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Royal Decree Sets Oct 15 Election Date

Jai Dee

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NIDA lecturers, students urge officials to oppose Thaksin

Lecturers and students of National Institute Development Administration Sunday called on bureaucrats across the country to oppose outgoing Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and not to cater to politicians' demand if it has nothing to do with their responsibility.

Thaweesak Sootakawathin, a lecturer of NIDA led a gathering of 500 lecturers and students to take oath before His Majesty the King's picture that they would respond to the King's statement to support people with integrity and not a villain to run the country.

He said that although the government under Thaksin's administration has committed several grave mistakes, it has shown no responsibility and determined to return to power after the election. The government has continuously tried to influence and dominate bureaucrats to carry out activities that are not their responsibility.

The government issued circulars in February this year to oppose the move by antigovernment groups. The government in June called a meeting of highranking officials across the country to reiterate that the government is still in power. Thaksin also instructed officials to reject the interference by a charismatic person whose power is beyond the Constitution. The government has been also trying to transfer officials even though it has no power to do so as caretaker government. "We expect that the transfer of highranking officials will result in the unfair upcoming election,'' he said.

Asked if the group demands that Thaksin take a political break, Thaweesak said that society has made the decision in the same direction. "We used to follow senior figures of the country but now theirs words are ignored,'' he said.

The Nation

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"Thaweesak Sootakawathin, a lecturer of NIDA led a gathering of 500 lecturers and students to take oath before His Majesty the King's picture that they would respond to the King's statement to support people with integrity and not a villain to run the country."

The Nation

I fully support people dedicating themselves to this ideal but it saddens me to see these positive statements and hopeful attitudes being usurped for partisan political purposes.


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Mr. Suwat is confident TRT will win the most votes in his respective constituencies

Deputy Thai Rak Thai party leader Suwat Liptapunlop(สุวัจน์ ลิปตพัลลภ ) has expressed confidence that the party will be able to win 90 percent in his respective constituencies.

Mr. Suwat referred to the 24 constituencies under his responsibility to solicit votes, namely all constituencies in Nakhon Ratchasima(นครราชสีม) province and certain areas of Udon Thani (อุดรธานี), Srisaket(ศรีสะเกษ ), Mahasarakham(มหาสารคาม), Ratchaburi(ราชบุรี),Pratumthani (ปทุมธานี) and Chaiyaphum(ชัยภูมิ) province.

He said all constituencies are ready to serve the upcoming general election. He believes TRT will win the election in at least 22 constituencies or by 90 percent.

He stated that all political parties should be ready for the election once the Election Commission has been established. He added that all sides should follow the rules and regulations and procede the election in a transparent manner.

As for political reform, Mr. Suwat said agreement should be made from all sides.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 11 September 2006

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Thaksin to announce soon whether to break: Somchai

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will probably make known his stance on whether to take a break from politics very soon, according to Somchai Sunthornvut, the caretaker deputy interior minister.

Somchai said Monday the party had not presented its electoral policies as the election date was still uncertain.

Thaksin had signalled he wants to support the work of the junior members of his party. "He has already decided who would be suitable for the post of the prime minister," added Somchai.

There will be no problem if Thaksin takes a break for a year as he could still help the party's candidates in the election campaign. It would also be a good opportunity for Thaksin to visit people around the country to get more support for the next election, he said.

Somchai said the suitable people for the position included caretaker deputy prime ministers Somkid Jatusripitak, Surakiart Sathirathai and Chidchai Vanasatidya.

The Nation

Why even bother to lie about this and make it appear he is undecided. He will not take a break or he would have already done so.

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Thaksin to announce soon whether to break: Somchai

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will probably make known his stance on whether to take a break from politics very soon, according to Somchai Sunthornvut, the caretaker deputy interior minister.

Somchai said Monday the party had not presented its electoral policies as the election date was still uncertain.

Thaksin had signalled he wants to support the work of the junior members of his party. "He has already decided who would be suitable for the post of the prime minister," added Somchai.

There will be no problem if Thaksin takes a break for a year as he could still help the party's candidates in the election campaign. It would also be a good opportunity for Thaksin to visit people around the country to get more support for the next election, he said.

Somchai said the suitable people for the position included caretaker deputy prime ministers Somkid Jatusripitak, Surakiart Sathirathai and Chidchai Vanasatidya.

The Nation

Why even bother to lie about this and make it appear he is undecided. He will not take a break or he would have already done so.

I don't know, perhaps he's read up on some Machievelli and fancies the "Grand Vizier" type role - I think it would suit him. Then when the "Big Event" occurs he can return to "guide the nation in a time of mourning and uncertainty". That would be my take.

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EC to consider a ballot 'no sooner than November 19'

The new election commissioners will be asked to consider recommendations from Election Commission (EC) staff that a general election be held no sooner than November 19.

EC deputy secretary-general Sathaporn Santibutr would recommend an election date "not sooner than November 19", he said yesterday.

Sathaporn is the most senior EC official after former secretary-general Ekachai Warunprapa submitted his resignation on August 17 and the three remaining election commissioners quit following a criminal conviction. still out on bail I presume.... :o

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said his party had no difficulty with a postponed election. The new commissioners needed to get settled and had local elections to endorse, he said.

Nevertheless, a free and fair general election should be held as soon as possible, he said.

Abhisit said the new commissioners would face considerable pressure and expectations from the public. However, political parties should not interfere with the selection of a new commission secretary-general, he said.

Some support has emerged for former senator Kaewsan Atibodhi, an unsuccessful candidate for a commissioner's position.

Thai Rak Thai Party spokesman Sita Divari cast doubt over the neutrality of Kaewsan, however, citing his participation in a campaign against caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Chat Thai Party leader Banharn Silapa-archa said an election could be held on November 19 or 26.

"If it is in the fourth week of November it will be on the 26th. Will that be too close to His Majesty the King's birthday? The 19th or the 26th are suitable, but I want to know when the registration days are. I don't think it should be after November or be as late as December," he said.

He expressed satisfaction with the composition of the new EC and remained convinced there had been no bloc voting in the Senate.

Sathaporn said EC officials were preparing to meet the new commissioners and were readying briefings to bring them up to speed, including legal ramifications of holding an election on October 15.

The final decision on an election date rested with the commissioners.

He said the appointment of a new secretary-general was the responsibility of the yet-to-be-elected commission chairman.

Ekachai was considered to be on leave until a new EC chairman accepted his resignation.

- The Nation


Nothing definitive yet, but it looks like we'll be needing a new thread (with a new date) soon, Jai Dee... :D

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Date of new election seen as a crucial factor

Prime minister wants poll held as soon as possible but only his departure will cool the political tension

After the long wait for the appointment of a new Election Commission (EC), the path leading to a new election seems crystal clear. And it seems to be a good start to ease the on-going political stalemate.

However, in politics nobody should rush to conclude that things will go as planned.

It remains unclear when the new election will be held. For the time being there are two possible scenarios: an election as soon as possible - maybe in November - or one early next year.

A date now depends on the five commissioners elected by the Senate last Friday. The scheduled poll date of October 15 will have to be delayed because there is not enough time for the new EC to prepare for the ballot. It is widely believed that the election will be put back for at least a month. But it's possible it could be set back even more than that.

One of the newly elected members of the EC, Prapan Naikowit, said on Saturday that he and his four colleagues would try to organise the election as soon as possible because a free and fair poll would help to solve the protracted political crisis.

The five new EC members will hold their first meeting on Thursday to select a chairman and to outline their tasks and responsibilities.

If the election is held soon - in November as many now expect - the cooling of the political temperature will depend on what the prime minister does.

Only Thaksin knows whether he will step down from politics after the election. However, he has made one thing clear: he wants the election sooner, rather than later.

The earlier a poll is held, the better it will be for Thaksin. His goal is to use the outcome to clean his image and boost his popularity.

If Thaksin and his party fail to win a majority of seats in the House and he cannot form the next government, then, without Thaksin in the power, the political tension would ease.

But if the Thai Rak Thai Party wins and Thaksin decides to take the helm, the political temperature will go through the roof and the result may be violent, as the anti-Thaksin movement will never allow him to easily resume the top post.

However, if he decides to take a break from politics, the tension will be released.

The question then becomes: Who will step into Thaksin's shoes? Or more likely, who will Thaksin allow to wear his shoes?

If Thaksin passes on the top job to his deputy, Somkid Jatusripitak, the political chaos may clear, because Somkid enjoys significant support both within his party and outside it.

Alternatively, if Thaksin names one of the other deputies, Surakiart Sathirathai or Pongthep Thepkanchana, either would probably be acceptable.

But if, instead, Thaksin names someone who is seen as his nominee - like Deputy PM Chidchai Vanasatidya, then his opponents will rise again, along with the national political heat.

Another possibility is that a new election will not take place in the near future as long as Thaksin remains head of Thai Rak Thai's party-list candidates and refuses to clarify his political future.

His opponents believe that Thai Rak Thai will win the coming election, so they will do everything in their power to delay a poll and block a victory for Thaksin.

There are two possible reasons why they might see benefit from further delaying the election.

First, if the poll is postponed for several months it will allow the possibility beforehand of the Constitution Court dissolving one, the other, or both Thai Rak Thai and the Democrat parties, who stand accused of violating election laws. The court is expected to rule on the case early next year.

This scenario of party dissolution has gathered stature for the critical importance of its timing.

If the ruling is delivered after the election there will be no problems for party executives involved in the case and its MPs in maintaining their status. The law allows them 60 days to move to other parties.

If Thai Rak Thai Party is dissolved, Thaksin's power will be weakened as his MPs will not only have the opportunity, but also the obligation, to flee to other parties such as the Democrats or Chat Thai.

If the court dissolves the parties within 90 days before the first day of registration, all parties' candidates will fail to qualify for the election. The Constitutions requires a candidate to hold membership of a party for at least 90 days before the first registration day.

If Thai Rak Thai is dissolved in this way, the Thaksin government will become history.

However, if the court rules out dissolution and Thaksin wins the election, then the government will win another term in office, and the worst concern in these circumstances is Thaksin using both the election result and the court's ruling to justify his resumption of the leadership.

A new round of severe protests could lead to violence. If the resulting turmoil looks like getting out of control, it will create the opportunity for royal intervention and a royally-appointed government.

Many people see this as an ideal situation; to have a national government to undertake political reform and wash everything dirty out of Thai politics before holding fresh elections. With this option in mind, many people think about Bank of Thailand governor, MR Pridiyathorn Devakula, as an ideal prime minister.

So, what looks like an easy process to new elections is actually not clear at all. It's too soon for the Thai people to breathe easily. The political stalemate is still with us. We still must wait to see how much longer it will last.

- The Nation

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Thaksin does not fear coup at home

Prime minister will relax in London ahead of Cuba trip

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has cancelled his plan to return directly to Bangkok after attending a summit of Asian and European leaders in Finland and will instead take a break in London before flying to Cuba to attend a meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) nations.

"I'm not requesting asylum," he joked yesterday with a Thai News Agency reporter covering the Sixth Asia-Europe Meeting in Helsinki.

One of Thaksin's daughters is studying in the United Kingdom and the family has a mansion (any Brit members with knowledge of it's size/value/location?) in London.

Government Spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee said yesterday the prime minister's decision to cancel his return to Thailand had nothing to do with rumours of a possible military coup back home.


Surapong said that Thaksin, who yesterday attended the last day of the summit, had initially planned to return to Bangkok at 9am this morning and leave for Cuba tomorrow.

But a personal health problem (it's those darn hallucinations that John K had alluded to), along with the prospect of a long return journey ahead of the flight from Bangkok to Cuba a day later to join the NAM summit, prompted the caretaker prime minister to take a day off in London instead, Surapong said.

Thaksin will now fly to London and spend a leisure day there before heading to Cuba, the spokesman added.

The prime minister will also attend the United Nations General Assembly meeting from November 14 to 22 in New York, Surapong said. :D

Thaksin had assigned caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Chidchai Vanasatidya to chair the weekly Cabinet meetings in his absence, the spokesman said. :D

After a brief visit to Tajikistan, Thaksin flew to Finland on Saturday against the backdrop of continued political turmoil - and even talk of a military coup to oust him - at home.

Meanwhile, Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva blamed Thaksin for spreading the rumour about a possible military coup, saying he believed Thaksin has a hidden agenda in spreading such talk.

"Citizens want to see the country return to peace, so Thaksin should be careful with his words," he said. On the other hand, he never has before....

- The Nation

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Chiang Mai University to decide whether to allow a PAD rally at its compound

Chiang Mai University will decide this week whether to allow a gathering of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) at its compound on September 30.

PAD itself has asked the Third Army and Police Region 5 to provide security at the rally. The Democrat Party’s rally at the university a few months ago was disrupted by clashes between groups supporting and protesting the party.

University rector Pongsak Angkasit (พงศักดิ์ อังกะสิทธ์) said he will have to discuss the matter with the university board and should have the answer by September 15.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 September 2006

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Dr. Promin: PM to consider military reshuffle after his return from foreign countries

The Prime Minister’s Secretary-General, Dr. Prommin Lertsuridej (พรหมมินทร์ เลิศสุริย์เดช), believes that Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra will consider the military reshuffle, following his return from foreign countries.

The military reshuffle list has already been proposed to Prime Minister Thaksin. However, he has not yet approved it, as he is scheduled to visit foreign countries. The premier did not specially assign any minister to take care of this matter prior to his departure.

The premier’s reason for not returning to Thailand today is due to his preparation for the next visit.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 September 2006

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Dr. Prommin believes people will not support revolution

The Secretary-General to Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Dr. Prommin Lertsuridej (พรหมินทร์ เลิศสุริย์เดช), is confident that revolution will not take place if people are not ready. He has urged the public to preserve the democratic regime.

Dr. Prommin referred to the rumors regarding the revolution in the country. He said if people are unprepared, then no one would stage a revolution. He believes if the assassination attempt against Prime Minister Thaksin succeeded, then it would lead to the demolition of democracy.

He has urged people to condemn any of the actions that could violate the Constitution. He also said that people give more attention to the assassination attempt rather then the issue concerning the set up situation.

Dr. Prommin refused to comment on the statement of former Deputy Director of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) Panlop Pinmanee (พัลลภ ปิ่นมณี) who said that the case of assassination attempt should be followed up with the premier. However, he countered that it is the responsibility of police officials.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 September 2006

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Dr. Prommin referred to the rumors regarding the revolution in the country. He said if people are unprepared, then no one would stage a revolution. He believes if the assassination attempt against Prime Minister Thaksin succeeded, then it would lead to the demolition of democracy.

John Lennon

You say you want a revolution

Well you know

we all want to change the world

You tell me that it's evolution

Well you know

We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction

Don't you know you can count me out

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

You say you got a real solution

Well you know

we'd all love to see the plan

You ask me for a contribution

Well you know

We're doing what we can

But when you want money for people with minds that hate

All I can tell you is brother you have to wait

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

You say you'll change the constitution

Well you know

we all want to change your head

You tell me it's the institution

Well you know

You better free your mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao

You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

Don't you know know it's gonna be alright

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

Don't you know it's gonna be alright

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He has urged people to condemn any of the actions that could violate the Constitution. He also said that people give more attention to the assassination attempt rather then the issue concerning the set up situation.

The good Doctor Prommin gently reminds us that we must focus on the propaganda that the thai spin doctors are giving. It's really bad taste to focus on the "set up situation".

Thank you Doctor Prommin !


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A three-month postponement of the general election suggested to give the new EC time to make preparations

Former senate speaker Manoonkrit Roopkachorn (มนูญกฤต รูปขจร) suggests the general election should be re-scheduled at least 90 days from October 15th.

Maj. Gen. Manoonkrit said the three-month postponement will give the new Election Commission (EC) to correct the flaws from the April poll and put things within its agency in order again.

Five newly-designated poll commissioners are awaiting royal endorsement so they can officially take office. Maj. Gen. Manoonkrit said the commissioners will have only one month to make preparations for the October 15the general election which is not enough.

The five new EC members selected by the interim Senate last week are Deputy Attorney-General Prapan Naikowit (ประพันธ์ นัยโกวิท) and four judges including Mr. Sumet Upanisakorn (สุเมธ อุปนิสากร), Mr. Apichart Sukhakanon (อภิชาต สุขัคคานนท์), Mr. Somchai Jungprasert (สมชัย จึงประเสริฐ) and Mrs. Sodsri Sattayatham (สดศรี สัตยธรรม).

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 13 September 2006

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A three-month postponement of the general election suggested to give the new EC time to make preparations

Former senate speaker Manoonkrit Roopkachorn (มนูญกฤต รูปขจร) suggests the general election should be re-scheduled at least 90 days from October 15th.

Maj. Gen. Manoonkrit said the three-month postponement will give the new Election Commission (EC) to correct the flaws from the April poll and put things within its agency in order again.

Five newly-designated poll commissioners are awaiting royal endorsement so they can officially take office. Maj. Gen. Manoonkrit said the commissioners will have only one month to make preparations for the October 15the general election which is not enough.

The five new EC members selected by the interim Senate last week are Deputy Attorney-General Prapan Naikowit (ประพันธ์ นัยโกวิท) and four judges including Mr. Sumet Upanisakorn (สุเมธ อุปนิสากร), Mr. Apichart Sukhakanon (อภิชาต สุขัคคานนท์), Mr. Somchai Jungprasert (สมชัย จึงประเสริฐ) and Mrs. Sodsri Sattayatham (สดศรี สัตยธรรม).

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 13 September 2006

And that makes it time for a new thread?

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A three-month postponement of the general election suggested to give the new EC time to make preparations

Former senate speaker Manoonkrit Roopkachorn (มนูญกฤต รูปขจร) suggests the general election should be re-scheduled at least 90 days from October 15th.

Maj. Gen. Manoonkrit said the three-month postponement will give the new Election Commission (EC) to correct the flaws from the April poll and put things within its agency in order again.

Five newly-designated poll commissioners are awaiting royal endorsement so they can officially take office. Maj. Gen. Manoonkrit said the commissioners will have only one month to make preparations for the October 15the general election which is not enough.

The five new EC members selected by the interim Senate last week are Deputy Attorney-General Prapan Naikowit (ประพันธ์ นัยโกวิท) and four judges including Mr. Sumet Upanisakorn (สุเมธ อุปนิสากร), Mr. Apichart Sukhakanon (อภิชาต สุขัคคานนท์), Mr. Somchai Jungprasert (สมชัย จึงประเสริฐ) and Mrs. Sodsri Sattayatham (สดศรี สัตยธรรม).

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 13 September 2006

And that makes it time for a new thread?

Good idea... this one is getting too unwieldly. :D

Just waiting for some confirmed news of a decision... :o

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PM writes a letter in his own handwriting to the people and TRT members

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra wrote a letter to the Thai people and members of his Thai Rak Thai Party about his visit to Tajikistan, the Asia-Europe meeting (ASEM) and his bilateral talks with leaders of various countries.

Government Spokesman Surapong Seubwonglee (สุรพงษ์ สืบวงศ์ลี) said Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin’s letter, written in his own handwriting, will be used in the party’s election campaign.

Dr. Surapong said four million copies of the letter will be distributed to the people starting today. The prime minister will also write letters to the people periodically, he said.

In the letter, Pol. Lt. Gen. Thaksin said he had discussed the sufficiency economy theory and cooperation on drug suppression and tourism promotion with Tajikistani leaders. At the ASEM meeting, he had talks with leaders of several countries on bilateral trade cooperation, particularly in expanding markets for Thai farm and food products.

The prime minister will attend the meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement in Cuba and the UN general assembly in New York before returning to Thailand on September 21.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 September 2006

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Dr. Surapong said four million copies of the letter will be distributed to the people starting today. The prime minister will also write letters to the people periodically, he said.

4 million, eh?? Geez... that's a lot of toilet paper...

and I see there's yet another "Dr." on the "Dr." T's Team .....

there's more PhD's running around with his gang than there are at the annual Nobel Award Winner's Dinner.. ??? :o


some info on good Doctor is a bit confusing...

1978 Bachelor of Science

1980 Doctor of Medicine

Is Thai medical school only 2 years long (not the normal 4 like everywhere else) after obtaining a B.S. degree???? or is he some sort of accelerated genius????

Edited by sriracha john
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PM confirms the unity within TRT

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra insisted that there is unity within his party, while requesting other agencies or people who dislike him to stop interfering.

In a television programme of Channel 5, Prime Minister Thaksin said that the Thai Rak Thai Party members are still united even though they have come across many difficulties over the past. He said those problems have helped strengthen the party and reduce its weaknesses. He also stated that only a few members have requested to leave the party.

Moreover, the premier said the next Prime Minister has to understand that national unity is an important matter.

He said that he is considering whether or not he should allow other people to take this important position.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 September 2006

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