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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

Any helpful advice out there?

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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

Any helpful advice out there?

Yeah...get a new wife :o

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I dont know your circumstances but if youre bills are going up them presumbably the things she was paying for with the 5k you gave her have also risen in price?

I am convinced that I could't reduce the monthly amount I give my girlfriend without ending up loosing one of three things that I want to keep :o

Good luck


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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

Any helpful advice out there?

5000 baht a week for all the bills? :D and we also can assume thats to convered the housing, car, utilities, food and entertainment expenses? :D yeah, you're a walking ATM alright :o

You should feel lucky the girl stayed with you on that type of funds.

May be you need to review all the bills yourself and see if thats adequate. You might find that the funds you gave her were insuffcient as it is

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I dont know your circumstances but if youre bills are going up them presumbably the things she was paying for with the 5k you gave her have also risen in price?

I am convinced that I could't reduce the monthly amount I give my girlfriend without ending up loosing one of three things that I want to keep :o

Good luck


1. tv.membership

2. Fridge, connected, cold.

3. er..... :D

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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.


Why do thais not understand basic economics.

The fact that your wife is unhappy about you lowering her 'salary' or whatever you want to call it, says nothing about 'Thais' in general. Most Thais I know have a fairly good idea about basic economics.

Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

No. Perhaps you should start by asking yourself why you married a person who seems to have little understanding of your economic situation.

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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.


Why do thais not understand basic economics.

The fact that your wife is unhappy about you lowering her 'salary' or whatever you want to call it, says nothing about 'Thais' in general. Most Thais I know have a fairly good idea about basic economics.

Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

No. Perhaps you should start by asking yourself why you married a person who seems to have little understanding of your economic situation.

See? Gabe, you really need a new wife.

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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

Any helpful advice out there?

take a step back, let things cool down, then sit down together and work it out. bandying accusations about will not help you. does your wife know what you earn? maybe its time you let her know.

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If it is an understanding of your household economics you wish your wife to have; why don't you raise her allowance and make her responsible for paying all the bills. Not only will she have a greater understanding, but perhaps she will find some ways to pare expenses.

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"I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week."

It would help if you explained what the 5000 is for.

Where did you meet your wife?

Has she given up her job as a brain surgeon?

20000 a month and you foot the bills on top..... Lunacy!

Edited by udon
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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

Any helpful advice out there?

Not very helpful advice to you...

Firstly, Well business sense and thailand (most thais especially) do not go well together!

Secondly, do thais think that we are just an ATM? You fcking betcha they do! And I've heard it straight from thais about that one!

Thirdly, when you marry a thai girl/woman, you marry into her family! That translates to 'You are rich foreigner so give me and my family money every month/dowry and we are husband and wife'.

Most thais like and lust like we do but love and marriage is basically a financial transaction.

Helpful advice you:

Hammer home the fact that you are the sole means of support for the family so this 4500 baht per month you want to see her having is the be all and the end all!

If she continues to give you sht on the matter tell her 'Well its either no money or 4500 baht! take it or leave it!' Now at this point thai business economics may arise where she actually (should) realises the 4500 baht is a good option at this point! :o

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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

Any helpful advice out there?

Not very helpful advice to you...

Firstly, Well business sense and thailand (most thais especially) do not go well together!

Secondly, do thais think that we are just an ATM? You fcking betcha they do! And I've heard it straight from thais about that one!

Thirdly, when you marry a thai girl/woman, you marry into her family! That translates to 'You are rich foreigner so give me and my family money every month/dowry and we are husband and wife'.

Most thais like and lust like we do but love and marriage is basically a financial transaction.

Helpful advice you:

Hammer home the fact that you are the sole means of support for the family so this 4500 baht per month you want to see her having is the be all and the end all!

If she continues to give you sht on the matter tell her 'Well its either no money or 4500 baht! take it or leave it!' Now at this point thai business economics may arise where she actually (should) realises the 4500 baht is a good option at this point! :D

Good advice...Not mentioning that most of the thais bust their <deleted> everyday at work for that kind of money, 20k/month it's a good salary in Thailand for thais. If she thinks that the marriage with you is worser than having a job...you should better consider ending this marriage. Hope you don't have your house on her name or something, cause in this case...you are sooooooooo screwed :o

Edited by alexth
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wake up clown,my thai wife and i run a cleaning buisness in australia,the money we earn goes into a joint account,she works her little butt off every night,never complains,and most importantly theres never any money issues.the reason theres no money problems is she understands that you must work to earn good money.when she goes home every year for a couple of months,she takes whatever amount of money she needs or wants.some of the village people think she's a high roller,but she's only got what she's got from hard work.5000 per week,wake up pal.

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Why does anyone pay their wife?That is what you call a marriage?Everytime my wife meets wives/GF or other falangs ,they want to know if I bought her a house and How much money I ''pay'' her.''No and No'',she is my wife,not a prostitute and why would I spend 2-3 mil for a house if I can rent the same thing for 5000 baht.Our marriage is build on trust that eminates from always telling each other the truth,Hurt feelings and arguments sometimes result,but the marriage strengthens.

Maybe you have fell for that line ''to respect Thai ways'' and thinks you have to act accordingly.Or maybe your lower brain reigns supreme.

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When I set up house finally with my TGF (three years now), I used to give her an allowance and pay the bills as they came in. I got a few "contingency" requests for money, not too many, but I kept track of them. After I finally got a grip on what I realistically spent (monthly) on regular bills, allowance, "contingencies", and the odd shopping day with her, I basically cut the total number by 10%, started to deposit it in her bank account monthly, and she seems to make due, surprisingly. Cuts down on the arguments.

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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.


Why do thais not understand basic economics.

The fact that your wife is unhappy about you lowering her 'salary' or whatever you want to call it, says nothing about 'Thais' in general. Most Thais I know have a fairly good idea about basic economics.

Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

No. Perhaps you should start by asking yourself why you married a person who seems to have little understanding of your economic situation.


Try discussing such things and agree if the money runs out then you eat Grass (not the smoking kind).

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To put things in better perspective:

As a non-working wife in the US I got an allowance of $40 a week from my husband. He paid all the bills, and also clothing as needed -I'm no shopper so not a big expense. With that $40 weekly I frequently accumulated close to $200 before I would deposit it back into the joint account with the understanding that I could use that sum for some big-ticket purchase I might want without any consultation with him.

If I couldn't spend $40 a week in the US, how is any wife spending over $100 a week in Thailand? The only Thai wife I know who spends that much (and more) a week is losing it all at cards. I suggest he lower the allowance to 5000 baht a month, find out if she is gambling, and reconsider his marital status if lowering her allowance in order to pay the bills is such an issue.

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Do what I do. first time it really starts an arguement but from then on it works wonders.

When asked for something ie. 5,000 a week and I want to change it lower, I offer say your 4,500. I hand it to her. See says she wants 5,000. Then I say OK give me the 4,500 back. Now I just put it in my pocket and walk away.

Now she wants the money back and I say NO. I gave you what I thought was fair and you refused it, so now I have it since you didnt want it I gave you what I think is fair and all I can afford, it wasnt enough for you so I took it back. Sorry you didnt want what I offered.

They soon learn to take what you give them and not ask for more.

Edited by profidamus
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Probable I am one of the exceptions. I give my wife about 30% when my wages are transferred every month for the household, restaurants, shopping and all the bills as they came in. With this 30% she can send money to her family and can save also for herself. It's nice to see if someone is self-confident. Many farangs I've seen are most cheap charlie's. The wife always have to beg for money.

I said it clearly enough to her (okay more than one time) that this 30% must get along the whole month till the next wages comes. In other words she is the boss with this 30% and we share everything together.

20% I transfer with internet-bangking automatic in my other accounts for unexpected things could happen - sickness/accident for example or a new computer...

Probable not work with every wife :o .

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I have been giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

My monthly bills are now higher than my monthly bills were when i initially started giving my thai wife 5,000 baht per week.

I have told my wife that i want to start giving her 4,500 baht per week instead of 5,000 baht per week. My wife does not like my proposal and wants to start a hostile argument over money. I think this a decent and fair proposal.

Why do thais not understand basic economics. Do all thais think that farang are just an ATM machine?

Any helpful advice out there?

Yeah...get a new wife :o

As newer they are as cheaper in their maintainance costs. Simillar to cars....

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As someone pointed out really depends on waht your giving her the money fro 5k a week to operate a farrang style home is low in my estimation. If your giving it to as a allowance that absurd, heck I don't spend that much myself.

In my case my wife doesn't get an allowance, she's a wife not a child. She doesn't get a salary she is not an employee shes a wife.

She has a fairly liberal monthly budget to run the houehold, most times she stays in it sometimes she needs a bit of help, but then agian sometimes so do I.

It's 60 K a month from that she makes the house payments, payments on the pickup, leaves her around 38 K a month to pay utilities purchase food ect. Our air is used everyday, we have all the goodies I want, UBC, DSL. Ect. I eat about 60% farang foods, most of the budget is really spent on my needs not hers she could live for a lot less , if I were not in the picture which is good because that is exactly what she will have to do when I'm out of the picture. She also pretty much pays for our entertainment including meals out. she ha money left over to buy all the clothes that she wants. without having to ask me and many times she saves a bit of money each month.

There are things that I take care of form my budget, yep I got one to, major purchases, insurance costs and vacations and long term savings. This has worked well for us, she knows exactly what the income is, we share common goals. We each have things that are special to us a individuals and we both have money for those things. She doesn't ask me for money and I don't ask her. I like that arrangement.

Your question really, your the only one who can answer that really depends on what kind of a realtionship you want. If this is ti pay the frieght and be happy, if not women are the easiest thing to find in Thailand, the hardest a good one.

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To put things in better perspective:

As a non-working wife in the US I got an allowance of $40 a week from my husband. He paid all the bills, and also clothing as needed -I'm no shopper so not a big expense. With that $40 weekly I frequently accumulated close to $200 before I would deposit it back into the joint account with the understanding that I could use that sum for some big-ticket purchase I might want without any consultation with him.

If I couldn't spend $40 a week in the US, how is any wife spending over $100 a week in Thailand? The only Thai wife I know who spends that much (and more) a week is losing it all at cards. I suggest he lower the allowance to 5000 baht a month, find out if she is gambling, and reconsider his marital status if lowering her allowance in order to pay the bills is such an issue.

The thing that needs to be realized here is that there is a very real difference btw what a Thai wife does with her cash vs the average US wife. The Thai wife normally helps out her family who have a fraction of the income of an average US family. Thus what would the Thai wife do with that whopping $100/week? More than likely helping out her not-so-well-off family. This is a deed worthy of a rather large Dude shovel as it is a diggable thing for the Thai wife to do. The Dude hands over 5K per month to his hot gf solely for the gf to hand over to her family. The Dude does this with shovel in hand. The Dude knows this cash is well spent (said hot gf has child the said hot gf's family takes care of). In addition to this 5K, The Dude hands over an additional 11K to hot gf for her to use as she pleases. The Dude wishes that his hot gf would save more of this cash than she does but this is out of The Dude's control. The Dude's hot gf likes to buy useful things like clothing, handy craft supplies and items for The Dude and hot chick's household. The Dude's hot chick does not drink so money is not wasted on that sort of thing. This cash windfall for The Dude's hot gf is her cash and The Dude never asks for her to pay for bills or food. The Dude would like to extend a handout of shovels to all who hand over cash to hot gfs and wives and know where this cash is going. Said gfs and wives must be loyal and faithfull to be worthy of said cash.

To the OP: The Dude feels strongly that your 500 baht reduction in weekly shellout is reasonable and your wife should understand. The Dude stresses the word should. The Dude feels that folks telling you to tell her to take it or leave it are unreasonable. There are more delicate ways to handle it. Dig on maestro with a shovel of course

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I also give my wife 20,000 baht a month. She pays ALL the bills and usually has about 5,000 left over to put in her bank account. We live in her house so there is no rent. I had asked her how much she needed for all the bills and she told me 15,000 baht a month. I give her 20,000 so she is quite happy.

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