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Koh Tao murder report to go to prosecutors this week: police


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While the BIB may not have the greatest reputation around neither does Drummond. Looks like he will be fleeing Thailand very soon and can only hope that will mean an end to his personal investigative stories of people he is in legal battles with. At one time the guy had some relevance. He used to be an active poster here too but appears he has wore at his welcome on TV too.

Comparing the corrupt and incompetent RTP, with Andrew Drummond who is having the legal system with all its holes used against him in multiple cases with dodgy lawyers who are abiding the system in an attempt to bankrupt him is just plain stupid.

I do not know Andrew Drummond but since I am going through the same experience with cheating lawyers and two thieving mafia gangs I can tell you it is not pleasant.

I understand that Drummond was writing about other cheating foreigners but why anyone thinks that is a bad thing I don't know. He did stick his head over the parapet but many are just targeted for criminal gain and the failings of the legal and court system here are very well understood by these criminals who use every loophole to their advantage and your destruction.

I hope you are never targeted!

Hear hear, AD is a good guy and has had this thing tight since the beginning...he was the first guy to post the real names and passport photos of these young people. There are some corrupt people in the legal system here..I know!


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I'm reposting this:

For a moment, role-play in your mind that you have a knife in your hand.

Now imagine that you are going to attack another person who is laying face down and you want them dead.

Get the picture in your mind......

Where did you stab the other person?

Surely you didn't stab them in the skull several times? Who does that with a knife? Surely when someone attacks with a knife it's to the abdomen, torso or neck. But to keep stabbing the skull and below the eye socket?

Come on. Think about every movie you've ever seen where someone is stabbed. What percentage was in the back, neck or stomach? What percentage was in the skull?

Now replay the same scene but this time you have a hoe as a weapon. How best to neutralise that person? I reckon a couple of swift blows to the head would do it. The glancing strikes could injure others parts of the body too.

I'm no longer convinced there was another weapon and I think the hoe was the only weapon.

I'm still curious as to why David's DNA wasn't found on the hoe. I think it wasn't examined thoroughly.

Interested to hear what other people think.

There are plenty of close-up pictures that show how the wounds on David's head have clearly not been done by a hoe.

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What I am finding strange is that none of the other revellers, friends or even family of the victims have come forward with any information or comments of what happened that night.

If the family were given the phone by police surely they can confirm it? I understand they are not wanting to follow this circus but they must be having some people help them at this time?

That bar they were in was full of people that night. Have none of them got anything to add? I've never heard a single comment from any of their friends about events that night.

And what of Sean? Surely he must have a lot to add now that he is out of the country or is he still being held in Thailand for his protection?

It is like they got away and just disappeared. Don't they know about these two who are being accused? Do they not care if they are guilty or not?

Have they been told to keep their mouths shut or are they worried they might incriminate themselves if they say anything?

The silence is deafening.

I totally agree, but there are things that may be going on behind the scenes that we are not aware of as this has been treated as a matter of national interest by Thai authorities, with even the Thai PM endorsing the investigation's results. My hope is that some English media finds Sean McAnna and gets his full version. He is key in the investigation and his disappearance makes no sense.

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The picture is quite clear to me......Thailand is done as a tourist destination or a home to expats...the people are corrupted by money and dis-like foreigners with a passion now....the government and police are beyond corrupt and self serving....its a mafia state basically.

Asia is opening up quick...Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam so on and so on.....its endless. Not perfect...I agree.....but it has to be better than getting murdered and the authorities not giving a damn.

Many new and interesting places to visit without the endless scams, the hate of the people and the threat of violence condoned by the authorities.

Its over Thailand.....bye bye

Not for me it isn't. If you really think Thais are any more xenophobic or money obsessed than other nationaliies you might want to get out more!

Yes in my opinion they are the most xenophobic and money obsessed of all Asia. And I live in Thailand and I've been in all the countries in Asia.

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It's okay. Let British police take DNA from the suspects and compare it to DNA evidence found on the victims. This will confirm Thai police findings and clear up all this doubt.

Surely the Thai police would welcome such involvement?

I'm not sure about the BIB welcoming outside involvement.

It's loss of face at the best of times and now with all the doubts and adverse comment being expressed it would seem they have been forced into it which is even bigger loss of face.

Finally, if they been tampering with or arranging evidence in any way they don't want outsiders finding out since they will report accurately and have nothing to do with any fit up.

An NGO sent them lawyers. The lawyers will be able to get new samples of DNA from them. No country is going to let another country step into their criminal investigation and no country would demand to. If the police were so concerned with loss of face they would not have needed to announce they needed to send the original DNA from the scene to Singapore to be able to identify race due to the DNA testing limitations here.

If the UK wanted to hire them lawyers they could do that but that to is not going to happen and if I recall correctly the British Ambassador, whose office has been more involved than those on the internet, believes the police have the right suspects. The UK can make requests but can guarantee you they won't make a request to recheck these two's DNA as that is for the legal process here in Thailand to handle.

ahhhhh!!! Now i see - your Father own the AC bar on Kho Tao!! the Thai policelost phones, lost DNA, failed to lock down the island after the murder tested the same people twice before choosing they patsy, Burmese migrants earning 5000 baht per month DO NOT smoke LM cigarette the wounds on Miller face are all thesame - puncture wounds from a knife NOT from a garden hoe!! You obviously have what you percieve to be a gain for wanting the suspects whos confessions were burnt out of them to be guilty! You like the Thai police dont care if innocent people who were NOT given access to legal representative are executed. By the way the Police geneeral STATED they were not allowed legal representative because they didnt ask - so thats another lie in your post. Disgusting to mistreat the memories of two murdered young people like this murder covered by corruption then rubber stamped by rumours and garbage posts like yours is beyond belief!!

U got one thing wrong there. Burmese workers that only make 5000 a month might smoke LM. I have two Burmese friends making the same or a little more. One smokes LM the other Marlbro. Most everything else u said could be right.

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What I don't understand is the big deal being made of there being blond hair on Hannahs phone when she had blond hair and it was long.

The blond hair was not on Hannahs phone it was on Davids phone that police found in his luggage that miraculously ended up in the bushes behind one of the scapegoats suspects house.

We all up to speed now?

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Phones here and phones there...so it was not Hannas Phone the found but Davids...But who does this Phone belong to ???

Who knows, maybe to the officer that is doing the investigation ?

why are you always trying to change the story about these phones you have not missed a single post about them what is your motive ?

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latest reporting is (andrew drummond), police suggested HW and DM were kissing. nothing about sex between them anymore.

And the condom is a whole other story of it's own. That neither the police nor the Burmese can explain.

Saw a theory on CSI LA.

Someone seems to think that the burmese guys did rape her but they were not alone; supervised by someone who use the condom and then killed the couple...

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Phones here and phones there...so it was not Hannas Phone the found but Davids...But who does this Phone belong to ???

Who knows, maybe to the officer that is doing the investigation ?

why are you always trying to change the story about these phones you have not missed a single post about them what is your motive ?

I could ask the same to you.

Why are you always creating some conspiracy theories over those phones.

Do you really think that the BIB is that stupid that they forgot wat they reported 3 weeks ago about the phones.

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Phones here and phones there...so it was not Hannas Phone the found but Davids...But who does this Phone belong to ???

Who knows, maybe to the officer that is doing the investigation ?

why are you always trying to change the story about these phones you have not missed a single post about them what is your motive ?

Same motive as "JohnThailandJohn". In fact they are probably the same organization or group of people working for someone to intentionally wear down others from contributing and ramming their agenda down the throats of others. No single person could be bothered to post incessantly like these groups of people. I mean normal people go out and work, enjoy the day, etc. These groups are at it 24/7.

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I must admit I found some of the theories here a bit far fetched , but they do no harm . To my mind this case has thrown up a lot of questions which will only ever get answered through relentless media pressure , reading a few nutcase posts is a small price to pay I think.

I do wonder at the motives of those who blindly support the RTP line , they really do not have a track record that inspires any confidence whatsoever.

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The picture is quite clear to me......Thailand is done as a tourist destination or a home to expats...the people are corrupted by money and dis-like foreigners with a passion now....the government and police are beyond corrupt and self serving....its a mafia state basically.

Asia is opening up quick...Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam so on and so on.....its endless. Not perfect...I agree.....but it has to be better than getting murdered and the authorities not giving a damn.

Many new and interesting places to visit without the endless scams, the hate of the people and the threat of violence condoned by the authorities.

Its over Thailand.....bye bye

Not for me it isn't. If you really think Thais are any more xenophobic or money obsessed than other nationaliies you might want to get out more!

Yes in my opinion they are the most xenophobic and money obsessed of all Asia. And I live in Thailand and I've been in all the countries in Asia.

Maybe it depends on where in Thailand one lives and who one mixes with? I guess everyone has different experiences of life in Thailand. I'm just glad my experience is different from yours!

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Phones here and phones there...so it was not Hannas Phone the found but Davids...But who does this Phone belong to ???

Who knows, maybe to the officer that is doing the investigation ?

why are you always trying to change the story about these phones you have not missed a single post about them what is your motive ?

Same motive as "JohnThailandJohn". In fact they are probably the same organization or group of people working for someone to intentionally wear down others from contributing and ramming their agenda down the throats of others. No single person could be bothered to post incessantly like these groups of people. I mean normal people go out and work, enjoy the day, etc. These groups are at it 24/7.

Exactly,here is my crapheadlist (incomplete)


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Yes, unfortunately there is an undercurrent of several posters attempting to ridicule others that question inaccuracies, to the extent of bullying. I would suggest that it is a blatant attempt to discredit genuine concerns. Posters that have one opinion about this investigation are acceptable, but continuous harassment is evidence that Koh Tao threads on TV is being targeted by malicious dissimulation tacticians.

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Yes, unfortunately there is an undercurrent of several posters attempting to ridicule others that question inaccuracies, to the extent of bullying. I would suggest that it is a blatant attempt to discredit genuine concerns. Posters that have one opinion about this investigation are acceptable, but continuous harassment is evidence that Koh Tao threads on TV is being targeted by malicious dissimulation tacticians.

otherwise known as trolls?

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What I don't understand is the big deal being made of there being blond hair on Hannahs phone when she had blond hair and it was long.

The blond hair was not on Hannahs phone it was on Davids phone that police found in his luggage that miraculously ended up in the bushes behind one of the scapegoats suspects house.

We all up to speed now?

Ok, let's work together here for a moment to try and clarify this because were not getting very far.

Can we get 100% clarity that blonde hairs were found on David's phone and that it was found in his luggage?

I can find statements that say David's phone was located but I cannot find a statement that says David's phone was located in his luggage.

I cannot find statements that say there was blonde hair on David's phone.

Can anyone find something that says David's phone was in his luggage?

Can anyone find something that says David's phone had blonde hairs on it?

Preferably, we need a link to a website that has the police saying either of the above on video or at least a direct quote.

I think this is going to be problematic because of the way media outlets have either misinterpreted, paraphrased and translated original statements.

For example: "police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers in David Miller's luggage and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" does not necessarily mean that the phone was located in David''s luggage.

If they said, "inside David Miller's luggage police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" then the meaning is different.

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What I don't understand is the big deal being made of there being blond hair on Hannahs phone when she had blond hair and it was long.

The blond hair was not on Hannahs phone it was on Davids phone that police found in his luggage that miraculously ended up in the bushes behind one of the scapegoats suspects house.

We all up to speed now?

Ok, let's work together here for a moment to try and clarify this because were not getting very far.

Can we get 100% clarity that blonde hairs were found on David's phone and that it was found in his luggage?

I can find statements that say David's phone was located but I cannot find a statement that says David's phone was located in his luggage.

I cannot find statements that say there was blonde hair on David's phone.

Can anyone find something that says David's phone was in his luggage?

Can anyone find something that says David's phone had blonde hairs on it?

Preferably, we need a link to a website that has the police saying either of the above on video or at least a direct quote.

I think this is going to be problematic because of the way media outlets have either misinterpreted, paraphrased and translated original statements.

For example: "police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers in David Miller's luggage and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" does not necessarily mean that the phone was located in David''s luggage.

If they said, "inside David Miller's luggage police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" then the meaning is different.

I think the odds are very high now that the answers will be posted as links to CSI LA page laugh.png

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What I don't understand is the big deal being made of there being blond hair on Hannahs phone when she had blond hair and it was long.

The blond hair was not on Hannahs phone it was on Davids phone that police found in his luggage that miraculously ended up in the bushes behind one of the scapegoats suspects house.

We all up to speed now?

Ok, let's work together here for a moment to try and clarify this because were not getting very far.

Can we get 100% clarity that blonde hairs were found on David's phone and that it was found in his luggage?

I can find statements that say David's phone was located but I cannot find a statement that says David's phone was located in his luggage.

I cannot find statements that say there was blonde hair on David's phone.

Can anyone find something that says David's phone was in his luggage?

Can anyone find something that says David's phone had blonde hairs on it?

Preferably, we need a link to a website that has the police saying either of the above on video or at least a direct quote.

I think this is going to be problematic because of the way media outlets have either misinterpreted, paraphrased and translated original statements.

For example: "police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers in David Miller's luggage and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" does not necessarily mean that the phone was located in David''s luggage.

If they said, "inside David Miller's luggage police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" then the meaning is different.

I think the odds are very high now that the answers will be posted as links to CSI LA page laugh.png

online source

National police chief Somyot Pumpanmuang said suspect Zaw Rim, 21, had intended to take the victim’s mobile phone for his own use, but he later found the device cannot be used in Thailand, so he smashed and discarded it in his livingquarters.

Edited by StealthEnergiser
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Ok, let's work together here for a moment to try and clarify this because were not getting very far.

Can we get 100% clarity that blonde hairs were found on David's phone and that it was found in his luggage?

I can find statements that say David's phone was located but I cannot find a statement that says David's phone was located in his luggage.

I cannot find statements that say there was blonde hair on David's phone.

Can anyone find something that says David's phone was in his luggage?

Can anyone find something that says David's phone had blonde hairs on it?

Preferably, we need a link to a website that has the police saying either of the above on video or at least a direct quote.

I think this is going to be problematic because of the way media outlets have either misinterpreted, paraphrased and translated original statements.

For example: "police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers in David Miller's luggage and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" does not necessarily mean that the phone was located in David''s luggage.

If they said, "inside David Miller's luggage police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" then the meaning is different.

I think the odds are very high now that the answers will be posted as links to CSI LA page laugh.png

online source

National police chief Somyot Pumpanmuang said suspect Zaw Rim, 21, had intended to take the victim’s mobile phone for his own use, but he later found the device cannot be used in Thailand, so he smashed and discarded it in his livingquarters.

Let me see........................That wasn't any of Tazwa's questions.

May you can read his post again and do better in your next post.

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more on the phones here

the mobile phone in the video clip belongs to ?

if this is David´s phone then i ask myself how this one can be found in the backyard of the burmese

or will the police tell me now that David was with two mobile phones on the beach ?

the police said it was smashed but this phone looks in good condition

Edited by StealthEnergiser
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What I don't understand is the big deal being made of there being blond hair on Hannahs phone when she had blond hair and it was long.

The blond hair was not on Hannahs phone it was on Davids phone that police found in his luggage that miraculously ended up in the bushes behind one of the scapegoats suspects house.

We all up to speed now?

Ok, let's work together here for a moment to try and clarify this because were not getting very far.

Can we get 100% clarity that blonde hairs were found on David's phone and that it was found in his luggage?

I can find statements that say David's phone was located but I cannot find a statement that says David's phone was located in his luggage.

I cannot find statements that say there was blonde hair on David's phone.

Can anyone find something that says David's phone was in his luggage?

Can anyone find something that says David's phone had blonde hairs on it?

Preferably, we need a link to a website that has the police saying either of the above on video or at least a direct quote.

I think this is going to be problematic because of the way media outlets have either misinterpreted, paraphrased and translated original statements.

For example: "police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers in David Miller's luggage and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" does not necessarily mean that the phone was located in David''s luggage.

If they said, "inside David Miller's luggage police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" then the meaning is different.

You are splitting hairs here. Good dissemination. Latest amended police statement. David's phone was located by the RTP, initially. It was later found in the bushes behind the B2 lodgings. I suggest both you and Anthony5 get reinforcements in to try and discredit genuine concerns.

What you fail to realise, both of you, is a cover-up, by it's very nature, is imperfect. And I notice that you have both failed to discredit a whole list of questions submitted by other posters. About time you got your act together.

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What I don't understand is the big deal being made of there being blond hair on Hannahs phone when she had blond hair and it was long.

The blond hair was not on Hannahs phone it was on Davids phone that police found in his luggage that miraculously ended up in the bushes behind one of the scapegoats suspects house.

We all up to speed now?

Ok, let's work together here for a moment to try and clarify this because were not getting very far.

Can we get 100% clarity that blonde hairs were found on David's phone and that it was found in his luggage?

I can find statements that say David's phone was located but I cannot find a statement that says David's phone was located in his luggage.

I cannot find statements that say there was blonde hair on David's phone.

Can anyone find something that says David's phone was in his luggage?

Can anyone find something that says David's phone had blonde hairs on it?

Preferably, we need a link to a website that has the police saying either of the above on video or at least a direct quote.

I think this is going to be problematic because of the way media outlets have either misinterpreted, paraphrased and translated original statements.

For example: "police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers in David Miller's luggage and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" does not necessarily mean that the phone was located in David''s luggage.

If they said, "inside David Miller's luggage police located a pair of Mr Ware's trousers and an iPhone with blonde hair snagged on it" then the meaning is different.

You are splitting hairs here. Good dissemination. Latest amended police statement. David's phone was located by the RTP, initially. It was later found in the bushes behind the B2 lodgings. I suggest both you and Anthony5 get reinforcements in to try and discredit genuine concerns.

What you fail to realise, both of you, is a cover-up, by it's very nature, is imperfect. And I notice that you have both failed to discredit a whole list of questions submitted by other posters. About time you got your act together.

Why don't you just leave the accusations behind and try to answer Tazwa's questions.

After all the questions he is looking for answers are things you and other have been claiming for some time already, yet still fail to provide a CREDIBLE link.

F.Y.I. the facebook page from CSI LA is not considered a credible source.

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