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Tougher penalties for brawling students in Thailand


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Tougher penalties for brawling students
Supinda na Mahachai
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- BRAWLING STUDENTS will find it hard to obtain loans for their education, if a proposal by the Federation of Private Colleges of Technology and Vocational Education of Thailand gets the green light.

The federation's president, Jompong Mongkolvanit, is now seriously pushing for this measure.

"Students, not just their schools, should face punishment," he said.

Brawling students should be blacklisted and their records shared with the Student Loan Office.

"This way, students who cause trouble will understand that they just can't leave this school and easily enrol at another school instead.

"When their name is on the blacklist, they risk losing their chance to secure a student loan," Jompong|said.

Student brawls have become a hot issue lately after three students from the Pathumwan Institute of Technology were gunned down in Bangkok this month in killings that were described as "revenge for the recent death of a female student of a rival institute".

The Office of Private Education Commission (Opec) secretary |general Bundit Sriputtangul said |an institute was now being monitored closely, as its students had already engaged in two serious brawls.

"If its students are found to have been in a brawl one more time, it will be barred from accepting new students in the next academic year," Bundit said.

Such measures usually forces the punished institute to gradually close down in the end, he said.

Four other educational institutes were also being watched, he said, as their students had already engaged in one brawl each.

"Three brawls and you will be punished," he said.

Bundit spoke after attending a meeting with representatives of 18 vocational schools/colleges who came together to address how to prevent bloody brawls among vocational students.

In response to Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha's policy, it has already been agreed that apart from a ban on new enrolments, any institute whose students engage in a brawl will also be closed for three to seven days immediately after the fight occurs.

At the meeting, participants also agreed to implement extra measures such as the different school times and school breaks among rival institutes. All the participant institutes were seen as having a high risk of students getting into brawls.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Tougher-penalties-for-brawling-students-30243887.html

-- The Nation 2014-09-23

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why not lock them up? They know what they are doing...Taking things from them will only lead to more crime as "I want but don't have, but I will get" rubbish will come in. Oh I'm waiting for replys on this.

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Throw them into jail for christ sake but well done on punishing the schools as it is the staff at the school and alumni at these schools that keep these childish feuds alive, kids are at these schools for three years of their lives and yet their risking their life for them

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Over the years we have seen reports, photos and videos of police rounding up students and their weapons then commenting there wasn't much they could do as they were juveniles.

How many of these brawlers will worry that they can't get loans so can't pay fees which means no school ?

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If they're minors...punish the parents....hit 'em with fines...!

Good point Chris.

I was born and brought up in a town of 20,000, small town and small area but there was a Truant Officer.

He liaised with schools, knew the hideouts for those dogging school and visited homes.

Persistent truancy and the parents ended up in court.

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I've mentioned this previously in another thread, but one possible way to end the brawls is to totally do away with uniforms and have the kids wear normal clothes. That way no one can look at you and see what school you go to. Or put every trade school in the same uniform. No school insignia or logo, just a plain uniform. Again, no one can tell what school you go to. It may not completely stop it, as their are still school bags, backpacks, etc, with school logos on them, but it would seriously cut down on it.

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Confiscate their beloved motorbikes and give a lifelong motorbike/car driving license ban as well. Obviously, brawling is not a driving offence, but these little 'tards do care about their Sacooopeees.

A fair proportion of Thai's drive without a licence anyway - so where is the deterrent? as for confiscating their bikes - waste of time - just go buy a new one.

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Throw them into jail for christ sake but well done on punishing the schools as it is the staff at the school and alumni at these schools that keep these childish feuds alive, kids are at these schools for three years of their lives and yet their risking their life for them

Nek week, nek month, nek year.......oh farang.......why you think so mut????

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Here we go again, brave statements by an official, which don't actually deal with the serious problem at hand.

Three brawls and your out, right ,how serious is that, more murders by juveniles , the police have their hands tied, cause the students are under aged and the policy makers don't seem to know how to deal with it, its a training ground for future gangsters.

How inept is this, what happened to the kid a few years back ,in uniform, firing live rounds into another student bus, rivals yea, understatement yet again, he was on video , in broad daylight.

They must be embarrassed by the youth, what Country would'nt be, but as long as the public, parents keep quiet, nothing dramatic going to change.

The PM said that the parents in the motor bike racers problem were going to be held responsible , uh ,thats going to stop it.

Outside help soon to be required , before ASEAN .

The world is looking now !

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So you're to be allowed two brawls without censure or with only a severe thrashing with a lettuce leaf, but by golly don't do it a third time or you'll really be in trouble and you won't be able to borrow money.

Please sir, can I have some of whatever it is these clowns are on? cheesy.gif

Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

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Throw them into jail for christ sake but well done on punishing the schools as it is the staff at the school and alumni at these schools that keep these childish feuds alive, kids are at these schools for three years of their lives and yet their risking their life for them

Is there a legal basis for punishing a school for the behavior of it's students outside of school hours and outside of school property?

But then again, hey, like legality counts for anything in this country.....

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You don't put these vicious punks and wanna be thugs in the military! Would you want him in your unit knowing his background? I wouldn't! And sleep with one eye open.......on him? 3 brawls and your out? Some of these punks would be in that position in a weeks length of time. Close the Schools down? Like, Thailand does not have a serious education problem now. This solution in my view that will definitely decrease violence in schools the first week of announcement and the date of implementation. The answer: Caning! Yes, Administrative Punishment of 10 lashes across Bare Buttocks for the first offense with a wet reed while harnessed to a docket. 20 lashes for the second offense, if second offense is ever committed, which I highly doubt that would ever happen again. A Doctor should be present during the caning should a decision be made to stop it at any time, then place the little thug in detention and resume and complete the punishment the following day. Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...criticize my plan as being cruel, inhumane, torture, mideveal, Sharia Law, et al. What's your solution then? A hug and a teddy bear that says "I Love You!" for the wanna-be thug? This rivalry and brawling been going on for years and no solution has yet been found to work. I'm sure mine will! thumbsup.gif

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Confiscate their beloved motorbikes and give a lifelong motorbike/car driving license ban as well. Obviously, brawling is not a driving offence, but these little 'tards do care about their Sacooopeees.

A fair proportion of Thai's drive without a licence anyway - so where is the deterrent? as for confiscating their bikes - waste of time - just go buy a new one.

Uh.. yeah, because 99% of Thais can "just go buy a new one" if their bike is confiscatedcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

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So...... Gunning down other students is classed as brawling and youll get in trouble only if you do it 3 times ....................

Dont think that jailing these thugs and killers might work better as a deterrent ?

Someone please just turn out the lights ........... clearly theres no one with brains at home anymore.

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why not lock them up? They know what they are doing...Taking things from them will only lead to more crime as "I want but don't have, but I will get" rubbish will come in. Oh I'm waiting for replys on this.

These "students" (criminals) operate in gangs, they want recognition, a stay in jail is therefore rather a reward for them since it will give them prestige.

And regarding their later fate, I don't believe that a significant share of young thugs can later become honorable citizens.

Better eliminate them from the system now, so these thug-students don't become corrupt state employees later.

Edited by manarak
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moronic repressive policy

All you'll get this way is more kids in trouble and without education

How about investing in prevention rather than repression?

Nope, that's too next century for us

Moronic repressive policy? Lets talk this Century, because we both won't be around for the next one. Pure Rubbish regarding investing in any type of prevention, complete waste of money! Counseling, hugs, teddy bears, group therapy, holding hands, meditation, Kum By Yah!? As if that has not been tried for years with out success. Progressive ideology such as yours has proven to be a total and dismal failure. It just don't work, (PERIOD!) Why do you think so many of youthful offenders are in detention centers, jails, prisons around the Globe? It's due to the failure of a progressive moronic prevention policy. These wanna be thugs are under the spell of peer pressure to do mayhem and harm to others. They attack in packs like wolves. Focusing on their victims like heat seeking missiles. "Spare the rod and spoil the Child?", obviously is a term You are unfamiliar with. Administrative Punishment for First Offense = Caning @10 Lashes is the only solution to the problem. Stepped increases for multiple offenders, if applicable, which I highly doubt would be necessary.

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