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Koh Tao - 'Killers will be caught'


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This has got to be just about the most inept investigations ever. When one looks back at the Lockerbie Bomb investigation and compare it with this, it is on a primary school level. Until now, they have not looked for the young Thai who was told to "piss off" because he was doing a line with the victim in a bar. Then there is the young Thai (Probably the same man) who is seen running away on CCTV. Then there is the instance where he took the wrong pants. And still the RTP insist on investigating Farang and migrant workers. Could it be that they know who the young Thai really is and that he belongs to one of those powerful Thai families who own the island and the police therein. With the past record of the RTP i am seriousy wondering !

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I'de guess here, that if the cops don't get a tip off.....they may well be up the creek........

Hopefully, someone will come forward......

Unlikely. The cops on the island are feared and reviled by all except their criminal peers and island elite that openly control them. It would be dangerous for any normal islander to report any violent crime for fear of reprisals and that their name would be passed on to the offenders.

I feel if all local police,govt were removed from the island immediately and never allowed to return, info closing this crime would become available within hours.

I don't go to KT, i live on Samui. But if what the residents of KT are saying is correct. It is about time that the General "pulled his finger out" and started to investigate the "Owners of KT" and the corrupt police that they also own.

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Sad as it is, that two young people were murdered, I find the Thai-hatred on this thread almost more sad!!

The airport is open for departures!!

Believe me, it is not Thai hatred, but utter frustration at the way the RTP go about things thinking that us westerners cannot see through them. It is easy for them to confuse and control the ordinary Thai person who just wants to get on with a peaceful life, thats why it is so easy for them to be corrupt.

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Sad as it is, that two young people were murdered, I find the Thai-hatred on this thread almost more sad!!

The airport is open for departures!!

Yes the Brit Police are so perfect .How long did it take them to catch the Yorkshire ripper ?They stitched up a mentally ill man for the murder of Jill Dando .Then there was the Gilldford 4 etc etc ,

Generally speaking, i think that the Brit police are very efficient , of course there will be the odd one out. Who could ever imagine an operation such as "Operation Countrymen" ever taking place in Thailand. This was where a unit from the Somerset and Bath Constabulary secretly infiltrated another police force and brought about convictions.

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Am sitting on Sairee beach...bib were visiting restaurants last night and hanging round the spot....even saw one pick up a coconut and gave a good investigation!

There is no increase in general security apart from 6 bib videoing everyone arriving on the ferry at Chomporn....this horse has surely bolted

They should be also videoing all departures , especially any Hi-so locals.

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What they should have done was DNA swab tests from all the tourists staying on that beach (or at the very least all the people from the bar they were partying at)...its not to many i know the beach well (must be in the region of 1000) also take DNA swab tests from all the staff that work there too, bar staff hotel staff restaurant staff etc. Its probably too late now....but worth a try surely. After all this is a double murder!

I really really hope that these scumbags are caught for the sake of the victims families, for the sake of tourists safety and for the sake of justice.

DNA test everybody living on the island INCLUDING the rich families, surely this would eliminate a hell of a lot.

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Sad as it is, that two young people were murdered, I find the Thai-hatred on this thread almost more sad!!

The airport is open for departures!!

Yes the Brit Police are so perfect .How long did it take them to catch the Yorkshire ripper ?They stitched up a mentally ill man for the murder of Jill Dando .Then there was the Gilldford 4 etc etc ,

What have you against the British police??

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Not so many years ago the Australian police DNA tested every male over a certain age, on a certain island. Not so many residents i know, but it had to be done as part of an efficient murder investigation. Why are the RTP holding back on this one, is it a cover up ?

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I can tell you that on Koh Tao police helicopters are coming and going many times per day, this is now being taken very seriously. Huge resources are being thrown at solving this crime. The top level police have a huge pressure on them to actually conclude the case and the DNA evidence will stop them doing a frame-up. I am the harshest critic of the RTP institution, but as of the last 48 hrs or so feel a large measure of thanks and respect to the authorities, and a growing sense of confidence that they will catch the murderers, and soon.

This has gone way past the usual protect the pooyais mindset. Moving forward, the cretin local police that attempted a frame up of Chris Ware(remember this stated as fact homosexual/jealous scenario) must be removed. They are actually very responsible for the crime happening in the first place, by grovelling to/working with local thugs causing the local police to be feared, hated and not trusted by law abiding islanders and creating an atmosphere where local lads of a certain status are protected from any wrongdoing.

Most serious crimes of this nature tend to be solved within 48 hours. What was the chief of police on the island thinking? Surely upon initial examination of the scene just the two naked mutilated bodies of the victims should have made him realise the enormity of the crime and the implications thereof.

It's all very well police choppers buzzing to and fro a week after the event, as I have said before a crime/forensic team should have been there as soon as was possible. Heads should roll over this debacle, but I don't suppose for a moment they will.

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I going to take a wild stab at this but they did say samples from Woman victim right? and Mentioned anal cavity So if my school taught me correctly Unless a woman has a pecker and semen she could not inject any in to anal cavity. Don't Thai's know this? I hate to be so blunt but this is getting idiotic. Not about saving face this is showing the world just how stupid you are. Go back to bar where that Thai male tried to pick her up find out who he is test his DNA. I sure it will be him.

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As I posted on another thread (and I am not saying the BIB are smart enough to have thought of this) but testing women is probably an intelligent thing to do as the perp's (male) have probably skipped by now (I would have). However they are probably not clever enough to think that DNA from their mother, sister or daughter could link them to the crime. So if it is a local or someone with a female relative on the island it could solve the case very quickly. However I have no idea why they were taking their foot prints. I suspect in this case they are just clutching at straws and want to be seen to be doing something.

They are taking footprints to clarify just how many cops were actually on duty at the scene that night, just in case anyone not there amongst the crowd, is trying to claim overtime ! tongue.png

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I can tell you that on Koh Tao police helicopters are coming and going many times per day, this is now being taken very seriously. Huge resources are being thrown at solving this crime. The top level police have a huge pressure on them to actually conclude the case and the DNA evidence will stop them doing a frame-up. I am the harshest critic of the RTP institution, but as of the last 48 hrs or so feel a large measure of thanks and respect to the authorities, and a growing sense of confidence that they will catch the murderers, and soon.

This has gone way past the usual protect the pooyais mindset. Moving forward, the cretin local police that attempted a frame up of Chris Ware(remember this stated as fact homosexual/jealous scenario) must be removed. They are actually very responsible for the crime happening in the first place, by grovelling to/working with local thugs causing the local police to be feared, hated and not trusted by law abiding islanders and creating an atmosphere where local lads of a certain status are protected from any wrongdoing.

Move ALL the local KT police force to Pattani forthwith.

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The fact that the crime was so sick twisted and violent - smashing heads in and anally raping etc etc Means that these Perps were probably high on a crazy cocktail of drugs and drink,

So although it seems bizarre to line up restaurant workers etc it is still necessary.

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I have seen a few people posting that because they have the DNA they can't fit anyone up for this crime. Let's not forget who has the ONLY DNA samples, they didn't want it getting into the hands of outside parties (FBI, Scotland Yard). Using DNA samples is the easiest way to fit someone to a crime, it is almost never disputed.

Cynical I know but after watching this debacle unfold.......

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I'm no expert on DNA testing, but I would think that the DNA samples collected at the crime scene should indicate whether the perpetrator(s) were male of female. If the samples are too contaminated to determine sex, then they are probably useless from the outset.

Yeah.... and not only that, but, the DNA tests should reveal if it is male, or female sperm.......


the killers are ladyboys, but of course non-thai.

KarenBravo - you are wasting your talent here!

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I'm no expert on DNA testing, but I would think that the DNA samples collected at the crime scene should indicate whether the perpetrator(s) were male of female. If the samples are too contaminated to determine sex, then they are probably useless from the outset.

Yeah.... and not only that, but, the DNA tests should reveal if it is male, or female sperm.......


the killers are ladyboys, but of course non-thai.

KarenBravo - you are wasting your talent here!

Yes.......I know.

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"The airport is open for departures!!"

Enough with this If you don't like it leave nonsense.

Can anyone think of a more evocative issue than the murder of a young couple, I spend a lot of time in Thailand why, because like all other TV members I like it. I am free to critisise or complement as I choose, right or wrong I will continue to express my opinion.

I have major issues with the general behavior of the human race but I am not planning on leaving earth anytime soon even if I had a rocket to leave in.

​Yes we are surrounded with awful things corruption, greed, murder and war, We are also part of a beautiful world, that includes Thailand and all other countries.

We'll get it right one day

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Sad as it is, that two young people were murdered, I find the Thai-hatred on this thread almost more sad!!

The airport is open for departures!!

I take it this is meant to be a Joke? If not I am afraid you are the sad one

JOC, if and when some horrible.misfortune befalls you, and a you can see as assistance is the society around you blaming you for your misfortune and apparently making every effort to avoid the obvious truth of the matter, give us a call.

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