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Help Needed Urgently For My Son


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I'm from Singapore. I need some help from people living in Bangkok.

My son (18 months) had been eating "Gerber Rice with Banana" (its a baby cereal) for a year. I'd mixed it together with his milk powder. Recently, this product was out of stock in Singapore and even Malaysia. (The import company in S'pore says the factory in Thailand had closed down for renovation). I tried to mixed other brand of cereal but he would rather go hungry.

After two weeks without his milk, my wife and I decided to make a trip to Bangkok to try our luck. We bought total of 20 boxes of the cereal from various branch of TOPs. On the last day, we went to Siam Paragon and found that Gourmet Market at the basement has quite a lot. In the end, we bought 40 boxes of cereal back to Singapore.

My son had since started to drink his milk again. However, after some calculation, we realised that I'd made a mistake! 40 boxes was not enough.

I hope some kind soul in Bangkok is willing to go to Gourmet Market to check if they still have a lot of stock for this "Gerber Rice with Banana". I have a friend who's going to BKK in mid Aug, but I fear that the stock would run-out. It would be even better if someone is willing to help me send it over to Singapore as a parcel.

I hope that someone would help me, pls. Tks. I'd attached a picture of the cereal. The one I bought from BKK had Thai wording instead and it comes in two sizes, 150g and 300g.


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You fly from Singapore to Thailand to buy the only food your baby boy will eat?

Good luck to him growing up a spoiled brat :D

The last of the humanitarians.......... :o

Maybe he should watch him go hungry :D

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Tail wagging the dog??

Please be kind to your son and make him eat what you can find locally, ie fruit, bananas, rusks BABY food from tesco. It has been proven that 3 billion people in the world today did not have special flown in food from Thailand and are still alive to prove it!!!!!!!!

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I was brought up by parents with a "You will eat what you are given and you will sit there until you have eaten it." mentality.

It did me no harm, although my mother did finally give up on making me eat apricots.

Apparently, she got fed up with my involuntarily and violent vomiting as I just could not physically stomach them... :o

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You fly from Singapore to Thailand to buy the only food your baby boy will eat?

Good luck to him growing up a spoiled brat :o

I refused to go to school if my parents don't bring me with a Ferrari :D:D

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After two weeks without his milk


What did the baby eat during this time??? Do you expect us to believe that he ate absolutely nothing during this time?

I'd suggest that you get more of whatever you fed him during this time.

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Mr. Bishop, I don't see you receiving any positive help on this issue but please allow me give you some positive advice. I am no Dr. Spock but I am a father (three times over) and everyone of my children has grown to be bright and healthy without ever knowing about Gerber Rice with Banana. At 18 months old, your son will be walking well (isn't he) and feeding himself fairly comfortably and with some degree of accuracy (doesn't he?) or is he still being spoon fed all the time? Do yourself, and your son, a big big favour and introduce him to alternatives now...and make him eat them. How you do it is up to you.

Just a couple of final questions. How far would you travel to satisfy you son's taste for this food and should this stuff be no longer available in Thailand, or anywhere else, what would you do then? Come up with a solution and apply it.

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I used to help take care of a friends son when he was 1 as his wife wasn't all that enthusiastic and he was really ill. I tried to get him to eat properly, man did I try but what can you do? You don't want the kid to starve and its very hard to reason with a kid who's only been on the planet for a year. We tried everything, even got doctors involved, then finally we discovered he was mildly autistic.

He is 11 now and still doesn't eat properly or respond to things the way other children do. Having said that I would have persevered and there is no way in hel_l any of us would have gone to France to get him Foie Gras if thats all he ate. We would have figured something out. I have to agree that this might be a trollish OP, but you never know.

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Maybe the original poster omitted to tell us something about his son. After reading the previous post from tourleadersi, I remembered that all my children, like children everywhere, were different and had fads about what they liked to eat and what they shunned. But these differences required only a single trip to the local supermarket, or the corner shop, not a flight to another country. They were fads which changed from week to week....and were not a big issue.

Mr. Bishop, my advice remains the same......answer my question and you have the solution.

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Maybe the original poster omitted to tell us something about his son. After reading the previous post from tourleadersi, I remembered that all my children, like children everywhere, were different and had fads about what they liked to eat and what they shunned. But these differences required only a single trip to the local supermarket, or the corner shop, not a flight to another country. They were fads which changed from week to week....and were not a big issue.

Mr. Bishop, my advice remains the same......answer my question and you have the solution.

I agree Artisan. I don't believe what he is trying to do is healthy for his son. Sometimes kids can just be lazy and don't want to try new things. I am certain, as you say, that if he persevered with the shops in Singers then he would find a suitable replacement. If his son refused to eat anything at all and began to starve then it might allude to something more serious that a bowl of his fav food isn't going to fix.

As Jacqui Kennedy once said "If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much."

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I don't know if this would work or not, but I've seen some parents do it....

Try adding tiny bits of some other food to his favorite food, and gradually increase the amount of the other food so that he acquires a taste for it and eventually can be weened from his singular diet. He's got to learn to eat other foods sometime in his life or he'll have one he_ll of a time in life. Better to start now rather than later. And if you've got 40 boxes of the stuff now, that should be plenty of time to gradually work him into new foods. Don't just make it one new food, but a variety of foods.

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I'm from Singapore. I need some help from people living in Bangkok.

My son (18 months) had been eating "Gerber Rice with Banana" (its a baby cereal) for a year. I'd mixed it together with his milk powder. Recently, this product was out of stock in Singapore and even Malaysia. (The import company in S'pore says the factory in Thailand had closed down for renovation). I tried to mixed other brand of cereal but he would rather go hungry.

After two weeks without his milk, my wife and I decided to make a trip to Bangkok to try our luck. We bought total of 20 boxes of the cereal from various branch of TOPs. On the last day, we went to Siam Paragon and found that Gourmet Market at the basement has quite a lot. In the end, we bought 40 boxes of cereal back to Singapore.

My son had since started to drink his milk again. However, after some calculation, we realised that I'd made a mistake! 40 boxes was not enough.

I hope some kind soul in Bangkok is willing to go to Gourmet Market to check if they still have a lot of stock for this "Gerber Rice with Banana". I have a friend who's going to BKK in mid Aug, but I fear that the stock would run-out. It would be even better if someone is willing to help me send it over to Singapore as a parcel.

I hope that someone would help me, pls. Tks. I'd attached a picture of the cereal. The one I bought from BKK had Thai wording instead and it comes in two sizes, 150g and 300g.

I can confirm that the factory in Thailand has closed down. My baby also loved Gerber Rice and Banana and now we can't buy it anymore.... fortunately he eats just about anything thats put in his mouth so it's not a problem. I believe Nestle make a similar product, but take the advice from other members posting excellent replies and change his eating habit.


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man oh man, think about the pyschology :o !!

I think you are going to create a large rod for your own back and probably going to mess this childs feeding patterns up permanently (assuming he doesn't have any medical conditions).

Fast forward a few years with this approach and you will find he might become more and more particular and more and more demanding, cute now, bl--dy hard work later.

We followed the suggestions in a book called 'what to expect the first year', the baby now eats everything, all the fruits and even loves steamed broccoli (go figure) .

PS babies need variety for health reasons

best of luck

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Well, it could be true, but seeing as he did not state his son had problems or whatever which would make such behaviour reasonable, then I dont think it is true.

However, why not try making your own, it is rice and bananas afterall.

More so, how did this kid manage to drink his cereal through a bottle ?? sounds fishy, even at 18 months he is probably still usuing a bottle most of the time, while experimenting with cups and so on. So how does this work Bishop ??

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Bishop , I have what you want man!

I can do you 300 g's for 5000 baht or the 150 g's for 3000 baht, plus postage and 2000 baht to "clear " customs.

This stuff is pure so you can easily cut it by 50% with glucose or summat and your baby will still be happy.

Meet me under the bridge at the far right hand corner of the docks at 11 pm on Friday.

Oh yeah, don't forget the moolah !!!

I trust you'll come alone, cos tossers always do :o

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18 months!!

why is he still eating instant cereal??? by 6 months he should be eating mashed bananas (most smeared on face), ground raw or cooked apple, squished up tomatoes, ground chicken or other meat (depending on allergies and country of origin)... at that 18 months, most kids dont like to be fed but prefer to feed themselves with fingers, small amounts all day long even for the finicky ones , let him feed himself with his hands, smear it squash it etc, most gets in mouth eventually... and if its by bottle, then the parents must have cut hte nipple to enlarge the hole so that is really bad for jaw/mouth development, etc....

unless he has a medical condition (anomilies in intestines etc)....

p.s. my sis in law is certified as caretaker for 0 to 24 month old babies on kibbutz and that was her comments...



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The fact that the OP's 'desperate plea' was his first post, and he has not bothered to reply since, tells the story methinks.

He could of course be out and about feverishingly searching for the exact brand of cotton wool that baby Bishop insists on being wrapped in... :o

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at that 18 months, most kids dont like to be fed but prefer to feed themselves with fingers,
You don't know, bina. In HK nowadays, children are being fed until they are 8 yrs old. One has to hold a spoonful of food and chases their mouths. Each of them have a Filipino maid to follow them here and there doing EVERYTHING for them.

Disgusting! :o

If I have my own children like that, I will throw them out to the streets to beg for food!

(Yes, easier to say than be done :D)

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Troll, must be or he is just too embarassed by his post to reply.

18 months and still using baby food?

Won't eat anything else?

Fly to BKK to buy the stuff?

Can't find anything else here in Singapore?


Meemiathai, it's the same her with the locals and their spoiled, bratty kids. Miads running around after them with a spoon while the parents are happily chatting away . . . What gets me the most id the way these kids treat the 'maids', who are the ones that feed, clothe, nurture them . . . :o:D

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