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Is Thailand Safe?

BKK Blues Brother

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Thailand is one heck of a lot safer than most European countries........all you have to do is see how many foreign women are not afraid to walk alone at night time...I still notice this after 12 years here....I think to myself...."isn't it fantastic that they can go about their business at night time without fear of being accosted, not like at home Above it says........."Western tourists have been victims of vicious, unprovoked attacks" .... you could re-write that and say " Western ladies have been victims of vicious, unprovoked attacks while walking in their home towns at night time"

The crime rate in the State of California is the lowest in the US considering its population, but......nobody risk to walk a park or beach at night time, or the bad side of downtowns. Even Go Go dancers walks aoutside the bars with bodyguards, and most young women never walks big parks alone even during the day. Children walks "on the leach"..never playing alone outside their homes, Can go on forever about people's safety problems on the US....

And...if somebody here knows Palo Alto...you do know what I am talking about.. Palo Alto is a district on the South Bay, close to San Francisco, divided by the freeway. The very rich class live in West Palo Alto, the very poors in East Palo Alto. The separation is a 100 mts bridge.

West Palo Alto is famous. It is the house of the Stanford University and many billionaires hightech people.

East Palo Alto ls famous. It is the most dangerous place in the US, with the highest crime rate and violence in all the country.

A non local crossing the bridge at night into the East side.... never will go back alive. Period!

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Is Thailand safe, No ! But no country is really safe.

The bad part about Thailand is that there is a perception that it is safe and thus people lower their guard. You have to be very careful here. Don't drop your guard. Don't trust anyone you don't know. Don't go in places where there are few people late at night. Don't get drunk and argue with Thais. Don't ride on motorbikes without a helmet.

The police and legal system are not same as first world countries and when things go wrong they may not be there to help you.

Basically, when things go wrong here they can get out of control very quickly. Avoid all conflict, eat your pride and live another day.

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I have lived in Thailand for 5 years and been visiting for 15. I agree with most of the above posts and feel as safe here as anywhere else subject to sensible precautions but accepted...no!. I would say it is very difficult for a farang to be accepted here. The surface reaction is very rarely what is going on underneath.

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I entered through Suvarnabhumi on my own recently. I guess you'd have assumed I was here for sex?

Like most places, Thailand is much safer if you don't get involved in the seedier side of life.

I make no judgement about individuals. However, I had noticed that the only attraction of some of the largest resorts in Thailand is actually the a sex industry.

Don't ask me how I know, but they say the pink neon is visible from space. Small minority. Lol

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I was born and brought up in Poole. There are more murders of Brits per year in Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset per year that Thailand over the last 5 years.

Strangely enough that is a holiday destination too.

Why do.people keep flogging this idea inspite of numerous statistics to prove it is untrue by a massive margin?

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I was born and brought up in Poole. There are more murders of Brits per year in Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset per year that Thailand over the last 5 years.

Strangely enough that is a holiday destination too.

Why do.people keep flogging this idea inspite of numerous statistics to prove it is untrue by a massive margin?

I expect there are far more British people aged 90 or over who die in Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset than do in Thailand as well. I wonder if it might have anything to do with the fact that the population of Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset over 90 are 96% British but the population of over 90 year old Britons in Thailand is almost nil. Well well are we surprised?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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Thailand is generally safe but if you act irresponsibly then it can be dangerous. Walking around a deserted beach at 3 am wearing a bikini is not a good idea. Hannah might as well have worn a sign saying "Please rape me".

I'm sure you don't care but I think you've posted the most insensitive and unkind post I've had occasion to read on Thaivisa Forum.

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Thailand is generally safe but if you act irresponsibly then it can be dangerous. Walking around a deserted beach at 3 am wearing a bikini is not a good idea. Hannah might as well have worn a sign saying "Please rape me".

I'm sure you don't care but I think you've posted the most insensitive and unkind post I've had occasion to read on Thaivisa Forum.

I think it's not about sensitivity as much as it's about fact, visitors need to understand this.

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I also feel safe in Thailand but I know the dos and don't.

Tourist and westerners are clueless when they arrive here, no mention of personal safety in the holiday brochures.

Humm ... I am here now on a Tourist Visa .. that makes me officially a 'Tourist'.

Would I say that I am ... "clueless when they arrive here" ... rolleyes.gif

Interesting ... coffee1.gif

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The thing to remember in Thailand is that there is nobody to hold your hand and tell you what is safe. You have to live by your own wits and common sense. This is the 'dangerous' part for clueless tourists. If you will trip over a raised kerbstone then think it is your right to sue somebody, go somewhere else. In this respect it is much more dangerous than Western countries.

The people are much more laid back and less aggressive than people in the UK. There is some risk because retarded people tend to be left to wander around, so you can never be quite sure - but overall I feel much safer walking around Bangkok than my home town in the UK.

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I was born and brought up in Poole. There are more murders of Brits per year in Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset per year that Thailand over the last 5 years.

Strangely enough that is a holiday destination too.

Why do.people keep flogging this idea inspite of numerous statistics to prove it is untrue by a massive margin?

Tell me what is not true in this post.

1 I was born and brought up in Poole

2 There are more murders in that area of Brits than in the last 5 years in Thailand

3 The area IS a holiday destination

Now given those 3 facts please prove me wrong and I will apologise

If you cannot prove me wrong will you then apologise to me?

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Over the years I have traveled,Europe,US,Central,South America,Pacific islands,inc PNG

Oz,Africa and Asia,the only place i felt uneasy was in the Bahamas,but nothing happened,

you just have to be-aware of your surroundings,not advisable to go drinking with people

you do not know,its all about common sense,but that seems to be in short supply where

some people are concerned.

It also helps if you look like a mugger,people tend to leave you alone,25 years living here,

no problems really,just a couple of road rage incidents that were dealt with.the roads are

the most dangerous places in Thailand by far

regards Worgeordie

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The thing to remember in Thailand is that there is nobody to hold your hand and tell you what is safe. You have to live by your own wits and common sense. This is the 'dangerous' part for clueless tourists. If you will trip over a raised kerbstone then think it is your right to sue somebody, go somewhere else. In this respect it is much more dangerous than Western countries.

The people are much more laid back and less aggressive than people in the UK. There is some risk because retarded people tend to be left to wander around, so you can never be quite sure - but overall I feel much safer walking around Bangkok than my home town in the UK.

The first paragraph above is spot on. In Thailand it is 'Up to you' and on that level it is therefore less safe. Thais are fairly repressed emotionally because it is just not done to show a lot of emotion but what happens is that they are like a kettle with nowhere for the steam to go and one day they just erupt. In a western country if you have a problem with someone in traffic or on the street you might get abuse but here the guy in the other car might produce a gun...and use it. Great care is required around Thai men especially if they have been drinking which, of course, is another issue here. There is a much stronger drinking culture here than in the west...partly to forget the poverty in which most Thais live. These are all things which we need to think about when living (or visiting) here.

Edited by bigyin
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I also feel safe in Thailand but I know the dos and don't.

Tourist and westerners are clueless when they arrive here, no mention of personal safety in the holiday brochures.

Humm ... I am here now on a Tourist Visa .. that makes me officially a 'Tourist'.

Would I say that I am ... "clueless when they arrive here" ... rolleyes.gif

Interesting ... coffee1.gif

No I would say your a Visa runner and your time in Thailand is Limited.

Thailand is trying to crack down on your type.

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Don't feel threatened too much. Been here 30 years. Mugged once. Wonder how many times it would have been if I'd been living in London, Birmingham or Brighton and was walking home up a dark street in the suburbs. Street light were out.

Some of my rules now are: don't get drunk, don't stay out all night, always walk with my dog and a big stick but never after dark. Lock house and front gate up tight each evening with dog inside. Don't drive at night. Most to do with age rather than safety.

The one place in the world I always felt threatened in was Los Angeles USA. Always looking over my shoulder. Only stayed a few days then got the hell out. And that was like 35 years ago.

Edited by Keesters
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I also feel safe in Thailand but I know the dos and don't.

Tourist and westerners are clueless when they arrive here, no mention of personal safety in the holiday brochures.

Humm ... I am here now on a Tourist Visa .. that makes me officially a 'Tourist'.

Would I say that I am ... "clueless when they arrive here" ... rolleyes.gif

Interesting ... coffee1.gif

No I would say your a Visa runner and your time in Thailand is Limited.

Thailand is trying to crack down on your type.

... cheesy.gif

May I add one more for effect?

'My Type' ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You must know me well then?

You are new here ... I won't go hard.


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Is Thailand safe?

One Aussie dies every nine days in Bali. 600,000 a year visit, so, roughly a 1 - 10,000 chance of dying.

Into Thailand 400,000 a year visit ... 100 died.

So, the odds are higher of dying in Thailand ... but I would summarise that more Aussies actually lived in Thailand then in Bali ... so those passing from Natural Causes would distort the statistics.

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I also feel safe in Thailand but I know the dos and don't.

Tourist and westerners are clueless when they arrive here, no mention of personal safety in the holiday brochures.

Humm ... I am here now on a Tourist Visa .. that makes me officially a 'Tourist'.

Would I say that I am ... "clueless when they arrive here" ... rolleyes.gif

Interesting ... coffee1.gif

No I would say your a Visa runner and your time in Thailand is Limited.

Thailand is trying to crack down on your type.

... cheesy.gif

May I add one more for effect?

'My Type' ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You must know me well then?

You are new here ... I won't go hard.


Yea I know your type, using Visa run companies every few months to Cambodia to renew your visa.

Your the kind of person that Wai's Security guards and toilet cleaners.

And likes to walk around ko San Rd barefoot with a large chang in hand.

Out, out, get out of Thailand you visa runner.

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Only if you have your wits about you and understand their culture.

Btw I have warned my family not to visit Thailand as I couldn't guarantee their safety.


Personally I feel safer in Thailand than the UK, this has been my feeling for years, just had a quick look at these figures which back up my feeling, which country do you come from?


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... I would say your a Visa runner and your time in Thailand is Limited.

Thailand is trying to crack down on your type.

... cheesy.gif

May I add one more for effect?

'My Type' ... cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You must know me well then?

You are new here ... I won't go hard..

Yea I know your type, using Visa run companies every few months to Cambodia to renew your visa.

Your the kind of person that Wai's Security guards and toilet cleaners.

And likes to walk around ko San Rd barefoot with a large chang in hand.

Out, out, get out of Thailand you visa runner.

Dear thai20144 ... some folks know when to stop swinging ... you apparently do not.

For those who haven't met him ... a wee introduction.

From the mouths of babes ...

Ok so for the past 3 years I have been living in Thailand with my Thai GF, I said that this was going to be my last year in Thailand as I was getting tired of doing Visa runs etc. Now because of the crackdown that decision has been made for me, so I have 3 months left in the land of smiles.

I have been growing a small online business the past year that has paid my way in Thailand and I am working hard to grow that business which I thank Thailand for giving me the opportunity to be able to quit employment and start an online business.

Now I have two Options Cambodia or move back to Europe I was thinking Portugal or Spain.

The thing is that my online income at the moment would better suit living in Cambodia as am still growing the business and some days I made double a western wage and others not so good.

I have not lived in Europe for about 8 years and the taught of moving back to dull, depressing, small minded, rip off Ireland are not so bright.

I know a lot of people travel to Spain or Portugal for cheap holidays so I was thinking if I go there in December I could probable rent a cheap hotel till I get settled.

Any advise for a 30 year old guy looking for a more secure future (in Europe or even Cambodia) would be appreciated.


So, as for Visa running ... biggrin.png ... I think you confuse me with that what faces you in the shaving mirror each morning ... laugh.png


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I feel very safe in Thailand.My 12 years here have seen me visit many parts of Central and northern Thailand, never been to The south islands as every time i read about phuket, khao Samui etc, there seems to be an unsavory element there, maybe south thailand people are more aggressive, not sure.Always seems to be a bigger Mafia element and corrupt cops.

Now, aggressive westerners,thats a different topic.

I share your toughts. My only time on South side of Thailand was in Songkla area, and I didn't feel safe there. I believe that people in North Thailand are more respectful to foreigners. Even in tourist spots like Chiang Mai, perhaps because agressive foreigners do not come to cultural towns for fun.

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Only if you have your wits about you and understand their culture.

Btw I have warned my family not to visit Thailand as I couldn't guarantee their safety.


Personally I feel safer in Thailand than the UK, this has been my feeling for years, just had a quick look at these figures which back up my feeling, which country do you come from?


As I have mentioned before I also feel safe in Thailand but I understand their culture.

What country I am from is irrelevant as I have lived in many countries around the world.

Anyway I m speaking from experience as my Sisters husband on the first night in Ko Samui crashed the rented motorcycle into the hotel wall where minute's before had rented it from reception, I know idiotic. cheesy.gif

He is a big dirty Cheap Charlie and started complaining in his naïve western manner that he was not going to pay for the damage of the motorcycle as the hotel staff didn't offer / tell him about the Insurance that can be bought for a 100 B.

Of course he started to shout at the little receptionist and caused him to lose face and he flipped and started chasing the big Cheapo around the car park and this is a guy that teaches self defense classes at home.cheesy.gif

You couldn't made this up I laughed at the taught of the nice little smiling reception guy running after the big scared Farang giggle.gif

Next in his fear of death he jumps over a 12 foot wall to escape and left my sister their to follow, what a meathead.

He didn't even stay the night and ran from the island back to Bangkok and got the next flight home, saying his life was in danger.

I couldn't believe it and they never even called me till they arrived home.

After this episode I just ignore peoples request from home to visit and tell them to go to Spain or Italy cheesy.gif

Would you blame me?

Embarrassing to say the least.

And the bad mouthing of Thailand to my Family was unrealistic.

I hope you enjoyed this story and learned something too, as I did, and it was very funny at the time biggrin.png

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