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Found on August 27 2014 at the side of the street, dumped and dying. Upon me calling her she lifted up her head only to have it drop down again on the ground. She had no strength left.
Luckily I had a blanket in the car which I wrapped around her, tied her mouth, lifted her in the car, and off we went to a nearby vet. Of course, the one closest to me and very competent, was closed that day.
So, off to another one. Just let's say, I won't return to this vet again.
Nonetheless, this sturdy doggy wasn't planning to leave mother earth yet, and started eating and drinking. After a trip to another vet it turned out her red blood cells were too low and she had a broken pelvis and hip joint.

Now, a month later, she almost uses all fours again and is ready to find herself a loving home.
She is a very friendly dog, despite that her trust in human beings had been broken a bit, and loves attention and cuddles.
Towards the other dogs she's still is a bit skittish, and prefers to keep them on a distance (very possible because she was in pain, despite the pain-killers). She growls, but does not snap or bite. Only the Shih-poo, who came in 2 days ago, she liked instantly. But then, who wouldn't fall immediately for that little handsome guy. wink.png

She's not big, about 45 cms high and not more than 12 kilo's body-weight. I estimate her age at around 8 months.
She has not been spayed due to her current condition. But spaying is highly recommended, not only to prevent unwanted litters, but because as a result of the accident there is not enough space in her pelvis to let the pups come out the natural way.

The first two pics were taken the day after I found her, August 28 2014

When I found her she was skin and bones, gums almost white, covered in large ticks and fleas, full with intestinal worms (as turned out a little later), no strength to even lift up her head for longer than 2 seconds, and (as it also turned out later) she had an accident that caused a broken pelvis and hip-joint.

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Now, almost one month after I found Tha-non next to the road and near dead, she is ready to go to her new home.

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Who is willing to provide this little sweet creature, who doesn't ask much, with a new loving and caring home?

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