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I am Angry and sad.


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Should we really be allowed to make comments on all threads?

What is happening now after the murder that everyone is talking about i feel very angry and sad at the same time.

The amount of stupid and offensive posts is really saying a lot about some of the people reacting.

Please people this is a very serious matter and so far i have read very few comments that make sense and out of respect for the deceased i do not make comments about it.

Lets just wait for the outcome before posting things that prove to be wrong later.

Yes it is a mess but lets wait until things get solved.

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I didn't read or take part in any of the threads dealing with this dreadful crime because I figured there'd probably be a gaggle of the usual suspects railing against what tourists get up to, their apparent lack of respect for Thai culture and sensibilities and endless castigation of the police investigation; all directed from the comfort of their armchairs.

Hell, I'm sure if I had a look at a thread now, there'd be some joker asking if the victims were visa runners on overstay

Not FWIR but there was no shortage of speculation and plenty of hysterical responses from your 'usual suspects' along with an extensive rehash of the trial-by-social-media which seems to have accompanied the case.

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I think a lot of the people who make the comments you are referring to are also angry and sad.

When you read the news reports, how can a commenter stay positive minded when you have so much obvious corruption being documented.

Should we all just say "Hey Ho, this is Thailand it happens all the time were used to it?"

It's a disgrace how this serious matter has been treated, but those who see this clown show often are used to the way it's all handled, but not everybody is.

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If you get angry and sad having rad some of the replies in this forum, be prepare to be angrier

and sadder in days, weeks and years to come, being a part of Thaivisa is about that, the good,

the bad and the ugly, and the downright obnoxious we have them here, so unless you

can be part of this forum for all it's faults and glory, I'd suggest looking else where...

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The thing is, op, this is not a paid-for service or legitimate news site. It's an online forum where you will always get all types of comments. As disgusting, cowardly and sick as the crimes were, other than mods removing trollish posts and keeping threads on track, there will be no attempt at dissuading comments. What you'd end up with would be hardly any user-generated content, less membership and less revenue. Alternative is to hunt elsewhere for updates or build your own portal. Personally, filtering through all the tripe with your brain is the easiest option.

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Look man, if I can't say stupid, obnoxious, silly, inappropriate, repetitive, stupid, obnoxious and silly and inappropriate and also repetitive sh!t on the Internet, and get it all off my hairy, muscled, highly-toned chest, where else can I lie, spell badly and use long, confu,singly punctuated sentences--huh? In the real world? Are you kidding?? I'd be thrown into the loony house!


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I have no idea what the OP is referring to.

To that point, I'm not a mind reader.

Is it a News Item? I rarely venture down there ... too depressing.

Much more enjoyable to live in the real world.

I'm sure the moderating team would remove offensive comments, so, to that end, I prefer not to be directed by another member what I should think and how I should write.

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Just think of the mischief they could be getting up to if they were not spending their time berating all and sundry.

Just think of it as you would the guy with the beer gut, a can balanced on it as he lies sprawled out on his sofa watching some sporting event and yelling abuse at the TV and calling some highly trained athlete a <deleted>.

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This forum is well managed by the moderators.Posters should develop thick skins if they want to participate and not take things too personally.

The case in point,the koh tao murders has as usual been handled very badly by the local police and authorities but there is nothing new in this.

I doubt if the local police have been trained very well in knowing what to do,like securing the crime scene and blocking any ferries leaving before checking everyone on board.

To us these actions would be seen as common sense.But a policeman on 10,000 baht a month salary is more interested in collecting "tea" money or finding an angle where money can be gained quickly.

And finally about the press releases on updates in the case,we should remember that we are dealing with a nation that does not mature as they grow into adulthood but rather stays in a child like state hence we witness these bizarre and confusing press releases.

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I didn't read or take part in any of the threads dealing with this dreadful crime because I figured there'd probably be a gaggle of the usual suspects railing against what tourists get up to, their apparent lack of respect for Thai culture and sensibilities and endless castigation of the police investigation; all directed from the comfort of their armchairs.

Hell, I'm sure if I had a look at a thread now, there'd be some joker asking if the victims were visa runners on overstay

One guy surmised that since Sean Mcanna was working as a barman without a permit, logically he had no moral scruples whatsoever and would surely commit further 'crimes' like perverting the course of justice in a murder investigation ^^

He was convicted of child pornography possession last year - does that prove lack of morals?

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