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They're both old and sick and Bill is feeble, ready to die. STD's galore, IMHO. Never made it to Thailand; didn't need to.

Both have bad hearts.

Will they go the distance and become president?

If Bill croaks, Hillary is out because she needs him to run her campaign.

They won't run, IMHO. And if they do, they won't survive the grueling campaign.

What do you think?




I think they are not worth the time to even think about.......


Who is gonna beat her?


Other than people with a selfish personal stake in the outcome, who cares?

They are all evil, selfish, lying dogs, are bought and paid for, and are two sides of the same coin.

  • Like 2

In an ideal world Hillary wouldn't be my first choice.

But we could do a LOT worse.

I did support her against Obama before, and I don't regret that, considering Obama's performance which has been disappointing.

As far as attacks on Hillary just based on age.

That's a cheap shot.

Anyway, baby boomers are old now and she's got most of that vote.

Older people vote MUCH more than younger people.

The USA isn't Australia.

USA Voting is up to you, and MOST DON'T.

She's got most of the women's vote.

She is gonna win.

Bloody get USED to it, dears.

  • Like 1

And just what is record of accomplishments so far.....she couldn't even think of any in a recent interview....one thing she has done leaving absolutely every stone unturned.....she's screwed up everything and everyone they/she's put her dirty hands on....if there was ever a less qualified candidate.....well - he can't run a 3rd time......this November will tell the tale.....we better get past that first before we start thinking about 2016.......


In an ideal world Hillary wouldn't be my first choice.

But we could do a LOT worse.

I did support her against Obama before, and I don't regret that, considering Obama's performance which has been disappointing.

As far as attacks on Hillary just based on age.

That's a cheap shot.

Anyway, baby boomers are old now and she's got most of that vote.

Older people vote MUCH more than younger people.

The USA isn't Australia.

USA Voting is up to you, and MOST DON'T.

She's got most of the women's vote.

She is gonna win.

Bloody get USED to it, dears.

attacks on Hillary based on age are no different than those on McCain and Reagan.

Blame Orpha Winfrey for Obama's win. Her endorsement made the difference.

She is too old and unhealthy to even run, let alone serve as president. Her time was 2008 and that's gone.

She will use Chelsea's baby as an excuse to not run.


Anyone that actually believes Hillary isn't running, wanna buy the Brooklyn Bridge off me?

Think she went to IOWA for the corn dogs?

Really I know it's hard for the tea people to accept the reality.

Eight years of the black man followed by eight years of the old woman.

I feel your pain. rolleyes.gif


Bill Clinton is not dying and feeble. What nonsense.

I'm afraid Obama's inept reign has poisoned the well for any Democrat, and this will be made quite apparent in the upcoming midterm election. The GOP will probably end up in firm control of both the House and Senate. If you think nothing is getting done now, just wait. I can imagine calls for Obama to resign. I voted for him the first time, and did not vote at all the 2nd time as I was out of the country. As Barry Goldwater once said of Richard Nixon, "No man ever disappointed me more." His two terms have been equivalent to the third and fourth term of GW Bush. An all time low.

Unless a previously unknown Democrat comes out of the woodwork, Hillary R. Clinton will likely win the nomination without breaking much of a sweat, and without wasting a bunch of time and money in primaries. Winning the general election is another matter altogether. The only way Hillary wins is if the GOP puts up some un-electable right wing joke like Ted Cruz. She is widely loathed and distrusted by a large proportion of the American electorate, left/right/center.

The Republicans have a long and distinguished record of shooting themselves in the foot, so maybe that might "save" her. They have to cut loose that Tea party idiot fringe. Their most appealing candidate (to me) is Jon Huntsman, but he has no shot, except as a third party candidate, and that is always a waste of time.

Hillary for President? NEVER.


Bill Clinton is not dying and feeble. What nonsense.

I'm afraid Obama's inept reign has poisoned the well for any Democrat, and this will be made quite apparent in the upcoming midterm election. The GOP will probably end up in firm control of both the House and Senate. If you think nothing is getting done now, just wait. I can imagine calls for Obama to resign. I voted for him the first time, and did not vote at all the 2nd time as I was out of the country. As Barry Goldwater once said of Richard Nixon, "No man ever disappointed me more." His two terms have been equivalent to the third and fourth term of GW Bush. An all time low.

Unless a previously unknown Democrat comes out of the woodwork, Hillary R. Clinton will likely win the nomination without breaking much of a sweat, and without wasting a bunch of time and money in primaries. Winning the general election is another matter altogether. The only way Hillary wins is if the GOP puts up some un-electable right wing joke like Ted Cruz. She is widely loathed and distrusted by a large proportion of the American electorate, left/right/center.

The Republicans have a long and distinguished record of shooting themselves in the foot, so maybe that might "save" her. They have to cut loose that Tea party idiot fringe. Their most appealing candidate (to me) is Jon Huntsman, but he has no shot, except as a third party candidate, and that is always a waste of time.

Hillary for President? NEVER.

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt as they say.

Bill Clinton had a quadruple bypass ten years ago. Look at that picture: He is feeble; gaunt and no longer full of vigor.

Obama inept? Yes, you are correct BTW, being out of the country is no excuse for not voting. Absentee ballots. Easy to do.

It's a wide open race, no front runners as Bill and Hillary are out of the equation, or will be by the beginning of 2015.

During her fainting spell, Hillary's doctors found her heart valves were not functioning properly and considered heart surgery. She is hardly the picture of health.


. The people that hate her hate her. 40 percent max. Not hard to beat that. Republicans think they are more popular than they are. If counted by pure votes they even lost the last house of reps. BTW turns out even Obamacare is now popular.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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According to Senator Elizabeth Warren, Hillary is in the pocket of the consumer credit lobby. I'd like to see Senator Bernie Sanders take the presidency. I've followed his career and he's very principled.


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"They" won't run.

SHE is running.

And SHE will win.

Suck it up, teabag poopers. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif alt=crazy.gif width=20 height=27>

Like the Feckless Fraud (Obama); Hitlery has numerous skeletons in her closet, not to mention failing at every significant foreign relations issue when she was SOS (Sec of State); "Russia Reset" FAILURE; "Benghazi Response" FAILURE; "Anticipating ISIS" FAILURE.

Not to mention when she first burst upon the DC scene during the Nixon Watergate investigation as a staff lawyer for the Dems, she was basically fired by her life-long Dem boss who characterized her as a LIAR.

If you want to back another lying, conniving incompetent jackass, then go ahead. And if you want to characterize those who vehemently oppose her as "teabag poopers", you're free to do that as well. She, The Feckless Fraud, Bush are all birds of the same basic feather.

I've always thought you were a pretty bright sort, JingThing, but now I'm gonna have to re-think that assessment.


When I watched the Netflix series "House of Cards", the thought that came to my mind was the producers used the Billary Legacy as sort of a basis for all the skullduggery that House of Cards couple employed to take the presidency. Billary will stop at NOTHING to implement their vision what the US should be, which is an economic and social system same as the EU; look it up; Hitlery has been quoted saying just that. And if anyone believes the EU model is one to follow, I'VE got a bridge to sell you...


According to Senator Elizabeth Warren, Hillary is in the pocket of the consumer credit lobby. I'd like to see Senator Bernie Sanders take the presidency. I've followed his career and he's very principled.

More like Mayors of Berkeley.

Both good people.

Sanders of course will never be president.

Warren? She's from Massachusetts and her name ain't KENNEDY. facepalm.gif

Sure thing. She's not running.cheesy.gif



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Her name isn't Hitlery. alt=bah.gif> That's cheap.

As I said she isn't my dream president. But she will be president nonetheless.

It's cheap but she does solidly qualify of being an elitist hypocrite socialist/totalitarian, as do most of the current crop of DemoRats. I was out of the US for about 11 years until about 2 years ago and I am appalled by the level of self-entitlement, lack of personal responsibility, and the crass corruption that is taking place here. That's not "cheap"; that's the truth. This country is rapidly turning into a situation wherein the DemoRats are throwing around re-distribution handouts like Halloween candy and those beholden to Mommy Government have figured out they can vote themselves more of such handouts by voting for the DemoRats. Please tell me where such behaviors have been tried before and how it has worked out. Hint: Look at Argentina and Venezuela; economic basket cases both of them.

If you think that is acceptable and sustainable, I suggest you knock off the cheap Thai whiskey...


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Her name isn't Hitlery. alt=bah.gif> That's cheap.

As I said she isn't my dream president. But she will be president nonetheless.

It's cheap but she does solidly qualify of being an elitist hypocrite socialist/totalitarian, as do most of the current crop of DemoRats. I was out of the US for about 11 years until about 2 years ago and I am appalled by the level of self-entitlement, lack of personal responsibility, and the crass corruption that is taking place here. That's not "cheap"; that's the truth. This country is rapidly turning into a situation wherein the DemoRats are throwing around re-distribution handouts like Halloween candy and those beholden to Mommy Government have figured out they can vote themselves more of such handouts by voting for the DemoRats. Please tell me where such behaviors have been tried before and how it has worked out. Hint: Look at Argentina and Venezuela; economic basket cases both of them.

If you think that is acceptable and sustainable, I suggest you knock off the cheap Thai whiskey...

how dare they steall the tax dollars used to subsidize big corporations and spend them on people!! lol


When I watched the Netflix series "House of Cards", the thought that came to my mind was the producers used the Billary Legacy as sort of a basis for all the skullduggery that House of Cards couple employed to take the presidency. Billary will stop at NOTHING to implement their vision what the US should be, which is an economic and social system same as the EU; look it up; Hitlery has been quoted saying just that. And if anyone believes the EU model is one to follow, I'VE got a bridge to sell you...

it wasnt the EU that gave birth to the toxic mortgage fiasco!


Ever since the day after the general election of 2012, the media have been stirring the pot about 2016. Running for office is an industry all its own, and re-election is the highest priority of any politician.

I chose not to vote in the 2012 election because I was thinking that, not living in America, I should not have a say in who was in charge, or on any of the taxation issues. Since then i have registered for absentee ballot in my home county, but they have not properly responded. I was not sent a ballot for the last primary.

Calling Obama and Hillary "Socialists" is ridiculous. They are in the pockets of the corporations, (as are all of the politicians, no matter what flag they fly) and only in favor of the bare minimum of redistribution of "wealth" that will keep us proles from revolting. Some day, after things fall completely apart, some form of "socialism" may be tried out, in desperation. But never with that poisonous label.

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