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W G Hill


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Picking up from a comment in another thread....

Are you a fan of W G Hill and PT?

For those of you not in the know, W G Hill is the author (or pseudonym) of many books on how to live as a PT. PT can stand for many things, such as Perpetual Traveller. The concept is basically that by organising your assets, job and lifestyle - you can live your life totally free of taxes and off the computers of all governments!! (You basically have your business registered in one country, do business in another country, have your bank account in another country, live in a 4th country and party in a 5th country...)

For most people stuck with wife, kids, small dog etc - living as a PT can only be a dream

Anyway, I have been a fan of 'PT' for a long time. Years ago, I bought his book about living in the tiny country of Andorra, high in the Pyrenean mountains. So I hopped over to Andora and opened a bank account. I never put much money in it! But I did buy a new car in Germany. This was bought on a US Military car program (no, I was never in the US Military!!). It was tax-free and had an Andorrean registration plate.

I was able to use this car tax-free all over Europe and I could park anywhere, (because all the traffic cops that I met took one look at the Andorrean number and decided that it was too much trouble to deal with!!)

Now I am settled in Thailand, but I still manage to 'practice' the PT concept. I have an offshore company that does business in the UK. It uses a bank account from another offshore jurisdiction. and I live in Thailand. (So that makes 4 territories). I don't party in a 5th country because I got married and all parties are cancelled until further notice!!

But are there any other PT fans out there? Has it worked for you? (It has certainly worked for me!)


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