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GF's sister never speaks to me. Ever. Not a sodding word.

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Op, you didn't post a Photograph of yourself but for some reason, I get a strong impression as to what you look like.

I reckon you must look exactly like an ATM!

Yes, you have the words inscribed over your forehead and they read in Thai & English:


Now tell me, do YOU ever Speak to an ATM? No, of course not...no body SPEAKS to an ATM, they just Press the Right Buttons.

Suggest you find a new GF.

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A story from the real life!

Maybe it is something simular in the OP's case?

Amazing what a little communication can solve.

My ex's little sister was always polite but avoided me. I didn't really care what a moody teenage girl thought but after a while she warmed up to me although still guarded. She told me later that her sisters earlier boyfriend had grabbed her a few times and I understood why she had behaved like she did around me. Over a decade later and long since split with her sister but she is my best friend in Thailand. She refers to me as her brother and I generally refer to her as my little sister. It can cause some confusion for people at times.

Anyway, the point is a little communication (Thai style) may help or it could just need some time for her to learn to trust you (if she truly can, you know you may think she doesn't know but she can tell when you are sneaking looks at her ass).

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Maybe she thinks you are too good for her sister and should be dating her instead; but doesn't want her sister to feel as though she is moving in on her turf. Or it is just mind games, pure and simple. She knows it gets under your skin and has a good laugh about it when she returns to Bangkok.


Op, you didn't post a Photograph of yourself but for some reason, I get a strong impression as to what you look like.

I reckon you must look exactly like an ATM!

Yes, you have the words inscribed over your forehead and they read in Thai & English:


Now tell me, do YOU ever Speak to an ATM? No, of course not...no body SPEAKS to an ATM, they just Press the Right Buttons.

Suggest you find a new GF.

Exactly, OP comes across as too much beta

Why on earth would you pay for their plane tickets, they probably see him as an ATM. You don't have to throw money at thai women to garner their attention, it will backfire, they will lose respect.


Wife's father doesn't speak to me.

Wife's two teenage sons don't like me.

And now, gf's sister won't speak to me.

Do I see a posting trend developing here?


I don't bother mixing with any gf's family, that isn't what a gfs for.

The guilt factor is what has got sis clamming up. She would not know what to say to her sisters goldmine and is fearful of saying anything to ruin the free flow of gold as OP has already indicated.

The OP's girlfriend could possibly have warned her sis not to talk to him except to say hi and goodbye. Perhaps there have been stolen BF's in the past. At any rate the OP has failed to indicate any discussions with his GF on this matter in his post. Soooooo I declare this a total BS troll post.

Agree 100%


I read the question and the first few "answers" below it. Once again, I am embarrassed for you and the other typists I read.

First to the questioner: Asians of the old school will not speak to nor even look at a person they deem higher than themselves. Asian students came to my university office for questions and then show deference this way... sitting quietly, eyes down, and very slowly can I get them to speak and find out what they need. They show DEFERENCE to me as teacher and American. Deference is an aspect of RESPECT. wai2.gif

For your Thai visitor to speak to you or interrupt your sitting or whatever you are doing would be the height of disrespect to the man who is taking care of her sister, and her on occasion. Asia is not the UK. You have to stop thinking that spending money on Thai family is somehow a big gift that buys you the right to rule over them; Thai are generous and give as a habit,and within the family, just natural without the idea of you buying them.

I am sick of the general attitude of typists here of superiority and the desire to force Thai people to be like they want. I wrote about this CULTURAL IMPERIALISM some months ago on this venue. Maybe imperialism comes with citizens of the largest empire the world has ever seen, but it only causes trouble when those citizens are outnumbered in foreign lands that they do not understand and have no interest in understanding. The trouble, in this case, comes to the empire people, not the Asians, because "empire rules" do not apply in Thailand.

You fellows have a funny idea about buying a woman here; just because she puts up with you does not mean that you have made a purchase.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A story from the real life!

Been married for almost 12 years with a lady from the sticks. Gets along well with the family, which is easy, because there are 800 km between us. The close family are my wifes mother, 2 sisters with husbands and a brother, also married with two kids.

A couple of times a year we go to the village, everyone is happy to see us, smalltalk and smiles all around.

Exept the wifes brother, who from day one, has been avoiding me for no obvious reason. Since I never slept over in the village (prefer a softer hotelbed), I really didn't care. If he didn't like me for some reason, I considered it to be his problem.

During the long school-holidays half of the village visit us for a week, a pain but it is only for a week, so I survive! Amongst the visitors every year are the brothers wife and two kids, but never the brother.

Then last year when visiting the village, I was walking down a dirtroad and the brother came from the opposite direction, there were only the two of us. He walked past me like I didn't exist.

Normally I can take care of small stuff myself, but this was too bloody weird, so I asked my wife, about her brothers strange behaviour.

"He is shy because, he ows us money"

So 10 years earlier the brother had borrowed 40k from us, which I honestly had forgotten all about, and ofcourse he couldn't pay them back. So in his Thai mind, he had lost the all important face big time!!

I sat the brother down, and told him not to worry about it. The relief on his face was obvious.

Three months ago he passed through our town with two friends, stopped to say hello, and we we all went out to have dinner. And he proved to be a very nice guy!!

So much nonsense because of "face".

Maybe it is something simular in the OP's case?

You not only saved his face...but his rear also...good job...I like your style...hope the Thais appreciate they have found a good one...

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The GF's sister doesn't like you.

The GF's sister likes you too much.

The GF's sister is afraid of you.

The GF's sister knows the GF doesn't really like you.

The Gf's sister doesn't realize her behavior is rude.

The GF's sister is being loyal to her sister whether she likes you or not.

The GF's sister is a lesbian.

The are both lesbians.

You don't understand Thainess.

To be continued.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I read the question and the first few "answers" below it. Once again, I am embarrassed for you and the other typists I read.

First to the questioner: Asians of the old school will not speak to nor even look at a person they deem higher than themselves. Asian students came to my university office for questions and then show deference this way... sitting quietly, eyes down, and very slowly can I get them to speak and find out what they need. They show DEFERENCE to me as teacher and American. Deference is an aspect of RESPECT. wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

For your Thai visitor to speak to you or interrupt your sitting or whatever you are doing would be the height of disrespect to the man who is taking care of her sister, and her on occasion. Asia is not the UK. You have to stop thinking that spending money on Thai family is somehow a big gift that buys you the right to rule over them; Thai are generous and give as a habit,and within the family, just natural without the idea of you buying them.

I am sick of the general attitude of typists here of superiority and the desire to force Thai people to be like they want. I wrote about this CULTURAL IMPERIALISM some months ago on this venue. Maybe imperialism comes with citizens of the largest empire the world has ever seen, but it only causes trouble when those citizens are outnumbered in foreign lands that they do not understand and have no interest in understanding. The trouble, in this case, comes to the empire people, not the Asians, because "empire rules" do not apply in Thailand.

You fellows have a funny idea about buying a woman here; just because she puts up with you does not mean that you have made a purchase.

Are you now...or have you ever been purchased as a plaything by the Cultural Imperialist? You see exceedingly bitter... Do you wish to share your story of how the Cultural Imperialist have mistreated you? How did it make you feel...to be mistreated so badly?

  • Like 1


The GF's sister doesn't like you.

The GF's sister likes you too much.

The GF's sister is afraid of you.

The GF's sister knows the GF doesn't really like you.

The Gf's sister doesn't realize her behavior is rude.

The GF's sister is being loyal to her sister whether she likes you or not.

The GF's sister is a lesbian.

The are both lesbians.

You don't understand Thainess.

To be continued.

Hey hey hey, my post doesn't rate a mention? She doesn't trust him not to come on to her. Damn I was pretty sure I had that one.smile.png



The GF's sister doesn't like you.

The GF's sister likes you too much.

The GF's sister is afraid of you.

The GF's sister knows the GF doesn't really like you.

The Gf's sister doesn't realize her behavior is rude.

The GF's sister is being loyal to her sister whether she likes you or not.

The GF's sister is a lesbian.

The are both lesbians.

You don't understand Thainess.

To be continued.

Hey hey hey, my post doesn't rate a mention? She doesn't trust him not to come on to her. Damn I was pretty sure I had that one.smile.png

OK -- One thing he could do is get a Beatles video of 'She's So Heavy' and lip-synch the following and see what happens:

I want you
I want you so bad
I want you
I want you so bad
It's driving me mad
It's driving me mad
-- the GF's sister may also be thinking the same.

When I went to visit the TGF at the time in Ubon, her nephew did not speak to me and the only thing her maid/helper could say to me was "Hai Tang Hai Tang Hai Tang!!!" Give money. What a lovely culture, who exactly do they look up to for these wonderful values?

  • Like 1

When I went to visit the TGF at the time in Ubon, her nephew did not speak to me and the only thing her maid/helper could say to me was "Hai Tang Hai Tang Hai Tang!!!" Give money. What a lovely culture, who exactly do they look up to for these wonderful values?

The maid is taking the piss. She found somebody of lower status she can mess with.

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To the OP, I think you are mistaken about the sister. She isn't being rude. She is being proper. It is improper for her to speak to you, especially if you and she are alone together. It would be very improper for her to develop a relationship with you. You can't be her friend. It is forbidden in Thai culture for her to be friendly with her sister's husband.


To the OP, I think you are mistaken about the sister. She isn't being rude. She is being proper. It is improper for her to speak to you, especially if you and she are alone together. It would be very improper for her to develop a relationship with you. You can't be her friend. It is forbidden in Thai culture for her to be friendly with her sister's husband.


Where ever did you dream that up!


If she talks back when you initiate I think it might be more like shy. Not sure what to say. If you didn't speak with her for 6 days I'm sure she will have asked your sister why you didn't talk to her. You could just ask her why and tell her its OK for her to talk to you also.


I agree with you 100% but as OP-members elektrified and Folkguitar +many more would say: You have to expect this from a new country, its your fault cause thais dont make mistakes ....

Stop paying for GF-sister and ask her to behave in the future. Good luck


Wife's father doesn't speak to me.

Wife's two teenage sons don't like me.

And now, gf's sister won't speak to me.

Do I see a posting trend developing here?


I don't bother mixing with any gf's family, that isn't what a gfs for.

So, O.P. whats the problem?

You want communication, marry the girl then you will be family.They wont shut up then.


Don't let it bother you. It's not a big deal. Saying "hello" when she arrives and "thanks, bye bye" when she leaves is a lot. Maybe she doesn't have much personality.

1. And keep buying her gifts and taking her on "all expenses paid trips", after all it's expected now. You've set the bar to that level now!!


2. Be smart and tell her politely not to bother showing up at your doorstep. If your GF wants to see her see can at another location & without you. Let her know [both of them actually] you've had enough of her disrespectful and unappreciative BS.


My gfs sis is the same. But its not just me who she wont talk to, its everyone, even Thai people. She has no confidence, wont talk, to scared to learn to drive a motorcycle etc


Don't let it bother you. It's not a big deal. Saying "hello" when she arrives and "thanks, bye bye" when she leaves is a lot. Maybe she doesn't have much personality.

1. And keep buying her gifts and taking her on "all expenses paid trips", after all it's expected now. You've set the bar to that level now!!


2. Be smart and tell her politely not to bother showing up at your doorstep. If your GF wants to see her see can at another location & without you. Let her know [both of them actually] you've had enough of her disrespectful and unappreciative BS.

is it his doorstep alone?


First to the questioner: Asians of the old school will not speak to nor even look at a person they deem higher than themselves.

They don't chat with the servants either!

(which is a far more likely option)




Maybe imperialism comes with citizens of the largest empire the world has ever seen, but it only causes trouble when those citizens are outnumbered in foreign lands that they do not understand and have no interest in understanding.

The OP is Chinese?



Maybe imperialism comes with citizens of the largest empire the world has ever seen, but it only causes trouble when those citizens are outnumbered in foreign lands that they do not understand and have no interest in understanding.

The OP is Chinese?

how do u measure the size of empires?


Well after you have gone out of your way to be nice and payed holidays and no respect , talk to your girlfriend about her behaviour and ban her from the house

totally agree should have a word with your wife an explain that unless she make an effort to be polite and friendly during her stays, she isnt welcome and definitely all treats and travel are now banned , easy to tell your wife how you feel about all this how much it winds you up an upsets you. if your wife cant sympathize or tr appreciate that and instead makes excuses for her sister . Then just maybe your wife has got a dark secret that the sister is uncomfortable about ...and hence doest want to involve herself with you and the potential issue that will one day rear its head.


Wife's father doesn't speak to me.

Wife's two teenage sons don't like me.

And now, gf's sister won't speak to me.

Do I see a posting trend developing here?


I don't bother mixing with any gf's family, that isn't what a gfs for.

could be the sister sees op as a chump. After all he is spending all kinds of money on the gf.

Maybe the sister lack of words is her morals standing up.........................lol. But she does have to support her sister.

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