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Russian out-in visa runs ‘same as other nationalities’ – Thai Immigration chief

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What happens if you are a tourist but owning a condo and wnat to live in your own accomodation?

If you own a condo, then you are not really a tourist.

Tourists are people who don't have residence and stay in hotels.

This is false and blatant disinformation.

It is PERFECTLY LEGAL for a tourist to buy a condo. I own a condo and i use it few months every winter when I go to Thailand, usually from December to March, but

i also move around. I have facilities like swimming pool, gymn, sauna, jacuzzi, etc. I am not interested to rent it out ,I just use it an average of 3 months a year.

Get your facts right and read about Thai laws, it seems you don 't know them

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Disgusting, why are Russians given preferential treatment???? I can't believe this. I'm so angry, the only Russians I have encountered anywhere in Thailand are rude, aggressive, and just generally obnoxious, they think they own the place, and now it seems, they do

Thailand hates genuine tourists who spend money. They are cracking down on them. They just welcome people who abuse the law repeatedly and short term 30 days 800-euros all included tourists.

If you come 3-4- months a year with a 30 000 euros budget , you are not welcome and you should go to a neighour country to spend your money instead.

Amazing Thailand, isn t it ?

I also plan to sell my condo and use another country as my winter holiday destination.

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one point for putin:

i think the despotic russian government has done what all government of the rest of the world did not.... negociate with thais a good status visa for their citizen on holiday......!

now the thai are looking only for the money because they should know now after what happened with the russian mafia in all big tourist places like phuket or pataya that this will bring quiet a lots of headache in the future for them.... also i dont know if they realized that the quality of russian guest are really complicated...not very civilized or either respectfull of diferent ways of living....they drink like hell, fight, break everything, drugs, prostitution, etc etc . they think money give them all rights.....i lived in spain for 15 years and i have seen the invasion in the south before.... they spend like hell , yes but nobody like these savage in europe.

american and european have become old fashion ....they want new and inovation but i think the cocktail :drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif russian plus the noisy and spiting chinese will be a good mixed up for thailand ...... a new comunist block perhaps?cheesy.gif

sometimes quality is better than quantity....but this depend on the owner of the bar to decide...i wish them good luck with that desision and good job for considerating now the other nationalities has a second tourist class now

number one russian bagpackers ....!clap2.gif come on....the door is open....! it is your turn....


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What I am reading is that hotel bookings are the only way you can travel in Thailand. I have several friends who own homes and condos. I stay with them frequently. Also, my girl has made her home available to me. Does that make me a bad tourist ? I think many people are the same...and come here to visit a relative or friend...perhaps a fiancee, for their vacation. What is all the hoopla about hotels, anyways. Also, in many other countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, etc) ...many people buy vacation timeshare condominiums....or even winter bungalos/cabins. Why is this not considered?

Yeah, and who is all the real estate advertising aimed at? Post after post on this forum says you cant own in Thailand, ok maybe that refers to house and land.

Any way, stand by for tomorrows headline "All Russians to leave Thailand immediately", free resident visa for Afghans.

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What happens if you are a tourist but owning a condo and wnat to live in your own accomodation?

I would not call someone who owns a property in Thailand a tourist.

What's funny,...from all (100%) of all the Russians I've observed (around the World), they are the least happy, most aggressive people on the Planet.,...directly opposite the Thai People.

Immigration must have gotten a big pay-off for Russian special treatment. And so,...corruption reigns. Rather than truly wanting Thai's to be Happy.

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Disgusting, why are Russians given preferential treatment???? I can't believe this. I'm so angry, the only Russians I have encountered anywhere in Thailand are rude, aggressive, and just generally obnoxious, they think they own the place, and now it seems, they do

Thailand hates genuine tourists who spend money. They are cracking down on them. They just welcome people who abuse the law repeatedly and short term 30 days 800-euros all included tourists.

If you come 3-4- months a year with a 30 000 euros budget , you are not welcome and you should go to a neighour country to spend your money instead.

Amazing Thailand, isn t it ?

I also plan to sell my condo and use another country as my winter holiday destination.

That should be called jealousy-based decision.

But if you spend 30,000 eur for 4 months in Thailand you should not have a problem not seeing anybody you don't want to.

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What happens if you are a tourist but owning a condo and wnat to live in your own accomodation?

I would not call someone who owns a property in Thailand a tourist.

Call him a rich tourist then.

What's funny,...from all (100%) of all the Russians I've observed (around the World), they are the least happy, most aggressive people on the Planet.,...directly opposite the Thai People.

Immigration must have gotten a big pay-off for Russian special treatment. And so,...corruption reigns. Rather than truly wanting Thai's to be Happy.

It's hilarious to see people here getting bile attack over a statement that simply says that all nationalities are treated the same. Now accusing of corruption, but one line before they were wonderful Thai people...

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This is false and blatant disinformation.

It is PERFECTLY LEGAL for a tourist to buy a condo. I own a condo and i use it few months every winter when I go to Thailand, usually from December to March, but

i also move around. I have facilities like swimming pool, gymn, sauna, jacuzzi, etc. I am not interested to rent it out ,I just use it an average of 3 months a year.

Get your facts right and read about Thai laws, it seems you don 't know them

No matter what the "law" says,...the term TOURIST should not include ownership in the place they are touring,...especially for 3 months out of the year.

It should be called something like Temporary, but continuous, Resident....a non-immigrant....not a tourist.

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Disgusting, why are Russians given preferential treatment???? I can't believe this. I'm so angry, the only Russians I have encountered anywhere in Thailand are rude, aggressive, and just generally obnoxious, they think they own the place, and now it seems, they do

Thailand hates genuine tourists who spend money. They are cracking down on them. They just welcome people who abuse the law repeatedly and short term 30 days 800-euros all included tourists.

If you come 3-4- months a year with a 30 000 euros budget , you are not welcome and you should go to a neighour country to spend your money instead.

Amazing Thailand, isn t it ?

I also plan to sell my condo and use another country as my winter holiday destination.

good desision.clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif ....i also sell to do exactly the same thing!..thumbsup.gif ...now the problem is to find a buyer...sad.png ...a russian perhaps? burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif come on!

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I'm afraid I just don't understand their intentions at all anymore; first, it was that out/ins meant one had - surprise - been a 'criminal'. And when that was confusing, it was repeated endlessly that Russian gangs were 'destroying Thailand'.

Now, suddenly and inexplicably, Russians are encouraged to have 'unlimited out/ins...same as everyone else'. The disparages between this statement and those repeated so often of the last months, is maddening.

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It's hilarious to see people here getting bile attack over a statement that simply says that all nationalities are treated the same. Now accusing of corruption, but one line before they were wonderful Thai people...

No,...the hilarity is your bile response. The article said, "Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that Thailand and Russia have a specific agreement stating that Russian citizens may enter Thailand visa-free as often as they wish, each time for 30 days."

Let me repeat,...Thailand and Russia have a specific agreement....visa-free as often as they wish.

I never said the corrupt elite (think Mr Suthep) were wonderful Thai folks.

Before martial law was declared, Gen Prayuth told me ‘Khun Suthep and your masses of PDRC supporters are too exhausted. It’s now the duty of the army to take over the task’, ” Mr Suthep said.

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I'm afraid I just don't understand their intentions at all anymore; first, it was that out/ins meant one had - surprise - been a 'criminal'. And when that was confusing, it was repeated endlessly that Russian gangs were 'destroying Thailand'.

Now, suddenly and inexplicably, Russians are encouraged to have 'unlimited out/ins...same as everyone else'. The disparages between this statement and those repeated so often of the last months, is maddening.

"it was repeated endlessly that Russian gangs were 'destroying Thailand'."

I've endlessly saw the same reports. Go figure!

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It's hilarious to see people here getting bile attack over a statement that simply says that all nationalities are treated the same. Now accusing of corruption, but one line before they were wonderful Thai people...

No,...the hilarity is your bile response. The article said, "Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that Thailand and Russia have a specific agreement stating that Russian citizens may enter Thailand visa-free as often as they wish, each time for 30 days."

Let me repeat,...Thailand and Russia have a specific agreement....visa-free as often as they wish.

I never said the corrupt elite (think Mr Suthep) were wonderful Thai folks.

Before martial law was declared, Gen Prayuth told me ‘Khun Suthep and your masses of PDRC supporters are too exhausted. It’s now the duty of the army to take over the task’, ” Mr Suthep said.

I totally miss the point you're trying to make, but I feel it must be so irrelvant that you've lost it too a long time ago.

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This is false and blatant disinformation.

It is PERFECTLY LEGAL for a tourist to buy a condo. I own a condo and i use it few months every winter when I go to Thailand, usually from December to March, but

i also move around. I have facilities like swimming pool, gymn, sauna, jacuzzi, etc. I am not interested to rent it out ,I just use it an average of 3 months a year.

Get your facts right and read about Thai laws, it seems you don 't know them

No matter what the "law" says,...the term TOURIST should not include ownership in the place they are touring,...especially for 3 months out of the year.

It should be called something like Temporary, but continuous, Resident....a non-immigrant....not a tourist.

So...then you are making all the definitions fit? What does webster say?

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No mention of a time limit on a tourist....according to webster.

Also no mention of whether a tourist is allowed to have a vacation home, for the purpose of his touristy habits.


Many, many countries allow tourist for six months...and longer......

Edited by slipperylobster
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