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Most people happy with the junta

Lite Beer

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1500 off people is a tiny fraction Of the people in Bangkok and a minuscule part of the entire population. Of you did this poll Out in red country then the results would be different. Anyone trying to use this to gauge the opinion of the entire population Or for some kind of red/yellow point scoring is an idiot

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So yes this poll could be quite true.

Despite the fact that the numbers don't add up? OK. And even discounting that, if these figures were approximately true, millions of PT voters/UDD supporters would have to have moved over to supporting dictatorship. Do you think that's likely? Really? OK, you can believe any fairy tale you like but if you do, you might like to consider the post above yours.

Kinda depends who you poll, plus I have seen many polls here where numbers don't add up.

What dictatorship.. you mean the liberators of the corrupt shin regime that supported terrorist to kill the opposition ? Many killed police could not find any red suspects.. the army could.. seems to me that is supporting terrorists.

Plus who says all those people are supporting the junta, its asked if they are satisfied with the performance. It is not the same thing.

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I am happy with the Junta and I think the General has accomplished quite alot in a short time.

Many of the complaints from TV members have been amongst those accomplishments.

Its great to have an interim PM that is actually concerned for the Country of Thailand more than his and his cronies' wallets.

The only reason some think he has accomplished a lot is because the first thing the junta did was to get revenge on the police/government and at the same time gain more power. It was coincidental some of the police operated scams and illegal activities were things that many people didn't like, that the It's all about power, and when they have total power over the police and ex-government, you'll see what a military junta is all about.

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1500 off people is a tiny fraction Of the people in Bangkok and a minuscule part of the entire population. Of you did this poll Out in red country then the results would be different. Anyone trying to use this to gauge the opinion of the entire population Or for some kind of red/yellow point scoring is an idiot

You'd better study some statistics. Check the sampling size of most opinion surveys, they are usually around 1000 people.

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To make things a bit clearer:

Suppose you have a car won it or it was forced upon you but its not the car that you really want as you want a Benz not a Honda.

Then they ask you are you satisfied with how it preforms ? They dont ask you would you like that other car more they ask are you happy with how it drives and does things. They are not asking you to compare it with the car you really want.

There is a lot that can be done with wording, this probably was asked in Thai and we don't know the exact wording.

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1500 off people is a tiny fraction Of the people in Bangkok and a minuscule part of the entire population. Of you did this poll Out in red country then the results would be different. Anyone trying to use this to gauge the opinion of the entire population Or for some kind of red/yellow point scoring is an idiot

You'd better study some statistics. Check the sampling size of most opinion surveys, they are usually around 1000 people.

The OP said 1600 odd people. Wasn't far off.

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1500 off people is a tiny fraction Of the people in Bangkok and a minuscule part of the entire population. Of you did this poll Out in red country then the results would be different. Anyone trying to use this to gauge the opinion of the entire population Or for some kind of red/yellow point scoring is an idiot

OK. So you don't know anything about statistics. Next.

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Dusit Poll of Rajabhat University. For some reason I'm a little concerned about the credibility of this poll.

Are you OK with Dusit polls when they match your expectations? Or is it all Dusit polls you have a problem with?

How many times does it need to be said?

The only Poll worthy of the name is an Election. Anything else is targeted speculation.

It doesn't matter how many times it is said. It doesn't make it true. This wasn't a poll to see who would win an election. This was a poll to gauge performance.

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Dusit Poll of Rajabhat University. For some reason I'm a little concerned about the credibility of this poll.

Are you OK with Dusit polls when they match your expectations? Or is it all Dusit polls you have a problem with?

How many times does it need to be said?

The only Poll worthy of the name is an Election. Anything else is targeted speculation.

You dont always need an election to get in charge of a country sometimes the leading party is pissing so many people of and helping terrorist that an alternate way of getting in power is forced upon a country. Then the worth of an election is not much.

Don't forget people can be forced to vote and bribed to vote or brainwashed. Now that the country is being sanitized things might change for the better.

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"Kinda depends who you poll, plus I have seen many polls here where numbers don't add up."

What? You seem to be saying that the fact that polls are routinely sub-standard has made you trust them more. Do you think that that's a rational response?

"What dictatorship?"

If you want to have an opinion which is not entirely risible, you may need to start reading the paper. A real one, not The Nation.
"Plus who says all those people are supporting the junta, its asked if they are satisfied with the performance. It is not the same thing."
They're not the same but the overlap very substantially. If you're a die-hard Republican, you're unlikely to say that you are satisfied with Obama and the same applies here. UDD supporters are not going to be saying, in massive numbers, that they are satisfied with the performance of the junta. Anyone who has spent more than two seconds engaging with the issue knows that and that is why only a complete fool or, as in the case of The Nation, a propagandist, would think this nonsense anything other than instantly dismissable.
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So yes this poll could be quite true.

Despite the fact that the numbers don't add up? OK. And even discounting that, if these figures were approximately true, millions of PT voters/UDD supporters would have to have moved over to supporting dictatorship. Do you think that's likely? Really? OK, you can believe any fairy tale you like but if you do, you might like to consider the post above yours.

This wasn't a question of who you would vote for. It was a question of how do you think they are performing. If PTP supporters say that the government isn't performing well ONLY because they don't think they should be there, they're not being very honest, are they?

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So yes this poll could be quite true.

Despite the fact that the numbers don't add up? OK. And even discounting that, if these figures were approximately true, millions of PT voters/UDD supporters would have to have moved over to supporting dictatorship. Do you think that's likely? Really? OK, you can believe any fairy tale you like but if you do, you might like to consider the post above yours.

Kinda depends who you poll, plus I have seen many polls here where numbers don't add up.

What dictatorship.. you mean the liberators of the corrupt shin regime that supported terrorist to kill the opposition ? Many killed police could not find any red suspects.. the army could.. seems to me that is supporting terrorists.

Plus who says all those people are supporting the junta, its asked if they are satisfied with the performance. It is not the same thing.

"Liberators of the corrupt shin regime"


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If PTP supporters say that the government isn't performing well ONLY because they don't think they should be there, they're not being very honest, are they?

It's what people do. Do you really think that all the swivel-eyed spittle-flecked Red-hating loons on this board were making cold, rational, informed judgments on the performance of Yingluck when they produced page after page after page of their nonsensical drivel, or do you think they were motivated by the fact that they just hate Thaksin and everything to do with him? I'll help you out here because an awful lot of people who post on Thaivisa are going to have difficulties with this. It's the latter. People are tribal, a fact which is revealed not just by a great deal of research but also very, very, very, very clearly by both the Red and the Yellow media.

Edited by Zooheekock
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How many were too scared to take part in this poll? Little to no point in having a poll if people are too scared to answer, clearly it will say only 1 thing.

Oh please. do you think pollsters ask for ID, and/or are accompanied by armed "assistants"? There are far easier ways to sway a poll by asking leading questions or "adjusting" the results.


No I don't but I do think a long history of not really being able to say what you think about governments or other subjects, does likely make you keep your mouth shut if you don't agree with whoever is asking.

Edited by JeremyBowskill
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If PTP supporters say that the government isn't performing well ONLY because they don't think they should be there, they're not being very honest, are they?

It's what people do. Do you really think that all the swivel-eyed spittle-flecked Red-hating loons on this board were making cold, rational, informed judgments on the performance of Yingluck when they produced page after page after page of their nonsensical drivel, or do you think they were motivated by the fact that they just hate Thaksin and everything to do with him? I'll help you out here because an awful lot of people who post on Thaivisa are going to have difficulties with this. It's the latter. People are tribal, a fact which is revealed not just by a great deal of research but also very, very, very, very clearly by both the Red and the Yellow media.

You can't really believe that there was nothing worthy of criticism in the Yingluk government?

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I am happy with the Junta and I think the General has accomplished quite alot in a short time.

Many of the complaints from TV members have been amongst those accomplishments.

Its great to have an interim PM that is actually concerned for the Country of Thailand more than his and his cronies' wallets.

yes but the question will be: Did he accomplish enough when he ends.

I doubt it.....I see no movement to bring all the corrupt into jail. But I can't see anything here. That Ms Yingluck flies out of the country and comes back means that she isn't even worried.

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how many junta,s have ended in happiness, most of the population dont read so cant make an informed opinion.

The literacy rate in Thailand is 86-87%. Ability to read has nothing to do with making an informed opinion. Ability to read objectively does - and the "most" you refer to above would appear to be trying to do just that in the aftermath of the relentless Shinawatra propaganda onslaught which twisted people's minds.

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I believe this poll reflects the general feeling of the Thai population, even though it is quite a small in its amount of participants. Speaking to a few of my staff they are quite happy with the way things are moving, they are seeing a lot of activities/actions taking place which never happened in previous governments. Although most said there has been no change to there daily lives, they are just continuing as normal, but are hoping improvement will come over time, and will not happen quickly.

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how many junta,s have ended in happiness, most of the population dont read so cant make an informed opinion.

The literacy rate in Thailand is 86-87%. Ability to read has nothing to do with making an informed opinion. Ability to read objectively does - and the "most" you refer to above would appear to be trying to do just that in the aftermath of the relentless Shinawatra propaganda onslaught which twisted people's minds.

That may be so but in my village they LOVE Shin, having an ability to read would help tremendously in trying to sort the buds from the chaff. The plebs, that i roll with wouldnt give a rats about politics, same in my home country.

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Dusit Poll of Rajabhat University. For some reason I'm a little concerned about the credibility of this poll.

Are you OK with Dusit polls when they match your expectations? Or is it all Dusit polls you have a problem with?

How many times does it need to be said?

The only Poll worthy of the name is an Election. Anything else is targeted speculation.

It doesn't matter how many times it is said. It doesn't make it true. This wasn't a poll to see who would win an election. This was a poll to gauge performance.

It's a speculative poll intended to justify the military Junta, not to gauge performance. You yourself queried the mathematics of the "poll" and now you defend it. In the real world this is recognised as propaganda.

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