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Animal loving Koh Changians - Please help us help


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This is a plea for help to all animal lovers that live on the island and care!

I am Tina and I am the founder of and running HappyDogsKohChang, which is a dog and cat rescue, not yet registered but on the way to be!

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Me and my friends just very recently spotted that the Bangbao Temple Dogs sadly are in a very bad condition health wise and that the monks there obviously have not enough to feed themselfes so can't care for them and that there is ONLY one elderly, kind hearted Thailady from a tiny food stall who gives atleast some food & love to these 25 doggies from were 6 are small puppies that are very sick too! We have managed to bring dogfood there to help that kind lady to feed the dogs...but it is just a drop in the ocean...

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Since the dogs all have worms, mange/scabies, fleas, ticks and other health issues, we started a campaign recently to raise awareness and funds for a mass health treatment, to get these dogs ready for a mass spay and neuter campaign in about 2 weeks after the Monday's September, 22nd, very first mass health treatment event at the temple.

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The sterilisations of the Bangbao dogs will be just the start of an island wide sterilization campaign to control the island's future dog population.This will surely have a very positive affect to the island, and as soon as we are ready, a shelter will be build to get the strays off the streets and rubbish (bags) to help Koh Chang getting an even more safe and clean place for residents, tourists and of course also for the dogs.

PLEASE HELP US with money, food donations or simply with a LIKE at our FB page here: https://www.facebook.com/HappyDogsKohChang, there you'll find also more info on what we do, to get more info about me, please klick: https://www.facebook.com/TinaInKohChang

We need financial support since we can not get help of world vet or similar organizations, HDKC still is not registered under Thai Law and I therefore had no other choice than to make a deal with our local vet! She usually charges 1400 for a femaile and 800 for a male dog and only at her own small clinic, but she kindly agreed to a FULL TEMPLE DAY surgery OF ALL 20 ADULT DOGS, and we agreed on 800 Baht per each dog, which is great but we need to get these funds together. Would you help us? Pease pm for local bank account, paypal or if you would like to help in other ways.


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