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Scottish independence: Decision day


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When can we vote for English independence from the rest of the union?

The English can hold a referendum on wether to stay in or leave the UK any time they like .

Some hope, we've never even been given an opportunity to leave the EU, if Scotland does vote "YES" . That will be one up to them.

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All bookies have it as a No victory.... they don;t get much wrong

Just ask Neil Kinnock. clap2.gif

Have you seen the odds? Back then there was 2/3 bookies. Now we have 15+ all saying the same. I know republicans don;t like these extremely awkward elephants in rooms....but hey ho

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He's totally missed the point. Scotland has not been allowed the choices it wanted -- the 3 questions -- due totally to Westminster's authoritarianism

Would you care to elucidate rather than just make wild accusations.

It's well-known that Salmond agreed to ask Permission" from Westminster to hold the ballot. Salmond wanted 3 options, but Cameron insisted on a YES/NO vote with no third option of MaxDevo -- keeping Scotland in UK but allowing it tax-raising powers. The trade-off was the lowering of the age limit on voting.

You really need to keep up ;)

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He's totally missed the point. Scotland has not been allowed the choices it wanted -- the 3 questions -- due totally to Westminster's authoritarianism

Would you care to elucidate rather than just make wild accusations.

It's well-known that Salmond agreed to ask Permission" from Westminster to hold the ballot. Salmond wanted 3 options, but Cameron insisted on a YES/NO vote with no third option of MaxDevo -- keeping Scotland in UK but allowing it tax-raising powers. The trade-off was the lowering of the age limit on voting.

You really need to keep up ;)

Thanks for the post but it looks like I'll have to do some searching to confirm what you say as you've still not provided verifyable sources for your diatribe. Sorry for not already being in 'the know' but I've far more things to do and read about than a few renegade British subjects trying for UDI.

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Well said,Keesters and MCCW.Why dont we English have some kind of say in this? We are not given a choice. No referendum .No vote.

If the "yes" voters win and things dont work out for Scotland they will turn on Alex Salmond and make him their scapegoat.The Scots always turn on their own when things go wrong.So, a message to Alex Salmond:Have a plane parked at Glasgow airport ready to get away from the angry mob.

But we really must start a campaign to get REFERENDUMS FOR THE ENGLISH.

We are trying to get one to leave the UK.

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He's totally missed the point. Scotland has not been allowed the choices it wanted -- the 3 questions -- due totally to Westminster's authoritarianism

Scotland has not been allowed the choice IT WANTED, says it all really.

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A guy from Anchorage in Alaska asked me what the referendum was about. I told him the Scots din't want to be governed by a parliament over 300miles away, he was completely shocked, telling me that the distance from his city to Washington is well over 3,300 miles. I replied yes but you don't have to travel with an ancient log on your shoulder.


You completely miss the point -- it would not matter if Westminster was in Newcastle-on-Tyne -- the point is that it has no mandate to govern Scotland.

"ancient log" ??? to what are you referring ?

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Its not only an important day for Scotland, but an even more important day for all the regionalists in Europe. Many European governments are very afraid that the YES votes will win. Because theiir are many regions who have the same aspirations., Like in Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, Germany to name only a few.

Seperation can be a good thing look to Slovakia, Chec republic, Estonia etc.

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Twice shy. We dont want Scotland to be like Norway.Quiet.Complacent and boring. You must be joking when you claim Norway shaped Europe.Or maybe you have been at the Scottish whisky. I assume you are refering to the Viking invaders who raped,thieved and killed where ever they went.Disgusting people and the first colonialists.Not like Scottish people.However,I have heard Norway is very beautiful and worth a visit. Lovely scenery and a bicycle riding King.

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Thanks for the post but it looks like I'll have to do some searching to confirm what you say as you've still not provided verifyable sources for your diatribe. Sorry for not already being in 'the know' but I've far more things to do and read about than a few renegade British subjects trying for UDI.


Indeed you are right to suspect what you read in here. There are some shocking diversionists posting with obvious deliberate interpretation of clear facts. wink.png

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balo.Norway is a only a small unimportant country with a population about the same as Birmingham,UK.If you are so rich why dont you give more money to poorer nations?Scottish independence has nothing to do with you.

Why do you bother commenting when you clearly knows nothing about Norway. 5 million people is maybe half the size of London but Norway gives more to the poorer nations than any other country in the world . Just ask Red Cross or any aid organization. We can always give more but thats another discussion.

Scotland and Norway has a lot in common if you look back in the history.

Maybe you could save some for Scotland, if the Yes mob wins, they'll need it.

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He's totally missed the point. Scotland has not been allowed the choices it wanted -- the 3 questions -- due totally to Westminster's authoritarianism

Scotland has not been allowed the choice IT WANTED, says it all really.

Salmod offered Cameron 2 options to keep Scotland in UK and only one option for Scotland to leave. Cameron said NO -- says it all really ;)

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Henry 15. I was told by many people in Slovakia that it was a big mistake to seperate from the Chec Republic .They are all worse off. Even in Bratislava. Please tell me .Who did Eastonia seperate from? Surely it is an ex-soviet state known as a Baltic state.

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Is there anywhere to watch the results coming in? Swingometer or something?

Apparently there's no exit polling so no predicitions possible. But you only have about 6 hours from end of polling to results wink.png

Not totally true, they are saying as it stands roughly 58% no

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Is there anywhere to watch the results coming in? Swingometer or something?

Apparently there's no exit polling so no predicitions possible. But you only have about 6 hours from end of polling to results wink.png

Not totally true, they are saying as it stands roughly 58% no

Who is saying that?

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Twice shy. We dont want Scotland to be like Norway.Quiet.Complacent and boring. You must be joking when you claim Norway shaped Europe.Or maybe you have been at the Scottish whisky. I assume you are refering to the Viking invaders who raped,thieved and killed where ever they went.Disgusting people and the first colonialists.Not like Scottish people.However,I have heard Norway is very beautiful and worth a visit. Lovely scenery and a bicycle riding King.

Time for you to go buy a English history book

As for raping,thieving and killing the English have a good track record of this also

Go educate yourself before you accuse people of being pissed

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Is there anywhere to watch the results coming in? Swingometer or something?

Apparently there's no exit polling so no predicitions possible. But you only have about 6 hours from end of polling to results wink.png

Not totally true, they are saying as it stands roughly 58% no

Who is saying that?

It was a Professor type guy on twitter that's trusted. I'll try find it

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Is there anywhere to watch the results coming in? Swingometer or something?

Apparently there's no exit polling so no predicitions possible. But you only have about 6 hours from end of polling to results wink.png

Not totally true, they are saying as it stands roughly 58% no

Who says?

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Henry 15. I was told by many people in Slovakia that it was a big mistake to seperate from the Chec Republic .They are all worse off. Even in Bratislava. Please tell me .Who did Eastonia seperate from? Surely it is an ex-soviet state known as a Baltic state.

All the Slovak families I know (a lot) are very happy to be independent. :)

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It was a Professor type guy on twitter that's trusted. I'll try find it

Who is saying that?

Apparently there's no exit polling so no predicitions possible. But you only have about 6 hours from end of polling to results wink.png

Not totally true, they are saying as it stands roughly 58% no


Maybe Santa Claus? or the tooth fairy? wink.png

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It was a Professor type guy on twitter that's trusted. I'll try find it

Who is saying that?

Apparently there's no exit polling so no predicitions possible. But you only have about 6 hours from end of polling to results wink.png

Not totally true, they are saying as it stands roughly 58% no


Maybe Santa Claus? or the tooth fairy? wink.png

No, i know the Yes mob won't like this stat and would discredit it, it's what they do. I'm trying to find it still....

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And when is the English vote to decide if Scotland should leave?

A union has 2 or more parts and all parts should be involved in the decision process equally.

when is england going to be allowed to vote on independence so that non English MP's cannot force their ideology on english folk. I hope scotland votes yes and wales and NI and then if were lucky we wont get another socialist nightmare government in england

Please please please scotland vote yes but i reckon they dont have guts to leave mummy and will be happy to continue winging about how unfair it all is while taking english tax payers money to support them

Sadly i reckon they will vote No bit I live hope as i do that one day england will leave EEC and just become like switzerland and others a full trading partner in a common trading block but if Europe does not want that fine and even if were poorer or a lot poorer better to be free

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I thought this was relevant so I copied it from the recently closed thread.

Hope that's OK?

Well folks the talking is most definitely done!

Now's the day and now's the hour, today will go down in history as the greatest

day in the entire history of the Scottish nation, the day Scotland gained independence

and self determination, OR it will go down in history as the day the people of Scotland

betrayed their own nation for the price of a mere promise of a few extra crums from the

banquet tables of the parasitic, lying, politicians of Westminister, when in fact they could

have taken the whole banquet table and all that has been offered, just by voting YES.

I personally wish and hope that tomorrow will bring a new dawn to a new revitalised

independent Scotland. By this time tomorrow we will all know which way Scotland is


Whatever happens I wish my country, my hame forever, all the very best in the future, in

or out of UK. clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

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