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Rejected at the airport with a valid visa!

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The problem is..... they might not her back in !!!

Yes it is possible, also we are already thinking to sell all our assets in thailand and move to another country. 5 thai citizens who had a good job with us unemployed, 50 millions out of the country. Less customers in the restaurants, as we are many in our situation. Good achievement, just because they think she was working illegally (can't they check the assets as a proof?? NO)

And yes i am not happy!

If you can't prove you brought it in (if you could then investment visa), then they won't let you take it out.

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This doesn't help your friend who was rejected, and I feel sorry for her.

I have simply deleted an Ed visa of my list of options, forever, even though I am studying Thai, and was looking forward to enrolling in one of the legitimate schools in Bangkok.

It is simply too much of a mess. End of story as far as I am concerned.

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Maybe the member thelynxxx post above might be of interest.

Interesting to see if any other person on ed visa has had similar experience.

At least you tried to do right thing with extension ,re enter etc. However something has caused the IO concern. The 60 days ??? What! Are you allowed to ask.

By the way i can feel your frustration but........there has been zero problems with consecutive tourist visas thus far.

As for the condos, completely unrelated and also very poor investment strategy. Which yes is also unrelated.

Good luck .

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I think the part about a 2 month holiday from her studies was the straw that broke the immigration officers back.

She should have at least tried to be less obivious.

Who gives you the right to judge?! WE DO NOT NEED YOUR KINDS OF EXPATS HERE. GO HOME!

Sorry ?

I gave myself the right to judge. Looks like the IO agreed with me. Maybe if the question was asked ' do you think it would be ok to take a 2 month holiday whilst I should be studying'

I and many others would have told her it wasn't a good idea as she would more than likely be judged a visa scammer at immigration when trying to re enter the country.

You on the other hand would have said... you do as you want my dear... no one has the right to judge you.

What a silly little man you seem.

Edited by bertty
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Yes it would be nice! But i doubt it will happen one day sad.png Also good luck to all, just be aware that, never the less you have a valid visa you can be REJECTED at any kind of border, obviously depending of the country of your passport but also of what is already inside smile.png

Particularly if you're not white or are Russian.

Edited by jpeg
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I can assure you, as i was there too, after talking for one hour with the friendly officers at immigration, that this is NOT because 2 months absence from Thailand (and i speak thai fluently), this is because THEY DO NOT ACCEPT re-entry permit for thai student visa (Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA as it is the 2 other solutions for people working illegally here, after the Exemped Visa run option which is dead).

Now you believe me or not. I just want to advise people that would be in this situation that they should not take for grounded that, if they have a visa (touristic or education, the others are still OK), they will for sure be able to enter.

With best regards.

Why did Immigration sell her the Re-entry Permit, if they are not accepting them for a "Thai Student Visa"? Why would they sell her something that was no good and not inform her of the new regulations?

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Who gives you the right to judge?

Keep it cool man


I think the part about a 2 month holiday from her studies was the straw that broke the immigration officers back.

She should have at least tried to be less obivious.

Who gives you the right to judge?! WE DO NOT NEED YOUR KINDS OF EXPATS HERE. GO HOME!

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Listen up people . This is 2014 not 1975. The visa rules here in the Kingdom are antiquated and in some ways silly.

Europe, China, The United States and most other modern countries have updated their visa requirements and designed visa's

based on the changing world

Thailand does very little to change their visa laws for 2 reasons. One they don't want foreigners to became part of Thai society and in large part don;t want

others to because Thai citizens .

They believe and wrongly so that with an influx of foreigners it would weaken Thai society. This is the farthest thing from the truth

In fact the easier you make it for people to become part of your society the stronger a society becomes.

The Thais only want your month then once your visa runs out you have 7 days to vacate. Unfair and unjust.

No other country in the world have rules like this.

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I can assure you, as i was there too, after talking for one hour with the friendly officers at immigration, that this is NOT because 2 months absence from Thailand (and i speak thai fluently), this is because THEY DO NOT ACCEPT re-entry permit for thai student visa (Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA as it is the 2 other solutions for people working illegally here, after the Exemped Visa run option which is dead).

Now you believe me or not. I just want to advise people that would be in this situation that they should not take for grounded that, if they have a visa (touristic or education, the others are still OK), they will for sure be able to enter.

With best regards.

Why did Immigration sell her the Re-entry Permit, if they are not accepting them for a "Thai Student Visa"? Why would they sell her something that was no good and not inform her of the new regulations?

There is nothing to say you can not return on a re entry permit, loads of people used to do it at my school. But they came back within a few days or maybe 2 weeks.

The only reason this person got bummed out was for abusing the visa.....

How simple does it need to be made ?

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"No other country in the world have rules like this."

Do you want me to list the countries that have similar rules? Do you actually know how hard it is for Thais to get visas to other countries?

Thailand has actually quite lax laws on immigration overall and have had for many years that is why there are so many dead beats living here for years on end and not contributing to the country. Spending money isn't a contribution. Long stay tourists are not an advantage.

The changes are sudden so people are complaining and adjusting.

Another poster mentioned that the real issue was most likely that the visa had expired as you cannot be out of the country for 2 months on a ed visa extension. The OP's friend had made a bad decision not checking on the regulations. She could easily get a new visa at a neighboring country and come back. Not a big deal.

The OP though wants to say that it is a blanket policy and another proof that foreigners aren't welcome.

The government has made it clear that some types of foreigners aren't welcome and I must agree that no country wants drug users, sexpats and scammers. Since the OP and her friend don't fall into those categories they could easily get the right visa for staying here. Non B through a law firm would only cost them 20k baht or so and they would handle all the paperwork.

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I can assure you, as i was there too, after talking for one hour with the friendly officers at immigration, that this is NOT because 2 months absence from Thailand (and i speak thai fluently), this is because THEY DO NOT ACCEPT re-entry permit for thai student visa (Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA as it is the 2 other solutions for people working illegally here, after the Exemped Visa run option which is dead).

Now you believe me or not. I just want to advise people that would be in this situation that they should not take for grounded that, if they have a visa (touristic or education, the others are still OK), they will for sure be able to enter.

With best regards.

Thank you for your initial posting and explanation. It's good information for me to pass on to others. As in all cases, I recommend that people check with immigration directly before departing.

That being said, things are changing and nothing is guaranteed when reentering the country.

Good luck all.

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The interesting thing about this post is at no time until questioned did the member reveal that his female friend was young and Vietnamese -whilst this in effect should not be a problem one can see why an immigration officer might be a little more than wary especially as she had been absent for two months. Most serious schools have clauses that they themselves can ask for ED visas to be cancelled if a student is absent for over two weeks.

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"50 millions out of the country"---Cram

You have 50 million invested in Thailand...... you have brought many Condo's & employ 5 Thai people...

.......Yet a student visa is your only option.......& to think about investing in an elite card is a step to far.....

........Please go & troll on in another forum Crab.........coffee1.gif

Totally agree.

Also OP claims he doesn't work, so his company successfully runs itself?

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I once had a girlfriend in Thailand who did not

want to study,

i asked her WHY

she replied,,"i don't want to think too much"

as a westerner, i think OH lazy, some of us are high achievers

full of enthusiasm, full of drive but now i think to myself,, she was

so young yet so right, so now i think the same way,, i don't want

to think too much, so this visa situation is weighing heavy on my

shoulders,, i'm really thinking of relocating,, the question is to where.

I want to live somewhere that i don't have to think too much.

Every place has it's pro's and con's it's time to weigh up and really

start taking things in when reading these forums,, i really appreciate

what people write because sometimes they write about off topics

that are meaningful in other areas,, all ideas are welcome.

Thank you.

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Who gives you the right to judge?

Keep it cool man


I think the part about a 2 month holiday from her studies was the straw that broke the immigration officers back.

She should have at least tried to be less obivious.

Who gives you the right to judge?! WE DO NOT NEED YOUR KINDS OF EXPATS HERE. GO HOME!

Are you for real. The member has his opinion and right to it.

Your the redneck that needs to go home. So rude.,,!

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I once had a girlfriend in Thailand who did not

want to study,

i asked her WHY

she replied,,"i don't want to think too much"

as a westerner, i think OH lazy, some of us are high achievers

full of enthusiasm, full of drive but now i think to myself,, she was

so young yet so right, so now i think the same way,, i don't want

to think too much, so this visa situation is weighing heavy on my

shoulders,, i'm really thinking of relocating,, the question is to where.

I want to live somewhere that i don't have to think too much.

Every place has it's pro's and con's it's time to weigh up and really

start taking things in when reading these forums,, i really appreciate

what people write because sometimes they write about off topics

that are meaningful in other areas,, all ideas are welcome.

Thank you.

You think too much...

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i'm really thinking of relocating,, the question is to where.
I want to live somewhere that i don't have to think too much.----ozyjon


England ozyjon....for not thinking to much and just picking up your benefits... England, would be 1st choice. (maybe Scotland after the 18th )

Snow---the only thing that settles in England & does not claim benefits........... coffee1.gif

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I am on an Education visa and will be leaving Thailand for two-weeks' holiday in Myanmar at the end of October. My Thai language school informed me that you are not allowed to be out of the country for more than 30 days when on a Ed visa. More than that invalidates the re-entry. Could that have been the issue? From your original post, it doesn't seem that way, but I just thought I'd throw that in. Anyway, I've got my re-entry permit and will see how it goes.

Now this really concerns me because my niece, who is in a degree program at Mahidol, is conducting field work for her thesis in Cambodia and will have been out of the country more than a a month doing so. All as part of her education. Are you saying this invalidates her re-entry visa and she will not be let back into the country???

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You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

Yes, she was REALLY studying and i totally agree with you that many people do use student visa just to stay. It was not her case. She loves Thailand, the people and wanted to speak the language fluently, read and write. She has been studying 3 hours per day, 20 days a month, during 8 months, and her goal was to get the Thai certificate diploma, which is a state exam. And what is a problem to take 2 months off to be back in her country when you have a re-entry permit?

The problem she would be considered not serious and abusing the system, and in my opinion rightly so.

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You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

The country doesn't want long term tourists

Perhaps. But why? Tourists are no drain on the economy or threat to jobs or a problem in any way I can see, other than for petty officials trying to interpret the wishes of the generals and win some brownie points. They spend freely, boosting the local and national economy and swelling foreign currency reserves. Get a tourist visa to the UK from Thailand it's automatically for six months. Other countries are no less generous, presumably because they feel it is in their interests. Instead of excusing their narrow minded attitude to people "abusing visa loopholes" it would more sensible to encourage the current regime to relax the rules and encourage people back to a land of smiles which is looking increasingly grim and forbidding - not to say downright dangerous.

Their country their rules.

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Dear Cram,

Seeing you state, "We have the right", remember you are a VISITOR in Thailand, all of your rights went out the window once you entered the Airport. They make the rules, whether they be right or wrong in our eyes, but after living here many years, I always say to myself, their country, their rules, live with them or leave. I have to laugh when I see post from "Visitors" saying, I'll take my money to another country, do you really think Thai Immigration cares about a few baht?? NOPE.

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You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

On your last paragraph here is the situation: We do not need to work, we have money. We invested in 6 condos in Bangkok, none are new so investment visa of 10 million can not apply, we are not 50, also we can not retire, we can not marry as we are gays and even so we would be married inout country, it will not be accepted by immigration as a Spouse Visa when one of us will become 50, and obviously NO, you can not study ( i mean you can, but no more on a long ter student visa). I agree with you that people are abusing the system. We are not. And we brought money in this country and everyday spending money from abroad in this country. We are the victims of the new regulation.

it is not your country !!

accept the rules of this country !

if you dont like them,

no one force you to stay;

How is it in your country ?

every farong can stay there as long as he want without any proper visa ?

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You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

The country doesn't want long term tourists

Perhaps. But why? Tourists are no drain on the economy or threat to jobs or a problem in any way I can see, other than for petty officials trying to interpret the wishes of the generals and win some brownie points. They spend freely, boosting the local and national economy and swelling foreign currency reserves. Get a tourist visa to the UK from Thailand it's automatically for six months. Other countries are no less generous, presumably because they feel it is in their interests. Instead of excusing their narrow minded attitude to people "abusing visa loopholes" it would more sensible to encourage the current regime to relax the rules and encourage people back to a land of smiles which is looking increasingly grim and forbidding - not to say downright dangerous.

90% of so long stay tourists under 50y are not tourists,

they are illegal workers which immigration dont want to have here,

as they also not paying their taxes correctly;

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You sound upset but I must admit that I side with immigration on this one. She came here to study but left for 2 months. Sounds like not real studying. Most legitimate schools don't give 2 month holidays in the first months.

Did she just have a visa or did she have a 1 year extension? If someone has 1 year extension, then they should be allowed back.

They are getting stricter with people abusing visas. If she was a legitimate student and here in Thailand for the purpose of studying, then I would feel more sympathetic but most people are using the ED visa to extend their long term stays in Thailand.

The country doesn't want long term tourists, they don't want people abusing the loopholes in the visa system to extend their holidays. You can work, you can invest, you can retire, you can be married (if you have money/job), you can study if you are really studying. Sounds reasonable to me.

On your last paragraph here is the situation: We do not need to work, we have money. We invested in 6 condos in Bangkok, none are new so investment visa of 10 million can not apply, we are not 50, also we can not retire, we can not marry as we are gays and even so we would be married inout country, it will not be accepted by immigration as a Spouse Visa when one of us will become 50, and obviously NO, you can not study ( i mean you can, but no more on a long ter student visa). I agree with you that people are abusing the system. We are not. And we brought money in this country and everyday spending money from abroad in this country. We are the victims of the new regulation.

you dont have the 6 condos for living in,

you have them for rental purpose,

so you work here in Thailand,

so get your B visa and problem solved !!

no O B - that is the correct visa you should have,

and you will have no problems,

or might it be, you dont want to pay tax ?

was that the reason why you left your home country ??

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