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Experts pinpoint Thai tourism setbacks


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Have to admit after living here 10 years i still love the place. Never been knowingly scammed (i've no doubt i've been over charged a whole 20 baht for a check bin) I know the faults, i know the areas you can get scammed (once in a blue moon) so my eyes are open if i am involved. Anyone asks me to buy Gems i tell them a polite no thanks as that is not something i am into. I don't like beaches anyway so that doesn't really come into play, if i am on a beach i don't use Jetskies as i am not qualified to drive one and could harm myself or worse, someone else (they should be banned, period)

I've yet to be in a situation where a "No Thanks" didn't work, i might have to say it twice on the odd occasion, i still sleep at night after that terrifying second "no thank you", luckily.

I think a lot of the bitter people on here should pack up and leave or not come back, Thailand doesn't fit into your life choice, these message is loud and clear.

I've no doubt it'll be pointed out to me that i'm wrong for loving Thailand and what it offers me by someone and my assertions in my post are "wrong". For that, i apologise and wait to be educated and turned into a bitter and twisted Troglodyte

You avoid the tourist spots to avoid the scams. Smart move.

Are tourists supposed to avoid the tourist spots too?

Apparently the word us out and the tourists ARE doing just like you.

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Most of the decline is down to falling disposable income in the consumer countries.

I know hotel owners and restaurantuers who say low season is the new high season.

Primarily it's down to money.

I'm not sure this is a logical conclusion. It relies on the assumption that if vacationers had the maximum amount of money (or more money) that they had before the global economic downturn, they would visit Thailand in higher numbers as opposed to any other tourism/vacation destination.

I suspect that with the global downturn, Thailand may actually be getting MORE visitors than it would have before, so indeed the numbers are not negatively impacted by the downturn as much as other factors such as politics and physical security concerns and lack of insurance due to martial law.

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Have to admit after living here 10 years i still love the place. Never been knowingly scammed (i've no doubt i've been over charged a whole 20 baht for a check bin) I know the faults, i know the areas you can get scammed (once in a blue moon) so my eyes are open if i am involved. Anyone asks me to buy Gems i tell them a polite no thanks as that is not something i am into. I don't like beaches anyway so that doesn't really come into play, if i am on a beach i don't use Jetskies as i am not qualified to drive one and could harm myself or worse, someone else (they should be banned, period)

I've yet to be in a situation where a "No Thanks" didn't work, i might have to say it twice on the odd occasion, i still sleep at night after that terrifying second "no thank you", luckily.

I think a lot of the bitter people on here should pack up and leave or not come back, Thailand doesn't fit into your life choice, these message is loud and clear.

I've no doubt it'll be pointed out to me that i'm wrong for loving Thailand and what it offers me by someone and my assertions in my post are "wrong". For that, i apologise and wait to be educated and turned into a bitter and twisted Troglodyte

You avoid the tourist spots to avoid the scams. Smart move.

Are tourists supposed to avoid the tourist spots too?

Apparently the word us out and the tourists ARE doing just like you.

Nope, i'm in Pattaya all the time and love the place. For me it's got better over the years as there's now a broader class of entertainment venue.

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Have to admit after living here 10 years i still love the place. Never been knowingly scammed (i've no doubt i've been over charged a whole 20 baht for a check bin) I know the faults, i know the areas you can get scammed (once in a blue moon) so my eyes are open if i am involved. Anyone asks me to buy Gems i tell them a polite no thanks as that is not something i am into. I don't like beaches anyway so that doesn't really come into play, if i am on a beach i don't use Jetskies as i am not qualified to drive one and could harm myself or worse, someone else (they should be banned, period)

I've yet to be in a situation where a "No Thanks" didn't work, i might have to say it twice on the odd occasion, i still sleep at night after that terrifying second "no thank you", luckily.

I think a lot of the bitter people on here should pack up and leave or not come back, Thailand doesn't fit into your life choice, these message is loud and clear.

I've no doubt it'll be pointed out to me that i'm wrong for loving Thailand and what it offers me by someone and my assertions in my post are "wrong". For that, i apologise and wait to be educated and turned into a bitter and twisted Troglodyte

Com'mon Franky Bear. Do you expect a tourist who has never been here to somehow have gained your 10 years of wisdom perhaps during their flight to LOS? Don't be silly Mr. Bear. These articles, by the way, on the major issues in tourism, are written by THAIS. So, perhaps, just perhaps, there is some truth to the negative realities that many of us perceive. I have been here longer than you have, and I too am quite happy overall here, but my opinion of the tourism industry here is more in line with the negative opinions expressed.

I didn't arrive as an expat i did the tourist thing for a good few years.

I knew someone would fly the "oooo Ive been here longer than you" flag, i didn't expect it in the first reply

My reply was to the people in this thread, not the initial post as i knew it was full of poo

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Most of the decline is down to falling disposable income in the consumer countries.

I know hotel owners and restaurantuers who say low season is the new high season.

Primarily it's down to money.

I'm not sure this is a logical conclusion. It relies on the assumption that if vacationers had the maximum amount of money (or more money) that they had before the global economic downturn, they would visit Thailand in higher numbers as opposed to any other tourism/vacation destination.

I suspect that with the global downturn, Thailand may actually be getting MORE visitors than it would have before, so indeed the numbers are not negatively impacted by the downturn as much as other factors such as politics and physical security concerns and lack of insurance due to martial law.

Good point. Thailand is a destination for those on a tight budget.

What about Vietnam or Laos. How are their tourist arrival numbers doing?

Scams, racism and crime do keep many away but lately it's the NEWS.

It's unusual for me to get emails from concerned friends back home but lately, the Junta headlines make a very bad impression.

Read the Yahoo or Google news and also read the comments.

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I actually think the tourists are down by about 50% in real terms.

I flew to the UK last month and back to Thailand, The plane was completely full both times. Would that suggest that tourism is down by 50%?

It just might. If plane occupancy goes down from 100% to 50%, and say 2 out of 4 flights are cut because of that, then the remaining flight you are on would still be full. But don't let deeper analysis, helicopter views and mathematics get in the way of your oversimplified view on the world.

several announcements have been made throughout 2014, that planes were being grounded, and less flights would be available,

this can be part of the reason the planes are full

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I actually think the tourists are down by about 50% in real terms.

I flew to the UK last month and back to Thailand, The plane was completely full both times. Would that suggest that tourism is down by 50%?

It just might. If plane occupancy goes down from 100% to 50%, and say 2 out of 4 flights are cut because of that, then the remaining flight you are on would still be full. But don't let deeper analysis, helicopter views and mathematics get in the way of your oversimplified view on the world.

several announcements have been made throughout 2014, that planes were being grounded, and less flights would be available,

this can be part of the reason the planes are full

Of course the airline consolidate the flights.

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Been here long time so have the respect of many Thai's But even they noticed a lot of Thai's are rude to Falang's Expats as well as tourist My neighbors know who I'am and pretty much how I think. I don't treat anyone different treat everyone the same. If some one needs help I'm there. They seen me give food to those hungry. I don't give money Just not my way My neighbors know this. So where I live I have no issues same as it was back home. I respect there culture and there and they mine. I don't talk about politics or Religion there's or mine.I show respect to the Royal family. I not a loud mouth or get angry in public, don't drink, just enjoy life. As far as ladies go I'm honest and up front Never tell them lie to get laid Just the truth. I been learning Thai so I can speak Thai better after all this is Thailand. I'm usually up early so give monk food when they come through Soi. But many Falangs attract trouble run in wrong crowds do stupid stuff hump anything with two legs. And yes you reap what you sow. You see them here on TV all the time Found if you keep low profile you get less or no hassles from anyone including the police. Example walking on Rama IV toward Sukhumvit guy on motor cycle almost runs me down a thai police officier see's this stopped the guy smacked on the head a couple times was telling in Thai he can't drive on sidewalk wrote him ticket then asked me if I was injuried. I said no and went on my way. But this officer see's me a lot in neighborhood.

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