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when are you to old to take up thai boxing


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Thai boxercise, no problem, full contact, big problems, from brittle bones to hardened veins and arteries

that blows could dislodge and send to the lungs and brain. Just asking for big big trouble.

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At your age, the repetitive impacts aren't going to be very kind to your joints. Thai boxing is pretty hardcore. And having a bout at age 70 is really taking your chances. Fine if you need to defend yourself and surprise some young bully who assaults you (which happens rarely in these parts and is almost entirely avoidable unlike some western countries that shall remain unnamed), but you subject yourself to a battering, and badly stress your hands (and feet) hitting the other guy - who is going to be much younger and more resilient than you are.

Ignore the usual smug posters (w***ers) who are ridiculing your "late mid-life crisis" - it is great to still have youthful aspirations at your age. I'm willing to bet that at least half of those guys express their delusions of youth by hiring some young country girl to bounce on their artificially-fortified wedding tackle - while she pretends to actually enjoy the experience.

But I digress... There is a reason that older people tend to go for Tai Chi. If you want to get fit and sharpen your mind and reflexes, that is a great way to do it. And it is available for free all over the place. See Lumpini Park at 5am ...

Good luck with it.

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As said before, get a checkup from a real doctor and go by his/her advice. Joints, etc. have to be considered. Aside from some of the smart ass advice, there have been some salient points made. No way any of us that have aged are as good as we once were, but still as good once...lol. Those of us that have been "around" cheat in a bar fight. I'm 69 been fighting (not in the ring) since I was 17 and still good to go, I cheat. Still, I do not think I want to take the punishment that learning Thai boxing demands. Best of luck.

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if they are to fast for me i think could slow them down with a good hit to knee caps or bridge of nose

with walking stick then kick to family jewels then take defensive steps long and fast

thats where maybe older wiser comes in

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70 as I read the ops post he said learn thai boxing

No mention of going in the ring for a fight

Thai boxing can be learned without actual fights

For fitness and selfdefence so why not

Good on you for wanting to try something new

Have fun and go as hard as you feal comftble with

Cheers buddy

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You are never to old to train and never to old to learn.

At your age you will never step into the ring anyway.

As a way to get fit Muay Thai training will beat the gym, it may also beat you but at least your fighting spirit was there.

The mind is the limiter, what do you believe?

Troll.., having a laugh.

Sad really, there could be a genuine guy out there wanting to train.

Edited by rhythmworx
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if they are to fast for me i think could slow them down with a good hit to knee caps or bridge of nose

with walking stick then kick to family jewels then take defensive steps long and fast

thats where maybe older wiser comes in

Opaired or impaired ? Enjoy watching the "Expendables" movies but as you saw in last movie they added younger members to the team and if you think you will be able to fight like Stallone or others who have constanly kept in shape for their movie roles all their lives at your age you are sadly mistaken. A lot of them also take Testosterone replacment , steroids and Human Growth Hormones to boost their bodies. The mind may still think and enjoy things like when you were young but your body can't stay young forever it just the way it is, everything gets "old"

You can train even now start slowly and work up your endurance ,stamina , speed and strength but at 70+ you will never regain the speed, reflexes, strength you had at say 40--50. Can you even do a side kick, roundhouse or snap kick at head hight now or just up to waist high without falling down? You say you have knowledge thats good going against someone not expecting but you say you would hit their knee or chop in throat to slow them down really? still think your that fast? Did you see what happened to Anderson Silva when he tried to kick a guy in leg---he broke his and he's a pro.

I say OK to train if your fit healthwise (have a medical check up) and get in shape feel more confident but in no way actually take hits at your age.

Edited by Tony125
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Safer to buy a Harley and a ear-ring.

I second that for the ear-ring but it is a definite no-no for the Harley

Have you ever observed the vibrations of the bike....and the biker

On a more serious note, taking classes doesn't hurt anyone at any age unless taking classes aimed at youngsters when one doesn't belong to that range

I am sure that teachers are well aware of the difference between the abilities of their students and would manage each and everyone of them in a different manner based on the facts

Why not give it a try, on a soft side, and when you realise it is (or not ) the fun you were expecting, make your decision ?

I have a decade or so before reaching the 70s, but for years I have wanted to sky jump ( with a chute that is ) and, because I did it, a lot when I was in my 20s, I know, for a fact that I will never have a go: too scared now and not the right acquaintances, maybe.

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