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Drinking Water


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When I have to use tap water for any reason (ie cant be arsed to got to any shop), I drop in a purifying (steri tabs) tablet, I have always carried them, no matter what country I visit in Asia, never had a bad stomach yet

But household bleach can be used to strelise water, 2-3 drops per liter, it may taste funny but it is drinkable, but then again, just boil water, let it cool then its fine, boiling will kill any bacteria, including legionella which is even in bottled water

Have you ever wondered why bottled water doest go green in the sun and drinking water does :o

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I've been brushing my teeth for 29 years using the tap water in Thailand. I guess I should be more careful or I might get sick. :D

Sometimes you people worry too much. :o

Yeah I guess that the sick ones wished they had worried a bit more and used bottled water:huh:

Perhaps something else made these imaginary people sick?

oh chuckd imaginary people indeed!

I used to be like you...quite confident that the tap water was fine for brushing my teeth, after all I had been doing so for the previous twelve years or so when in Patters....and then one day about 8 years ago I was rushed to Bangkok Pattaya hospital very very ill....infact I had never felt so ill in my life before...or thank god since.

I had caught typhoid.....It put me in the hospital for a week...and believe me I would never wish this illness on anyone.

The doctor at the hospital told me that it was caught from the water and probably because I brushed my teeth with it. Apparently I was the 5th falang to be admitted within a month with the same strain.

So please dont pass the message around that the water is safe to brush your teeth with...because it sure is not....you are lucky....so was I for 12 years.

It is not just the possibility of catching serious illnesses like typhoid from the water....but we do not even know in many cases where the water tankers fill up their tankers from and whether the source of their supply is safe and they supply hotels, apartment blocks, restaurants and many other places when the reservoirs are low.

So just a message to all that this not imaginary victim now uses bottled water for brushing my teeth...and I have never had a problem whilst doing so. :D

Mr. Fox:

I am sorry you contracted the disease and am positive it was a very unpleasant experience. I am hopeful it will not reoccur for you.

Being the devil's advocate for a minute here...how can you be absolutely certain the tap water caused your illness? Your doctor says it was from the water, but could it have been water you ingested at a restaurant, noodle stand, bar or other such establishment? Why did it have to be from brushing your teeth out of your own tap? Were the other four unfortunate victims told the same thing or did they, perchance, become ill in another fashion? Did anybody else in your household get typhoid as a result of using the same tap water you were using? Did your doctor perform tests on the water you were using in order to narrow down the source of your illness? I am not doubting your veracity in the least....just the information you were provided by your doctor.

I still go back to my original response...you people worry too much.

I don't think it has anything to do witth worrying, I certainly don't stress out about water here, but I like to know as much as I can so I can make reasonably informed decisions.

When diagnosing illnesses a doctor would be expected to interview the patient and come to a likely conclusion through a process of elimination.

Knowledge of the patient’s habits and the way certain infections can take place would contribute to this.

One of the things about brushing teeth is that you are abrading the gum tissue thus leaving it open to infection, and direct blood contact.

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Tap water for teeth is fine, I think the toothpaste kills any germs, I switched to mountain spring water at 45 baht per 10 litres when my kids were born on advise from a friend as his babe had been sick.

I must say tho even the Thais who visit and drink from the water machine say that the water tatses better than normal bottled water.

Ice in drinks? I'm normally too dunk to care and the alchohol must purify it to some extent. :D

:D i get lovely clear cristal water inland from rayon the waterv they drill for locally is crap and could give you some the runs :o

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I've been in Thailand for 5 months now and only drink tap water. I drink about 3 or 4 litres a day. If I'm not at home I'll drink any water that is available. Perhaps you caught the typhoid because yr immune system is so used to having nothing to do.

If you are drinking tap water like you say then you are taking a very big gamble with your health. It is not just the quality of the tap water that is suspect but also the infrasrtructure of the water pipe system. By this I mean that there are holes in pipes and corrosion where nasty bugs can enter the system.

I would recommend that for the sake of a few baht you should order/buy treated bottled water and protect your health.

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I've been brushing my teeth for 29 years using the tap water in Thailand. I guess I should be more careful or I might get sick. :D

I purchase bottled water to cook with and drink. I use the ice at bars served with my drinks and never give it a second thought. :D

Sometimes you people worry too much. :o

chuckd...I notice that you buy bottled water to drink......the reason why is because the tap water is not safe to drink....am I right?

Well there you have your own answer........dont let the tap water get into your mouth unless you can possibly help it. :D

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I wouldn't trust the tap water here for a number of reasons.

1) The quality of the infrastructure. From the water treatment plant, through the piping that brings the water to your residence. What quality standards are in place ? What standards were in place (and enforced) when it was set up ? What about the quality of the workmanship on the piping and plumbing ?

2) The attitude and decisions of the people running the system. How many of you would still drink the water if you knew it was recycled sewage water coming out of your taps ?

Surprise !!! For quite a period over the high season, it was recycled sewage water ! Due to the shortages, especially over the high (peak tourist) season, it was decided to add some chemicals to the water coming from the sewage plant, then add that water into the existing resevoir supplies.

We had a discussion on it at the time. Many people commented on the smell and colour of the water coming out of the taps. Not a pretty sight. I was using bottled water for almost everything (tempted to shower with it too, but that would have been expensive).

3) Are you sure you know where your water is coming from ? Also seen during the water shortages, were water trucks filling their tanks from ditches and ponds around the area. They then deliver that water to various residences and business (including hotels) around the area.

Yum Yum. Untreated pond water ! Should I also mention that there seems to be no health care standards for this things ? In the army, we had specific rules regarding storage and transport of water (incuding purifying it, cleaning the storage tanks, amount of time water could be stored before having to be dumped, ect).

How often do you think the operators of the water trucks clean and sanitize their tanks ? How often do they get inspected by the health authorities ?

Still like your tap water ?

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A bit techinical info

I use beer Chang to drink and clean my teeth with,

its far better than tap or bottled water.

Ten reasons why

1) It gives you that fresh breath our wives all love, first thing in the morning.

2) You never need to buy toothpaste again.

3) What else gives you that furry coating on your teeth in the morning.

4) It looks great in the bathroom cabinet, better than that green listermint.

5) You or last nights conquest, can wash there hair with it.

6) It comes in single servings 1pint or half pint bottles, the latter for boys.

Once opened it must be consumed in a few minutes or it goes flat.

7) The empty bottles can be used to sort out domestic disputes.

8) The tops and the bottles can be used as musical instruments, up at the wife?s family home.

( bet you never done that one)

9) You get to practice, how to peel the Chang labels off in one piece and stick it. The right way

up on your forehead, Un like people do in the bars after a chang session.

10) Chang at 6.3% gives you that beer buzz you need for that spring in your step

first thing in the morning before a hard days round of pattayas bars.

Drink Chang, it helps you work rest and play.


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I can't speak from Pattaya, but in BKK sometimes we've used or mixed boiled tapwater for MaMa-soup or coffee when the tank was empty. We never had problems and I never was worry about, because my GF before always said to me, some Thais sometimes use it also when it looks clean and it doesn't taste bad - it has only to be boiled first - and I believed her and she has visited the university before !?!?!?

It was sure not the money, it was only about that I want to live same as Thais. This was from many years ago and till now I'm only eat Thai food nothing else (mostly Lao food). I also drink water from the big Ice box in the shops everywhere in the sheet metal or plastic cups witch people share and I never had problems since I can remind me.

My ex GF is still alife. But I would never drink tapwater again - too dangerously and too disgusting about all this post here also!

Thank you :o !

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I can't speak from Pattaya, but in BKK sometimes we've used or mixed boiled tapwater for MaMa-soup or coffee when the tank was empty. We never had problems and I never was worry about, because my GF before always said to me, some Thais sometimes use it also when it looks clean and it doesn't taste bad - it has only to be boiled first - and I believed her and she has visited the university before !?!?!?

It was sure not the money, it was only about that I want to live same as Thais. This was from many years ago and till now I'm only eat Thai food nothing else (mostly Lao food). I also drink water from the big Ice box in the shops everywhere in the sheet metal or plastic cups witch people share and I never had problems since I can remind me.

My ex GF is still alife. But I would never drink tapwater again - too dangerously and too disgusting about all this post here also!

Thank you :o !

ahh... correct of course "when the callone (Drinking water) was empty" not "tank" - sorry!

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I've been brushing my teeth for 29 years using the tap water in Thailand. I guess I should be more careful or I might get sick. :D

I purchase bottled water to cook with and drink. I use the ice at bars served with my drinks and never give it a second thought. :D

Sometimes you people worry too much. :D

chuckd...I notice that you buy bottled water to drink......the reason why is because the tap water is not safe to drink....am I right?

Well there you have your own answer........dont let the tap water get into your mouth unless you can possibly help it. :D

Can ANYBODY show me where I have said anything except.....why worry about the tiny amount of water you ingest when brushing your teeth? :D

As far as the tap water being safe to drink, I really don't know since I have never run tests on it. Have you? We have city water at our house but, as often happens, when the water is turned off, we have to refill our tank with well water. I know it is well water as we get it one block from our house and they do not fill the truck from a sewer. I sometimes drink water from the tap and, viola, :o I am still alive.

I purchase bottled water because my wife wants it. I have lived many years drinking quite a concoction of liquids and I really don't waste a lot of time worrying about it. In fact, I have wasted more time on this silly thread than I have worrying about what water I drink. :D

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ChuckD…29 years eh?…is that both the front tooth and the back one??

Or does taking the lot out and scrubbing them in the sink count as cleaning with tap water???? Sorry in advance, I'm sure your head is chocker-block with ivory...

Dripping with sarcasm....that is the front tooth, the back tooth and all 30 others that remain. For what it might be worth in the way of accurate information, I am proud to state that I have all original teeth with nary a filling in my head, after 68 years of eating mainly solid food.

Why do I even bother responding to such drivel??? :D

All your original teeth....nary a filling in your head......good news!.........where d'you keep 'em? :o

What part of my post are you having trouble comprehending? :D

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