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raro's Fast Food Heaven has opened!


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I had the same problem. Open for over two years, went thru 25 staff. Paid well and the tips. Were about 6 k a month for each waitress........Its been awhile and Im thinking about having another go at it. Pm me if your serious.

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Sorry to hear about it closing, I only drive past there so its not a reason to stop and wait for food to be prepared, as nice as it was. Always thought an air conditioned Country/Irish/British style pub would have worked in that area, I know there is the 'Courtyard' round the corner but unless its changed a lot, it does not remind me of that type of pub. The location should be good except for parking!

Edited by lemel
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Outside of Pattaya City, staffing will always be a problem. It's a problem even within the city, but at least in town there will be plenty of girls looking for jobs as well as those leaving....

I was aware of this problem when I opened my bar and I knew the only way I could keep staff was to try and treat them like family, be indulgent of some of their bad habits but not to the extent that it seriously affected my business. I also knew that the secret of keeping staff on the Darkside was not only to provide accommodation, but to get them from my wife's village. Many were actually related to the wife and all of them knew each other well.

So when they came to work for me it was one big happy family, but that didn't stop the wife and I laying down the law when it was necessary, but they accepted it as it was all in the family. As a result we always had between 7 and 9 girls working there, and whenever one or two went back to the village others would come to replace them.

Within a few weeks of selling the bar, all the girls left, as they didn't get on with the new owner and didn't like all his new rules (e.g. washing up glasses at 3 am when they were tired and drunk rather than washing up when they got up in the morning; and making them eat their food upstairs in their communal room where the day time temperatures were unbearable, rather than in the kitchen, where there was plenty of room to eat.)

He will tell you that he fired them, but that is not true - they walked out...

Since they all left he has struggled like hell to keep staff and most new ones have left within a couple of days of being hired. I hope he can see his problem and change the way he deals with the girls. Anyway I wish him all the best.

As far as Raro is concerned, I'm not saying he and his good lady could have done any better, but I'm simply pointing out how hard it is to retain staff on the Darkside. They all have their own agendas, and security of employment is way down on their list of priorities.

I am sad that Raro has called it a day, but I can well understand.

I wish whoever buys his business good luck, but please think through the staffing issues - its not just a question of offering the right salary - it's the way of life - or quite possibly a husband - the girls are looking for.smile.png

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