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Expats complaining about about other expats that dont have proper visas.


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Given that Rolf is very intelligent he will doubt be legal and paying his full tax stamp on these earnings.


I agree, after reviewing the relevant Thai tax codes, I can confirm Rolf doesnt need to pay tax in Thailand on Monopoly money earnings

I wonder how his property holdings on Park lane and Mayfair are doing ?


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Gosh a new thread for the digital chavs.

So far i count at least 4 digital chavs on this thread and at least 2 of those are reincarnations.

It is becoming more apparent why the same group of people fight vigorously over every thread that has a mention of working illegally.

Tony I must admit I don't really know what a Chav is. All I know is they wear Burberry baseball caps. Are the digital nomad Chavs the same?

When I left the UK most of the girls looked like the bride of Dracula and were wearing Doc Marten boots.

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Just entered the formula into the spreadsheet to figure out what the "real" tax rate is approximately. I figure that it works out to about

24% tax if you make 4million/annum

22% tax if you make 3million/annum

18% tax if you make 2million/annum

11.5% tax if you make 1million/annum

5.5% tax if you make 500k/annum

Not actually that bad overall.

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Can I join the Special Forces Elite Digital Nomad Club?

But, I have to fess up ... I still use the VCR at home ... goof.gif ... is that an automatic disqualification.

And keep Mum on this ... my Car stereo has a cassette tape player ... but it does have FM ... so that counts for something I am sure!

Sadly, I don't think I'll make the grade.

Sorry David from what I understand you must never pay any money for copyrighted media. You have to download everything for free.

Also you must be making millions illegally working on the internet every month and spend at least ten hours per day in Starbucks or some other free wifi hotspot.

You must also complain incessantly on TV about the Government's lack of foresight and lost opportunities by not issuing a free 10 year Digital Nomad Visa.

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Gosh a new thread for the digital chavs.

So far i count at least 4 digital chavs on this thread and at least 2 of those are reincarnations.

It is becoming more apparent why the same group of people fight vigorously over every thread that has a mention of working illegally.

Tony I must admit I don't really know what a Chav is. All I know is they wear Burberry baseball caps. Are the digital nomad Chavs the same?

When I left the UK most of the girls looked like the bride of Dracula and were wearing Doc Marten boots.

Mr. ATF,

The best way to understand what a chav is would be to download (or watch on youtube) The Jeremy Kyle Show.

Chavs were not about when I left England (and nor was the Jeremy Kyle Show) but I had a business trip to England about 4 years ago and I watched it on the Hotel TV.

A bog standard chav eats bananas for every meal and carries out their every conversation by text messages

The digital chav is an upgrade to a bog standard chav in that their main diet consists of McDonald burgers and they have learned to channel their every conversation through a forum.

I am also led to believe that the digital chav has also mastered the art of walking upright.



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Can I join the Special Forces Elite Digital Nomad Club?

But, I have to fess up ... I still use the VCR at home ... goof.gif ... is that an automatic disqualification.

And keep Mum on this ... my Car stereo has a cassette tape player ... but it does have FM ... so that counts for something I am sure!

Sadly, I don't think I'll make the grade.

Don't worry Davis, my car still has 8 track. biggrin.png

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I would not report a farang as long he doesn't cross me on some bidding wars with some of my clients in Thailand by undercutting me by 50%.

I pay on average 600k in taxes per year and a guy without work permit pays often no taxes. It's very easy to find out if someone works illegally and has nothing to do with a WP BUT A TAX-ID.

Just lust week I had a chat with an official at the Revenue Department and he told me that even farmers needed from next year a TAX-ID.

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There are people who do not know how to mind their own business everywhere you go...nosy neighbors...people at bars listening in on others conversations...and yes...ex-pats getting all worked up over other folks visa situation...

Try getting a life of your own...quit living vicariously thru others...watch a few Thai soaps...go out and buy a machete...

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Gosh a new thread for the digital chavs.

So far i count at least 4 digital chavs on this thread and at least 2 of those are reincarnations.

It is becoming more apparent why the same group of people fight vigorously over every thread that has a mention of working illegally.

Tony I must admit I don't really know what a Chav is. All I know is they wear Burberry baseball caps. Are the digital nomad Chavs the same?

When I left the UK most of the girls looked like the bride of Dracula and were wearing Doc Marten boots.

Mr. ATF,

The best way to understand what a chav is would be to download (or watch on youtube) The Jeremy Kyle Show.

Chavs were not about when I left England (and nor was the Jeremy Kyle Show) but I had a business trip to England about 4 years ago and I watched it on the Hotel TV.

A bog standard chav eats bananas for every meal and carries out their every conversation by text messages

The digital chav is an upgrade to a bog standard chav in that their main diet consists of McDonald burgers and they have learned to channel their every conversation through a forum.

I am also led to believe that the digital chav has also mastered the art of walking upright.

Thank you Tony now I can put a mental pic to these Digital Nomads/Chavs on TV. I'm not surprised now why they are so angry with the World and have so many problems when they go to Immigration.

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Pretty simple really:

This is how the system works:

The prisoners [we] guard the other prisoners [also we] and by this the prison [system].

This makes sure the slaves keep themselves enslaved !!!

If everybody would understand this then we could all be free and happy !!!

Nothing more to say about it.

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I find it upsetting that there is always someone that brings up an individuals legality when a story about them appears in the news. Examples being a young Russian woman who was in an car accident and the even younger British boy that committed suicide not long ago. Each article I saw there would be at least one "what visa were they on and did they have a work permit?" question. If it doesn't effect you personally... get off your high horse and have some respect. I feel like there are a lot of bitter and potentially ageist people living here. I'm under twenty and have a professional job (not teaching or working in a bar) that is completely legal yet I still feel like no one believes me when they ask what I do or how old I am.

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Just entered the formula into the spreadsheet to figure out what the "real" tax rate is approximately. I figure that it works out to about

24% tax if you make 4million/annum

22% tax if you make 3million/annum

18% tax if you make 2million/annum

11.5% tax if you make 1million/annum

5.5% tax if you make 500k/annum

Not actually that bad overall.

I figure your excel spreadsheet is wrong wink.png and then add all your "stealth taxes" VAT fuel levies etc...



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There are ass holes everywhere you go & Thailand is getting more and more now its' become a more or less developed country. I think it why many of us older guys who have been here a long time came here to get away from this type of people but now they followed us like a bad smell. . It always annoys me that wealthy business people or people born with the advantage can employ expensive accountants and hide money in off shore accounts for tax avoidance and it more or less accepted but see a less off person ducking the systemin an effort to gain equality or help thmselves out of a awkward situation and suddenly people are screaming from the roof tops , . We all have to buck the system in some some way or another at some point in life if we want to get out of a hole Some may be jealous they don't have the bottle to do it or just don't need to.

Of course every now and then there is some real w**ker who takes advantage of everything and everyone Although it's generally not in ethos to do so I wouldn't bame someone grassing up one of these guys if they were being directly harassed and seriously affected by him. and they had no other ammunition at their disposal.

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But I do wonder if anyone else without the correct visa is current experiencing the same difficulties as I am?

I'm stuck at the Farm ... with the recent downpours, the road is impassable for my car, the VFL Grand final is on today and I looked for Lions ... but the Den was Barren. Even 3 lions would do ... drunk.gif

I need the Digital Nomads to guide me so that I can watch the game on the Net.

Can someone, irrelevant of Visa status save me?

My Saturday is in your hands ... wai.gif


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I'm still confused by the title in the OP.

If someone does not have the correct visa to stay here, would they still be classed as an expat?

I would have thought they would be an economic migrant or illegal immigrant or both.

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Well don't you think the actions of the 'Expats' of the past, living and working here on Visa Exempt and Tourist Visas has resulted in the current clampdown, impacting somewhat on genuine tourists.

not really when you think thailand was secretly encouraging it . they have been building theircountry up and have needed the help of Westerners; their experience work, ethic and money. which they where happy to take, the laws were lip services to to the people to help them gain votes among their own citizens. Now they got to the point the dont really think they need us anymore so they are kicking us into touch with no thanks. Thailand is for Thais we all know, there is no compassion for anyone else they dont want to be part of the rest of the world they just do what it takes to get where they are going.

Not really the image they portray when you first come here. Some people are in their rights to feel a little used and cheated.

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Indeed, Im wrong it was first posted in General, then moved to Thai Visa .... and then moved again

Wow, now that's cleared up....like it really mattered in the first place.

Here you were trying to be a moderator,

and quoting the by laws,

and for what?

One person was thanking another for moving the topic from one area to another,

when you decided to pipe in.

Does anyone really care where this topic was originally posted?


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