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Australia launches anti-terror raids


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It could seem so far that most of the 25% are posting to the thread.

Majority of Australians support military intervention against ISIS, Newspoll reveals

Just over three out of five Australians are “personally in favour” of Australia providing assistance.

Conducted at the weekend and published in The Australian, the poll of 1207 people revealed that 62 per cent of voters supported the action taken so far by the Abbott government, which has involved humanitarian aid drops, as well as shipments of weapons and ammunition.

25 per cent were opposed and 13 per cent remain uncommitted


"Military intervention" against ISIS is a very misleading headline. Humanitarian aid drops and supply of weapons to ISIS enemies is quite different and I'm not suprised Ozzies support aid drops.

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It could seem so far that most of the 25% are posting to the thread.

Majority of Australians support military intervention against ISIS, Newspoll reveals

Just over three out of five Australians are “personally in favour” of Australia providing assistance.

Conducted at the weekend and published in The Australian, the poll of 1207 people revealed that 62 per cent of voters supported the action taken so far by the Abbott government, which has involved humanitarian aid drops, as well as shipments of weapons and ammunition.

25 per cent were opposed and 13 per cent remain uncommitted


"Military intervention" against ISIS is a very misleading headline. Humanitarian aid drops and supply of weapons to ISIS enemies is quite different and I'm not suprised Ozzies support aid drops.

The newspaper headline was written after the survey was completed, not before the survey began.

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" Last week the country raised its terror threat level from medium to high. "

No mention that last week the country announced it's decision to send troops to Syria/Iraq.

Of course they should arrest, incarcerate, and deport if possible jihadists/militant islamists, But they should also be aware that in bending over for the US in matters of the US's foreign policy, they invite the wrath of jihadists/militant Islamists.

The reason the terror level was raised was owing to intelligence being received prior to raising the alert. This related to a terrorist cell operating in the Sydney metropolitan area. Nothing to do with sending troops to Syria and Iraq. Phone calls from an Australian born Muslim and now one of the leaders of ISAL the terrorists operating out of Syria and Iraq, telling one of the 15 arrested today that they had to kidnap, a person, and then to cause terror and fear amongst the population by beheading them. He was also instructed to drape these persons in the Islamic Flag that ISAL use and then video the beheadings and send the footage to their headquarters in Syria so it can be shown around the world via the internet for the purpose of recruiting younger radicalised Muslims as soldiers. They also wanted to carry out mass shootings and bombings but did not have the resources to implement these actions.

The initial information had come to hand a number of months prior to this raid, with the last phone call being intercepted only two days before the raid was implemented. It has nothing to do with, as you put it, bending over for the US because of their foreign policies. These people are nothing but criminals, they use the their religion in an attempt to justify the murders that they are carrying out in the name of Islam. They have no country, no government, they are just barbarous cold blooded killers who will stop at nothing. They practice genocide and not only murder westerners but also many, many Muslims. These people are recruiting "Soldiers" from many countries and are looking to send them back to their home country no doubt to be place should they be needed to put into action a terrorist act.

Unfortunately, most of those perpetrating these acts of terrorism are home grown Muslims born in Australia so all the government can do is have the police arrest them and put them before the courts. As of 7.30pm, Australian time, one of those detained remains behind bars charged with Conspiring To Carry Out An Act Of Terrorism. Two women have been given Future Court Attendance Notices, with a further 9 persons released. A second man has now been charged for the possession of a sword.

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The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.
Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

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The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.

Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

And there are the 'moderate' Muslims that the board's resident apologists like to talk up, showing their true colours.

Not rallying against the terror threat to behead an innocent member of the public but against the arrests that prevented it.


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The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.
Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

The predictable playing of the victim card when the only people who were going to be terrorised was the poor person they were planning to behead. Pity it was not 100 demonstrating against jihadists, but that's rather too much to expect it seems. Well done the Aus Police, the only people vilifying Muslims are the ones plotting murder. Sorry all you demonstrators, but anyone plotting murder should be arrested, Muslim or not.

Geez that would not be politically correct for non muslims to take to the streets and protest against jihadists. They would be arrested and charged under the racial and religious vilifications laws. One has to step very, very lightly when it comes to Muslims in Australia as they are easily offended and can explode.

I am sure all states have plans in place for riots following the arrest of these suspected terrorists.

I am also sure that the various agencies (I will bracket the U,S equivalent), like ASIO (CIA), Federal Police (FBI), and special operations groups from two states (SWAT) where not just sitting around having coffee together and thought times are slow. Let's upgrade our terrorist threat to high and kick in some muslim doors for fun.

But all the dogooders who have more intelligence scream from the rafters.

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Just watch your freedom being eroded one bit at a time, we would not have this problem if we didnt allow Muslims into Australia in the first place, the bledding hearts will be out in force .

Yeah you would, because bored kids with no hope in life would have at it through brainwashing over the interwires. Easy to profess this or that religion when you finally have some direction, however twisted.
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The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.

Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

And there are the 'moderate' Muslims that the board's resident apologists like to talk up, showing their true colours.

Not rallying against the terror threat to behead an innocent member of the public but against the arrests that prevented it.


They should've all been herded up and invesigated for links to radical Islam. Then deported free of charge to a Middle Eastern country of their choice. Preferabley Iraq where they will meet old mate 500 pounder.

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The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.
Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

The predictable playing of the victim card when the only people who were going to be terrorised was the poor person they were planning to behead. Pity it was not 100 demonstrating against jihadists, but that's rather too much to expect it seems. Well done the Aus Police, the only people vilifying Muslims are the ones plotting murder. Sorry all you demonstrators, but anyone plotting murder should be arrested, Muslim or not.

Here I agree with you. Though to be realistic, you can probably bet that the protestors were organised/manipulated by one of the baddies.

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Thankfully those rounded up were fundmentally stupid. They knew they were under surveillance yet still carried on with their activities & planning that led to the raids. The media claim many had previously been involved in common criminal activity, knew each other from prison, poorly educated, extended interfamily connections and so on that made the job of police and security agencies easier.

As per usual media have outlined some of the surveillance methods. Unless it is deliberate mis-information, I fail to understand why they are briefed and permitted to publish the info.

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UPDATE: PM confirms potential terrorist threat against Parliament House

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/19/03/50/fears-parliament-house-could-be-target-of-terror-attack#9lxVCxhOBveCAGCo.99

I'm not denying that there's a threat, and I'm not denying that the threat comes from Islamist nutters, however we should all learn to read past the sensationalist headlines.

When asked, Tony Abbot's evasive reply was "All Australia is at risk", and when pressed, he, quite truthfully indicated that Parliament House is in Australia too, so yes it (too) is at risk.

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Agreed, but seems they had some pretty specific intel. Which I'm sure hasn't been fully disclosed yet:

The Prime Minister said there were quite direct exhortations coming from an Australian, who is apparently quite senior in ISIL to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country.

This is not just suspicion, this is intent, he told reporters in Arnhem Land.

Absolutely. It's just that when one part is emphasised and another part of a report is not, the haters start frothing at the mouth because they generally are blind to qualifiers such as "unconfirmed" and prefer to jump on the fear-monger bandwagon.

If the report is confirmed, it is indeed shocking and a worry.

The building my daughter works in (on the 19th floor) in Brisbane had a bomb threat yesterday. Maybe a disgruntled customer, maybe connected to this story, I don't know, but it's scary.

I'm still not going to hate all of Islam because of a few nutters...and that is exactly what they are, nutters.

It's a false choice to suggest the options are hating or not. I know hate. I've seen it and lived amongst it. I don't have it. The real options are waking up or not.

It's is gross understatement to suggest hundreds of millions of people who support jihad are nutters (this number is a guesstimate of an impossibly low estimate of 10-20% of all Muslims supporting jihad? Nevertheless, 30,000 jihadis here, 10,000 there, 2,000 there... Etc. to reduce these numbers to nutters hardly enhances the point I think you try to make. It's a very grave threat and perceiving, measuring it mentally, and seeking to avoid or destroy it hardly constitutes hate; noting it's common ground as Islam is hardly hate. It is!

You intend this meaning to apply to... those who cast all Muslims into the same lot- because all Muslims are not the same? Ok. I get it. But there are not many people here who do that and those who do simply cannot be blamed. Ppl have no duty to eat the politically correct dogshit handed out by the multicultural apologists. A point of view is not invalidated because a man hadn't passed sensitivity training. All people know is the world is changing, people are dying, people are afraid, something barbaric stalks in the distance, they all declare they are Muslims, they all cite Islam--- but at this point we are expected to take the additional step that no Muslims do and say but "it's not the others; It's not islam." Ridiculous. Even the worlds Muslims don't declare this. It is what they sense it it!

The reason AU and EU have these problems is because of this thinking. More of the same Rx will not heal us. Skip the topical biases or appearances of bias- are the facts correct? Are the observations valid? They are. With or without all of Islam being complicit or not it is an existential threat to all life on earth.

The topic is about Australia. The Australian authorities have stated that there are "up to" 100 extremists in Australia. Out of a population of 23.6 million, that is a very small number. A few.

That they are nutters is obvious. Anyone of any other religion who straps a bomb to himself or tries to behead someone, would be considered insane, why not these nutters?

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The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.

Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

The predictable playing of the victim card when the only people who were going to be terrorised was the poor person they were planning to behead. Pity it was not 100 demonstrating against jihadists, but that's rather too much to expect it seems. Well done the Aus Police, the only people vilifying Muslims are the ones plotting murder. Sorry all you demonstrators, but anyone plotting murder should be arrested, Muslim or not.

Here I agree with you. Though to be realistic, you can probably bet that the protestors were organised/manipulated by one of the baddies.
And you wonder why we call you an apologist? :rolleyes:
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The Muslims are starting to retaliate. Proves they are not against IS.

Snap protest begins in Sydney’s west to ‘condemn’ government for ‘brutal’ raids

More than 100 people have gathered at Lakemba train station in Sydney’s west tonight, angered at today's anti-terror raids.

The protesters carry signs reading "Stop terrorising Muslims" and "We won't stand by as Muslims are vilified".

They believe this morning's anti-terror operation that saw 15 people detained in north-western Sydney were not about targeting alleged terrorists, but about targeting Muslims.

Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/09/18/16/09/snap-protest-planned-in-lakemba#J70YlHXX11ej6xAV.99

The predictable playing of the victim card when the only people who were going to be terrorised was the poor person they were planning to behead. Pity it was not 100 demonstrating against jihadists, but that's rather too much to expect it seems. Well done the Aus Police, the only people vilifying Muslims are the ones plotting murder. Sorry all you demonstrators, but anyone plotting murder should be arrested, Muslim or not.

Here I agree with you. Though to be realistic, you can probably bet that the protestors were organised/manipulated by one of the baddies.
And you wonder why we call you an apologist? rolleyes.gif

No, I don't wonder. I make no apologies for the baddies, but you will try to make out that even good people are baddies just because they are Muslim. I defend good people from haters such as yourself.

Simple people are swayed by manipulative men with agendas and propaganda on both sides. You are no different to the majority of the protesters in the report.

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"The topic is about Australia. The Australian authorities have stated that there are "up to" 100 extremists in Australia. Out of a population of 23.6 million, that is a very small number."

I think you should have said, out of a population of 476,000, that's how many Muslims there are in Australia. Not likely to find too many terrorists amongst the Christian population.

Fair point. Nonetheless, less than 100 out of 476 000 is still a very small proportion. It's a comparatively small number.

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Just listening to talk back on 3AW Melbourne and had one guy who identified himself as muslim (Middle Eastern Accent) ranting a raving, stating that the arrests were a direct attack on Islam and muslims should fight back. I stated to laugh and thought mate, you have just placed yourself on a watch list.

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The topic is about Australia. The Australian authorities have stated that there are "up to" 100 extremists in Australia. Out of a population of 23.6 million, that is a very small number. A few.

That they are nutters is obvious. Anyone of any other religion who straps a bomb to himself or tries to behead someone, would be considered insane, why not these nutters?

Some people like to label Jihadists as nutters as it makes them look set apart from sensible 'sane Muslims' I don't think these people are nutters or Insane, I think they are just being good Muslims and carrying out the commands of the Koran and following the example of the prophet. There may be only a few hundred dedicated Jihadists in Australia but look how many came out to demonstrate against them- 0. Fellow Muslims only went out to demonstrate against the Police action to stop these 'good' Muslims.

So you think it sane to strap a bomb to oneself albeit in the name of a prophet? The vast majority of Muslims don't believe committing suicide is sane, why do you?

Edited by Seastallion
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