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mystery over death of ducklings


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Hi Folks

Have serious problem! and can not find a answer for the problem. Has anybody in the farming community had the same problem or does anyone know a solution?

I have been looking after ducks for over 30 years and never had a problem on this scale either here or back in the uk.

2 months ago we bought 100 day old! ducklings from back of a pick up that was passing through our village. We were told they were all male, which was ok for what we needed and everyone looked good and healthy. After 2 weeks we hadn't lost one. So we rang the man up and ordered 200 females, which were delivered to us and I wasn't present at the time only my wife. When I got home and took the ducklings out of the box's they came in and put them under heat lamps (only on at night time) I found 6 dead in the box's. Looking closely at the ducklings these were not in the same condition as the first lot and looked weak. following morning walked into our specially area built for baby ducklings, found 65 dead. I put this down to the ducklings being more than a few days old and had never been fed or watered. My wife rang the person who sold us the ducks and complained about them. He said he would come and look at the situation during the next couple of days, But as I expected he never showed up and doesn't answer my wife calls. Over the next few days we found a few more dead. until everything had settled down and all looking happy and healthier.

3 weeks ago, we moved all (male and females) ducklings together into one large shelter built for them, which had a two ponds nearby and our rice growing area. they had about 3 rai of area to go and rummage about. Every morning and evening they get fed with duck feed and in the duck house throughout the evening they is always fresh water available, which comes from a well, which feeds the farm house as well. First week together everything all happy, ducklings having fun. Then one night we let them in as usual and all was well ducklings happy making plenty of noise (feeding time) as the norm, then the following morning, I went to let them out for the day and I found about 20 dead and about another 20 struggling to walk. the only way they could moved was by using their wings to crawl along. They seem to have lost the use of their legs or the legs have suddenly gone very weak and not strong enough to stand up or walk. Since putting all (appox 230) ducklings together. Today we have about 25 still surviving.

For the past 2 weeks when we let them out, we keep finding dead ones and the ones that are struggling or can't walk we separate into another area and not let out. Some of the separated ones have recovered but some have also died.

It's been a disaster losing so many and in 30 years of looking after ducks, never had this on this scale. Never had these symptoms when looking after ducks in the uk.

As anyone on here had this problem? Can anyone tell me what is the cause of the problem is? and does anyone know the remedy for the problem?

Many thanks for your help


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hi ive just found this,

it sounds like what you have, im sorry for your situation, its sad,,

good luck jake

Duck Virus hepatitis
Duck virus hepatitis is a highly fatal contagious disease of young ducklings, 1-28 days of age. Ducklings are most susceptible at the younger ages and gradually become more resistant as they grow older. The disease is rarely seen in ducklings over 4 weeks of age. The onset of the disease is very rapid, it spreads quickly through the flock and may cause up to 90% mortality. Sick ducklings develop spasmodic contractions of their legs and die within an hour in a typical "arched-backward" position. The liver is enlarged and shows hemorrhagic spots. To prevent this disease, keep age groups isolated and vaccinate breeder ducks with an attenuated live virus duck hepatitis vaccine (to produce maternally immune ducklings).

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Hi Pigeonjake

thanks for the info,

looking at what you have sent me and on the internet. The problem seems to stem from the seller of the ducklings and wherever they get the ducklings from, as the breeder ducks seem to have not been vaccinated so can not produce maternally immune ducklings.

With the ducks we found to be struggling to walk, we separated and kept them inside. not allowed to go out and rummage, some as mention OP recovered!! and I put back with the rest (which could now have been a mistake). Today, all the ones which were not separated which all looked fit and healthy have died, all I am left with is 15 which I separated and appear!!! to be recovering, out of a total of 300 ducklings which were between 3 weeks and 2 months old.

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bloody hell mate thats bad,

thats another reason we try and breed our own, i just put karkie eggs under chickens or moskovies, mind we dont have a lot, weve only got about 40,

my wife sells a pack every day,

sorry for your loss, hope things get better,


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