police officer with that police officer.

The ENTIRE SOCIETY needs to change, and Thais need to start addressing this fact. It's ridiculous to expect these public figures to do differently than 99% of the country do less publicly. A true waste of time and one reason the country has not progressed much in 100 years. For all intents and purposes, there simply are not many "better" people in this regard. Their kids and grandkids and parents and grandparents, poor and wealth, beautiful and not, ethnic Chinese, Thai, Lanna, Malay, Cambodian or Burmese -- all were reared in the SAME SYSTEM. 50 shades of grey.

I don't buy into that at all, at the very top of the turncoat tree is one thing and one thing only "MONEY" Thais (at all levels) will sell their soul to fill a bank account - there is absolutely no moral thought when it comes to money

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It's a reflection of the Thai patronage and Thai class systems.

A minion defers to his boss, expecting directions and protection from above.

If I'm higher on the society hierarchy, I expect to lord it over those beneath me - I can even slap them in the face in public.

And don't you dare make me lose face - I know someone who knows your boss's boss.

Agreed it is part of the Thai system, however, not everyone abides by it. My wife is not cowed by her boss or the Director and has on more than one occasion taken them to task and not always privately. However, she is a Civil Servant so they have no power to move her, they tried it once and had to reinstate her.

"My wife is not cowed by her boss or the Director and has on more than one occasion taken them to task"

"However, she is a Civil Servant so they have no power to move her, they tried it once and had to reinstate her."

Your wife is very lucky to be in that position, most of the Thai people I know are not, and would never go against a superior.

Tarit (back on topic) is just a slimy toad.

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"Many think he's getting what he justly deserves."

did I miss it? 30 years jail? Public beheading?

Or does he just live rich with all the corruption money he got. Living like no hard working, honest Thai labor will ever?

That isn't what he deserves.....

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even more reason why the police should have no political affiliation, they have to be independent so that the real truth is always put first, not simply what their political masters tell them. It should not matter what side of the fence the bosses are, the police need to be able to do their jobs with no interference from anyone. What tarit did was criminal at best and he should now face the full penalty of the law as should anyone else that does the same. The4se people are supposed to represent the people of this country not their paymasters, we can only hope that he is fully investigated and made to pay dearly for his corrupt practices.

My friend, how can you say with a straight face that the police should/could be apolitical? There's not a police force in the world that's apolitical, that's why in Australia they closed down "special branch" why New Scotland Yard got into trouble and, for god's sake, look to america and central europe! Police Forces/Services are dependant to their political bosses for their survival! facepalm.gifwai.gifsad.png


""I was just a bureaucrat who followed orders," he said."

Quite a few in similar jobs as Tarit said the same after WW2 in Nuremburg before they were rightfully hanged.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

TPI, on 15 Sept 2014 - 17:25, said:
seajae, on 15 Sept 2014 - 11:49, said:

even more reason why the police should have no political affiliation, they have to be independent so that the real truth is always put first, not simply what their political masters tell them. It should not matter what side of the fence the bosses are, the police need to be able to do their jobs with no interference from anyone. What tarit did was criminal at best and he should now face the full penalty of the law as should anyone else that does the same. The4se people are supposed to represent the people of this country not their paymasters, we can only hope that he is fully investigated and made to pay dearly for his corrupt practices.

My friend, how can you say with a straight face that the police should/could be apolitical? There's not a police force in the world that's apolitical, that's why in Australia they closed down "special branch" why New Scotland Yard got into trouble and, for god's sake, look to america and central europe! Police Forces/Services are dependant to their political bosses for their survival! alt=facepalm.gif>wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>sad.png

You may well be right, but that doesn't mean it's good or it's OK.

In reality we cannot have a 'civil society' if there is no separation, and all citizens / all countries should be demanding that there is clear separation and demanding that the police are not pushed or harassed by anybody, and are therefore focused totally on their text book reason for existence.

Not easy to achieve but we must try.

Unfortunately in Thailand, and more countries, the strong culture of mai phen rai, mind your own business, respect the higher person regardless of whether that 'higher' person is a criminal or not doesn't help.


attachicon.gifyellow toad.jpgattachicon.giftaritoad.jpgattachicon.gifred toad.jpg

Yellow Toad Mr Tarit Toad Red Toad

toady noun
a person who behaves obsequiously to someone important.

sycophant, brown-noser, lickspittle, flatterer, flunky, lackey.

There, that just about covers the job description.

RC please don't compare this piece of slime to Toads, which are wonderful creatures. laugh.png

My sincere apologies about the casting of aspersions on the noble toad. rolleyes.gif

Perhaps I should have gone for the more accurate creature as seen below.



Tarit is a sad reflection of Thai bureaucracy Society

I had to fix that up.

Many of us who have lived here long enough have said it repeatedly that it is NOT just Thai politicians afflicted with this sickness of will/right and wrong. It is a core flaw of Thai society.

In the interview, he implied that the nature of his agency's work forced him to change colours, depending on who turned out to be his boss. This reflected his mentality or how he perceived the Department of Special Investigation.

Yes, this is exactly how much of Thai social hierarchy works. It matters not what the laws say or what ethics might suggest or what is indeed right or wrong. What matters to most Thais is strict adherence to the boss whoever he/she may be on a particular day. They are "yes, krap phom" robots, largely, throughout the society. Social harmony over all else, right?

I think it's cute that people continue to think this is somehow a problem of politics. It' mostly not. The same thing happens throughout Thai society on a daily basis.

How would you compare Thailand to Afghanistan? Or for that matter most of the African countries. I only mention that to point out that the corruption here is not as bad as many would have us believe.

It does go through much of society but no where near the amount that is in the government. At the local levels it is 200 baht for not wearing a helmet. No where near the rice scheme or school tablets scams.


The irony: the man who is suppose to uphold the law and make the distinction between right and wrong does not know the difference between right and wrong.


The irony: the man who is suppose to uphold the law and make the distinction between right and wrong does not know the difference between right and wrong.

When one sold his soul, what is right and wrong would depend on his boss.

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