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The Fate of the Fake Bomb Detector Makers?

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I remember reading on TVF some time ago that Thailand among other countries, purchased fake bomb detectors. I lost track of the story but I did come across this BBC article today, which gives an up to date account as of yesterday.

Samuel Tree, 68, was sentenced to three and a half years while his wife Joan, 62, received 300 hours community work.

Seems like a light sentence to me!



The Sentences were so small,I suspect they couldn't stop laughing,heaven knows how much money they have stashed away,waiting for release day!

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I don't know I have a certain sympathy with these fine entrepreneurial capitalists. For all history humans have bought all forms of wonder drugs, miraculous gadgets and assorted snake oil. My God look at half the ads you are bombarded with; everything from hair restoration, pills to give you muscles in 10 minutes, gadgets to reduce your electric bill by 50%, not to mention the millions of $ of useless male 'performance' enhancing snake oil.

The mortal sin these folks made was to successfully peddle their version of snake oil to stupid governments, who unlike the rest of us with red face just have to say "well that was stupid of me" and move on, need to make somebody pay for their own stupidity.

I'm quite looking forward to the announcement that we have purchased some cutting edge rain generators and stealth submarines...so stealthy in fact you can't see them a all....finding them when you mislay them is a bitch so I'm told

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