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Living in BKK for a year on 8 grand?

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Can do if you keep yourself busy and don't have too much time to kill.

Millions life on much less in LoS, so why not one more...?


If you are frugal and live quietly, it will be a piece of cake (meaning fairly easy). Don't listen to the naysayers. Your biggest hurdle will be the visa and/or visa runs that might be necessary to remain here. Like I tell everyone that wants a synopsis of life here in the Kingdom: The easiest thing to find here is a filling meal for a dollar. Conversely, the hardest thing to find here is the dollar. Take the time to absorb all that that implies. And don't approach ANY women until you've been here at least a year, and/or spoken to at least a few dozen varied-background long-timers, and do not rely on too big a sample of the sort you find at the local watering holes either, many of whom will just throw you to the wolves. Otherwise, some lady will assuredly be your downfall. Best of luck. If you need pointers, send me a PM.


Forget it.

I spend 8000 a night in Bangkok not including hotels. Your budget is 3 months max comfortably. You dont wanna be uncomfortable in Bangkok ever.

Keep saving mate. A years a long time


Bear in mind that the average per capita income of Thais overall is about $6,000 a year and would be higher in Bangkok. And that is per person; Thais almost never live alone so per household income would be much higher (savings in terms of rent and utilities)

In short you would have to live well below Thai middle class standards.

I live in a comparatively poor rural province and, with my home already fully paid for (i.e. no rent) I spend about $8,000 a year to live on out here, and that is with a pretty modest lifestyle though not pinching pennies. (Almost never eat out; vegetarian diet; etc).

You can certainly manage to survive on 8K a year in Bkk but it will not be at all comfortable, you'll have to really scrimp, stay in cheap small lodgings etc.


Hello Viewers!

Well i am now taking a gentle 20 minute stroll from my " 2000 baht a month room " to enjoy a pleasant afternoon on the beach with sunshine and a gentle breeze.

Are you " living the dream " too viewers?

Farang Jaidee wub.png

God Bless You All Viewers !

A 2000 baht a month room is a shit hole to me and not what is known as living a dream, more a nightmare that no god blessed except god of cockroaches. Maybe those bar girls felt more comfortable there than in your pic? 2000baht room a month, Id be going for a long walk also, hopefully not remembering where it was.

One man's passion is another man's poison

Each to his own.


rock bottom for a foreigner living in reasonable rented digs and eating Thai food maybe western once per month forget kitty you can do it on US 12k PA but is that the quality of life you want to just get by?


Hello Viewers!

Well i am now taking a gentle 20 minute stroll from my " 2000 baht a month room " to enjoy a pleasant afternoon on the beach with sunshine and a gentle breeze.

Are you " living the dream " too viewers?

Farang Jaidee wub.png

God Bless You All Viewers !

A 2000 baht a month room is a shit hole to me and not what is known as living a dream, more a nightmare that no god blessed except god of cockroaches. Maybe those bar girls felt more comfortable there than in your pic? 2000baht room a month, Id be going for a long walk also, hopefully not remembering where it was.

One man's passion is another man's poison.

Each to his own.

Let him be- he is happy.


.....really wish correspondants could communicate in more standard english........much of the abbreviation and colloqualization results in


Yes its possible, ive done it on less infact.

But you need discipline and the ability to spend a lot of time in your condo, instead of getting sucked into pubs clubs and fancy restaurants.

Ofcourse, there are ways to enjoy these perks if you meet Mr right.

So fly half way across the world, just so you can spend your entire day in a non airconed studio in thonburi, only to be let out for 30 baht meals and a visa run.

Not really worth it is it?

Now now samran, please dont be too harsh.

Some call it living the dream, for others its the pull of the hairy magnet.

Whats her name OP and what is she bringing to the table.

Best you hook up with the "phlaya" and land a teachers assistant gig in Cambo.

That kao man gai will get pretty boring by about the third day.

As for pissing it up against the wall, doubt if theres much chance of that, he aint going to be able to afford to supp piss.

It will be Cheers Extra, Red Horse, Archa or Chang on the balcony, great social life that.

I remember eating in Tony Romas place on lower Suk years ago, always used to see the TEFLr types staring in enviously as they waited for a non aircon bus to ferry them back to some scuzzy apt in Sam Rong.


Oops, I'm talking about USD.

Let's say an education visa too.

I think living on $8000 USD is totally doable.

Yes. If you lived in a 5,000 baht per month room, along with the Burmese migrant worker community. If you ate only at food courts, and street food, you could get away with spending about 200 baht per day on food. Add in electric, water, etc, public transport, and an occasional fruit shake, and you are at about $500 per month. So, it is possible. But you would have to count your baht, drink very little, and avoid much in the way of fun, games, entertainment, etc. The question is, why would you want to do this? A 6 month trip would be more fun, at $1300 per month, than a 12 month trip where you had to count every baht you spent. Unless of course, you enjoy that as a sport.

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To OP,

if you really going to try this, please blog your experiences and let us know all about the process of:

- Hating how hot it is all the time with no air conditioning

- Hating how grey the long Bangkok days look during summer from your small window

- Hating the overly spicy and smelly Thai food breakfast, lunch and dinner

- Hating to be stuck in traffic all day in a stuffy hot smelly bus in exhaust fumes

- Hating how Thai people basically ignore you and you can't make any friends without spending

progressing towards

- The feeling of depression having to go through this day in, day out

- Hating all things Thai, Thailand and basically everything Asian

- Booking an earlier flight back home

Now compare this to holiday blogs from people on a bit higher budget, and check if you really don't want to come on a 3 month extended holiday instead.

Indeed, as this thread proves, people -do- manage to stay on your budget but there's a couple of differences:

- All of them live outside BKK, where you want to be

- None of them -started- with this budget. They now own their house, have all their furniture, met their wives and are now living on a maintenance budget only.

And yes, I've read these kind of blogs many times over.

B300 a day? If you enjoy Thai food, B100 a day at most.


i have Meat with basil on top of rice with an egg and a bottle coke 90 baht

perhaps up country that would be 70

Rice with 2 toppings is 60-70 baht

BUT no WAY i can live on 100 baht.day for food!!! unless ur just eating MaMa everyday

Actually I have been living on 100 baht a day for my food here in Thailand for almost 4 years! (Just bought a large pineapple for 10 baht - delicious viewers!)

What a wonderful life you must have.


Oops, I'm talking about USD.

Let's say an education visa too.

I think living on $8000 USD is totally doable.

Yes. If you lived in a 5,000 baht per month room, along with the Burmese migrant worker community. If you ate only at food courts, and street food, you could get away with spending about 200 baht per day on food. Add in electric, water, etc, public transport, and an occasional fruit shake, and you are at about $500 per month. So, it is possible. But you would have to count your baht, drink very little, and avoid much in the way of fun, games, entertainment, etc. The question is, why would you want to do this? A 6 month trip would be more fun, at $1300 per month, than a 12 month trip where you had to count every baht you spent. Unless of course, you enjoy that as a sport.

I am not sure about Bangkok, but in Chiang Mai"

1. 300 baht daily for food and beverages .....9000 monthly (I get full english breakfast for 100 with coffee)

2. Decent bedroom in Thai Condotel............3000 monthly (my gf daughter lives for that in a nice student condo)

3. Utilities for room........................................2000 monthly (limited air con)

4. Gas for scooter.......................................... 500 monthly

5. Entertaintment (beer,movie,shopping).....3000 monthly

total = 17500 monthly (round up to 600 usd monthly)

6. Second hand scooter..............................15000 once only (you need this..sell back after a year for half)

..........can do in Chiang Mai..... easy

I rent a 4 bedroom/4 bath house for 5000 a month. very nice. but looked hard.

my income is over 30,000 usd per year....but I support my son in the philippines and bought a brand new car and motorbike. We budget about 1000 baht per day for just knocking around town.

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Just come and enjoy yourself and try to budget yourself and stay until it runs out and then go home..

So few people on an ed. visa here are really studying Thai in earnest.

As long as you have a job or place to go back to, you'll really enjoy your time here.


To OP,

if you really going to try this, please blog your experiences and let us know all about the process of:

- Hating how hot it is all the time with no air conditioning

- Hating how grey the long Bangkok days look during summer from your small window

- Hating the overly spicy and smelly Thai food breakfast, lunch and dinner

- Hating to be stuck in traffic all day in a stuffy hot smelly bus in exhaust fumes

- Hating how Thai people basically ignore you and you can't make any friends without spending

progressing towards

- The feeling of depression having to go through this day in, day out

- Hating all things Thai, Thailand and basically everything Asian

- Booking an earlier flight back home

Now compare this to holiday blogs from people on a bit higher budget, and check if you really don't want to come on a 3 month extended holiday instead.

Indeed, as this thread proves, people -do- manage to stay on your budget but there's a couple of differences:

- All of them live outside BKK, where you want to be

- None of them -started- with this budget. They now own their house, have all their furniture, met their wives and are now living on a maintenance budget only.

And yes, I've read these kind of blogs many times over.

Errrm… right.

Barrel of fun you must be mate… whistling.gif

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nice to see again most of the people here are super rich pensionners living on 100.000+ baht pensions ...

240.000 baht in a month or even 3 ?

do you guys have a monkey/ donkey shitting gold nuggents in your garden ?


Here they come. The "existing" crowd.

Some people have obviously forgotten what "living" actually means and only exist to post misinformation on Thai Visa.

In any case OP, 8k is fine, but please remember this.

You are a white guy I presume. Personally I have a big issue with Thai diet as I think it is extremely unhealthy for Westerners, especially sensitive gene pool Europeans such us myself. Eating Thai street food every day IS unhealthy, do not kid yourself. I would actually argue it is worse than smoking.

Have extra savings and live on 8k a year. That way you will not be forced to make stupid decisions or panic if it hits the fan.

Have fun.

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Keep in mind most of the folks claiming to live on peanuts have years of experience and practice.

It's lot different for someone unfamiliar with the territory. Heck, you could squander $8,000 in the first month or so, learning the ropes- before you figure out where to find cheap eats, cheaper booze, free activities and those clips you'd use to steal electricity.

I suspect some guys lost spent that their first week getting fleeced at the "free" shows on Soi Cowboy and Nana. (It all depends on how many times it takes to figure out that the decor and faces are different, but the game is the same)


240,000thb give or take for a year.

Can you live here on that , sure you can .

But why the heck would you want too ?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I'll bypass the OMG I need x Baht per day / why would you do this, etc etc that has been commented on already

You asked if you can live on 8K a year and the answer is yes, you can

I'll leave out boring stuff like medical and return tickets home and assume you have seperate fund for that but 20K a month in BKK (why BKK, why not go somewhere cheaper?) is doable. It may be enjoyable sometimes but a year is a long time, mate and there may be times when you really want to go drink 8 beers or you fancy fish & chips or a side trip to the islands and spend a bit more

Minor things can affect your budget, which is a problem if you're sticking to a budget. So, yes, you can do it. It'll require a lot of discipline though and it's obviously better have more, even a little more


yes, you could. ordanary eyploidet thais have not even the half money a year with a monthly "salary" from only 9000 baht. i have a friend from austria living in patong/phuket with only about 25.000 baht per month. of cours is a simple live but doesn*t matter to him.


You could spend that much in a few fun nights on Soi Cowboy...maybe you could move out to rural Thailand...live among the rice patties and swat mosquitos...there are those that think it is great fun...


Very interesting...

I have a dutch friend who is living close Pattaya and he tells us european friends always how cheap and beautiful Thailand is. he says laways "I am living like a king"...

He has monthly 75.000 THB pension and an own condo. Is life with this money really so "easy and royal" over there?


Very interesting...

I have a dutch friend who is living close Pattaya and he tells us european friends always how cheap and beautiful Thailand is. he says laways "I am living like a king"...

He has monthly 75.000 THB pension and an own condo. Is life with this money really so "easy and royal" over there?

Yes! My pension is a little more but with 75,000 baht a month and owning his own condo he can live quite well


nice to see again most of the people here are super rich pensionners living on 100.000+ baht pensions ...

240.000 baht in a month or even 3 ?

do you guys have a monkey/ donkey shitting gold nuggents in your garden ?

I have a Honey Badger, and it shits Platinum nuggets.

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