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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
According to my Thai friends, the reason I am still single is that I am "jai dee" too much ! blink.png

Whenever somebody says you are too good hearted, it really means that yo are insecure and kind of doormat. There is big difference being kind and being submissive person who tries to please other people. Also about the "bad guys", the readon why many woman like them is because they are very self-confident. And again There is very big difference between being self-confident and beeig cocky. In the end the main feature women seeks from man is self-confidence, if you have that you can get almost any woman, looks (or money) doesn't matter that much if you have confidence. Because its in women biology that they seek man who is good leader of the family, even western feminist women unknowingly seek man who can make decisions, know what he wants in life and is assertive.

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Just FYI, this sounds embarrasingly similar to the standard litany of reasons bar girls routinely give their customers as to why they broke up with their boyfriends/husbands.

They shrewdly give these reasons to put themselves in a more sympathetic light, and to appeal to the natural protective instincts of men.

What you never hear is these women taking any responsibility for the break-up of the marriage: i.e.,

I have a gambling problem

I accumulated huge debts behind my husband's back

I have a drinking problem

I have a drug problem

I cheated on my husband

I was lazy

I was argumentative

I was a neglectful mother

I refused to work, etc., etc.

I used to swallow these bar girl stories 'hook-line-and-sinker' as well, but having been here a while, I know that these are often one-sided versions of the truth and that there are plenty of Thai men who are excellent husbands and fathers.

I like much of what you posted so I'm not having a go at you, just giving my opinion.

Not many people I know admit to their faults in a relationship they normally blame the partner for the breakdown, I take the ladies comments as just this, a face saving measure, we all do it.

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Now here is an interesting little tale for you viewers ( well not that interesting.....)

I live in Naklua ( Pattaya ) and perhaps a slightly seedy part of town (although rather nice may i add.. ) and here it's home to hundreds of single Thai ladies who seem to " zoom about on there motorbikes in hot pants " and generally looking " hot to trot "

One particular lady in my soi who i have known for the last 6 months who works in a bar seems to like me ( are you getting a bit twitchy viewers..? ) she has various farang that send her money every month and is bar fined most nights ( i would imagine ) so what ever she does behind closed doors she has a status labelled " a professional " But for the last 6 months she has tried to " lure me up into her room for a bit of " hows your father " .... she has invited me out for meals and only yesterday yet again she called out from her balcony looking like " Rapunzel " ( an attractive bird with long blonde hair ) each time she makes a move i always " turn down her kind offers of romance " she is absolutely " agitated to the hilt " by being constantly rejected ( although most politely may i add viewers... ) You see here is a lady who obviously makes a good living from performing " the tales from the kamasutra " in her room or a hotel room on location in Pattaya with various farang but once again it just proves that " Ladies want what they can't have " ...

The story continues viewers.......

Farang Jaideewub.png ( kind respect where due ladies )

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Now here is an interesting little tale for you viewers ( well not that interesting.....)

I live in Naklua ( Pattaya ) and perhaps a slightly seedy part of town (although rather nice may i add.. ) and here it's home to hundreds of single Thai ladies who seem to " zoom about on there motorbikes in hot pants " and generally looking " hot to trot "

One particular lady in my soi who i have known for the last 6 months who works in a bar seems to like me ( are you getting a bit twitchy viewers..? ) she has various farang that send her money every month and is bar fined most nights ( i would imagine ) so what ever she does behind closed doors she has a status labelled " a professional " But for the last 6 months she has tried to " lure me up into her room for a bit of " hows your father " .... she has invited me out for meals and only yesterday yet again she called out from her balcony looking like " Rapunzel " ( an attractive bird with long blonde hair ) each time she makes a move i always " turn down her kind offers of romance " she is absolutely " agitated to the hilt " by being constantly rejected ( although most politely may i add viewers... ) You see here is a lady who obviously makes a good living from performing " the tales from the kamasutra " in her room or a hotel room on location in Pattaya with various farang but once again it just proves that " Ladies want what they can't have " ...

The story continues viewers.......

Farang Jaideewub.png ( kind respect where due ladies )

It all goes down to the playing the game. Any man who is self-confident and plays it cool (not easy to get) have no limits on what girls he can get.

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Just FYI, this sounds embarrasingly similar to the standard litany of reasons bar girls routinely give their customers as to why they broke up with their boyfriends/husbands.

They shrewdly give these reasons to put themselves in a more sympathetic light, and to appeal to the natural protective instincts of men.

What you never hear is these women taking any responsibility for the break-up of the marriage: i.e.,

I have a gambling problem

I accumulated huge debts behind my husband's back

I have a drinking problem

I have a drug problem

I cheated on my husband

I was lazy

I was argumentative

I was a neglectful mother

I refused to work, etc., etc.

I used to swallow these bar girl stories 'hook-line-and-sinker' as well, but having been here a while, I know that these are often one-sided versions of the truth and that there are plenty of Thai men who are excellent husbands and fathers.

What they should more truthfully say, is "with my age, past history and baggage, no Thai man would have me".

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My wife did not want another Thai man. Thai men have mia noi. Thai men drink too much. Thai men do not respect Thai women. Thai men smoke. Thai men do not listen. Thai men have small penises. Thai men are lazy. Thai men go out too much. Thai men do not look after their health. These are my wife's pronouncements.

Just FYI, this sounds embarrasingly similar to the standard litany of reasons bar girls routinely give their customers as to why they broke up with their boyfriends/husbands.

They shrewdly give these reasons to put themselves in a more sympathetic light, and to appeal to the natural protective instincts of men.

What you never hear is these women taking any responsibility for the break-up of the marriage: i.e.,

I have a gambling problem

I accumulated huge debts behind my husband's back

I have a drinking problem

I have a drug problem

I cheated on my husband

I was lazy

I was argumentative

I was a neglectful mother

I refused to work, etc., etc.

I used to swallow these bar girl stories 'hook-line-and-sinker' as well, but having been here a while, I know that these are often one-sided versions of the truth and that there are plenty of Thai men who are excellent husbands and fathers.

What they should more truthfully say, is "with my age, past history and baggage, no Thai man would have me".

No incorrect. Your comment should be the conclusion of the beforementioned.

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Now here is an interesting little tale for you viewers ( well not that interesting.....)

I live in Naklua ( Pattaya ) and perhaps a slightly seedy part of town (although rather nice may i add.. ) and here it's home to hundreds of single Thai ladies who seem to " zoom about on there motorbikes in hot pants " and generally looking " hot to trot "

One particular lady in my soi who i have known for the last 6 months who works in a bar seems to like me ( are you getting a bit twitchy viewers..? ) she has various farang that send her money every month and is bar fined most nights ( i would imagine ) so what ever she does behind closed doors she has a status labelled " a professional " But for the last 6 months she has tried to " lure me up into her room for a bit of " hows your father " .... she has invited me out for meals and only yesterday yet again she called out from her balcony looking like " Rapunzel " ( an attractive bird with long blonde hair ) each time she makes a move i always " turn down her kind offers of romance " she is absolutely " agitated to the hilt " by being constantly rejected ( although most politely may i add viewers... ) You see here is a lady who obviously makes a good living from performing " the tales from the kamasutra " in her room or a hotel room on location in Pattaya with various farang but once again it just proves that " Ladies want what they can't have " ...

The story continues viewers.......

Farang Jaideewub.png ( kind respect where due ladies )

haha, you would do anythin for a free shag canary me old mate, whipping the girl up into a frenzy so she's got a fanny wet on every time she sets eyes on your veet smooth pins..good lad, ft...
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Now here is an interesting little tale for you viewers ( well not that interesting.....)

I live in Naklua ( Pattaya ) and perhaps a slightly seedy part of town (although rather nice may i add.. ) and here it's home to hundreds of single Thai ladies who seem to " zoom about on there motorbikes in hot pants " and generally looking " hot to trot "

One particular lady in my soi who i have known for the last 6 months who works in a bar seems to like me ( are you getting a bit twitchy viewers..? ) she has various farang that send her money every month and is bar fined most nights ( i would imagine ) so what ever she does behind closed doors she has a status labelled " a professional " But for the last 6 months she has tried to " lure me up into her room for a bit of " hows your father " .... she has invited me out for meals and only yesterday yet again she called out from her balcony looking like " Rapunzel " ( an attractive bird with long blonde hair ) each time she makes a move i always " turn down her kind offers of romance " she is absolutely " agitated to the hilt " by being constantly rejected ( although most politely may i add viewers... ) You see here is a lady who obviously makes a good living from performing " the tales from the kamasutra " in her room or a hotel room on location in Pattaya with various farang but once again it just proves that " Ladies want what they can't have " ...

The story continues viewers.......

Farang Jaideewub.png ( kind respect where due ladies )

haha, you would do anythin for a free shag canary me old mate, whipping the girl up into a frenzy so she's got a fanny wet on every time she sets eyes on your veet smooth pins..good lad, ft...
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Women from Thailand probably want the same as women from where ever else.. They are not from Mars.. Funny how some of the guys here refer to them like they are from another planet.

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Yes you are absolutely right Women are the same where ever you are in the world.It's just with the different cultures the humour you are using has to be " fine tuned " for the part of the world you live in.I just love chatting and flirting outside strolling about! i might not be the " sharpest tool in the box " and i may well of been " slung out of private education in the late 1970's ( for fooling about ) but i can assure you all when i am outside having fun i am " holding aces "

But it should be noted viewers that i love " playing the game " but once i have succeeded in " closing the deal " i have no interest in taking things further.You see life really is just one big game hey viewers ...?

F.J wub.png

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Yes you are absolutely right Women are the same where ever you are in the world.It's just with the different cultures the humour you are using has to be " fine tuned " for the part of the world you live in.I just love chatting and flirting outside strolling about! i might not be the " sharpest tool in the box " and i may well of been " slung out of private education in the late 1970's ( for fooling about ) but i can assure you all when i am outside having fun i am " holding aces "

But it should be noted viewers that i love " playing the game " but once i have succeeded in " closing the deal " i have no interest in taking things further.You see life really is just one big game hey viewers ...?

F.J wub.png

Not fair Canary, you're stealing my lines. By the way, you're slightly off in the meaning of Closing The Deal.

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Yes you are absolutely right Women are the same where ever you are in the world.It's just with the different cultures the humour you are using has to be " fine tuned " for the part of the world you live in.I just love chatting and flirting outside strolling about! i might not be the " sharpest tool in the box " and i may well of been " slung out of private education in the late 1970's ( for fooling about ) but i can assure you all when i am outside having fun i am " holding aces "

But it should be noted viewers that i love " playing the game " but once i have succeeded in " closing the deal " i have no interest in taking things further.You see life really is just one big game hey viewers ...?

F.J wub.png

You must be funnier in real life than you are on here.

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I have to admit i don't think i could live with a Thai Lady ( or any lady ) i have been living alone for most of my life and thoroughly enjoy my freedom ( " as free as a bird viewers " - tweet tweet )

It would be " a living nightmare " for all involved!

1. My outdoor lifestyle in the sun ( they would prefer to sit indoors all day and play games and chat on there mobiles )

2. My Lovely 15 KM daily strolls ( too hot for them and don't like walking )

3. Sunbathing (They don't like the sun )

4. Swimming ( many cannot swim )

5. The beach ( They don't like the sun )

6. Bike Rides (Bicycle ) ( too hot and too lazy )

7.Train journeys (Many don't like the trains as seen as a poor mans transport )

8. I don't watch TV ( major problem )

9. Waking up early (06.00) ( major problem )

10. living on a budget ( not a clue )

11. Never carry a mobile phone ( major problem )

These would be just a few of the differences oh and i could not live with a lady who wears " Apple Catchers " ( dreadful )

I think i would prefer to share my life with my new pet " squirrel " at least he would love all of the above things and with a low cost of just 10 baht for " a bag of nuts " from the market.

Kind respect where due ladies and God bless you all!

Farang jaidee wai2.gif

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I have to admit i don't think i could live with a Thai Lady ( or any lady ) i have been living alone for most of my life and thoroughly enjoy my freedom ( " as free as a bird viewers " - tweet tweet )

It would be " a living nightmare " for all involved!

1. My outdoor lifestyle in the sun ( they would prefer to sit indoors all day and play games and chat on there mobiles )

2. My Lovely 15 KM daily strolls ( too hot for them and don't like walking )

3. Sunbathing (They don't like the sun )

4. Swimming ( many cannot swim )

5. The beach ( They don't like the sun )

6. Bike Rides (Bicycle ) ( too hot and too lazy )

7.Train journeys (Many don't like the trains as seen as a poor mans transport )

8. I don't watch TV ( major problem )

9. Waking up early (06.00) ( major problem )

10. living on a budget ( not a clue )

11. Never carry a mobile phone ( major problem )

These would be just a few of the differences oh and i could not live with a lady who wears " Apple Catchers " ( dreadful )

I think i would prefer to share my life with my new pet " squirrel " at least he would love all of the above things and with a low cost of just 10 baht for " a bag of nuts " from the market.

Kind respect where due ladies and God bless you all!

Farang jaidee wai2.gif

canary, have you ever paid to do the horizontal hokey cokey with any of the beautiful thai lady's that you entertain and keep captivated as you bike, stroll, wander through Southeast Asia, or do you just wear them down till they give in..
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My friend i most certainly do not pay for " Horizontal Hokey Cokey " and i don't know of anybody who lives in Thailand who does!! Nobody who lives in Thailand should be paying for a bit of " hows you father " (unless you are desperate of course...) I spent 5 years of my life working in Spain as a holiday rep and it was absolutely normal in those days to have at least 3 different ladies a day who would be " sniffing about for a bit of Horizontal Hokey Cokey " ( it would be considered most rude not to take up there kind offers of a " holiday romance " ) in those days i was always a bit late to meet the new arrivals at the airport !! ( " fabulous " )

Respect once again ladies...

F.J wub.png

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I have to admit i don't think i could live with a Thai Lady ( or any lady ) i have been living alone for most of my life and thoroughly enjoy my freedom ( " as free as a bird viewers " - tweet tweet )

It would be " a living nightmare " for all involved!

1. My outdoor lifestyle in the sun ( they would prefer to sit indoors all day and play games and chat on there mobiles )

2. My Lovely 15 KM daily strolls ( too hot for them and don't like walking )

3. Sunbathing (They don't like the sun )

4. Swimming ( many cannot swim )

5. The beach ( They don't like the sun )

6. Bike Rides (Bicycle ) ( too hot and too lazy )

7.Train journeys (Many don't like the trains as seen as a poor mans transport )

8. I don't watch TV ( major problem )

9. Waking up early (06.00) ( major problem )

10. living on a budget ( not a clue )

11. Never carry a mobile phone ( major problem )

These would be just a few of the differences oh and i could not live with a lady who wears " Apple Catchers " ( dreadful )

I think i would prefer to share my life with my new pet " squirrel " at least he would love all of the above things and with a low cost of just 10 baht for " a bag of nuts " from the market.

Kind respect where due ladies and God bless you all!

Farang jaidee wai2.gif

canary, have you ever paid to do the horizontal hokey cokey with any of the beautiful thai lady's that you entertain and keep captivated as you bike, stroll, wander through Southeast Asia, or do you just wear them down till they give in..

You think those are the only options? How depressing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let's face it - The sad truth is - if you can't land a good woman where you came from you won't do any better here......

Adjust your wants/needs/sights accordingly........

When you say 'here' do you mean thailand specifically or all SEasia? Or all asia?

I definitely could not find the woman I want in the UK. Sure if I were to completely compromise on either looks or personality I could 'make do' like so many do back home. i find girls in the UK unappealing, and the ones that are appealing are either taken or unobtainable (for my personal tastes, as I am very picky and shallow when it comes to how a woman looks (and feels...) for me to maintain interest, especially over the long term.

having worked abroad for 6 years and I'm now 30, I could never have found a woman so stunningly beautiful, kindand intelligent as my wife is, in the UK unless, I was a famous footballer or something. She is indonesian

Edited by Grindting
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Still sounds like the same thing to me - you don't believe women should be allowed equality with men. Putting it in inverted commas just makes it sound like you're sneering at the very idea that they might expect this.

You may not have said they should get back in the kitchen, but apparently you think they ought to get the ironing board out when you tell them to without complaint.

You poor old things, having to flee from an environment where women expect to be your peers.

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How dare women expect to be the equal of men, eh?

I guess you think they should shut up and get back in the kitchen.

This place amazes, fascinates and disgusts me in equal measure sometimes.

You what mate? My wife works in procurement, importing luxury eyewear from HK, SG and Europe for a big company, she has a bacholar degree in marketing from the best university in jakata, she plays 'soccer' for a mixed (male/female) team which plays all over asia every weekend (she plays against boys and has taken her fair share of bruises and grazes in her stride), and we have a maid (or at least we did, before we decided to move back to the UK).

Where does me saying that I don't find english girls appealing mean that I want a woman who sits at home all day in the kitchen or that I don't respect women. I said my wife is beautiful, kind and inteligent. And now we are married she wants to have children and be a home maker, and that's what I want to, what on earth is wrong with that? I'm a home owner now and have an appropriate income to support a family and live a decent life, so what is wrong with her Wanting to be in the kitchen, take the kids to school, iron my shirts? It's her dream (her words, and actions). She aspires to the traditional chocolate box house wife lifestyle, collecting vintage Victorian kitchen ware and looking the part, she loves it, she loves to take care of our home and she loves to take care of me. She doesn't want to be stuck in an office all day getting crap off severely idiotic managers and having to do all that paperwork, she'd much rather I bring home the bacon and she takes care of business at home. She still does all the filing, sorts out the bills and deals with the hassles at the bank, does the shopping and all the rest of it. &lt;deleted&gt; me if I could trade places with her I wouldn't mind ! Sounds like a nice life to me

An as for women wanting absolute equality and all that Jazz that the other poster spouted.. Then good for them!! I'd never put them down or try to stop them, I work with them every day, they are awesome women and I have the upmost respect for them. Good for them I say...

But it's my CHOICE not to want to be a partner with one of those women, as we are not compatible on many levels as I have already described.. For the type of woman I like Id have to be a football star or a stock market millionaire to stand a chance with a stunner who is also someone who earns an equal salary to me. They're simply not interested in average Joe me. Well not until I'm 45 and earning the big bucks anyway hah

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Still sounds like the same thing to me - you don't believe women should be allowed equality with men. Putting it in inverted commas just makes it sound like you're sneering at the very idea that they might expect this.

You may not have said they should get back in the kitchen, but apparently you think they ought to get the ironing board out when you tell them to without complaint.

You poor old things, having to flee from an environment where women expect to be your peers.

its not that so many western women aspire to being peers, its that so many western women are angry at western men. for good reason perhaps, but that doesnt make it pleasant.

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Anyway, isn't this supposed to be about what Thai women think about men, not why some men chose them rather than enter into a relationship with someone they'd have to treat as an equal?

What do you mean 'treat' ?

its english.do you have an english dictionary?

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You may not have said they should get back in the kitchen, but apparently you think they ought to get the ironing board out when you tell them to without complaint.

I BETTER NOT have to tell her to get out the ironing board. I have enough to do without micro managing her duties. What kind of crap are you going to spew next? Maybe I should get up early to tell her to get out of bed and make my coffee. She knows perfectly well that she needs to have it ready before I wake up. She doesn't need to be told every day.

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