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Why NOT swim in Rawai beach?

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Other than the very low risk of getting beheaded by a speedboat, is there any real reason? The water is so much calmer than at Nai harn. Will there be any trouble from the police or anyone else if one were to take a dip?


Is there a good clean sand area anywhere along that stretch?

Other than kids paddling don't recall any swimmers, but why not? as you say - careful of the boats!

Used to like that area for boat watching, scenic enough when the tide is in

Never looked appealing to me as a swimmer - much of it is more like mudflats at low tide, rather than beach

Low tide:




I am over the water along that beach quite often and some days the water is really clear with some sea life to be seen, other days the water is very murky until you get 400 metres out. Just make sure if you swim the tide is at least a 2.5 or higher, otherwise you might kick a dead coral head.


Have you ever seen Nai-Harn during the dry season?

As far as a swimming beach goes Rawai's crap, was a Nai-Harn today and it was great.


I prefer Rawai Beach at dead low tide,

Put on a pair of old sneakers and wade thru the tidal pools, My kids love it..

walk all the way to the deep channel quite fun.....

Lots of sea gypsy dudes catching octopus and other critters out there.

Just have to be wary of the in comming tide and not get stuck out there

My next trip im gonna bring my light gear fishing pole and some shinny lures and do some casting into the deep channel. Looks like some good fishing there.

High tide at Rawai sucks small beach dirty smells like diesel fuel from the boats.

Can not even walk on side walk with baby stroller its all blocked with boat and taxi touts as well as broken cement need to walk in road with stroller for this journey.


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