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‘Delinquent’ companies lose ELCs


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‘Delinquent’ companies lose ELCs

Seven private companies have had their land concessions – covering a total of more than 10,000 hectares in three provinces – recalled for not meeting their contractual obligations, Minister of Environment Say Sam Al said yesterday.

The government withdrew the licences of Vimean Seyla Co, Ltd; Sanheng Investment; Blue Metro Co, Ltd; Heng Bunleap Co, Ltd; Sann Vatanak Co, Ltd; Chan Roath Group; and Thansouk Co, Ltd, which had holdings in Preah Sihanouk, Koh Kong and Kampong Speu provinces, Sam Al said.

“We have seized the land, because they have had it for such a long time but they have not developed [it]. Some land is occupied by people. We do not [revoke concessions] without any reasons,” he said.

“All the land will be transferred into preservation areas again because the forest has not been cut yet in those areas.”

In May 2012, Prime Minister Hun Sen placed a ban on issuing new economic land concessions and called for a review of existing ones.



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