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Is Thailand Safe?

BKK Blues Brother

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Sickening comment

Thailand is generally safe but if you act irresponsibly then it can be dangerous. Walking around a deserted beach at 3 am wearing a bikini is not a good idea. Hannah might as well have worn a sign saying "Please rape me".

I may have this wrong, but in video captures of the young lady taken that evening, she seems to be wearing a t-shirt and regular shorts, not a bikini. She is in the company of other westerners in the shots. Shots of the man are similar..t-shirt, cargo shorts. This is from the published pictures in a certain "unavailable" UK daily, which the diligent channel surfer can still locate.

What a sad spectacle this has become.

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The land of smiles is safe, but what's behind the smiles a xenophobic race that only wants your hard earned cash

Tourism is a business. In tourist areas some locals will primarily view you as a source of income, wherever you might be in the world.

By tarring the entire population with the same brush, you show that you're the one who's xenophobic.

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I traveled around Europe and North and South America since the 60's and live in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and the US.....I feel more safe and accepted in Thailand than in any other country.....even than in my hometown.

For the most part, the worst things happen where the partying is going on, and the tourists are vulnerable.

That is only a small part of Thailand, but very visible in the media. Unfortunately, there are high concentrations of tourists in the partying areas, and quite a bit fewer in the mountains, forest, river and farm areas..

Tourists, in almost any country, are vulnerable when they get in the high density, hotel and nightlife areas.

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Off course its safe... Iv never been threatened in Thailand, travelling and living here for 25 years and over... I think some countries should look at their own backyard first.. Before giving theses travel warnings.. My English mates, tell me England is terrible for safety, and going out alone.. Traveled to USA, would never walk alone in most places.. Im Aussie, well, would never walk alone in most places too..

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The land of smiles is safe, but what's behind the smiles a xenophobic race that only wants your hard earned cash

another expert,,,

read a few threads and jumped on the bandwagon,,,, they onloy want your money, they are out to rip you off,,

mate try reading some of the good posts on here not just the negative,,

or at least stay here for a while and get your own opinion

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Sickening comment

Thailand is generally safe but if you act irresponsibly then it can be dangerous. Walking around a deserted beach at 3 am wearing a bikini is not a good idea. Hannah might as well have worn a sign saying "Please rape me".

Why is it sickening? If you mean that the fact that there are opportunistic and depraved criminals around, then I agree.

But if you think the comment is blaming the victim, and that suggestion is sickening, then I suggest you are wholly naive. Walking down the street with $100 bills hanging out of all pockets may result in you being robbed. You can easily prevent it by removing the temptation, and keeping your cash out of sight.

How is that any different than refraining from walking down a lonely stretch of beach in the wee hours in a bikini, in Thailand?

Thailand is a conservative country, and culturally offended by overt sexual displays. Eurotrash have been sunbathing topless on Thai beaches for decades, in spite of Thai cultural values. Still, they are generally tolerated, providing little kids a good giggle. Big kids don't always play so nice. Better know what you're doing before you get off the plane.

I'm sorry for those poor Brits, but had they, and their ilk, known and cared more about local sensitivities, this might have been avoided.

And none of this excuses the perpetrators of this awful crime; it only emphasizes personal responsibility for one's own safety.

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When I saw the subject tag, I immediately thought of the character Eleanor in the US TV series The Bridge. She's a psycho, wanted for murder, but her favorite question is "Is it safe?"

2 words. Marathon Man. Saw it just once over 35 years ago and it still haunts me... But I digress.

99.9% of the tourists go home from Thailand unscathed- beyond a band aid or 2. 99.99+% go home alive. (I suspect 99.99999% go home with less money, but hey- it's tourism.)

Traffic accidents are pretty much universally the most common cause of tourist deaths. They don't make the headlines, but dead is dead.

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Any city can be unsafe at night, Thailand included. I feel more threatened by the soi dogs than anything else. And the one goose that came charging at me. the two British Tourists were in a group !!!!! they left the group !!!! never never leave your group, stay together . Strengh in numbers. They would still be alive if they stayed with there group. This is a very sick real thing that happened. They were drinking and out late at night. All the bad things seem to happen here after 11pm.

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I feel very safe in Thailand.My 12 years here have seen me visit many parts of Central and northern Thailand, never been to The south islands as every time i read about phuket, khao Samui etc, there seems to be an unsavory element there, maybe south thailand people are more aggressive, not sure.Always seems to be a bigger Mafia element and corrupt cops.

Now, aggressive westerners,thats a different topic.

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The land of smiles is safe, but what's behind the smiles a xenophobic race that only wants your hard earned cash

another expert,,,

read a few threads and jumped on the bandwagon,,,, they onloy want your money, they are out to rip you off,,

mate try reading some of the good posts on here not just the negative,,

or at least stay here for a while and get your own opinion


100% Agree with your comments, i think Indo has been scorned,the good ones far outway the bad

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I think it is unfair calling Thais xenophobic. Many are and many are not just like in any other country. I feel the xenophobia more with immigration and police more than any other group.

Safety in tourist areas are a real concern because police in Thailand are generally lazy, corrupt and untrained. Good policing in tourist areas and taking crime seriously by the judicial system could remedy the situation but Thailand has a long way to go in that respect. Thai women are very often the objects of violent crime but police rarely do anything about it and sometimes they are involved. That's a fact. Is it any wonder that rapist, murderers, knife wielding gangs and robbers have such confidence?

That being said, when out and about don't let police presence (if there is any) give a false sense of security. Be careful and stay in populated well lit areas.

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Sickening comment

Thailand is generally safe but if you act irresponsibly then it can be dangerous. Walking around a deserted beach at 3 am wearing a bikini is not a good idea. Hannah might as well have worn a sign saying "Please rape me".

Why is it sickening? If you mean that the fact that there are opportunistic and depraved criminals around, then I agree.

But if you think the comment is blaming the victim, and that suggestion is sickening, then I suggest you are wholly naive. Walking down the street with $100 bills hanging out of all pockets may result in you being robbed. You can easily prevent it by removing the temptation, and keeping your cash out of sight.

How is that any different than refraining from walking down a lonely stretch of beach in the wee hours in a bikini, in Thailand?

Thailand is a conservative country, and culturally offended by overt sexual displays. Eurotrash have been sunbathing topless on Thai beaches for decades, in spite of Thai cultural values. Still, they are generally tolerated, providing little kids a good giggle. Big kids don't always play so nice. Better know what you're doing before you get off the plane.

I'm sorry for those poor Brits, but had they, and their ilk, known and cared more about local sensitivities, this might have been avoided.

And none of this excuses the perpetrators of this awful crime; it only emphasizes personal responsibility for one's own safety.

Thailand is a conservative country ????

So please tell me what Thailand is famous for ??? And what is always documented on World T.V. , and when you walk out your Hotel, what kind of Shows are you being invited to, ???

Look at any Airport arrivals and see some of these Tourists look like ??? Not here for the Culture or the Temples ... That's for sure....

Just my two,cents worth, with what I have seen and heard....

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Thailand is a conservative country ????

So please tell me what Thailand is famous for ??? And what is always documented on World T.V. , and when you walk out your Hotel, what kind of Shows are you being invited to, ???

Look at any Airport arrivals and see some of these Tourists look like ??? Not here for the Culture or the Temples ... That's for sure....

Just my two,cents worth, with what I have seen and heard....

A small minority come here for the sex industry. For some reason they seem to think everyone else does, too.

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It's safer here in Thailand than in Uk &Wales,In Uk & Wales there were 2310 murders from 2010/2011/2012/2013

I had read on the internet that the UK had a higher violent crime rate than the US. I looked on Google and I think that statistic comes from this:


From that article:

"According to the figures released yesterday, 3.6 per cent of the population of England and Wales were victims of violent crime in 1999 - second only to Australia, where the figure was 4.1 per cent.

Scotland had a slightly lower rate of violence, at 3.4 per cent.

In the U.S., only 2 per cent of the population suffered an assault or robbery."

So the rate of violent crime is almost double in the UK what it is in the US.

Of course, deaths by guns are about 5 times as great in the US as in UK.

Hmmm, does that mean gun control in the UK leaves unarmed Brits more susceptible to violent crime than are the armed Yanks in the US?

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Only if you have your wits about you and understand their culture.

Btw I have warned my family not to visit Thailand as I couldn't guarantee their safety.

To the OP. Thailand is as safe as any country in the world. it is a very tolerant country, yes, there are exceptions as in any country. Ask yourself this, how many westerners are killed or attacked by Thais, when they are sober, have not gotten into an arguement, and mind their own business?

Also OP. Is there any country in the world where you would guarantee your familys safety?

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The question is....did you feel safe at home?

If you did, then do and act the same way here as @ home!

If you didn't,ask yourself why.......

Act 'normally' as @home and start feeling at home here!

Oh....before i forget.

Try NOT to seek justice in injustice, so stay away from policestations and wellwishers with golden eggs and opportunities.

in other words live your own life (with or without family)

Have a fabulous life around here!

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Thailand is generally safe but if you act irresponsibly then it can be dangerous. Walking around a deserted beach at 3 am wearing a bikini is not a good idea. Hannah might as well have worn a sign saying "Please rape me".

Sickening and offensive to the deceased family(s) is too polite a description of this post. In the cold light of day and knowing how much damage he had caused, the Thai PM General at least had enough respect to apologise for his similar 'off the cuff' error. Does your character come up to anything resembling his level, or is it based on the Sunday tabloid type of mentality?

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Thailand is one heck of a lot safer than most European countries........all you have to do is see how many foreign women are not afraid to walk alone at night time...I still notice this after 12 years here....I think to myself...."isn't it fantastic that they can go about their business at night time without fear of being accosted, not like at home Above it says........."Western tourists have been victims of vicious, unprovoked attacks" .... you could re-write that and say " Western ladies have been victims of vicious, unprovoked attacks while walking in their home towns at night time"

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The land of smiles is safe, but what's behind the smiles a xenophobic race that only wants your hard earned cash

another expert,,,

read a few threads and jumped on the bandwagon,,,, they onloy want your money, they are out to rip you off,,

mate try reading some of the good posts on here not just the negative,,

or at least stay here for a while and get your own opinion

Here is a good post....I was getting out of a taxi in Lampang by the street market. Looks like when I was paying the taxi, 300 baths fells from my pocket. An old woman chase me 100 mts to gave me the money she found....

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Thailand is a conservative country ????

So please tell me what Thailand is famous for ??? And what is always documented on World T.V. , and when you walk out your Hotel, what kind of Shows are you being invited to, ???

Look at any Airport arrivals and see some of these Tourists look like ??? Not here for the Culture or the Temples ... That's for sure....

Just my two,cents worth, with what I have seen and heard....

A small minority come here for the sex industry. For some reason they seem to think everyone else does, too.

A small minority? A lot of all those single blokes must be coming for golf then.

I.don't have the stats, but I think its a lot more than a small minority

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