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Rights group arranges lawyers for Myanmar men

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To JohnThailandJohn,

I think there are more than half a dozen threads here on TV alone, numerous newspaper articles, the chronology of events, just to name a few....that answer your question.

Have you ever been to Kho Tao?

Do you know anyone who lives there?

Are you following the Thai media on this?

Are you aware of all the inaccuracy relating to the Myanmar men?

(where police quoted that Win told the police he saw the D&H having sex, so he made the attack with a plan to rape the woman)

It just seems that you simply believe everything the police says unconditionally - I don't really know why?

It would not be the first time that police have covered up a foreigner's death - Kanchanaburi comes to mind......among many other cases where I don't believe families would have gotten closure. You are aware of these other cases as well?

The DNA matches. Their lawyers can again take swabs from them and have it compared to the DNA results of the semen originally collected at the scene and also shared with Singapore.

Nothing else you mention is related to this fact that is nearly impossible to overcome. Yes everyone knows there are many corrupt Thai police but the DNA matches and can be rechecked by their lawyers. I just find it hard to believe police would not have considered this.


The UK Daily has been blacked out for raising points the Thai authority cannot contradict in regards to the Koh Tao murders. Welcome to North Korea.

Have a link? I can read on vpn. If I google UK daily I just get the daily mail, that was blocked by Thailand months ago for comments about the monarchy.

It's probably the Mirror. They've been very hot on reporting this.


To JohnThailandJohn,

I think there are more than half a dozen threads here on TV alone, numerous newspaper articles, the chronology of events, just to name a few....that answer your question.

Have you ever been to Kho Tao?

Do you know anyone who lives there?

Are you following the Thai media on this?

Are you aware of all the inaccuracy relating to the Myanmar men?

(where police quoted that Win told the police he saw the D&H having sex, so he made the attack with a plan to rape the woman)

It just seems that you simply believe everything the police says unconditionally - I don't really know why?

It would not be the first time that police have covered up a foreigner's death - Kanchanaburi comes to mind......among many other cases where I don't believe families would have gotten closure. You are aware of these other cases as well?

The DNA matches. Their lawyers can again take swabs from them and have it compared to the DNA results of the semen originally collected at the scene and also shared with Singapore.

Nothing else you mention is related to this fact that is nearly impossible to overcome. Yes everyone knows there are many corrupt Thai police but the DNA matches and can be rechecked by their lawyers. I just find it hard to believe police would not have considered this.

But this is the Thai police John... not the Somalia police , or the outer Mongolian Police or even the Man in the Moon police. Would you like to think things over and reconsider??

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johnthailandjohn, i ask you again, when his father offered one million baht, not to the public, but to the thai police to prove his sons guilt or innocence, how come he didn't know that his son was at university in bangkok. i always knew when my son was some 600 kilometres away from home. And please don't give me any crap about maybe he didn't know where he was, because i'm pretty sure as soon as the allegations were made against his son, the first thing he would have done is called him. And if you are certain we should believe all the people who "saw him at university" then why shouldn't we believe the people who said he left the island on the first boat the morning after the murders. And you still haven't provided any link to the so called cctv evidence showing him at university, could this be because it has not been made public, and you are only basing your comments on what you have read

All of this needs to be considered.

But what I want to know is where are these people who are saying all this and saw everything; the lady who cleaned the blood from Sean's face, the people who saw the head man's son in Bkk and all the other people who Mon and the family say saw things.... Where are they ??? Why did they not come forward ?

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Its good that they can have lawyers, but that doesnt change many things .

Why ? The DNA match and all the lawyers can do is to confirm the facts and make sure that the Myanmar suspects will get a fair trial in Thailand.


Dodgy looking date stamp

Even if the timestamp is authentic, a speedboat organised immediately from koh tao could most likely get to koh samui in time to board the 0615 flight to bangkok which gets in at 0745am. Or perhaps even the 0600 service which gets into bangkok at 0705.

So perhaps its authenticity does not have so much weight considering this.?

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It is just too simple .... Get New independent DNA tests for the Burmese guy to confirm a match. If no match get DNA from family members.


Can the RTP refuse to allow the lawyers of the accused to collect DNA from them.


Dodgy looking date stamp

Even if the timestamp is authentic, a speedboat organised immediately from koh tao could most likely get to koh samui in time to board the 0615 flight to bangkok which gets in at 0745am. Or perhaps even the 0600 service which gets into bangkok at 0705.

So perhaps its authenticity does not have so much weight considering this.?

does anyone know how long it takes for a speedboat to travel between koh tao and koh samui?


Come on everyone on TV .. if you want to be sure about this then we need 10,000 sigs to move on it to petition the British Embassy and British government for another independent investigation, all people want is real justice and closure for David and Hannahs families, that means 100% without doubt .... get enough voices and the UK gov will have to open an investigation if they havnt already behind closed doors.

We can make a difference for once, all it takes are for good people to do something....


Please Moderators im asking you on behalf of many do the right thing and let this link stay.

Don't know if it's only me but I've tried 5 or 6 times over the last 2 days to sign that petition and every time get the following error:

"Something went wrong loading that content. We're looking into it — please try again later."


Come on everyone on TV .. if you want to be sure about this then we need 10,000 sigs to move on it to petition the British Embassy and British government for another independent investigation, all people want is real justice and closure for David and Hannahs families, that means 100% without doubt .... get enough voices and the UK gov will have to open an investigation if they havnt already behind closed doors.

We can make a difference for once, all it takes are for good people to do something....


Please Moderators im asking you on behalf of many do the right thing and let this link stay.

Don't know if it's only me but I've tried 5 or 6 times over the last 2 days to sign that petition and every time get the following error:

"Something went wrong loading that content. We're looking into it — please try again later."

It's working for me and the 10, 420 people who have signed it so far. It did produce that message to me one time when i was checking on how numbers are progressing.after several refreshes it worked again.There is alot of traffic to it.Keep trying!! Try this link (without the #share at the end)



the question is whether the judge believes the evidence

Do you truly beleive that the judiciary is a completely independent, incorruptible entity?

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Good news, everyone should have legal counsel when jailed guilty or not. However, this will not help those who cannot accept the overwhelming evidence against these two or those who want to believe it was the rich Thai kid (for no other reason than he is rich and Thai) that did it who was taking an exam at school in Bangkok and appeared on security cameras that day in Bangkok.

No doubt the lawyers will be able to collect new DNA samples from their clients and have it compared against the DNA results from the semen taken from the scene originally and sent to both Thai and Singapore labs. But again, doubt this will convince some of admitting their original suspicions were wrong.

While police may have done things wrong, there is no plausible way they could fake the DNA and expect to get away with it unless these two accused disappear from the planet and nobody can ever check their or their family's DNA ever again.

What exactly is the "overwhelming evidence" you keep referring to? I think most people have very little faith in anything the BIB say especially after their lamentable performance in this case and we only know what they say about the DNA.They seem to be mostly relying on the "confessions" which are not evidence.

Again based on what is being reported ...

There friend who was with them right up until the crime will be a witness against them.

Witnesses have put them around the scene at the time of the incident as well as video.

They didn't come forward despite weeks of the publicly stating they were looking for those singing/playing guitar and in at least one of the videos.

A phone of one of the victims was found at their place. (not the phone Facebook forensics keep showing that was collected and displayed by police in the first days of the investigation)

They confessed

They reenacted in front of hundreds of people.

And the big kicker -- their DNA matches the semen on the victim.

And to add ...

The Semen DNA collected well before these two identities were known was also sent to Singapore. So, at least two labs have typed the DNA. Now we have two suspects who match that DNA. Two suspects unless who disappear from the face of the earth (along with their family) will be able to be checked again by their lawyers, NGO and others who want to prove their innocence down the road. (something the police know)

Dear John. Dear oh Dear.

They worked at the bar the victims were at before being killed. They are Burmese migrants. They did not hide or flee.

The first thing the 'police' did was blanket DNA test Burmese migrants, especially those working in the immediate area. No DNA matches were found. Does that not bother you a little? Now suddenly there is a match and we're supposed to accept it?

Certain special people were exempted from giving DNA tests. Does that not bother you a little?

The fresh wound on Sean's arm exactly matches the wounds on David's body. Sean claims to have been threatened with death by the friendly locals. Does that not bother you at all?

There are credible reports of torture to produce the confession. Does that not bother you a little?

The Koh Tao 'police' and the families that control the land are without any doubt whatsoever, horribly, horribly corrupt. Why do you so readily accept the information they feed you?

No prominent Koh Tao families to my knowledge, volunteered their DNA to exonerate any family connections. Does that not bother you at all?

not going to go over the fact just about everything you said is incorrect and the rest is speculation of people on the internet


My first post after viewing this forum for many months.. Here goes! My wife and I are attending her uncles funeral for last couple of days. Last night we were chatting ( well she was translating ) to one of her cousins, whom is a policeman in Bangkok, about the murders and I was expressing my frustration and doubt about the way this investigation has progressed. He straight up said the murderers were not these Burmese but were relatives of local mafia ( his words ). He also said way too much money has been paid to the head police, government whatever. I like many on this forum wish for independent DNA tests to be carried out on theses accused. If it doesn't match then get samples from local mafia family etc etc. Maybe theses men did it? I don't think the truth will prevail but I hope so! No I am not a troll to all you wan.ers who jump on newbies here.... Anyways thought I'd share what police cousin said!

I don't believe this very high profile case was a case of only 'too much money' having been paid. Who is the family connected to? Must be someone pretty high up in Surat Thani Province ...

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Like everyone I am hoping that the real killers have been caught but like the majority of Thai expats who know how the RTP work I too have my doubts. The police had aready showed how inept they were by accusing the couple's friend without any evidence to back this up.

What would be interesting is to have another post from the husband of the lady who has family on the island. The last time she stated that after phoning her family on the island she was told that 'everyone who lives on the island knew who were the killers but were afraid to say anything for fear of reprisals'. This suggests that someone who is connected in some way to the 'Mafia' on the island or someone high up in authority, is involved not migrant workers.

Good to hear that the Burmese men are going to get legal counsel because they would not get anywhere if left to the Thai judicial system alone and then we would all still be having doubts. One hopes that the DNA tests will confirm the guilt of these men and then the case can be closed. This I am sure will help, a little, the families of those killed. While there are doubts rumours, and conspiracy theories running around this can only make more grief to the families. They have gone through enough already, closure for them cannot come soon enough.


okay I'll be the first to say it. In respect for David and Hannah's family.

I can't believe how much people are claiming these Burmese are innocent with all the evidence piled up against them. People's logic? They are too small, don't look like a rapist or cold blooded murderers?!?!

The biggest mistake the police made was following half drunken or inebriated claims of people with NO forensics background. once the police (probably with help) followed their cigarette lead, they found the culprits quickly! 99.9% of every single rumor online was JUST that. Zero evidence backing it up. No actual smoking gun. Shocking people with crime scene photos doesn't prove anything. Showing people a phone that may have been turned into police after the murders prove nothing. Where is the smoking gun? A police report.? How do you know that wasn't the officers phone?

The Burmese ran off after the police

Spotted them on the beach? Why? They were scared to be deported ? The police know almost all Burmese workers are illegal. Why would the pick out just one innocent group ?

They were tortured with boiling water ?? Where is the smoking gun?? JUST another rumor. I didn't see any Burmese with burn marks. How did they know they were tortured ? Did they call and tell them? I doubt it.

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From Post #3 above: that means 100% without doubt ....

The following is from ThaiLawForum.com on the Thai Legal System written by a Chief Provincial Court Judge:
The Judge in the case shall weigh all the evidence presented to him, until he is fully satisfied that an offence has actually been perpetrated and that the accused has committed that offence. Where any reasonable doubt exists as to whether or not the accused has committed the offence, the benefit of doubt shall be given to him. In other words, if the Judge considers all the evidence submitted by the prosecutor and is uncertain that the accused has committed the offence, regardless of whether the accused pleads guilty or not, he will dismiss the charge.
Also, in other words if there is no reasonable doubt, the accused will be found guilty; it does not require 100% proof of guilt.

Posts in which the quoted content had been translated into French language have been removed, this is an English language forum.

16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.

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